978 resultados para Log-normal degree distribution
We have investigated the isomeric distribution and rearrangement of complexes of the type [CoXLn](2+,3+) (where X = Cl-, OH-, H2O, and L-n represents a pentadentate 13-, 14-, and 15-membered tetraaza or diaza-dithia (N-4 or N2S2) macrocycle bearing a pendant primary amine). The preparative procedures for chloro complexes produced almost exclusively kinetically preferred cis isomers (where the pendant primary amine is cis to the chloro ligand) that can be separated by careful cation-exchange chromatography. For L-13 and L-14 the so-called cis-V isomer is isolated as the kinetic product, and for L-15 the cis-VI form (an N-based diastereomer) is the preferred, while for the L-14(S) complex both cis-V and trans-I forms are obtained. All these complexes rearrange to form stable trans isomers in which the pendent primary amine is trans to the monodentate aqua or hydroxo ligand, depending on pH and the workup procedure. In total 11 different complexes have been studied. From these, two different trans isomers of [CoCIL14S](2+) have been characterized crystallographically for the first time in addition to a new structure of cis-V-[CoCIL14S](2+); all were isolated as their chloride perchlorate salts. Two additional isomers have been identified and characterized by NMR as reaction intermediates. The remaining seven forms correspond to the complexes already known, produced in preparative procedures. The kinetic, thermal, and baric activation parameters for all the isomerization reactions have been determined and involve large activation enthalpies and positive volumes of activation. Activation entropies indicate a very important degree of hydrogen bonding in the reactivity of the complexes, confirmed by density functional theory studies on the stability of the different isomeric forms. The isomerization processes are not simple and even some unstable intermediates have been detected and characterized as part of the above-mentioned 11 forms of the complexes. A common reaction mechanism for the isomerization reactions has been proposed for all the complexes derived from the observed kinetic and solution behavior.
The Australian lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri (Dipnoi) is an ancient fish that has a unique phylogenetic relationship among the basal Sarcopterygii. Here we examine the ultrastructure, histochemistry, and distribution of the retinal photoreceptors using a combination of light and electron microscopy in order to determine the characteristics of the photoreceptor layer in this living fossil. Similar proportions of rods (53%) and cones (47%) reveal that N. forsteri optimizes both scotopic and photopic sensitivity according to its visual demands. Scotopic sensitivity is optimized by a tapetum lucidum and extremely large rods (18.62 +/- 2.68 mu m ellipsoid diameter). Photopic sensitivity is optimized with a theoretical spatial resolving power of 3.28 +/- 0.66 cycles degree(-1), which is based on the spacing of at least three different cone types: a red cone containing a red oil droplet, a yellow cone containing a yellow ellipsoidal pigment, and a colorless cone containing multiple clear oil droplets. Topographic analysis reveals a heterogeneous distribution of all photoreceptor types, with peak cone densities predominantly found in temporal retina (6,020 rods MM 2, 4,670 red cones mm(-2), 900 yellow cones mm(-2), and 320 colorless cones mm(-2)), but ontogenetic changes in distribution are revealed. Spatial resolving power and the diameter of all photoreceptor types (except yellow cones) increases linearly with growth. The presence of at least three morphological types of cones provides the potential for color vision, which could play a role in the clearer waters of its freshwater environment.
Com a finalidade de determinar as formas do arco dentário inferior de maior incidência na oclusão normal natural, utilizou-se um método matemático associado ao emprego de uma função polinomial, o qual foi aplicado a 63 modelos de arcadas inferiores selecionados a partir de 6118 adolescentes. Todos os indivíduos eram portadores de dentição permanente, incluindo os segundos molares, e oclusão normal natural. Em cada dente foi fixada uma esfera de vidro, que teve a função de simular o acessório do aparelho ortodôntico, sendo utilizada na medição das distâncias entre o centro da imagem dessas esferas aos eixos x e y. Após a digitalização dos modelos de gesso, as imagens foram plotadas em um programa de computador, a fim de se obterem a função polinomial de sexto grau e o gráfico dessa função para os 126 segmentos de curva, originados das secções das imagens em lado direito e esquerdo. A seguir organizaram-se esses segmentos, de acordo com as características da curvatura anterior dos arcos dentários, em oito grupos diferentes de formas, que receberam as denominações de Forma A, Forma B, Forma C, Forma D, Forma E, Forma F, Forma G, Forma H. Cada grupo foi, então, dividido em três subgrupos, conforme os tamanhos pequeno, médio e grande. Os resultados indicaram 23 formas representativas do arco dentário inferior e uma forma média para a oclusão normal natural.
