954 resultados para Local heat transfer measurements


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During this research, we present a study on the thermal properties, such as the melting, cold crystallization, and glass transition temperatures as well as heat capacities from 293.15 K to 323.15 K of nine in-house synthesized protic ionic liquids based on the 3-(alkoxymethyl)-1H-imidazol-3-ium salicylate ([H-Im-C1OCn][Sal]) with n = 3–11. The 3D structures, surface charge distributions and COSMO volumes of all investigated ions are obtained by combining DFT calculations and the COSMO-RS methodology. The heat capacity data sets as a function of temperature of the 3-(alkoxymethyl)-1H-imidazol-3-ium salicylate are then predicted using the methodology originally proposed in the case of ionic liquids by Ge et al. 3-(Alkoxymethyl)-1H-imidazol-3-ium salicylate based ionic liquids present specific heat capacities higher in many cases than other ionic liquids that make them suitable as heat storage media and in heat transfer processes. It was found experimentally that the heat capacity increases linearly with increasing alkyl chain length of the alkoxymethyl group of 3-(alkoxymethyl)-1H-imidazol-3-ium salicylate as was expected and predicted using the Ge et al. method with an overall relative absolute deviation close to 3.2% for temperatures up to 323.15 K.


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The evaporator is an important component in the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC)-based Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) system since the effective heat transfer of this device reflects on the efficiency of the system. When the WHR system operates under supercritical conditions, the heat transfer mechanism in the evaporator is unpredictable due to the change of thermo-physical properties of the fluid with temperature. Although the conventional finite volume model can successfully capture those changes in the evaporator of the WHR process, the computation time for this method is high. To reduce the computation time, this paper develops a new fuzzy based evaporator model and compares its performance with the finite volume method. The results show that the fuzzy technique can be applied to predict the output of the supercritical evaporator in the waste heat recovery system and can significantly reduce the required computation time. The proposed model, therefore, has the potential to be used in real time control applications.


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Ria deAveiro is a very complex shallow water coastal lagoon located on the northwest of Portugal. Important issues would be left unanswered without a good understanding of hydrodynamic and transport processes occurring in the lagoon. Calibration and validation of hydrodynamic, salt and heat transport models for Ria de Aveiro lagoon are presented. The calibration of the hydrodynamic model was performed adjusting the bottom friction coefficient, through the comparison between measured and predicted time series of sea surface elevation for 22 stations. Harmonic analysis was performed in order to evaluate the model's accuracy. To validate the hydrodynamic model measured and predicted SSE values were compared for 11 stations, as well as main flow direction velocities for 10 stations. The salt and heat transport models were calibrated comparing measured and predicted time series of salinity and water temperature for 7 stations, and the RMS of the difference between the series was determined. These models were validated comparing the model results with an independent field data set. The hydrodynamic and the salt and heat transport models for Ria de Aveiro were successfully calibrated and validated. They reproduce accurately the barotropic flows and can therefore adequately represent the salt and heat transport and the heat transfer processes occurring in Ria deAveiro.


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A desmaterialização da economia é um dos caminhos para a promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável na medida em que elimina ou reduz a utilização de recursos naturais, fazendo mais com menos. A intensificação dos processos tecnológicos é uma forma de desmaterializar a economia. Sistemas mais compactos e mais eficientes consomem menos recursos. No caso concreto dos sistemas envolvendo processo de troca de calor, a intensificação resulta na redução da área de permuta e da quantidade de fluido de trabalho, o que para além de outra vantagem que possa apresentar decorrentes da miniaturização, é um contributo inegável para a sustentabilidade da sociedade através do desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico. O desenvolvimento de nanofluidos surge no sentido de dar resposta a estes tipo de desafios da sociedade moderna, contribuindo para a inovação de produtos e sistemas, dando resposta a problemas colocados ao nível das ciências de base. A literatura é unânime na identificação do seu potencial como fluidos de permuta, dada a sua elevada condutividade, no entanto a falta de rigor subjacente às técnicas de preparação dos mesmos, assim como de um conhecimento sistemático das suas propriedades físicas suportado por modelos físico-matemáticos devidamente validados levam a que a operacionalização industrial esteja longe de ser concretizável. Neste trabalho, estudou-se de forma sistemática a condutividade térmica de nanofluidos de base aquosa aditivados com nanotubos de carbono, tendo em vista a identificação dos mecanismos físicos responsáveis pela condução de calor no fluido e o desenvolvimento de um modelo geral que permita com segurança determinar esta propriedade com o rigor requerido ao nível da engenharia. Para o efeito apresentam-se métodos para uma preparação rigorosa e reprodutível deste tipo de nanofluido assim como das metodologias consideradas mais importantes para a aferição da sua estabilidade, assegurando deste modo o rigor da técnica da sua produção. A estabilidade coloidal é estabelecida de forma rigorosa tendo em conta parâmetros quantificáveis como a ausência de aglomeração, a separação de fases e a deterioração da morfologia das nanopartículas. Uma vez assegurado o método de preparação dos nanofluídos, realizou-se uma análise paramétrica conducente a uma base de dados obtidos experimentalmente que inclui a visão central e globalizante da influência relativa dos diferentes fatores de controlo com impacto nas propriedades termofísicas. De entre as propriedades termofísicas, este estudo deu particular ênfase à condutividade térmica, sendo os fatores de controlo selecionados os seguintes: fluido base, temperatura, tamanho da partícula e concentração de nanopartículas. Experimentalmente, verificou-se que de entre os fatores de controlo estudados, os que maior influência detêm sobre a condutividade térmica do nanofluido, são o tamanho e concentração das nanopartículas. Com a segurança conferida por uma base de dados sólida e com o conhecimento acerca da contribuição relativa de cada fator de controlo no processo de transferência de calor, desenvolveu-se e validou-se um modelo físico-matemático com um caracter generalista, que permitirá determinar com segurança a condutividade térmica de nanofluidos.


