908 resultados para Loop detectors.


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The extraction of the finite temperature heavy quark potential from lattice QCD relies on a spectral analysis of the Wilson loop. General arguments tell us that the lowest lying spectral peak encodes, through its position and shape, the real and imaginary parts of this complex potential. Here we benchmark this extraction strategy using leading order hard-thermal loop (HTL) calculations. In other words, we analytically calculate the Wilson loop and determine the corresponding spectrum. By fitting its lowest lying peak we obtain the real and imaginary parts and confirm that the knowledge of the lowest peak alone is sufficient for obtaining the potential. Access to the full spectrum allows an investigation of spectral features that do not contribute to the potential but can pose a challenge to numerical attempts of an analytic continuation from imaginary time data. Differences in these contributions between the Wilson loop and gauge fixed Wilson line correlators are discussed. To better understand the difficulties in a numerical extraction we deploy the maximum entropy method with extended search space to HTL correlators in Euclidean time and observe how well the known spectral function and values for the real and imaginary parts are reproduced. Possible venues for improvement of the extraction strategy are discussed.


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BACKGROUND Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is the most important chronic pulmonary disease of cattle on the African continent causing severe economic losses. The disease, caused by infection with Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides is transmitted by animal contact and develops slowly into a chronic form preventing an early clinical diagnosis. Because available vaccines confer a low protection rate and short-lived immunity, the rapid diagnosis of infected animals combined with traditional curbing measures is seen as the best way to control the disease. While traditional labour-intensive bacteriological methods for the detection of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides have been replaced by molecular genetic techniques in the last two decades, these latter approaches require well-equipped laboratories and specialized personnel for the diagnosis. This is a handicap in areas where CBPP is endemic and early diagnosis is essential. RESULTS We present a rapid, sensitive and specific diagnostic tool for M. mycoides subsp. mycoides detection based on isothermal loop-mediated amplification (LAMP) that is applicable to field conditions. The primer set developed is highly specific and sensitive enough to diagnose clinical cases without prior cultivation of the organism. The LAMP assay detects M. mycoides subsp. mycoides DNA directly from crude samples of pulmonary/pleural fluids and serum/plasma within an hour using a simple dilution protocol. A photometric detection of LAMP products allows the real-time visualisation of the amplification curve and the application of a melting curve/re-association analysis presents a means of quality assurance based on the predetermined strand-inherent temperature profile supporting the diagnosis. CONCLUSION The CBPP LAMP developed in a robust kit format can be run on a battery-driven mobile device to rapidly detect M. mycoides subsp. mycoides infections from clinical or post mortem samples. The stringent innate quality control allows a conclusive on-site diagnosis of CBPP such as during farm or slaughter house inspections.


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This study investigated characteristics of optically stimulated luminescent detectors (OSLDs) in protons, allowing comparison to thermoluminescent detectors, and to be implemented into the Radiological Physics Center’s (RPC) remote audit quality assurance program for protons, and for remote anthropomorphic phantom irradiations. The OSLDs used were aluminum oxide (Al2O3:C) nanoDots from Landauer, Inc. (Glenwood, Ill.) measuring 10x10x2 mm3. A square, 20(L)x20(W)x0.5(H) cm3 piece of solid water was fabricated with pockets to allow OSLDs and TLDs to be irradiated simultaneously and perpendicular to the beam. Irradiations were performed at 5cm depth in photons, and in the center of a 10 cm SOBP in a 200MeV proton beam. Additionally, the Radiological Physics Center’s anthropomorphic pelvic phantom was used to test the angular dependence of OSLDs in photons and protons. A cylindrical insert in the phantom allows the dosimeters to be rotated to any angle with a fixed gantry angle. OSLDs were irradiated at 12 angles between 0 and 360 degrees. The OSLDs were read out with a MicroStar reader from Landauer, Inc. Dose response indicates that at angles where the dosimeter is near parallel with the radiation beam response is reduced slightly. Measurements in proton beams do not show significant angular dependence. Post-irradiation fading of OSLDs was studied in proton beams to determine if the fading was different than that of photons. The fading results showed no significant difference from results in photon beams. OSLDs and TLDs are comparable within 3% in photon beams and a correction factor can be posited for proton beams. With angular dependence characteristics defined, OSLDs can be implemented into multiple-field treatment plans in photons and protons and used in the RPC’s quality assurance program.