A assimetria das arcadas dentárias constitui um assunto de grande importância estudado por profissionais de Ortodontia na elaboração de um diagnóstico correto, planejamento e execução de um tratamento ortodôntico bem sucedido. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o grau de assimetria das arcadas dentárias em indivíduos com oclusão normal e má oclusão de Classe II, divisão 1 e 2, bem como o dimorfismo sexual existente. Foram avaliados 180 pares de modelos de estudo de indivíduos do sexo masculino e feminino, na faixa etária de 12 a 21 anos, divididos em 3 grupos de 60 pares de modelos, de acordo com a má oclusão. Os grupos foram classificados em: Grupo 1 - indivíduos com oclusão normal, Grupo 2 - indivíduos com má oclusão de Classe II divisão 1 (Cl II 1), e Grupo 3 - indivíduos com má oclusão de Classe II divisão 2 (Cl II 2). Os modelos foram medidos utilizando-se um aparelho inédito, idealizado e fabricado exclusivamente para a análise de assimetria das arcadas dentárias. Para a análise de assimetria foram realizadas 2 medições angulares desvio de linha média (DLM), posicionamento dos caninos (PC) e 3 lineares distância dos caninos à rafe palatina (DC), distância inter-caninos (DIC), posicionamento dos primeiros molares no sentido ântero-posterior (PM). Concluiu-se que a ocorrência de assimetria nas arcadas dentárias independe da má oclusão. O Grupo 1 apresentou um menor grau de assimetria nas arcadas dentárias em relação aos grupos 2 e 3, os quais apresentaram um grau de assimetria semelhante. O grau de assimetria nas arcadas dentárias inferiores, nos 3 grupos, foi maior do que nas arcadas dentárias superiores. A direção do desvio da linha média apresentou uma correlação inversamente proporcional do lado em que o molar se apresentava mesializado, nas arcadas superior e inferior dos três grupos, com exceção da arcada superior no Grupo 2 (Classe II divisão 1). Houve dimorfismo sexual estatisticamente significante para algumas medidas, porém é importante considerar os baixos valores e a disposição, destas diferenças, entre as medidas realizadas, a qual revela ter se tratado de dados obtidos ao acaso.
Since the earliest descriptions of Alzheimer's disease (AD), the presence of senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) have been regarded as the typical pathological hallmarks of the disease. Studies over the last twenty years, however, have reported a considerable degree of heterogeneity within the AD phenotype and as a consequence, an overlap between the pathological features of AD not only with normal aging, but also with disorders related to AD. This review discusses: 1) the degree of heterogeneity within AD, 2) the concept of an 'interface' between disorders, 3) the nature and degree of the interface between AD and normal aging, vascular dementia (VD), the tauopathies, synucleinopathies, and prion disease, and 4) whether the original status of AD should be retained or whether AD, normal aging, and the related disorders should be regarded as representing a 'continuum' of neuropathological change.