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The specific heat of single-crystal U Pd2 Si2 has been studied using both the step heating and continious heating methods for the temperature range 2 to 250 K. Successive phase transitions at Tl = 136I< and T2 = 108I< are reported, which are consistent with current publications. The transition at 40K, which was previously reported, has not been detected. Recent published elastic neutron scattering data, magnetic susceptibility and resistivity results suggest that U Pd2 Si2 may be a heavy fermion compound, however, the electronic specific heat coefficient I (= 18.97 ;~), obtained from the specific heat Cv measurements, is smaller than that of the conventional heavy fermion system. The Debye temperature of U Pd2Si2 is found to be 116.55K. The possibility is discussed that the maximum in CIT in the low-temperature range 2 to 4K corresponds to Schottky anomaly induced by localized magnetic impurities .


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Les changements climatiques mesurés dans le Nord-ouest canadien au cours du XXIe siècle entraînent une dégradation du pergélisol. Certaines des principales conséquences physiques sont la fonte de la glace interstitielle lors du dégel du pergélisol, l’affaissement du sol et la réorganisation des réseaux de drainage. L’effet est particulièrement marqué pour les routes bâties sur le pergélisol, où des dépressions et des fentes se créent de façon récurrente, rendant la conduite dangereuse. Des observations et mesures de terrain effectuées à Beaver Creek (Yukon) entre 2008 et 2011 ont démontré qu’un autre processus très peu étudié et quantifié dégradait le pergélisol de façon rapide, soit la chaleur transmise au pergélisol par l’écoulement souterrain. Suite aux mesures de terrain effectuées (relevé topographique, étude géotechnique du sol, détermination de la hauteur de la nappe phréatique et des chenaux d’écoulement préférentiels, température de l’eau et du sol, profondeur du pergélisol et de la couche active), des modèles de transfert de chaleur par conduction et par advection ont été produits. Les résultats démontrent que l’écoulement souterrain dans la couche active et les zones de talik contribue à la détérioration du pergélisol via différents processus de transfert de chaleur conducto-convectifs. L’écoulement souterrain devrait être pris en considération dans tous les modèles et scénarios de dégradation du pergélisol. Avec une bonne caractérisation de l’environnement, le modèle de transfert de chaleur élaboré au cours de la présente recherche est applicable dans d’autres zones de pergélisol discontinu.


