961 resultados para Luukkanen, Arto: The religious policy of the Stalinist state


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In this paper, the calculation of the steady-state operation of a radial/meshed electrical distribution system (EDS) through solving a system of linear equations (non-iterative load flow) is presented. The constant power type demand of the EDS is modeled through linear approximations in terms of real and imaginary parts of the voltage taking into account the typical operating conditions of the EDS's. To illustrate the use of the proposed set of linear equations, a linear model for the optimal power flow with distributed generator is presented. Results using some test and real systems show the excellent performance of the proposed methodology when is compared with conventional methods. © 2011 IEEE.


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This study aims to characterize and compare three Cerrado areas (one cerradão and two cerrado sensu stricto areas) in Patrânia, São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil, concerning the floristic composition. In total, 250 taxa were found belonging to four species of pteridophytes, one species of an exotic gymnosperm and 243 species of angiosperms. Differences in species number and proportion of the woody and herbaceous components were observed among the three Cerrado areas. The similarity analysis revealed that the cerradão seems quite peculiar, showing low similarity level with the cerrado sensu stricto areas contiguous to it, being more similar to other cerradão areas located in nearby municipalities. © 2012 Check List and Authors.


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Continuous strip metal matrix composite (MMC) casting of 0.3 mm diameter hard-drawn stainless steel (316L) wire in a quasi-eutectic SnPb (64Sn36Pb) matrix was performed by a two-roll melt drag processing (TRMDping) method, with the wire being dragged through a semisolid puddle with a fibre contact time of approximately 0.2 s. A slag weir placed at the nozzle contained two wire guide holes: one located near the upper roll, and the other located between the rolls. A successful continuous composite strip casting with good fibre alignment was achieved by inserting and embedding the wire into the matrix using the guide hole between the rolls. Degeneration of eutectic/dendrite structures led to the formation of globular structures. The occurrence and formation mechanisms of cracks, de-lamination and voids in the matrix were discussed. TRMDping is economically viable and has significant benefits over other MMC fabrication methods. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of physiological state, season, breed, number of lactations, dairy productivity, and stocking rate on infestation by Rhipicephalus microplus in dairy cows. Two hundred cows were selected through proportional representative sampling at the Seropédica Experimental Station (Pesagro-Rio), Brazil. Fully or partially engorged R. microplus females measuring between 4.5 and 8.0. mm were counted on the right side of each animal. The tick infestation prevalence data were analyzed in relation to the risk factors, using multiple logistic regression. Associations between prevalence and its possible influencing determinants were measured using odds ratios. The average tick count of cows during the peripartum and lactation periods was significantly higher (p<0.05; OR=4.82) than the count in dry cows. Taurine animals showed significantly higher infestation (p<0.05; OR=3.28) than pure zebuine animals. Among cross-bred animals, the infestation was higher (p<0.05) in F1 animals (1/2 taurine × 1/2 zebuine) than in Girolando animals (5/8 zebuine × 3/8 taurine). Primiparous cows (p<0.05) had significantly heavier infestations than multiparous cows. Dairy production showed a positive correlation with tick infestation (p<0.03; OR=2.94), such that the most productive animals were the most parasitized ones. Animals kept at high densities were significantly more heavily infested (p<0.05, OR=6.32) than animals kept at low density. First-lactation and high-productivity taurine animals were more vulnerable to R. microplus, thus comprising a high-risk group in dairy herds. © 2012 Elsevier GmbH.


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Extracto del informe de la Reunión Latinoamericana de Expertos Gubernamentales sobre Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo, 31 octubre-2 noviembre 1977


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This issue of the FAL Bulletin describes how metro and railway systems contribute to sustainable mobility, looking at some of the current challenges and their technical solutions.


