955 resultados para M centers
Competition is an immensely important area of study in economic theory, business and strategy. It is known to be vital in meeting consumers’ growing expectations, stimulating increase in the size of the market, pushing innovation, reducing cost and consequently generating better value for end users, among other things. Having said that, it is important to recognize that supply chains, as we know it, has changed the way companies deal with each other both in confrontational or conciliatory terms. As such, with the rise of global markets and outsourcing destinations, increased technological development in transportation, communication and telecommunications has meant that geographical barriers of distance with regards to competition are a thing of the past in an increasingly flat world. Even though the dominant articulation of competition within management and business literature rests mostly within economic competition theory, this thesis draws attention to the implicit shift in the recognition of other forms of competition in today’s business environment, especially those involving supply chain structures. Thus, there is popular agreement within a broad business arena that competition between companies is set to take place along their supply chains. Hence, management’s attention has been focused on how supply chains could become more aggressive making each firm in its supply chain more efficient. However, there is much disagreement on the mechanism through which such competition pitching supply chain against supply chain will take place. The purpose of this thesis therefore, is to develop and conceptualize the notion of supply chain vs. supply chain competition, within the discipline of supply chain management. The thesis proposes that competition between supply chains may be carried forward via the use of competition theories that emphasize interaction and dimensionality, hence, encountering friction from a number of sources in their search for critical resources and services. The thesis demonstrates how supply chain vs. supply chain competition may be carried out theoretically, using generated data for illustration, and practically using logistics centers as a way to provide a link between theory and corresponding practice of this evolving competition mode. The thesis concludes that supply chain vs. supply chain competition, no matter the conceptualization taken, is complex, novel and can be very easily distorted and abused. It therefore calls for the joint development of regulatory measures by practitioners and policymakers alike, to guide this developing mode of competition.
The major contribution of this paper is to introduce load compatibility constraints in the mathematical model for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with pickup and deliveries. The employee transportation problem in the Indian call centers and transportation of hazardous materials provided the motivation for this variation. In this paper we develop a integer programming model for the vehicle routing problem with load compatibility constraints. Specifically two types of load compatability constraints are introduced, namely mutual exclusion and conditional exclusion. The model is demonstrated with an application from the employee transportation problem in the Indian call centers.
A biorthogonal series method is developed to solve Oseen type flow problems. The theory leads to a new set of eigenfunctions for a specific class of linear non-selfadjoint operators containing the biharmonic one. These eigenfunctions differ from those given earlier in the literature for the biharmonic operator. The method is applied to the problem of thermocapillary flow in a cylindrical liquid bridge of finite length with axial through flow. Flow and temperature distributions are obtained at leading order of an expansion for small surface tension Reynolds number and Prandtl number. Another related problem considered is that of cylindrical cavity flow. Solutions for both cases are presented in terms of biorthogonal series. The effect of axial through flow on velocity and temperature fields is discussed by numerical evaluation of the truncated analytical series. The presence of axial through flow not only convectively shifts the vortices induced by surface forces in the direction of the through flow, but also moves their centers toward the outer cylindrical boundary. This process can lead to significantly asymmetric flow structures.
Crystal and Molecular Structure of Sclerophytin F Methyl Ether from the Soft Coral Cladiella krempfi
new cembranoid diterpene was isolated from the soft coral Ckdiella h p f ifrom Minicoy Island (India), and its structure was established by X-ray crystallography to be sclerophytin F methyl ether (21 with the R absolute configuration at all six epimeric centers,assuming a configuration similar to that of sclerophytin C. Compound 2 may be an artifact of the isolation process.
