982 resultados para Llull, Ramon, 1232 o 3-1315 o 6
Estudo transversal, tipo survey, realizado com a equipe multiprofissional de Atendimento Pré-hospitalar (APh) de Belo Horizonte, entre junho e dezembro de 2006. Objetivou-se determinar a incidência dos acidentes ocupacionais por exposição a material biológico, condutas pós-acidente, e fatores demográficos determinantes. Utilizou-se questionário estruturado, análise descritiva, cálculo de incidências e regressão logística. A incidência de acidentes com material biológico foi de 20,6%: 40,8% por pérfuro-cortantes e 49,0% por fluidos corporais; 35,3% entre médicos e 24,0% entre enfermeiros. Condutas pós-acidente: sem avaliação médica, 63,3%; subnotificação, 81,6%; nenhuma conduta, 55,0%; e, sem acompanhamento sorológico, 61,2%. Estiveram associados ao acidente: tempo na instituição (Odds ratio-OR 2,84; Intervalo de confiança-IC 95% 1,22-6,62), lotação na Unidade de Suporte Avançado (OR 4,18; IC 95% 1,64-10,64); interação: tempo na instituição e lotação na Unidade de Suporte Básico (OR 0,27; IC 95% 0,07-1,00). Sugere-se a implantação de protocolos pós-acidentes, visando a sua redução; a subnotificação e o aumento do acompanhamento pós-acidente.
Introduction. - En Suisse, la prescription de produits biologiqueschez les patients souffrant de polyarthrite rhumatoïde (PR) n'est nilimitée à des centres hospitaliers de rhumatologie, ni soumise à desdirectives strictes éditées par les autorités sanitaires sur le type oule nombre de traitements de fond préalables. La notion d'échec auxtraitements de fond n'est pas non plus précisément définie, et enparticulier l'activité de la maladie ne doit pas répondre à des critèresstricts, notamment en terme de valeurs de DAS, et ce contrairementà de nombreux autres pays où l'impact de ces restrictions aété publié récemment (1, 2).Le registre SCQM peut être considéré comme un bon reflet de lapopulation suisse avec PR, aussi bien pour la population suivie pardes centres hospitaliers que par les practiciens en cabinet privé, eton estime qu'environ 30 % des patients avec PR recevant des traitementsbiologiques en Suisse sont inclus dans ce registre.L'objectif primaire de cette étude est de comparer les caractéristiquesdes patients de notre registre à l'initiation et après un an de traitementbiologique avec celles de registres du même type dans des pays avecun accès plus restreint aux traitements biologiques. Les objectifssecondaires sont de comparer les patients traités en milieu hospitalieret ceux pris en charge en cabinet privé, et aussi d'examiner s'il existedes tendances temporelles (avant et après 2005).Patients et Méthodes. - Les données sont extraites du registre suissede PR (SCQM) qui comprend 4 500 patients inclus entre 1997 et2011. 2 715 patients bénéficient d'un traitement biologique, dont2 427 avec des données à l'introduction du traitement : DAS28/VS,DAS28/CRP, HAQ, durée de la maladie, nbre de tttt préalables, comorbidités,etc. Les principales données démographiques sont : âgemoyen 55 ans, 77 % de femmes 72 % FR+, médecins prescripteurs :62 % en cabinet, 21 % en centre hospitaliers et 16 % en centres universitaires.Nous avons calculés les moyennes (+/- écart type) pourdifférents paramètres de l'activité de la maladie.Résultats. - La moyenne du DAS28/VS à l'introduction du traitement(4,4 +/- 1,3) est nettement inférieur aux valeurs publiées pard'autres registres européens ou canadien (5,3 < > 6,6 ; 1,2). Il en ende même pour le HAQ (1 versus 1,4). Les biologiques sont introduitsaprès en moyenne 1,1 +/- 1 DMARD préalable contre > 3 en Suède,au Danemark ou au Canada.Les caractéristiques démographiques, le degré d'activité et les traitementsprodigués sont similaires entre les patients traités encabinet privé ou en milieu hospitalier, hormis pour une proportionmoindre de traitements iv en cabinet (20 % versus 40 %). Après2005, les traitements biologiques sont introduits beaucoup plusprécocemment, avec une durée médiane de maladie avant l'introductionde thérapies