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The main goal of the AEgIS experiment at CERN is to test the weak equivalence principle for antimatter. AEgIS will measure the free-fall of an antihydrogen beam traversing a moir'e deflectometer. The goal is to determine the gravitational acceleration with an initial relative accuracy of 1% by using an emulsion detector combined with a silicon μ-strip detector to measure the time of flight. Nuclear emulsions can measure the annihilation vertex of antihydrogen atoms with a precision of ~ 1–2 μm r.m.s. We present here results for emulsion detectors operated in vacuum using low energy antiprotons from the CERN antiproton decelerator. We compare with Monte Carlo simulations, and discuss the impact on the AEgIS project.


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We derive the fermion loop formulation for the supersymmetric nonlinear O(N) sigma model by performing a hopping expansion using Wilson fermions. In this formulation the fermionic contribution to the partition function becomes a sum over all possible closed non-oriented fermion loop configurations. The interaction between the bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom is encoded in the constraints arising from the supersymmetry and induces flavour changing fermion loops. For N ≥ 3 this leads to fermion loops which are no longer self-avoiding and hence to a potential sign problem. Since we use Wilson fermions the bare mass needs to be tuned to the chiral point. For N = 2 we determine the critical point and present boson and fermion masses in the critical regime.


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Translocation factor EF-G, possesses a low basal GTPase activity, which is stimulated by the ribosome. One potential region of the ribosome that triggers GTPase activity of EF-G is the Sarcin-Ricin-Loop (SRL) (helix 95) in domain VI of the 23S rRNA. Structural data showed that the tip of the SRL closely approaches GTP in the active center of EF-G, structural probing data confirmed that EF-G interacts with nucleotides G2655, A2660, G2661 and A2662.1-3 The exocyclic group of adenine at A2660 is required for stimulation of EF-G GTPase activity by the ribosome as demonstrated using atomic mutagenesis.4 Recent crystal structures of EF-G on the ribosome, gave more insights into the molecular mechanism of EF-G GTPase activity.5 Based on the structure of EF-Tu on the ribosome1, the following mechanism of GTPase activation was proposed: upon binding of EF-G to the ribosome, the conserved His92 (E.coli) changes its position, pointing to the γ-phosphate of GTP. In this activated state, the phosphate of residue A2662 of the SRL positions the catalytic His in its active conformation. It was further proposed that the phosphate oxygen of A2662 is involved in a charge-relay system, enabling GTP hydrolysis. In order to test this mechanism, we use the atomic mutagenesis approach, which allows introducing non-natural modifications in the SRL, in the context of the complete 70S ribosome. Therefore, we replaced one of the non-bridging oxygens of A2662 by a methyl group. A methylphosphonat is not able to position or activate a histidine, as it has no free electrons and therefore no proton acceptor function. These modified ribosomes were then tested for stimulation of EF-G GTPase activity. First experiments show that one of the two stereoisomers incorporated into ribosomes does not stimulate GTPase activity of EF-G, whereas the other is active. From this we conclude that indeed the non-bridging phosphate oxygen of A2662 is involved in EF-G GTPase activation by the ribosome. Ongoing experiments aim at revealing the contribution of this non-bridging oxygen at A2662 to the mechanism of EF-G GTPase activation at the atomic level.