Aiempien tutkimusten mukaan keskustayrittäjien kielteinen asenne on olennaisesti vaikeuttanut kävelykatujen toteuttamista kaupunkikeskustoissa. Yrittäjät pelkäävät ostokykyisten asiakkaiden kaikkoavan ja liikevaihtonsa pienenevän kävelykeskustauudistusten myötä. Yrittäjien kielteiset asenteet ovat usein myös painottuneet suuriin kaupunkeihin. Etenkin ydinkeskustassa sijaitsevat kadunvarsiliikeyrittäjät ovat kokeneet kävelykadut ongelmiksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, mikä on ydinkeskustan kadunvarsiliikeyrittäjien näkemys Helsingin kävelykeskustan suunnittelusta, millaisena ydinkeskustan kadunvarsiliikeyrittäjät näkevät sijaintikatunsa kävelykeskustan suunnittelupäämäärien kautta tarkasteltuna, ja onko kävelykatuyrittäjien ja kävelykatujen ulkopuolella sijaitsevien yrittäjien näkemysten välillä eroja. Taustana tälle tarkastellaan Helsingin kävelykeskustaa pohjoismaisessa kontekstissa, ja käydään läpi Helsingin kävelykeskustan suunnittelun ja rakentumisen historiaa ja päämääriä. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu Helsingin ydinkeskustan kadunvarsiliikeyrittäjille tehdystä kyselystä, kävelykeskustoihin liittyvistä tutkimuksista ja selvityksistä, kaupunkisuunnitteluun ja -tutkimukseen liittyvästä tutkimuskirjallisuudesta, sanomalehtiartikkeleista, ydinkeskustassa tehdystä empiirisestä havainnoinnista ja kahdesta asiantuntijahaastattelusta. Kyselyaineistoa analysoidaan tutkimuksessa tilastollisten menetelmien avulla. Helsingin kävelykeskustan suunnittelu ja rakentuminen on ollut pitkällinen prosessi. Vuoden 1 989 kävelykeskustan periaatesuunnitelmasta on konkretisoitunut Kluuvikatu ja Mikonkatu. Keskustatunnelihanke on vaakalaudalla, minkä vuoksi kävelykeskustan uuden periaatesuunnitelman toteutuminen on epävarmaa. Kävelykeskustan rakentuminen kuitenkin etenee. Keskuskatu ja Kalevankadun itäpää muutetaan kävelykaduiksi ja ydinkeskustan jalankulkuympäristöä parannetaan ja kehitetään jatkuvasti. Tällä hetkellä kävelykeskustan suunnittelun painopiste on Aleksanterinkadun kortteleiden ympäristössä, ja suunnittelun tärkeimpiä päämääriä ovat viihtyisyyden, turvallisuuden, kaupallisen vetovoimaisuuden ja saavutettavuuden parantaminen. Kyselyyn vastanneiden yrittäjien mielestä kävelykeskustaa tulisi laajentaa, sillä laajemman kävelykeskustan nähdään kasvattavan liikevaihtoa ja lisäävän yleisesti ydinkeskustan vetovoimaa. Kävelykatuyrittäjien näkemykset kävelykeskustan suunnittelusta ja kehittämisestä olivat kävelykatujen ulkopuolisia yrittäjiä kielteisempiä. Em. yrittäjien asenteisiin vaikuttavat oletettavasti tutkituilla kävelykaduilla ilmenneet ongelmat. Kyse voi myös olla siitä, että uusien kävelykatujen rakentaminen haittaa kävelykatujen saavutettavuutta. Kadunvarsiliikeyrittäjien yleinen suhtautuminen kävelykeskustan kehittämiseen ja suunnittelupäämääriin on kuitenkin pääosin positiivista. Jatkotutkimuksen kannalta olisi kiinnostavaa selvittää, onko muiden ydinkeskustassa toimivien yritysten, kuten esimerkiksi tavaratalojen ja kauppakeskusten johdon ja kiinteistösijoittajien ja -omistajien suhtautuminen kävelykeskustan kehittämiseen myös positiivista. Tämän lisäksi olisi mielenkiintoista selvittää keskustan käyttäjien ja keskustassa asuvien asenteita kävelykeskustan suunnitteluun, ja verrata tuloksia tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettyihin kadunvarsiliikeyrittäjien näkemyksiin.
The research goal is to describe curriculas and leadership in day-care centers. The day-care centers needed to write their own curriculas, when Centre for Research and Development of Welfare and Health published The National Curriculum Guidelines on Early Childhood Education and Care in Finland (ECEC) in 2003. The study tries to review day-care center managers views of day-care centers plans for early childhood education and care in three municipals. The research data was collected in the begining of 2008. In previous researches it was found out that co-operation and employees knowledge of education in day-care centers will define the reality (Nivala). Furthermore sosial reality will be based on discussions (Berger JA Luckmann). The subject was approached by one-way analysis of variance. Views of the day-care center managers was compared to the written plans for early childhood education, it s effect on day-care center s early childhood education and evaluation. Besides day-care center managers views were compared to early childhood education. Day care center manager s (N=40) answers were collected to a questionnaire, where there were mainly structured and some open end questions. Data was analysed with PASW Statistics 17 program. The research results showed that the day-care center managers views of the prosess of writing the plans for early childhood education in the day-care centers varied from each other. In addition there were differences in views how the plan of day-care center s early childhood education effected daily in their early childhood education. Furthermore the results showed that there were differenties in evaluating day-care center s education. Whereas the views of early childhood education were not different between the day-care managers in the three municipals.