Visual evoked magnetic responses were recorded to full-field and left and right half-field stimulation with three check sizes (70′, 34′ and 22′) in five normal subjects. Recordings were made sequentially on a 20-position grid (4 × 5) based on the inion, by means of a single-channel direct current-Superconducting Quantum Interference Device second-order gradiometer. The topographic maps were consistent on the same subjects recorded 2 months apart. The half-field responses produced the strongest signals in the contralateral hemisphere and were consistent with the cruciform model of the calcarine fissure. Right half fields produced upper-left-quadrant outgoing fields and lower-left-quadrant ingoing fields, while the left half field produced the opposite response. The topographic maps also varied with check size, with the larger checks producing positive or negative maximum position more anteriorly than small checks. In addition, with large checks the full-field responses could be explained as the summation of the two half fields, whereas full-field responses to smaller checks were more unpredictable and may be due to sources located at the occipital pole or lateral surface. In addition, dipole sources were located as appropriate with the use of inverse problem solutions. Topographic data will be vital to the clinical use of the visual evoked field but, in addition, provides complementary information to visual evoked potentials, allowing detailed studies of the visual cortex. © 1992 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Adjuvants are often composed of different constituents that can be divided into two groups based on their primary activity: the delivery system which carries and presents the vaccine antigen to antigen-presenting cells, and the immunostimulator that activates and modulates the ensuing immune response. Herein, we have investigated the importance of the delivery system and in particular its physical characteristics by comparing the delivery properties of two lipids which differ only in the degree of saturation of the acyl chains, rendering the liposomes either rigid (DDA, dimethyldioctadecylammonium) or highly fluid (DODA, dimethyldioleoylammonium) at physiological temperature. We show that these delivery systems are remarkably different in their ability to prime a Th1-directed immune response with the rigid DDA-based liposomes inducing a response more than 100 times higher compared to that obtained with the fluid DODA-based liposomes. Upon injection with a vaccine antigen, DDA-based liposomes form a vaccine depot that results in a continuous attraction of antigen-presenting cells that engulf a high amount of adjuvant and are subsequently efficiently activated as measured by an elevated expression of the co-stimulatory molecules CD40 and CD86. In contrast, the fluid DODA-based liposomes are more rapidly removed from the site of injection resulting in a lower up-regulation of co-stimulatory CD40 and CD86 molecules on adjuvant-positive antigen-presenting cells. Additionally, the vaccine antigen is readily dissociated from the DODA-based liposomes leading to a population of antigen-presenting cells that are antigen-positive but adjuvant-negative and consequently are not activated. These studies demonstrate the importance of studying in vivo characteristics of the vaccine components and furthermore show that physicochemical properties of the delivery system have a major impact on the vaccine-induced immune response. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The size class frequency distribution of a sample of senile plaques (SP) was determined in a total of 20 brain regions from 5 elderly cases of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The purpose of the study was to determine whether a comparison of the frequency distributions could be used to determine the chronology of SP development in the AD brain. SP from 10 microns to a maximum diameter of 160 microns were present in the tissue and the size class frequency distributions were positively skewed. The frequency distributions varied between brain regions in: (1) the size class containing the mode, (2) the degree of positive skew, and (3) the ratio of large to small SP. In most patients the ratio of large to small SP was higher in the hippocampus or adjacent gyrus compared with temporal, parietal and frontal neocortex. If the diameter of a SP reflects its age in the tissue than the data suggest that SP formed earlier either in the hippocampus or adjacent gyrus compared with the other neocortical tissues. However, this conclusion rests on a number of assumptions including: (1) that SP diameter is directly related to age, (2) that SP development occurs at similar rates in different brain regions and (3) that, once formed, SP are not removed from the tissue by astrocytes.
The pathological lesions characteristic of Alzheimer's disease (AD), viz., senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) may not be randomly distributed with reference to each other but exhibit a degree of sptial association or correlation, information on the degree of association between SP and NFT or between the lesions and normal histological features, such as neuronal perikarya and blood vessels, may be valuable in elucidating the pathogenesis of AD. This article reviews the statistical methods available for studying the degree of spatial association in histological sections of AD tissue. These include tests of interspecific association between two or more histological features using chi-square contingency tables, measurement of 'complete' and 'absolute' association, and more complex methods that use grids of contiguous samples. In addition, analyses of association using correlation matrices and stepwise multiple regression methods are described. The advantages and limitations of each method are reviewed and possible future developments discussed.
Testing whether an observed distribution of observations deviates from normality is a common type of statistical test available in statistics software. Most software offer two ways of judging whether there are significant deviations of the observed from the expected distributions, viz., chi-square and the KS test. These tests have different sensitivities and problems and often give conflicting results. The results of these tests together with observations of the shape of the observed distribution should be used to judge normality.
When testing the difference between two groups, if previous data indicate non-normality, then either transform the data if they comprise percentages, integers or scores or use a non-parametric test. If there is uncertainty whether the data are normally distributed, then deviations from normality are likely to be small if the data are measurements to three significant figures. Unless there is clear evidence that the distribution is non-normal, it is more efficient to use the conventional t-tests. It is poor statistical practice to carry out both the parametric and non-parametric tests on a set of data and then choose the result that is most convenient to the investigator!
