927 resultados para Lovejoy Award


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Este estudio de caso busca analizar la Política Exterior Japonesa en materia económica frente a las dinámicas comerciales tanto de Corea del Sur como del mismo Japón en el Periodo 2001 – 2011, teniendo como objetivo concreto la identificación de la incidencia que tienen dichas dinámicas comerciales, en términos de competitividad por precio y calidad, sobre la Política Exterior Comercial Japonesa (PECJ).


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El retiro del servicio de los empleados públicos aparece como una facultad reglada en las normas del empleo público que, cuando se da alguna de las hipótesis legales que lo hacen procedente, facultan al nominador para ejercer sus atribuciones legales, persiguiendo, ante todo, razones del servicio: su mejora, renovación, eficiencia y moralidad, entre otras. A partir del concepto de una buena administración del Estado, establecer la procedencia y elementos estructurales de una política de prevención del daño antijurídico en relación con el retiro del servicio de servidores públicos que, conforme al ordenamiento jurídico gozan de una especial protección constitucional. Conocer el concepto, el alcance, la regulación y desarrollo jurisprudencial de esta trascendental atribución para el servicio público, resulta indispensable para la debida aplicación del derecho, del ejercicio de las atribuciones públicas por parte de la Administración, y para la prevención del daño antijurídico.


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El retiro del servicio de los empleados públicos aparece como una facultad reglada en las normas del empleo público que, cuando se da alguna de las hipótesis legales que lo hacen procedente, facultan al nominador para ejercer sus atribuciones legales, persiguiendo, ante todo, razones del servicio: su mejora, renovación, eficiencia y moralidad, entre otras. El problema jurídico a resolver con el presente trabajo se plantea a partir del concepto de una buena administración del Estado, establecer la procedencia y elementos estructurales de una política para la prevención del daño antijurídico por el retiro del servicio de servidores públicos que, conforme al ordenamiento jurídico, gozan de una especial protección constitucional o legal. Conocer el concepto, el alcance, la regulación y desarrollo jurisprudencial de esta trascendental atribución para el servicio público, resulta indispensable para la debida aplicación del derecho, del ejercicio de las atribuciones públicas por parte de la Administración, y para la prevención del daño antijurídico.


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El canal lumbar estrecho de tipo degenerativo, es una enfermedad que se presenta en pacientes entre la quinta y la sexta década de vida; es la causa más común de cirugía lumbar después de los 65 años. Este trabajo busca determinar cuáles son los factores asociados a la presentación de eventos adversos o re-intervención en cirugía de canal lumbar estrecho en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá en los años comprendidos entre 2003 y 2013. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de prevalencia de tipo analítico, en donde se analizaron 249 pacientes sometidos a intervención quirúrgica por cirugía de canal lumbar estrecho.


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El sitio Web del curso gratuito online es: http://www.euclides.dia.uned.es/simulab-pfp/index.htm. Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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En este diálogo entre el escritor Francisco Proaño Arandi (Premio latinoamericano José María Arguedas, La Habana, 2010) y el lúcido crítico y ensayista Alejandro Moreano, se pasa revista a los años de formación del narrador, la década de los 60, los tzántzicos, la creación de la revista La bufanda del sol, el Frente Cultural en Quito. Proaño, hurgando en la memoria, reconstruye los diversos momentos de lo que fue el debate político y literario de esos años, el peso de la Revolución cubana, las ideas y las propuestas del compromiso del filósofo Jean-Paul Sartre, las luchas anticolonialistas en África, Mayo del 68 y su repercusión en la juventud del mundo, los escritores del boom de la narrativa latinoamericana, su experiencia como diplomático de carrera durante procesos y gobiernos que se sucedieron en el Ecuador en los años 80 y 90. El escritor también da cuenta de lo que es su universo narrativo, las obsesiones, la presencia de una ciudad como Quito en sus diversas novelas y cuentarios, así como la reflexión que a través de sus personajes realiza de las complejas relaciones de la pareja. Diálogo que no solo significó el encuentro de escritores de una misma generación, sino de dos amigos que han sabido compartir la pasión por la escritura de manera vital.


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Steven Blockmans characterises the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the EU as “a marvellous honour and a much-needed boost" for an integration project that is suffering grave economic difficulties and considerable social unrest, but he regrets that the growing role of the EU to act as a peacemaker beyond its geographical borders was not acknowledged in the award announcement.