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Translocation factor EF-G, possesses a low basal GTPase activity, which is stimulated by the ribosome. One potential region of the ribosome that triggers GTPase activity of EF-G is the Sarcin-Ricin-Loop (SRL) (helix 95) in domain VI of the 23S rRNA. Structural data showed that the tip of the SRL closely approaches GTP in the active center of EF-G, structural probing data confirmed that EF-G interacts with nucleotides G2655, A2660, G2661 and A2662.1-3 The exocyclic group of adenine at A2660 is required for stimulation of EF-G GTPase activity by the ribosome as demonstrated using atomic mutagenesis.4 Recent crystal structures of EF-G on the ribosome, gave more insights into the molecular mechanism of EF-G GTPase activity.5 Based on the structure of EF-Tu on the ribosome1, the following mechanism of GTPase activation was proposed: upon binding of EF-G to the ribosome, the conserved His92 (E.coli) changes its position, pointing to the γ-phosphate of GTP. In this activated state, the phosphate of residue A2662 of the SRL positions the catalytic His in its active conformation. It was further proposed that the phosphate oxygen of A2662 is involved in a charge-relay system, enabling GTP hydrolysis. In order to test this mechanism, we use the atomic mutagenesis approach, which allows introducing non-natural modifications in the SRL, in the context of the complete 70S ribosome. Therefore, we replaced one of the non-bridging oxygens of A2662 by a methyl group. A methylphosphonat is not able to position or activate a histidine, as it has no free electrons and therefore no proton acceptor function. These modified ribosomes were then tested for stimulation of EF-G GTPase activity. First experiments show that one of the two stereoisomers incorporated into ribosomes does not stimulate GTPase activity of EF-G, whereas the other is active. From this we conclude that indeed the non-bridging phosphate oxygen of A2662 is involved in EF-G GTPase activation by the ribosome. Ongoing experiments aim at revealing the contribution of this non-bridging oxygen at A2662 to the mechanism of EF-G GTPase activation at the atomic level.


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We derive the fermion loop formulation of N=4 supersymmetric SU(N) Yang-Mills quantum mechanics on the lattice. The loop formulation naturally separates the contributions to the partition function into its bosonic and fermionic parts with fixed fermion number and provides a way to control potential fermion sign problems arising in numerical simulations of the theory. Furthermore, we present a reduced fermion matrix determinant which allows the projection into the canonical sectors of the theory and hence constitutes an alternative approach to simulate the theory on the lattice.


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CMOS-sensors, or in general Active Pixel Sensors (APS), are rapidly replacing CCDs in the consumer camera market. Due to significant technological advances during the past years these devices start to compete with CCDs also for demanding scientific imaging applications, in particular in the astronomy community. CMOS detectors offer a series of inherent advantages compared to CCDs, due to the structure of their basic pixel cells, which each contains their own amplifier and readout electronics. The most prominent advantages for space object observations are the extremely fast and flexible readout capabilities, feasibility for electronic shuttering and precise epoch registration,and the potential to perform image processing operations on-chip and in real-time. Here, the major challenges and design drivers for ground-based and space-based optical observation strategies for objects in Earth orbit have been analyzed. CMOS detector characteristics were critically evaluated and compared with the established CCD technology, especially with respect to the above mentioned observations. Finally, we simulated several observation scenarios for ground- and space-based sensor by assuming different observation and sensor properties. We will introduce the analyzed end-to-end simulations of the ground- and spacebased strategies in order to investigate the orbit determination accuracy and its sensitivity which may result from different values for the frame-rate, pixel scale, astrometric and epoch registration accuracies. Two cases were simulated, a survey assuming a ground-based sensor to observe objects in LEO for surveillance applications, and a statistical survey with a space-based sensor orbiting in LEO observing small-size debris in LEO. The ground-based LEO survey uses a dynamical fence close to the Earth shadow a few hours after sunset. For the space-based scenario a sensor in a sun-synchronous LEO orbit, always pointing in the anti-sun direction to achieve optimum illumination conditions for small LEO debris was simulated.


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In this article we calculate the one-loop supersymmetric QCD (SQCD) corrections to the decay u˜1→cχ˜01 in the minimal supersymmetric standard model with generic flavor structure. This decay mode is phenomenologically important if the mass difference between the lightest squark u˜1 (which is assumed to be mainly stoplike) and the neutralino lightest supersymmetric particle χ˜01 is smaller than the top mass. In such a scenario u˜1→tχ˜01 is kinematically not allowed and searches for u˜1→Wbχ˜01 and u˜1→cχ˜01 are performed. A large decay rate for u˜1→cχ˜01 can weaken the LHC bounds from u˜1→Wbχ01 which are usually obtained under the assumption Br[u˜1→Wbχ01]=100%. We find the SQCD corrections enhance Γ[u˜1→cχ˜01] by approximately 10% if the flavor violation originates from bilinear terms. If flavor violation originates from trilinear terms, the effect can be ±50% or more, depending on the sign of At. We note that connecting a theory of supersymmetry breaking to LHC observables, the shift from the DR¯¯¯¯¯ to the on-shell mass is numerically very important for light stop decays.