The thesis describes experimental work on the possibility of using deflection baffles in conventional distillation trays as flow straightening devices, with the view of enhancing tray efficiency. The mode of operation is based on deflecting part of the liquid momentum from the centre of the tray to the segment regions in order to drive stagnating liquid at the edges forward. The first part of the work was a detailed investigation into the two-phase flow patterns produced on a conventional sieve tray having 1 mm hole size perforations. The data provide a check on some earlier work and extend the range of the existing databank, particularly to conditions more typical of industrial operation. A critical survey of data collected on trays with different hole sizes (Hine, 1990; Chambers, 1993; Fenwick, 1996; this work) showed that the hole diameter has a significant influence on the flow regime, the size of the stagnant regions and the hydraulic and mass transfer performance. Five modified tray topologies were created with different configurations of baffles and tested extensively in the 2.44 m diameter air-water pilot distillation simulator for their efficacy in achieving uniform flow across the tray and for their impact on tray loading capacity and mass transfer efficiency. Special attention was given to the calibration of the over 100 temperature probes used in measuring the water temperature across the tray on which the heat and mass transfer analogy is based. In addition to normal tray capacity experiments, higher weir load experiments were conducted using a 'half-tray' mode in order to extend the range of data to conditions more typical of industrial operation. The modified trays show superior flow characteristics compared to the conventional tray in terms of the ability to replenish the zones of exceptionally low temperatures and high residence times at the edges of the tray, to lower the bulk liquid gradient and to achieve a more uniform flow across the tray. These superior flow abilities, however, tend to diminish with increasing weir load because of the increasing tendency for the liquid to jump over the barriers instead of flowing over them. The modified tray topologies showed no tendency to cause undue limitation to tray loading capacity. Although the improvement in the efficiency of a single tray over that of the conventional tray was moderate and in some cases marginal, the multiplier effect in a multiple tray column situation would be significant (Porter et al., 1972). These results are in good agreement with an associated CFD studies (Fischer, 1999) carried out by partners in the Advanced Studies in Distillation consortium. It is concluded that deflection baffles can be used in a conventional distillation sieve tray to achieve better liquid flow distribution and obtain enhanced mass transfer efficiency, without undermining the tray loading capacity. Unlike any other controlled-flow tray whose mechanical complexity impose stringent manufacturing and installation tolerances, the baffled-tray models are simple to design, manufacture and install and thus provide an economic method of retrofitting badly performing sieve trays both in terms of downtime and fabrication. NOTE APPENDICES 2-5 ARE ON A SEPARATE FLOPPY DISK ONLY AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION AT ASTON UNIVERSITY LIBRARY WITH PRIOR ARRANGEMENT
The total thermoplastics pipe market in west Europe is estimated at 900,000 metric tonnes for 1977 and is projected to grow to some 1.3 million tonnes of predominantly PVC and polyolefins pipe by 1985. By that time, polyethylene for gas distribution pipe and fittings will represent some 30% of the total polyethylene pipe market. The performance characteristics of a high density polyethylene are significantly influenced by both molecular weight and type of comonomer; the major influences being in the long-term hoop stress resistance and the environmental stress cracking resistance. Minor amounts of hexene-1 are more effective than comonomers lower in the homologous series, although there is some sacrifice of density related properties. A synergistic improvement is obtained by combining molecular weight increase with copolymerisation. The Long-term design strength of polyethylene copolymers can be determined from hoop stress measurement at elevated temperatures and by means of a separation factor of approximate value 22, extrapolation can be made to room temperature performance for a water environment. A polyethylene of black composition has a sufficiently improved performance over yellow pigmented pipe to cast doubts on the validity of internationally specifying yellow coded pipe for gas distribution service. The chemical environment (condensate formation) that can exist in natural gas distribution networks has a deleterious effect on the pipe performance the reduction amounting to at least two decades in log time. Desorption of such condensate is very slow and the influence of the more aggressive aromatic components is to lead to premature stress cracking. For natural gas distribution purposes, the design stress rating should be 39 Kg/cm2 for polyethylenes in the molecular weight range of 150 - 200,000 and 55 Kg/cm2 for higher molecular weight materials.