A short access to homocalystegine analogues silylated at C7 is described. The synthesis involves the desymmetrization of a (phenyldimethylsilyl)methylcycloheptatriene using osmium-mediated dihydroxylation, followed by the diol protection and a cycloaddition involving the remaining diene moiety and an acylnitroso reagent. Additions of the osmium and acylnitroso reagents were shown, through X-ray diffraction studies of the resulting major isomers, to occur anti and syn, respectively, relative to the SiCH2 substituent. N-O bond cleavage on the resulting cycloadduct then produces the aminopolyol having a silylmethyl substituent. Oxidation of the C-Si bond also afforded an access to unusual amino-heptitols having five contiguous stereogenic centers. In the course of this work, we finally observed a unusual rearrangement taking place on cycloheptanone 18 substituted by two acetyl groups and a neighboring Boc-protected amine. A profound reorganization of the substituents on the seven-membered ring effectively took place under acidic conditions (TFA) leading to the thermodynamically more stable homocalystegine-type compound., DFT calculations of the conformational energy of isomeric silyl homocalystegines indicated that the product observed upon the acid-mediated rearrangement was the most stable of a series of analogues with various distributions of substituents along the seven-membered ring backbone. A tentative mechanism is proposed to rationalize the acetate migrations and inversions of the stereochemistry at various stereocenters.
We report on the X-band (similar to 9.43 GHz) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) investigations carried out on polycrystalline Ga1-xMnxSb (x=0.02). A strong EPR signal with an effective g factor (g(eff)) close to 2.00 was observed, suggesting that the ionic state of Mn which replaces Ga ion in the lattice, is Mn2+ attributable to Delta M=1 transition of the ionized Mn acceptor A(-), Mn (3d(5)). The apparent absence of EPR signal, typical for neutral Mn acceptor at g=2.7 suggests either no such centers are present or the signal broadens beyond detection limit. The temperature dependent EPR studies combined with dc magnetization data suggest the possible coexistence of antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic phases at very low temperatures. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3543983]
Various geometrical and energetic distribution functions and other properties connected with the cage-to-cage diffusion of xenon in sodium Y zeolite have been obtained from long molecular dynamics calculations. Analysis of diffusion pathways reveals two interesting mechanisms-surface-mediated and centralized modes for cage-to-cage diffusion. The surface-mediated mode of diffusion exhibits a small positive barrier, while the centralized diffusion exhibits a negative barrier for the sorbate to diffuse across the 12-ring window. In both modes, however, the sorbate has to be activated from the adsorption site to enable it to gain mobility. The centralized diffusion additionally requires the sorbate to be free of the influence of the surface of the cage as well. The overall rate for cage-to-cage diffusion shows an Arrhenius temperature dependence with E(a) = 3 kJ/mol. It is found that the decay in the dynamical correction factor occurs on a time scale comparable to the cage residence time. The distributions of barrier heights have been calculated. Functions reflecting the distribution of the sorbate-zeolite interaction at the window and the variations of the distance between the sorbate and the centers of the parent and daughter cages are presented.
It is widely known that the compressed monolayers and bilayers of chiral lipids or fatty acids form helical morphologies, while the corresponding racemic modification gives only flat platelets without twist. No molecular explanation of this phenomenon is yet available, although subtle interactions at the chiral centers have often been proposed as the driving force behind the morphology of the aggregate to form a particular shape. In the present study, the morphologies of the chiral amphiphilic assemblies have been predicted on the basis of an effective pair potential between the molecules, which depends on the relative sizes of the groups attached to the chiral centers, the orientation of the amphiphilic molecules and also on the distance between them. It is shown that fur a pair of same kind of enantiomers, the minimum energy conformation favours a twist angle between them. This twist between the neighbouring molecules gives rise to the helicity of the aggregate. The present theory also shows from the molecular considerations that for a pair of mirror-image isomers (i.e. the racemic modification) the minimum energy conformation corresponds to the zero angle between the molecules, thus giving rise to flat platelets as observed in experiments. Another fascinating aspect of such chirality driven helical structures is that the sense (or the handedness) of the helix is highly specific about the chirality of the monomer concerned. The molecular theory shows, for the first time, that the sense of the helical structures in many cases is determined by the sizes of the groups attached to the chiral centers and the effective potential between them. The predicted senses of the helical structures are in complete agreement with the experimental results.