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Les hétérojonctions formées de deux matériaux, un donneur et un accepteur (D/A), sont la base de la majorité des mélanges photovoltaïques organiques. Les mécanismes de séparation des charges dans ces systèmes représentent aujourd'hui l'un des sujets les plus chauds et les plus débattus dans ce domaine. Nous entrons au coeur de ce débat en choisissant un système D/A à base de phtalocyanine de cuivre (CuPc) et de fullerène (C60). Pour sonder les états excités de nos molécules et obtenir de l'information sur les phénomènes à l'interface D/A, nous réalisons une expérience pompe-sonde, appelée absorption photoinduite (PIA). Nous y mesurons le changement fractionnaire de transmission au travers de l'échantillon. Les mesures de PIA sont réalisées à l'état de quasi équilibre, à T=10K. Nous observons une modulation prononcée dans la région du photoblanchiment de l'état fondamental qui nous indique que la pompe induit un décalage du spectre d'absorption de l'état fondamental. Ce décalage peut être expliqué par deux processus : soit l'échantillon est chauffé par la pompe (effet thermique) ou bien des charges sont créées à l'interface entre les deux matériaux (effet Stark). La dépendance en température du spectre d'absorption entre 10K et 290K montre une signature thermique pour un changement de température de 80K. Grâce au ratio des raies Raman anti-Stokes et Stokes, nous démontrons que la pompe chauffe l'échantillon de 34 K, température insuffisante pour attribuer notre signal à un effet thermique. Nous évaporons ensuite la bicouche CuPc/C60 sur de l'ITO et du saphir, substrats qui possèdent des conductivités thermiques différentes et nous observons le même signal de PIA, excluant par le fait même l'hypothèse de l'effet thermique. Puisque notre étude est comparable à la spectroscopie à effet Stark, nous procédons à une analyse similaire en comparant notre signal de PIA au spectre de la transmittance et à ses dérivés première et seconde. Nous observons alors que notre signal reproduit presque parfaitement la dérivée seconde de la transmittance. Ces résultats sont conformes à une signature optique d'effet Stark due à la création de charges à l'interface D/A.


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In this paper, we report the measurements of thermal diffusivity of nano Ag metal dispersed ceramic alumina matrix sintered at different temperatures using laser induced non-destructive photoacoustic technique. Measurements of thermal diffusivity also have been carried out on specimens with various concentration of nano metal. Analysis of the data is done on the basis of one-dimensional model of Rosencwaig and Gersho. The present measurements on the thermal diffusivity of nano metal dispersed ceramic alumina shows that porosity has a great influence on the heat transport and the thermal diffusivity value. The present analysis also shows that the inclusion of nano metal into ceramic matrix increases its interconnectivity and hence the thermal diffusivity value. The present study on the samples sintered at different temperature shows that the porosity of the ceramics varies considerably with the change in sintering temperature. The results are interpreted in terms of phonon assisted heat transfer mechanism and the exclusion of pores with the increase in sintering temperature.


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In this paper, we report the measurements of thermal diffusivity of nano Ag metal dispersed ceramic alumina matrix sintered at different temperatures using laser induced non-destructive photoacoustic technique. Measurements of thermal diffusivity also have been carried out on specimens with various concentration of nano metal. Analysis of the data is done on the basis of one-dimensional model of Rosencwaig and Gersho. The present measurements on the thermal diffusivity of nano metal dispersed ceramic alumina shows that porosity has a great influence on the heat transport and the thermal diffusivity value. The present analysis also shows that the inclusion of nano metal into ceramic matrix increases its interconnectivity and hence the thermal diffusivity value. The present study on the samples sintered at different temperature shows that the porosity of the ceramics varies considerably with the change in sintering temperature. The results are interpreted in terms of phonon assisted heat transfer mechanism and the exclusion of pores with the increase in sintering temperature


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In this paper, we report the measurements of thermal diffusivity of nano Ag metal dispersed ceramic alumina matrix sintered at different temperatures using laser induced non-destructive photoacoustic technique. Measurements of thermal diffusivity also have been carried out on specimens with various concentration of nano metal. Analysis of the data is done on the basis of one-dimensional model of Rosencwaig and Gersho. The present measurements on the thermal diffusivity of nano metal dispersed ceramic alumina shows that porosity has a great influence on the heat transport and the thermal diffusivity value. The present analysis also shows that the inclusion of nano metal into ceramic matrix increases its interconnectivity and hence the thermal diffusivity value. The present study on the samples sintered at different temperature shows that the porosity of the ceramics varies considerably with the change in sintering temperature. The results are interpreted in terms of phonon assisted heat transfer mechanism and the exclusion of pores with the increase in sintering temperature


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Thermal diffusivity of the composites of camphor sulphonic acid (CSA) doped polyaniline (PANI) and its composites with cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc) has been measured using open cell photoacoustic technique. Analysis of the data shows that the effective thermal diffusivity value can be tuned by varying the relative volume fraction of the constituents. It is seen that polaron assisted heat transfer mechanism is dominant in CSA doped PANI and these composites exhibit a thermal diffusivity value which is intermediate to that of CSA doped PANI and CoPc. The results obtained are correlated with the electrical conductivity and hardness measurements carried out on the samples


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Thermal diffusivity of the composites of camphor sulphonic acid (CSA) doped polyaniline (PANI) and its composites with cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc) has been measured using open cell photoacoustic technique. Analysis of the data shows that the effective thermal diffusivity value can be tuned by varying the relative volume fraction of the constituents. It is seen that polaron assisted heat transfer mechanism is dominant in CSA doped PANI and these composites exhibit a thermal diffusivity value which is intermediate to that of CSA doped PANI and CoPc. The results obtained are correlated with the electrical conductivity and hardness measurements carried out on the samples.