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iLearn is a Web 2.0 tool developed in Blackboard to help students with Personal Development Planning (PDP). This paper describes a case study on how the innovative use of mobile digital technology in iLearn e-Portfolio for developing reflective portfolios for PDP benefits the students. The e-Portfolio tool benefits students as it enables them to create and share portfolios, record achievements and reflections that support future job applications and promotion. Students find it beneficial because they can make use of iLearn e-Portfolio to keep academic records and achievements, activities and interests, work experience, reflective practice, employer information and some other useful resources, and also to tailor their CV and covering letters including evidence to support their CV, transferable skills and selling points. Useful information for preparing for an interview, reflecting after an event and any thoughts and evaluation can be kept in iLearn e-Portfolio. Keeping assessment and feedback records in iLearn e-Portfolio enables students to know their progress, to identify any gaps they need to fill to develop their study practices and areas for development. The key points from the feedback on the assignments and assessments are beneficial for future improvement. The reflections on the assignments and how students make use of the advice are particularly useful to improve their overall performance. In terms of pedagogical benefits, the “Individual Learner Profile” records and reviews evidence in verbal communication, basic and higher academic skills, time management, numeracy skill and IT skills, students become increasingly aware of their own strengths and any weaker areas that may require development. The e-Portfolio also provides opportunity for students to reflect on the experience and skills they have gained whilst participating in activities outside their studies. As the iLearn e-Portfolio is a reflective practice tool, it is consistent with the principle of Schon's reflective practitioner to reframe problems and to explore the consequences of actions. From the students’ feedback, for those who engage regularly in iLearn, they are better able to set agendas for their Personal Tutorial meetings and provide their Personal Tutor with a unique record of their achievements, skills and attributes which help them writing effective references for them. They make the most of their student experience in general. They also enhance their transferable skills and employability overall. The iLearn e-Portfolio prepares for the workplace and life beyond University including continuing professional development. Students are aware of their transferable skills, evidence of the skills and skill level, including award or accreditation, and their personal reflection on their transferable skills. It is beneficial for students to be aware of their transferable skills, to produce evidence of the skills and skills level such as award and accreditation, and to record their personal reflection on their transferable skills. Finally, the innovative use of mobile digital technology in iLearn e-Portfolio for developing reflective portfolios for PDP will improve their employability.


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iLearn is a quasi-Web 2.0 tool developed in Blackboard to help users with Personal Development Planning (PDP). This paper describes a case study on how the innovative use of mobile digital technology in iLearn e-Portfolio for developing reflective portfolios for PDP benefits the users, who are training to be professionals in construction management and surveying, The e-Portfolio tool benefits users as it enables them to create and share portfolios, record achievements and reflections that support future job applications and promotion. Users find it beneficial because they can make use of iLearn e-Portfolio to keep academic records and achievements, activities and interests, work experience, reflective practice, employer information and some other useful resources, and also to tailor their CV and covering letters including evidence to support their CV, transferable skills and selling points. Useful information for preparing for an interview, reflecting after an event and any thoughts and evaluation can be kept in iLearn e-Portfolio. Keeping assessment and feedback records in iLearn e-Portfolio enables learners to know their progress, to identify any gaps they need to fill to develop their study practices and areas for development. The key points from the feedback on the assignments and assessments are beneficial for future improvement. The reflections on the tasks and how they make use of the advice are particularly useful to improve their overall performance. In terms of pedagogical benefits, the “Individual Learner Profile” records and reviews evidence in verbal communication, basic and higher academic skills, time management, numeracy skill and IT skills, learners become increasingly aware of their own strengths and any weaker areas that may require development. The e-Portfolio also provides opportunity for them to reflect on the experience and skills they have gained whilst participating in activities outside their studies. As the iLearn e-Portfolio is a reflective practice tool, it is consistent with the principle of Schon's reflective practitioner to reframe problems and to explore the consequences of actions. From the users’ feedback, for those who engage regularly in iLearn, they are better able to set agendas for their supervision meetings and provide their supervisor with a unique record of their achievements, skills and attributes which help them writing effective references for them. They make the most of their learning experience in general. They also enhance their transferable skills and employability overall. The iLearn e-Portfolio prepares them for the workplace including continuing professional development. Users are aware of their transferable skills, evidence of the skills and skill level, including award or accreditation, and their personal reflection on their transferable skills. It is beneficial for them to be aware of their transferable skills, to produce evidence of the skills and skills level such as award and accreditation, and to record their personal reflection on their transferable skills. Finally, the innovative use of mobile digital technology in iLearn e-Portfolio for developing reflective portfolios for PDP will improve their employability.


