928 resultados para Life cycle stages


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(Gyllenhal) is a common firefly in the Southeastern region of Brazil. Adults and larvae were collected in the municipality of Campinas, state of So Paulo, Brazil, and the immature stages were described and reared in the laboratory. Four generations were reproduced in the laboratory, and a method for its rearing was established. The life cycle usually lasts 6 months, but under optimal laboratory conditions, it lasted from 2 to 4 months. Larvae were fed with and snails since the beginning of the larval stage. This species was found to be easily adapted to environments under anthropic influence, such as urban areas and farms.


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In the laboratory, Amblyomma cajennense (Acari: Ixodidae) (Fabricius) larvae, nymphs and adults were exposed to Rickettsia rickettsii by feeding on needle-inoculated animals, and thereafter reared on uninfected guinea pigs or rabbits. Regardless of the tick stage that acquired the infection, subsequent tick stages were shown to be infected (confirming transstadial and transovarial transmissions) and were able to transmit R. rickettsii to uninfected animals, as demonstrated by serological and molecular analyses. However, the larval, nymphal and adult stages of A. cajennense were shown to be partially refractory to R. rickettsii infection, as in all cases, only part of the ticks became infected by this agent, after being exposed to rickettsemic animals. In addition, less than 50% of the infected engorged females transmitted rickettsiae transovarially, and when they did so, only part of the offspring became infected, indicating that vertical transmission alone is not enough to maintain R. rickettsii in A. cajennense for multiple generations. Finally, the R. rickettsii-infected tick groups had lower reproductive performance than the uninfected control group. Our results indicate that A. cajennense have a low efficiency to maintain R. rickettsii for successive generations, as R. rickettsii-infection rates should decline drastically throughout the successive tick generations.


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Cryptosporidium parvum ist ein intrazellulärer protozoischer Darmparasit (Apikomplexa), der weltweit zu den bedeutendsten Erregern von Diarrhöen beim Menschen und einer Reihe von Nutztieren zählt. Vor allem immunkompromittierte Personen wie zum Beispiel AIDS-Patienten erleiden schwere, chronische bis lebensbedrohende Erkrankungen. Da nach wie vor keine effektive Therapie gegen eine Kryptosporidiose in Form eines spezifisch wirkenden Chemotherapeutikums oder einer Vakzine existiert, ist es notwendig, die Immunantwort des Wirtes gegen den Parasiten und dessen Bindung, Invasion und die intrazelluläre Entwicklung in den Epithelzellen eingehend zu studieren, um neue Ansatzpunkte zu entwickeln. Wohingegen Menschen zeitlebens suszeptibel für eine Infektion mit C. parvum sind, entwickeln Mäuse eine natürliche Resistenz und können als adulte Tiere nicht mehr infiziert werden. Daher sind Mausmodelle der Kryptosporidiose auf neonatale oder immunsupprimierte und immundefiziente adulte Mäuse beschränkt. Bei der Überwindung einer C. parvum-Infektion sind Effektoren der natürlichen und adaptiven Immunität beteiligt. Die zentrale Rolle spielen CD4+-T-Zellen, sowie Interferon-gamma und Interleukin-12. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Infektionen in IFN-gamma (GKO)- und IL-12 p40 (IL12KO)-Knockout-Mäusen (C57BL/6) etabliert, für die bereits gezeigt wurde, dass sie eine Suszeptibilität gegenüber einer Erstinfektion besitzen. Erstmals wurden die beiden Infektionsmodelle parallel unter denselben Bedingungen analysiert, um Rückschlüsse auf die Funktion und die Bedeutung der beiden Th1-Zytokine IFN-gamma und IL-12 bei der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Parasiten und der Überwindung einer Infektion ziehen zu können. Es wurden deutliche Unterschiede im Infektionsverlauf, bei der Höhe und Dauer der Parasitenausscheidung und der induzierten systemischen und mukosalen Antikörperantwort beobachtet. Zum ersten Mal konnte gezeigt werden, dass neben IL12KO auch GKO in der Lage sind, eine erste Infektion zu überwinden und eine Resistenz gegenüber einer erneuten Konfrontation mit dem Parasiten zu entwickeln. Alle Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Etablierung einer protektiven Immunität gegen eine Kryptosporidiose generell unabhängig von der Anwesenheit der Zytokine IFN-gamma und IL-12 ist, der Verlust von IFN-gamma jedoch schwerer wiegt. Bei GKO-Mäusen persistierte der Parasit in Form einer niedriggradigen chronischen Infektion. Die beiden Infektionsmodelle stellten sich als ideales System für die Etablierung einer effektiven Immunisierungsstrategie heraus. Intranasale Immunisierungen, welche neben einer systemischen auch eine mukosale Immunantwort induzieren können, schienen einen richtigen Ansatz darzustellen. Intraperitoneale und subkutane Immunisierungen führten zwar zur Ausbildung einer starken spezifischen IgG-Antwort im Serum, diese war jedoch nicht in der Lage, einen Schutz vor einer Infektion zu vermitteln. Neben den in vivo Untersuchungen wurde des Weiteren auch die intrazelluläre Entwicklung von C. parvum in einem in vitro Kultursystem verfolgt. Zum ersten Mal wurde die Genexpression von vier Oberflächenproteinen der invasiven Zoitenstadien und eines Oozystenwandproteins parallel durch RT-PCR analysiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass alle untersuchten Gene während der intrazellulären Entwicklung differentiell exprimiert werden, was eine unterschiedliche Funktion der Proteine während des Entwicklungszyklus nahe legt. Das Expressionsmuster der verschiedenen Gene charakterisiert bestimmte Abschnitte innerhalb des Entwicklungszyklus. Dabei wurden Marker für die Invasion (CP17) sowie für die asexuelle (GP900) und sexuelle Replikation (COWP) identifiziert.