biologiques diminuant de 96 à 51 mois. Onnote également une répartition entre les divers produits biologiquesqui se diversifie. Même si les traitements sont introduits à undegré d'activité similaire (DAS28/VS moyen à 4,4 +/- 1,3) onobserve de meilleurs résultats à 1 an avec un DAS moyen à 1 an :3,5 +/- 1,4 avant 2005 contre 3,1 +/- 1,3 après 2005 (p = 0.0001).Conclusion. - Les données du registre suisse des PR (SCQM) suggèrentque, en l'absence de critères restrictifs d'accès aux traitements biologiques,ceux-ci sont prescrits à des scores d'activité de la maladie(DAS et HAQ) inférieurs, et plus précocemement en terme de nombrede DMARD préalables. Cette tendance se confirme dans le temps, etse retrouve aussi bien en milieu hospitalier qu'en cabinet.En terme de résultats, après 2005, plus de 50 % des patients atteignentun bas degré d'activité de la maladie en terme de DAS aprèsun an de traitement, chiffre qui semble justifier ce type de systèmepeu restrictif favorisant certainement une approche thérapeutiqueplus proche des nouveaux paragidmes de traitement avec une stratégiede type « treat to target ».Références[1] Curtis J R et al. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 40:2-14,2009.[2] Pease C, Pope JE, Truong D et al. Semin Arthritis Rheum, December2010.
Reconstruction of important parameters such as femoral offset and torsion is inaccurate, when templating is based on plain x-rays. We evaluate intraoperative reproducibility of pre-operative CT-based 3D-templating in a consecutive series of 50 patients undergoing primary cementless THA through an anterior approach. Pre-operative planning was compared to a postoperative CT scan by image fusion. The implant size was correctly predicted in 100% of the stems, 94% of the cups and 88% of the heads (length). The difference between the planned and the postoperative leg length was 0.3 + 2.3 mm. Values for overall offset, femoral anteversion, cup inclination and anteversion were 1.4 mm ± 3.1, 0.6° ± 3.3°, -0.4° ± 5° and 6.9° ± 11.4°, respectively. This planning allows accurate implant size prediction. Stem position and cup inclination are accurately reproducible.
Résumé : Ce travail porte sur l'étude rétrospective d'une série de jeunes patients opérés de glaucomes pédiatriques. Le but est d'évaluer le résultat au long cours d'une intervention chirurgicale combinant une sclérectomie profonde et une trabéculectomie (sclérectomie profonde pénétrante). Durant la période de mars 1997 à octobre 2006, 28 patients on été suivis pour évaluer le résultat de cette chirurgie effectuées sur 35 yeux. Un examen ophtalmologique complet a été pratiqué avant la chirurgie, 1 et 7 jours, puis 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12 mois, enfin tous les 6 mois après l'opération. Les critères d'évaluation du résultat postopératoire sont : les changements de pression intraoculaire, le traitement antiglaucomateux adjuvant, le taux de complication, le nombre de reprises chirurgicales,- l'erreur de réfraction, la meilleure acuité visuelle corrigée, l'état et le diamètre de la cornée. L'âge moyen est de 3.6 ± 4.5 ans et le suivi moyen de 3.6 ± 2.9 ans. La pression intraoculaire préopératoire de 31.9 ± 11.5 mmHg baisse de 58.3% (p<0.005) à la fin du suivi. Sur les 14 patients dont l'acuité visuelle a pu être mesurée, 8 (57.1 %) ont une acuité égale ou supérieure à 5/10e, 3 (21.4%) une acuité de 2/10e après intervention. Le taux de succès cumulatif complet à 9 ans est de 52.3%, le succès relatif 70.6%. Les complications menaçant la vision (8.6%) ont été plus fréquentes dans les cas de glaucome réfractaire. Pour conclure la sclérectomie profonde combinée à une trabéculectomie est une technique chirurgicale développée afin de contrôler la pression intraoculaire dans les cas de glaucomes congénitaux, juvéniles et secondaires. Les résultats intermédiaires sont encourageants et prometteurs. Les cas préalablement opérés avant cette nouvelle technique ont cependant un pronostic moins favorable. Le nombre de