996 resultados para Lyon
The Biomuse Trio (R. Benjamin Knapp, Eric Lyon, Gascia Ouzounian) was formed in 2008 to perform computer chamber music integrating performance, laptop processing of sound and the transduction of bio-signals for the control of musical gesture. The work of the ensemble encompasses hardware design, audio signal processing, bio-signal processing, composition, improvisation and gesture choreography. The Biomuse Trio has performed and lectured across North America and Europe, including at BEAM Festival, CHI, Diapason Gallery, Green Man Festival, Issue Project Room, NIME, Science Gallery Dublin, STEIM and TheatreLab NYC.
Standardized patients (SPs) are often asked to award global scores on the humanistic aspects of a candidate’s performance in an OSCE. However, little is known about the process by which SPs arrive at their mark.
Five focus groups of SPs, using a convenience sample, were used to collect data until saturation. Thematic analysis was carried out independently by three researchers using a grounded theory approach.
Four major themes contributed to their decision-making process: environment, relationships within the exam, preparedness for the task and expectations of the student’s performance. Environmental factors included the station itself, the rating scale and examiner fatigue. Relationship factors included first impressions, the sense of purpose derived from examining and a tendency to mirror the examiner’s reaction. Factors relating to preparedness for task involved experience as an SP and technical aspects, such as the need for calibration. Lastly, expectations of performance were related to preconceptions about what makes a ‘good’ student, including their level of studies, appearance and technical performance.
In assessing students, SPs drew on their wider attitudes and experiences. SPs did not limit their assessment to humanistic traits but often included technical performance. Thus, SPs to some extent assessed a similar construct to examiners and this may help to explain the increased reliability associated with using SP scores. SP global scores are a useful adjunct but the process by which SPs award marks is complex and provides a challenge for training and standardisation.
Performance at the International Computer Music Conference, University of Huddersfield (with Eric Lyon, Franziska Schroder & Steve Davis).
Diet is associated with the development of CHD. The incidence of CHD is lower in southern European countries than in northern European countries and it has been proposed that this difference may be a result of diet. The traditional Mediterranean diet emphasises a high intake of fruits, vegetables, bread, other forms of cereals, potatoes, beans, nuts and seeds. It includes olive oil as a major fat source and dairy products, fish and poultry are consumed in low to moderate amounts. Many observational studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet is associated with reduced risk of CHD, and this result has been confirmed by meta-analysis, while a single randomised controlled trial, the Lyon Diet Heart study, has shown a reduction in CHD risk in subjects following the Mediterranean diet in the secondary prevention setting. However, it is uncertain whether the benefits of the Mediterranean diet are transferable to other non-Mediterranean populations and whether the effects of the Mediterranean diet will still be feasible in light of the changes in pharmacological therapy seen in patients with CHD since the Lyon Diet Heart study was conducted. Further randomised controlled trials are required and if the risk-reducing effect is confirmed then the best methods to effectively deliver this public health message worldwide need to be considered.
Music for Sleeping & Waking Minds (2011-2012) is a new,overnight work in which four performers fall asleep while wearing custom designed EEG sensors which monitor their brainwave activity. The data gathered from the EEG sensors is applied in real time to different audio and image signal processing functions, resulting in continuously evolving multichannel sound environment and visual projection. This material serves as an audiovisual description of the individual and collective neuro physiological state of the ensemble. Audiences are invited to experience the work in different states of attention: while alert and asleep, resting and awakening.
The mapping problem is inherent to digital musical instruments (DMIs), which require, at the very least, an association between physical gestures and digital synthesis algorithms to transform human bodily performance into sound. This article considers the DMI mapping problem in the context of the creation and performance of a heterogeneous computer chamber music piece, a trio for violin, biosensors, and computer. Our discussion situates the DMI mapping problem within the broader set of interdependent musical interaction issues that surfaced during the composition and rehearsal of the trio. Through descriptions of the development of the piece, development of the hardware and software interfaces, lessons learned through rehearsal, and self-reporting by the participants, the rich musical possibilities and technical challenges of the integration of digital musical instruments into computer chamber music are demonstrated.