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Das minore Kapsidprotein L2 humaner Papillomviren wird im Laufe des HPV-Lebenszyklus zweimal in den Zellkern importiert und akkumuliert dort an den Nukleären Domänen 10 (ND10). Der erste Kernimport erfolgt in der frühen Phase der Infektion zusammen mit der Virus-DNA. Für den Zusammenbau von Virionen wird neu synthetisiertes L2-Protein ein weiteres Mal in den Kern transportiert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte die Domäne von L2 identifiziert werden, die für den Kernimport von HPV16 L2 absolut notwendig ist. Dabei gelang es diesen Bereich auf 25 Aminosäuren einzuengen. Sowohl während der frühen Phase der Infektion als auch während der Morphogenese scheint die zentrale, basische Aminosäureregion 291-315 (mNLS) hauptverantwortlich für die Interaktion mit Kernimportrezeptoren zu sein. Möglicherweise leisten dabei flankierende Sequenzen einen Beitrag zur Stabilisierung der notwendigen Konformation. Des Weiteren gelang die Identifizierung der Aminosäuren, die für die Funktionalität des mNLS essentiell sind. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein zentrales Arginin-Motiv, bestehend aus vier dicht beieinander liegenden Argininen, dessen Mutation den Kernimport von L2 während Infektion und Morphogenese verhindert. Untersuchungen mit HPV16 und HPV18 L2-Proteinen verdeutlichten, dass es möglicherweise ein universelles Motiv zu sein scheint und in verschiedenen HPV-Typen konserviert ist. Flankiert wird dieses Arginin-Motiv von konservierten Serinen und Threoninen. Wie die Analyse von Punktmutationen zeigte, sind diese Aminosäuren für den Kernimport von L2 ohne Bedeutung. Interessanterweise verhinderte aber die Mutation TS295/6A die Kolokalisation von L2 mit ND10 im Zellkern. L2wt rekrutiert den transkriptionellen Regulator Daxx. Auch diese Funktion ging bei der Mutante TS295/6A verloren. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass nicht nur die ND10-Lokalisationsdomäne (AS 390-420) in L2 sondern auch weitere Aminosäuren oder Domänen für die Assoziation mit ND10 und die Rekrutierung von Daxx verantwortlich sein könnten. Auf der Suche nach zellulären Faktoren, die eine Rolle im mNLS-vermittelten Kernimport spielen, wurde zunächst die Bedeutung von Hsc70 untersucht. Während der Morphogenese maskiert Hsc70 den C-Terminus von L2 und verhindert damit unerwünschte Interaktionen mit Mikrotubuli im Zytoplasma. Es existieren aber weitere noch unbekannte Hsc70-Bindedomänen in L2, die möglicherweise den Kernimport ebenfalls beeinflussen können. Wie die Untersuchungen deutlich machten, ist der zentrale, basische Bereich von L2 aber nicht mit Hsc70 assoziiert und der mNLS-vermittelte Kernimport findet unabhängig von Hsc70 statt. In einem siRNA-Screen wurde anschließend die Rolle von Karyopherinen während der Infektion untersucht. Sowohl Kapß2-siRNA als auch Kapß3-siRNA waren in der Lage unabhängig voneinander die Infektion von HPV16-Pseudovirionen zu reduzieren. Für beide Karyopherine konnte in der Vergangenheit in vitro die Interaktion mit HPV16 L2 nachgewiesen werden. Das L2-Protein ist das einzige virale Protein, das während der Infektion die Virus-DNA in den Kern begleitet (Day et al., 2004). Demzufolge ist es auch das einzige virale Protein, das mit Importinen während der Infektion interagiert. Möglicherweise sind also beide Karyopherine in der Lage sein L2 während der Infektion in den Kern zu importieren. Abschließend wurden Präzipitationsversuche durchgeführt, die zur Identifizierung möglicher Bindungspartner des mNLS führen sollten. In diesen Versuchen konnte eine erhöhte Bindungsaffiniät zu den beiden Importinen Kapß1 und Kapß2 festgestellt werden. Möglicherweise ist das L2-Protein mit seiner mNLS in der Lage mehrere Importrezeptoren zu binden und für den Kernimport zu nutzen. Eines dieser Importine ist Kapß2. Dieser Importrezeptor scheint sowohl bei der Infektion als auch während der Morphogenese den Kernimport von L2 durch die Bindung an das mNLS zu vermitteln.