complications menaçant la vision est essentiellement lié à la sévérité du glaucome et au nombre d'interventions préalables. Abstract : Purpose : To evaluate the outcomes of combined deep sclerectomy and trabeculectomy (penetrating deep sclerectomy) in pediatric glaucoma. Design : Retrospective, non-consecutive, non-comparative, interventional case series. Participants : Children suffering from pediatric glaucoma who underwent surgery between March 1997 and October 2006 were included in this study. Methods : A primary combined deep sclerectomy and trabeculectomy was performed in 35 eyes of 28 patients. Complete examinations were performed before surgery, postoperatively at 1 and 7 days, at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12 months and then every 6 months after surgery. Main Outcome Measures : Surgical outcome was assessed in terms of intraocular pressure (IOP) change, additional glaucoma medication, complication rate, need for surgical revision, as well as refractive errors, best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), and corneal clarity and diameters. Results : The mean age before surgery was 3.6 ± 4.5 years, and the mean follow-up was 3.5 ± 2.9 years. The mean preoperative IOP was 31.9 ± 11.5 mmHg. At the end of follow-up, the mean IOP decreased by 58.3% (p<0.005), and from 14 patients with available BCVA 8 patients (57.1 %) achieved. 0.5 (20/40) or better, 3 (21.4%) 0.2 (20/100), and 2 (14.3%) 0.1 (20/200) in their better eye. The mean refractive error (spherical equivalent) at final follow-up visits was +0.83 ± 5.4. Six patients (43%) were affected by myopia. The complete and qualified success rates, based on a cumulative survival curve, after- 9 years were 52.3% and 70.6%, respectively (p<0.05). Sight threatening complications were more common (8.6%) in refractory glaucomas. Conclusions : Combined deep sclerectomy and trabeculectomy is a surgical technique developed to control IOP in congenital, secondary and juvenile glaucomas. The intermediate results are satisfactory and promising. Previous classic glaucoma surgeries performed before this new technique had less favourable results. The number of sight threatening complications is related to the severity of glaucoma and number of previous surgeries.
Seizures appear at stroke presentation, during the acute phase or as a late complication of stroke. Thrombolysis has not been investigated as a risk factor despite its potential neurotoxic effect. We try to identify risk factors for seizures during the acute phase of ischemic stroke in a cohort including thrombolysed patients. We undertook a case-control study at a single stroke center using data from Acute Stroke Registry and Analyse of Lausanne (ASTRAL). Patients with seizure occurring during the first 7 days following stroke were retrospectively identified. Bi-variable and multivariable statistical analyses were applied to compare cases and randomly selected controls. We identified 28 patients experiencing from seizures in 2,327 acute ischemic strokes (1.2 %). All seizures occurred during the first 72 h. Cortical involvement, thrombolysis with rt-PA, arterial recanalization, and higher initial NIHSS were statistically associated with seizures in univariated analysis. Backward linear regression identified cortical involvement (OR 7.53, 95 % CI 1.6-35.2, p < 0.01) and thrombolysis (OR 4.6, 95 % CI 1.6-13.4, p = 0.01) as being independently associated with seizure occurrence. Overall, 3-month outcome measured by the modified Rankin scale (mRS) was comparable in both groups. In the subgroup of thrombolysed patients, outcome was significantly worse at 3 months in the seizure group with 9/12 (75 %) patients with mRS ≥3, compared to 6/18 (33.3 %) in the seizure-free group (p = 0.03). Acute seizures in acute ischemic stroke were relatively infrequent. Cortical involvement and thrombolysis with rt-PA are the principal risk factors. Seizures have a potential negative influence on clinical outcome in thrombolysed patients.