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The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) jointly with the World Program of Food (WFP) and recognized experts of the region developed a methodology that, using secondary information, estimate the opportunity cost derived from undernutrition. This methodology has been successfully applied in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and the Dominican Republic, where the cost of undernutrition was estimated at 6.7 billion dollars in 2004. The present study covers four countries in South America: Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru. The results indicate that the cost of the malnutrition in these countries reached 4.3 billion dollars in 2005, which is equivalent to 3.3 per cent of the GDP of these countries. The results strongly point out that child undernutrition is not only a problem of health or an unacceptable situation ethically, but it is a national problem, given the enormous social costs and the loss of opportunities that it imposes on the national economy.


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Os muiraquitãs foram considerados de proveniência asiática ou, também, como peças esculpidas pelas lendárias mulheres guerreiras, as Amazonas. São peças, hoje, muito raras, encontradas em alguns acervos de Museus. Estudos mineralógicos e químicos de 23 peças do acervo dos Museus de Gemas e do Encontro em Belém, Brasil, mostraram que os muiraquitãs podem ser constituídos, tanto de quartzo, como de albita, ou microclínio, pirofilita, variscita, anortita e tremolita (equivalente ao jade nefrítico), minerais frequentes em formações geológicas do Brasil. No entanto quatro peças são constituídas de jadeíta, ou seja, em jade jadeítico, raro e desconhecido na Amazônia e Brasil. A constatação da presença desse mineral reacende a discussão em torno da origem mineralógica dos muiraquitãs encontrados na Amazônia. Essa origem, antes da atual descoberta, era defendida como amazônica, devido à ausência de jade jadeítico nas peças pesquisadas e pelo fato de jadeíta não ter sido encontrada no Brasil, mas na América Central e na Ásia.


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Descreveram-se as alterações anatomopatológicas provocadas pelo parasitismo por Calyptospora sp. em 40 espécimes de Aequidens plagiozonatus, provenientes do município de Peixe-boi, Pará, Brasil. Foram encontradas formas imaturas e oocistos característicos do gênero Calyptospora, nos exames frescos por compressão e cortes histológicos, além de um grande número de centros melanomacrofágicos dispersos por todo o órgão. Digna de nota foi a ausência de inflamação significativa no tecido hepático. Centros melanomacrofágicos e compressão dos hepatócitos estão envolvidos na resposta do hospedeiro ao parasito. Este é o primeiro registro de ocorrência de parasitismo por Calyptospora sp. na espécie estudada.


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Neste artigo, o esforço de investigação ornitológica no estado de Roraima será investigado utilizando abordagens de análises de lacunas. Basicamente, apresentaremos uma síntese sobre todo o esforço ornitológico feito até o momento em Roraima, visando responder as seguintes questões: (a) quais os locais bem amostrados para aves? (b) quais são as lacunas geográficas de investigação? (c) em que estágio de descobertas está o inventário das espécies de aves em Roraima? (d) quais são os macro-hábitats prioritários para investigação? (e) quais os tipos de vegetação bem investigados e quais os que podem ser classificados como prioritários para investigação? Como resultados, detectamos Oitenta e duas localidades com algum tipo de informação ornitológica. Dentre essas, a Estação Ecológica de Maracá (442 sp), seguido pelo Parque Nacional do Viruá (420 sp), Colônia do Apiaú (320 sp), Mucajaí (267 sp), e Pacaráima (212 sp), são as cinco localidades com maior grau de conhecimento ornitológico dentro do estado. Nos últimos 20 anos apenas duas localidades ornitológicas em Roraima podem ser acrescidas à lista de sítios bem estudados de acordo com o critério de pelo menos 100 espécies registradas (peles, gravações de voz e observações visuais): Parque Nacional do Viruá e a Fazenda Paraense. Cinco áreas são aqui apontadas como lacunas de amostragem da avifauna de Roraima e devem receber prioridade para novos inventários e estudos sobre a avifauna dessa região, são elas: Noroeste do estado, nas áreas junto à fronteira com a Venezuela e divisa com o Estado do Amazonas; Baixo Rio Branco, desde a cidade de Caracaraí à sua foz; Florestas de terra firme no sudeste do Estado; As savanas do nordeste junto à fronteira com a Guiana e as regiões de floresta montana e os tepuis.