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In the present study of sponge-bacterial association, the presence of a marine bacterium which has not seen to be associated previously with the Mediterranean sponge Suberites domuncula was investigated. The marine sponge S. domuncula was chosen as the subject of investigation, for the identification of potential symbiotic microorganisms, since it can be kept under controlled laboratory conditions for over five years. By the use of specialized media assisting in the growth of a metal oxidizing bacterium, the manganese oxidizing bacterium was isolated from the surface of the marine sponge. The bacterium so isolated was characterized for its growth characteristics by microbiological and biochemical techniques, a detailed analysis of which showed that the bacterium followed a life cycle where the culture showed the presence of spore forming bacteria. This was correlated to the manganese oxidation activity of the bacteria and it was found that both stages are interdependent.The action of the protein responsible for carrying out the manganese (Mn) oxidation was studied by an in-gel oxidation assay, and the presence of a multi copper oxidase was confirmed by the use of copper chelators in the buffer. In parallel the effect of addition of copper was observed on the manganese oxidation by the bacteria thus supporting the observations. The manganese oxidation reaction by the bacteria was determined in the culture medium and on the surface of the cells, and it could be concluded that the oxidation was facilitated by the presence of the polysaccharides and proteins on the surface of the cells.Thus the presence of a bacterium capable of oxidizing the manganese from the surroundings was confirmed to be symbiotically associated with the marine sponge S. domuncula by monitoring its growth in axenic cultures. The reasons behind this association were studied.This bacterium displays a crucial role in the physiology/metabolism of the sponge by acting as a reversible Mn store in S. domuncula. According to this view, the presence of SubDo-03 bacteria is required as a protection against higher, toxic concentrations of Mn in the environment; manganese (II) after undergoing oxidation to manganese (IV), becomes an insoluble ion. Since only minute levels of manganese exist in the surrounding seawater a substantial accumulation of manganese has to arise, or a release by the bacterial-precipitated manganese (IV) is implicated to maintain the reversible balance. The other possible benefits provided by the bacterial association to the sponge could be in preventing cellular oxygen toxicity, help in nutrient scavenging and detoxification.


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L’anguilla europea, è una specie eurialina catadroma con un complesso ciclo biologico: l’area di riproduzione, unica, si trova molto distante da quella di distribuzione. La specie necessita di una gestione dello stock a fini conservazionistici. Il problema è europeo: lo stock è unico, distribuito in Europa e nell’Africa settentrionale, si riproduce in Atlantico ed è panmittico. C’è preoccupazione per il declino del reclutamento e delle catture di adulti. Lo scopo del progetto è di individuare possibili unità di stock nella penisola italiana. La ricerca è basata sullo studio degli otoliti mediante analisi morfometrica e microchimica. I contorni degli otoliti sono sottoposti ad analisi ellittica di Fourier per individuare eventuali gruppi. Gli otoliti sono stati levigati per effettuare: letture d’età, indagini microstrutturali al SEM delle fasi larvali, analisi microchimiche LA-ICP-MS del nucleo, studiarne l’origine e valutare l’ambiente di sviluppo. Le indagini morfometriche mostrano evidenti pattern ontogenetici, ma non legati ocorrelati alla località, sesso o anno di nascita. Le indagini microstrutturali hanno evidenziano l’alto contenuto organico nucleare, un pattern comune di crescita ed eventi chiave delle fasi larvali, con una media di 212 anelli giornalieri. La microchimica rivela che le larve si sviluppano in acque salate fino alla metamorfosi, poi migrano verso acque meno salate. Le analisi su campioni nati nello stesso anno, evidenziano due gruppi: individui di rimonta naturale e individui di ripopolamento. I profili nucleo bordo evidenziano la permanenza a salinità intermedie degli adulti. L’attività di ricerca si è dimostrata proficua dal punto di vista tecnico con la messa a punto di protocolli innovativi e con forti ricadute sulla riduzione dei tempi e costi d’analisi. Il debole segnale di possibili unità di stock andrà verificato in futuro mediante analisi più dettagliate discriminando meglio la storia di ogni singolo individuo.