Objective: An inverse relationship between blood pressure and cognitive function has been found in adults, but limited data are available in adolescents and young adults. We prospectively examined the relation between blood pressure and cognitive function in adolescence. Methods: We examined the association between BP measured at the ages of 12-15 years in school surveys and cognitive endpoints measured in the Seychelles Child Development Study at ages 17 (n=407) and 19 (n=429) years respectively. We evaluated multiple domains of cognition based on subtests of the Cambridge Neurological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB), the Woodcock Johnson Test of Scholastic Achievement (WJTA), the Finger Tapping test (FT) and the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (K-BIT). We used age-, sex- and height-specific z-scores of systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP). Results: Six out of the 21 cognitive endpoints tested were associated with BP. However, none of these associations were found to hold for both males and females or for different subtests within the same neurodevelopmental domain or for both SBP and DBP. Most of these associations disappeared when analyses were adjusted for selected potential confounding factors such as socio-economic status, birth weight, gestational age, body mass index, alcohol consumption, blood glucose, and total n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fats. Conclusions: Our findings do not support a consistent association between BP and subsequent performance on tests assessing various cognitive domains in adolescents.
AIM: To prospectively study the intraocular pressure (IOP) lowering effect and safety of the new method of very deep sclerectomy with collagen implant (VDSCI) compared with standard deep sclerectomy with collagen implant (DSCI). METHODS: The trial involved 50 eyes of 48 patients with medically uncontrolled primary and secondary open-angle glaucoma, randomized to undergo either VDSCI procedure (25 eyes) or DSCI procedure (25 eyes). Follow-up examinations were performed before surgery and after surgery at day 1, at week 1, at months 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 months. Ultrasound biomicroscopy was performed at 3 and 12 months. RESULTS: Mean follow-up period was 18.6+/-5.9 (VDSCI) and 18.9+/-3.6 (DSCI) months (P=NS). Mean preoperative IOP was 22.4+/-7.4 mm Hg for VDSCI and 20.4+/-4.4 mm Hg for DSCI eyes (P=NS). Mean postoperative IOP was 3.9+/-2.3 (VDSCI) and 6.3+/-4.3 (DSCI) (P<0.05) at day 1, and 12.2+/-3.9 (VDSCI) and 13.3+/-3.4 (DSCI) (P=NS) at month 24. At the last visit, the complete success rate (defined as an IOP of < or =18 mm Hg and a percentage drop of at least 20%, achieved without medication) was 57% in VDSCI and 62% in DSCI eyes (P=NS) ultrasound biomicroscopy at 12 months showed a mean volume of the subconjunctival filtering bleb of 3.9+/-4.2 mm3 (VDSCI) and 6.8+/-7.5 mm3 (DSCI) (P=0.426) and 5.2+/-3.6 mm3 (VDSCI) and 5.4+/-2.9 mm3 (DSCI) (P=0.902) for the intrascleral space. CONCLUSIONS: Very deep sclerectomy seems to provide stable and good control of IOP at 2 years of follow-up with few postoperative complications similar to standard deep sclerectomy with the collagen implant.
BACKGROUND & AIM: Brain metastases are frequent in patients with metastatic melanoma, indicating poor prognosis. We investigated the BRAF kinase inhibitor vemurafenib in patients with advanced melanoma with symptomatic brain metastases. METHODS: This open-label trial assessed vemurafenib (960mg twice a day) in patients with BRAF(V600) mutation-positive metastatic melanoma with non-resectable, previously treated brain metastases. The primary end-point was safety. Secondary end-points included best overall response rate, and progression-free and overall survival. RESULTS: Twenty-four patients received vemurafenib for a median treatment duration of 3.8 (0.1-11.3) months. The majority of discontinuations were due to disease progression (n=22). Twenty-three of 24 patients reported at least one adverse event (AE). Grade 3 AEs were reported in four (17%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 4.7-37.4%) patients and included cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in four patients. Median progression-free survival was 3.9 (95% CI, 3.0-5.5) months, and median survival was 5.3 (95% CI, 3.9-6.6) months. An overall partial response (PR) at both intracranial and extracranial sites was achieved in 10 of 24 (42%; 95% CI, 22.1-63.4) evaluable patients, with stable disease in nine (38%; 95% CI, 18.8-59.4) patients. Of 19 patients with measurable intracranial disease, seven (37%) achieved >30% intracranial tumour regression, and three (16%; 95% CI, 3.4-39.6%) achieved a confirmed PR. Other signs of improvement included reduced need for corticosteroids and enhanced performance status. CONCLUSIONS: Vemurafenib can be safely used in patients with advanced symptomatic melanoma that has metastasised to the brain and can result in meaningful tumour regression.