Two aspects of gold mineralisation in the Caledonides of the British Isles have been investigated: gold-telluride mineralisation at Clogau Mine, North Wales; and placer gold mineralisation in the Southern Uplands, Scotland. The primary ore assemblage at Clogau Mine is pyrite, arsenopyrite, cobaltite, pyrrhotine, chalcopyrite, galena, tellurbismuth, tetradymite, altaite, hessite, native gold, wehrlite, hedleyite, native bismuth, bismuthunite and various sulphosalts. The generalised paragenesis is early Fe, Co, Cu, As and S species, and later minerals of Pb, Bi, Ag, Au, Te, Sb. Electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA) of complex telluride-sulphide intergrowths suggests that these intergrowths formed by co-crystallisation/replacement processes and not exsolution. Minor element chemical variation, in the sulphides and tellurides, indicates that antimony and cadmium are preferentially partitioned into telluride minerals. Mineral stability diagrams suggest that during gold deposition log bf aTe2 was between -7.9 and -9.7 and log bf aS2 between -12.4 and -13.8. Co-existing mineral assemblages indicate that the final stages of telluride mineralisation were between c. 250 - 275oC. It is suggested that the high-grade telluride ore shoot was the result of remobilisation of Au, Bi, Ag and Te from low grade mineralisation elsewhere within the vein system, and that gold deposition was brought about by destabilisation of gold chloride complexes by interaction with graphite, sulphides and tellurbismuth. Scanning electron microscopy of planer gold grains from the Southern Uplands, Scotland, indicates that detailed studies on the morphology of placer gold can be used to elucidate the history of gold in the placer environment. In total 18 different morphological characteristics were identified. These were divided on an empirical basis, using the relative degree of mechanical attrition, into proximal and distal characteristics. One morphological characteristic (a porous/spongy surface at high magnification) is considered to be chemical in origin and represent the growth of `new' gold in the placer environment. The geographical distribution of morphological characteristics has been examined and suggests that proximal placer gold is spatially associated with the Loch Doon, Cairsphairn and Fleet granitoids. Quantitative EPMA of the placer gold reveals two compositional populations of placer gold. Examination of the geographical distribution of fineness suggests a loose spatial association between granitoids and low fineness placer gold. Also identified was chemically heterogeneous placer gold. EPMA studies of these heterogeneities allowed estimation of annealing history limits, which suggest that the heterogeneities formed between 150 and 235oC. It is concluded, on the basis of relationships between morphology and composition, that there are two types of placer gold in the Southern Uplands: (i) placer gold which is directly inherited from a hypogene source probably spatially associated with granitoids; and (ii) placer gold that has formed during supergene processes.
The objective of this research was to investigate the effects of normal aging and the additional effects of chronic exposure to two experimental diets, one enriched in aluminium, the other enriched in lecithin, on aspects of the behaviour and brain histology of the female mouse. The aluminium diet was administered in an attempt to develop a rodent model of Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (DAT). With normal aging, almost all assessed aspects of behaviour were found to be impaired. As regards cognition, selective impairments of single-trial passive avoidance and Morris place learning were observed. While all aspects of open-field behaviour were impaired, the degree of impairment was directly related to the degree of motoric complexity. Deficits were also observed on non-visual sensorimotor coordination tasks and in olfactory discrimination. Histologically, neuron loss, gliosis, vacuolation and congophilic angiopathy were observed in several of the brain regions/fibre tracts believed to contribute to the control of some of the assessed behaviours. The aluminium treatment had very selective effects on both behaviour and brain histology, inducing several features observed in DAT. Behaviourally, the treatment induced impaired spatial reference memory; reduced ambulation; disturbed olfactory function and induced the premature development of the senile pattern of swimming. Histologically, significant neuron loss and gliosis were observed in the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, amygdala, medial septum, pyriform and pr-frontal cortex. In addition, the brain distribution of congophilic angiopathy was significantly increased by the treatment. The lecithin treatment had effects on both non-cognitive and cognitive aspects of behaviour. The effects of aging on open-field ambulation and rearing were partially ameliorated by the treatment. A similar effect was observed for single-trial passive avoidance performance. Age-dependent improvements in acquisition/retention were observed in 17-23 month mice and Morris place task performance was improved in 11 and 17 month mice. Histologically, a partial sparing of neurons in the cerebellum, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex and subiculum was observed.