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The Bahrain International Circuit (BIC) is considered its one of the best international racing car track in terms of technical aspects and architectural quality. Two Formula 1 races have been hosted in the Kingdom of Bahrain, in 2004 and 2005, at BIC. The BIC had recently won the award of the best international racing car circuit. This paper highlights on the elements that contributed to the success of such project starting from the architectural aspects, construction, challenges, tendering process, risk management, the workforce, speed of the construction method, and future prospects for harnessing solar and wind energy for sustainable electrification and production of water for the circuit, i.e. making BIC green and environment-friendly international circuit.


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Competitive Dialogue (CD) is a new contract award procedure of the European Community (EC). It is set out in Article 29 of the 'Public Sector Directive' 2004/18/EC. Over the last decades, projects were becoming more and more complex, and the existing EC procedures were no longer suitable to procure those projects. The call for a new procedure resulted in CD. This paper describes how the Directive has been implemented into the laws of two member states: the UK and the Netherlands. In order to implement the Directive, both lawmakers have set up a new and distinct piece of legislation. In each case, large parts of the Directive’s content have been repeated ‘word for word’; only minor parts have been reworded and/or restructured. In the next part of the paper, the CD procedure is examined in different respects. First, an overview is given on the different EC contract award procedures (open, restricted, negotiated, CD) and awarding methods (lowest price and Most Economically Advantageous Tender, MEAT). Second, the applicability of CD is described: Among other limitations, CD can only be applied to public contracts for works, supplies, and services, and this scope of application is further restricted by the exclusion of certain contract types. One such exclusion concerns services concessions. This means that PPP contracts which are set up as services concessions cannot be awarded by CD. The last two parts of the paper pertain to the main features of the CD procedure – from ‘contract notice’ to ‘contract award’ – and the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure. One advantage is that the dialogue allows the complexity of the project to be disentangled and clarified. Other advantages are the stimulation of innovation and creativity. These advantages are set against the procedure’s disadvantages, which include high transaction costs and a perceived hindrance of innovation (due to an ambiguity between transparency and fair competition). It is concluded that all advantages and disadvantages are related to one of three elements: communication, competition, and/or structure of the procedure. Further research is needed to find out how these elements are related.


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In the forecasting of binary events, verification measures that are “equitable” were defined by Gandin and Murphy to satisfy two requirements: 1) they award all random forecasting systems, including those that always issue the same forecast, the same expected score (typically zero), and 2) they are expressible as the linear weighted sum of the elements of the contingency table, where the weights are independent of the entries in the table, apart from the base rate. The authors demonstrate that the widely used “equitable threat score” (ETS), as well as numerous others, satisfies neither of these requirements and only satisfies the first requirement in the limit of an infinite sample size. Such measures are referred to as “asymptotically equitable.” In the case of ETS, the expected score of a random forecasting system is always positive and only falls below 0.01 when the number of samples is greater than around 30. Two other asymptotically equitable measures are the odds ratio skill score and the symmetric extreme dependency score, which are more strongly inequitable than ETS, particularly for rare events; for example, when the base rate is 2% and the sample size is 1000, random but unbiased forecasting systems yield an expected score of around −0.5, reducing in magnitude to −0.01 or smaller only for sample sizes exceeding 25 000. This presents a problem since these nonlinear measures have other desirable properties, in particular being reliable indicators of skill for rare events (provided that the sample size is large enough). A potential way to reconcile these properties with equitability is to recognize that Gandin and Murphy’s two requirements are independent, and the second can be safely discarded without losing the key advantages of equitability that are embodied in the first. This enables inequitable and asymptotically equitable measures to be scaled to make them equitable, while retaining their nonlinearity and other properties such as being reliable indicators of skill for rare events. It also opens up the possibility of designing new equitable verification measures.