During adolescence, cognitive abilities increase robustly. To search for possible related structural alterations of the cerebral cortex, we measured neuronal soma dimension (NSD = width times height), cortical thickness and neuronal densities in different types of neocortex in post-mortem brains of five 12-16 and five 17-24 year-olds (each 2F, 3M). Using a generalized mixed model analysis, mean normalized NSD comparing the age groups shows layer-specific change for layer 2 (p < .0001) and age-related differences between categorized type of cortex: primary/primary association cortex (BA 1, 3, 4, and 44) shows a generalized increase; higher-order regions (BA 9, 21, 39, and 45) also show increase in layers 2 and 5 but decrease in layers 3, 4, and 6 while limbic/orbital cortex (BA 23, 24, and 47) undergoes minor decrease (BA 1, 3, 4, and 44 vs. BA 9, 21, 39, and 45: p = .036 and BA 1, 3, 4, and 44 vs. BA 23, 24, and 47: p = .004). These data imply the operation of cortical layer- and type-specific processes of growth and regression adding new evidence that the human brain matures during adolescence not only functionally but also structurally.
Die Situation der reformierten Kirchen in der Schweiz hat sich dramatisch verändert. Aufgrund von mehr als 50 Experteninterviews und der Analyse der verfügbaren wissenschaftlichen und kircheninternen Studien zeigen Jörg Stolz und Edmée Ballif, welche Auswirkungen die gesellschaftlichen Megatrends auf die Kantonalkirchen haben und wie unterschiedlich die Kirchen darauf reagieren. Insbesondere beschreiben sie erfolgreiche neue Gottesdienstformen, Öffentlichkeitsstrategien und Führungsmodelle, die in verschiedenen Gemeinden und Kirchen entstanden sind. Ein Buch für alle, die sich für die Zukunft der Religion und der Kirchen in der modernen Gesellschaft interessieren, ein Muss für kirchliche Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sowie kirchliche Entscheidungsträgerinnen und Entscheidungsträger.
Background: There is little information regarding the determinants and trends of the prevalence of low cardiovascular risk factor (RF) profile in the general population. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and trends of low RF profile in the Swiss population according to different definitions. Methods: Population-based cross-sectional studies conducted in 1984-6 (N=3300), 1988-9 (N=3331), 1992-3 (N=3133) and 2003-6 (N=6170) and restricted to age group 35-75 years. Seven different definitions of low RF profile were used to assess determinants, while two definitions were used to assess trends. Results: Prevalence of low RF profile varied between 6.5% (95% confidence interval: 5.9-7.1) and 9.7% (9.0-10.5) depending on the definition used. This prevalence was higher than in other countries. Irrespective of the definition used, the prevalence of low RF profile was higher in women and in physically active participants, and decreased with increasing age or in the presence of a family history of cardiovascular disease. Using one definition, the prevalence of low RF profile increased from 3.8% (3.1-4.5) in 1984-6 to 6.7% (6.1-7.3) in 2003-6; using another definition, the results were 5.9% (5.1-6.8) and 9.7% (9.0-10.5), respectively. Conclusion: Switzerland is characterized by a high and increasing prevalence of low RF profile within the age group 35 to 75, irrespective of the criteria used. This high prevalence might partly e