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Laser induced transverse photothermal deflection technique has been employed to determine the thermal parameters of InP doped with Sn, S and Fe as well as intrinsic InP. The thermal diffusivity values of these various samples are evaluated from the slope of the curve plotted between the phase of photothermal deflection signal and pump-probe offset. Analysis of the data shows that heat transport and hence the thermal diffusivity value, is greatly affected by the introduction of dopant. It is also seen that the direction of heat flow with respect to the plane of cleavage of semiconductor wafers influences the thermal diffusivity value. The results are explained in terms of dominating phonon assisted heat transfer mechanism in semiconductors.


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Starve feeding of single screw extruder was described as an important means of improving the performance characteristics of the extruder. In addition to such improvement with versatility, the starve feeding technique also may affect the mechanical properties of the extrudate since the heat transfer an(l mixing characteristics in the starve fed and Hood fed extruders are not the same. Since the material is more loosely packed in the channels of the starve fed extruder, there may be greater bed mobility and uniformity. Further, the. thermal an(l shear induced degradation are also less since possibilities of developing local high temperatures are less compared to a densely compacted extruder bed. This study has been undertaken mainly to explore the effect of feeding rate on the mechanical properties of rubber and plastic extrudates since the effect of feeding rate has not been analysed from this angle so far.


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Die in dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Untersuchungen zeigen, daß es möglich ist, komplexe thermische Systeme, unter Verwendung der thermisch-, elektrischen Analogien, mit PSpice zu simulieren. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchungen standen hierbei Strangkühlkörper zur Kühlung von elektronischen Bauelementen. Es konnte gezeigt werden,daß alle Wärmeübertragungsarten, (Wärmeleitung, Konvektion und Wärmestrahlung) in der Simulation berücksichtigt werden können. Für die Berechnung der Konvektion wurden verschiedene Methoden hergeleitet. Diese gelten zum einen für verschiedene Kühlkörpergeometrien, wie z.B. ebene Flächen und Kühlrippenzwischenräume, andererseits unterscheiden sie sich, je nachdem, ob freie oder erzwungene Konvektion betrachtet wird. Für die Wärmestrahlung zwischen den Kühlrippen wurden verschiedenen Berechnungsmethoden entwickelt. Für die Simulation mit PSpice wurde die Berechnung der Wärmestrahlung zwischen den Kühlrippen vereinfacht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Fehler, die durch die Vereinfachung entstehen, vernachlässigbar klein sind. Für das thermische Verhalten einer zu kühlenden Wärmequelle wurde ein allgemeines Modell entworfen. Zur Bestimmung der Modellparameter wurden verschiedene Meßverfahren entwickelt. Für eine im Fachgebiet Elektromechanik entwickelte Wärmequelle zum Test von Kühlvorrichtungen wurde mit Hilfe dieser Meßverfahren eine Parameterbestimmung durchgeführt. Die Erstellung des thermischen Modells eines Kühlkörpers für die Simulation in PSpice erfordert die Analyse der Kühlkörpergeometrie. Damit diese Analyse weitestgehend automatisiert werden kann, wurden verschiedene Algorithmen unter Matlab entwickelt. Es wurde ein Algorithmus entwickelt, der es ermöglicht, den Kühlkörper in Elementarzellen zu zerlegen, die für die Erstellung des Simulationsmodells benötigt werden. Desweiteren ist es für die Simulation notwendig zu wissen, welche der Elementarzellen am Rand des Kühlkörpers liegen, welche der Elementarzellen an einem Kühlrippenzwischenraum liegen und welche Kühlkörperkanten schräg verlaufen. Auch zur Lösung dieser Aufgaben wurden verschiedene Algorithmen entwickelt. Diese Algorithmen wurden zu einem Programm zusammengefaßt, das es gestattet, unterschiedliche Strangkühlkörper zu simulieren und die Simulationsergebnisse in Form der Temperaturverteilung auf der Montagefläche des Kühlkörpers grafisch darzustellen. Es können stationäre und transiente Simulationen durchgeführt werden. Desweiteren kann der thermische Widerstand des Kühlkörpers RthK als Funktion der Verlustleistung der Wärmequelle dargestellt werden. Zur Verifikation der Simulationsergebnisse wurden Temperaturmessungen an Kühlkörpern durchgeführt und mit den Simulationsergebnissen verglichen. Diese Vergleiche zeigen, daß die Abweichungen im Bereich der Streuung der Temperaturmessung liegen. Das hier entwickelte Verfahren zur thermischen Simulation von Strangkühlkörpern kann somit als gut bewertet werden.