Passivation of point and extended defects in GaSb has been observed as a result of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) treatment by the glow discharge technique. Cathodoluminescence (CL) images recorded at various depths in the samples clearly show passivation of defects on the surface as well as in the bulk region. The passivation of various recombination centers in the bulk is attributed to the formation of hydrogen-impurity complexes by diffusion of hydrogen ions from the plasma a-Si:H acts as a protective cap layer and prevents surface degradation which is usually encountered by bare exposure to hydrogen plasma. An enhancement in luminescence intensity up to 20 times is seen due to the passivation of nonradiative recombination centers. The passivation efficiency is found to improve with an increase in a-Si:H deposition temperature. The relative passivation efficiency of donors and acceptors by hydrogen in undoped and Te-compensated p-GaSb has been evaluated by CL and by the temperature dependence of photoluminescence intensities. Most notably, effective passivation of minority dopants in tellurium compensated p-GaSb is evidenced for the first time. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.
The effect of hydrogen-plasma passivation on the optical and electrical properties of gallium antimonide bulk single crystals is presented. Fundamental changes of the radiative recombination after hydrogenation in undoped, zinc-doped, tellurium-doped, and codoped (with Zn and Te) GaSb are reported. The results of optical measurements indicate that passivation of acceptors is more efficient than that of the donors and, in general, the passivation efficiency depends on the doping level. Passivation of deep nonradiative centers is reflected by the gain of photoluminescence intensity and decrease in deep-level transient spectroscopy peak height. Extended defects like grain boundaries and dislocations have also been found to be passivated. The thermal stability of the passivated deep level and extended defects is higher than that of the shallow level. The kinetics of thermally released hydrogen in the bulk has been studied by reverse-bias annealing experiments.
Four new neutral copper azido polymers, Cu-4(N-3)(8)(L-1)(2)](n) (1), Cu-4(N-3)(8)(L-2)(2)](n) (2), Cu-4(N-3)(8)(L-3)(2)](n) (3), and Cu-9(N-3)(18)(L-4)(4)](n) (4) L1-4 are formed in situ by reacting pyridine-2-carboxaldehyde with 22-(methylamino)ethyl]pyridine (mapy, L-1), N,N-dimethylethylenediamine (N,N-dmen, L-2), N,N-diethylethylenediamine (N,N-deen, L-3), and N,N,2,2-tetramethylpropanediamine (N,N,2,2-tmpn, L-4)], have been synthesized by using 0.5 mol equiv of the chelating tridentate ligands with Cu-(NO3)(2)center dot 3H(2)O and an excess of NaN3. Single-crystal X-ray structures show that the basic unit of these complexes, especially 1-3, contains very similar Cu-4(II) building blocks. The overall structure of 3 is two-dimensional, while the other three complexes are one-dimensional in nature. Complex 1 represents a unique example containing hemiaminal ether arrested by copper(R). Complexes 1 and 2 have a rare bridging azido pathway: both end-on and end-to-end bridging azides between a pair of Cu-II centers. Cryomagnetic susceptibility measurements over a wide range of temperature exhibit dominant ferromagnetic behavior in all four complexes. Density functional theory calculations (B3LYP functional) have been performed on complexes 1-3 to provide a qualitative theoretical interpretation of their overall ferromagnetic behavior.
It is well-known that the senses (or the handedness) of the helical assemblies formed from compressed monolayers and bilayers of chiral amphiphiles are highly specific about the chirality of the monomers concerned. We present here a molecular approach that can successfully predict the senses of such helical morphologies. The present approach is based on a reduced tractable description in terms of an effective pair potential (EPP) which depends on the distance of separation and the relative orientations of the two amphiphiles. This approach explicitly considers the pairwise intermolecular interactions between the groups attached to the chiral centers of the two neighboring amphiphiles. It is found that for a pair of the same kind of enantiomers the minimum energy configuration favors a twist angle between molecules and that this twist from neighbor to neighbor gives rise to the helicity of the aggregate. From the known twist angles at the minimum energy configuration the successive arrangement of an array of molecules can be predicted. Therefore, the sense of the helicity can be predicted from the molecular interactions. The predicted senses of the helical structures are in complete agreement with all known experimental results.
Quinones play a vital role in the process of electron transfer in bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers. It is of interest to investigate the photochemical reactions involving quinones with a view to elucidating the structure-function relationships in the biological processes. Resonance Raman spectra of radical anions and the time-resolved resonance Raman spectra of vitamin K-1 (model compound for Q(A) in Rhodopseudomonas viridis, a bacterial photosynthetic reception center) are presented. The photochemical intermediates of vitamin K-1, viz. radical anion, ketyl radical and o-quinone methide have been identified. The vibrational assignments of all these intermediates are made on the basis of comparison with our earlier TR3 studies on radical anions of naphthoquinone and menaquinone. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.