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In the last years, the European countries have paid increasing attention to renewable sources and greenhouse emissions. The Council of the European Union and the European Parliament have established ambitious targets for the next years. In this scenario, biomass plays a prominent role since its life cycle produces a zero net carbon dioxide emission. Additionally, biomass can ensure plant operation continuity thanks to its availability and storage ability. Several conventional systems running on biomass are available at the moment. Most of them are performant either in the large-scale or in the small power range. The absence of an efficient system on the small-middle scale inspired this thesis project. The object is an innovative plant based on a wet indirectly fired gas turbine (WIFGT) integrated with an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) unit for combined heat and power production. The WIFGT is a performant system in the small-middle power range; the ORC cycle is capable of giving value to low-temperature heat sources. Their integration is investigated in this thesis with the aim of carrying out a preliminary design of the components. The targeted plant output is around 200 kW in order not to need a wide cultivation area and to avoid biomass shipping. Existing in-house simulation tools are used: They are adapted to this purpose. Firstly the WIFGT + ORC model is built; Zero-dimensional models of heat exchangers, compressor, turbines, furnace, dryer and pump are used. Different fluids are selected but toluene and benzene turn out to be the most suitable. In the indirectly fired gas turbine a pressure ratio around 4 leads to the highest efficiency. From the thermodynamic analysis the system shows an electric efficiency of 38%, outdoing other conventional plants in the same power range. The combined plant is designed to recover thermal energy: Water is used as coolant in the condenser. It is heated from 60°C up to 90°C, ensuring the possibility of space heating. Mono-dimensional models are used to design the heat exchange equipment. Different types of heat exchangers are chosen depending on the working temperature. A finned-plate heat exchanger is selected for the WIFGT heat transfer equipment due to the high temperature, oxidizing and corrosive environment. A once-through boiler with finned tubes is chosen to vaporize the organic fluid in the ORC. A plate heat exchanger is chosen for the condenser and recuperator. A quasi-monodimensional model for single-stage axial turbine is implemented to design both the WIFGT and the ORC turbine. The system simulation after the components design shows an electric efficiency around 34% with a decrease by 10% compared to the zero-dimensional analysis. The work exhibits the system potentiality compared to the existing plants from both technical and economic point of view.


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It has long been known that trypanosomes regulate mitochondrial biogenesis during the life cycle of the parasite; however, the mitochondrial protein inventory (MitoCarta) and its regulation remain unknown. We present a novel computational method for genome-wide prediction of mitochondrial proteins using a support vector machine-based classifier with approximately 90% prediction accuracy. Using this method, we predicted the mitochondrial localization of 468 proteins with high confidence and have experimentally verified the localization of a subset of these proteins. We then applied a recently developed parallel sequencing technology to determine the expression profiles and the splicing patterns of a total of 1065 predicted MitoCarta transcripts during the development of the parasite, and showed that 435 of the transcripts significantly changed their expressions while 630 remain unchanged in any of the three life stages analyzed. Furthermore, we identified 298 alternatively splicing events, a small subset of which could lead to dual localization of the corresponding proteins.


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To determine the subcellular localization of the tegument proteins pp65, pp71, pp150, and pp28 as fusions to one of several fluorescent proteins. Since these tegument proteins play pivotal roles in several stages of the viral life cycle, knowledge of where and the mechanism of how these proteins localize upon release could result in a better understanding of their function during a lytic infection as well as assist in the development of an effective, novel antiviral treatment.


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Today's malaria control efforts are limited by our incomplete understanding of the biology of Plasmodium and of the complex relationships between human populations and the multiple species of mosquito and parasite. Research priorities include the development of in vitro culture systems for the complete life cycle of P. falciparum and P. vivax and the development of an appropriate liver culture system to study hepatic stages. In addition, genetic technologies for the manipulation of Plasmodium need to be improved, the entire parasite metabolome needs to be characterized to identify new druggable targets, and improved information systems for monitoring the changes in epidemiology, pathology, and host-parasite-vector interactions as a result of intensified control need to be established to bridge the gap between bench, preclinical, clinical, and population-based sciences.


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The hair follicle has a lifelong capacity to cycle through recurrent phases of controlled growth (anagen), regression (catagen) and quiescence (telogen), each associated with specific morphological changes. A comprehensive classification scheme is available for mice to distinguish the cycle stages anagen I-VI, catagen I-VIII and telogen. For dogs, such a classification system does not exist, although alopecia associated with hair cycle arrest is common. We applied analogous morphological criteria and various staining techniques to subdivide the canine hair cycle stages to the same extent as has been done in mice. Of all the staining techniques applied, haematoxylin and eosin stain, Sacpic, Masson Fontana and immunohistochemistry for vimentin and laminin proved to be most useful. To evaluate the applicability of our criteria, we investigated skin biopsies from healthy beagle dogs (n=20; biopsies from shoulder and thigh) kept in controlled conditions. From each biopsy, at least 50 hair follicles were assessed. Statistical analysis revealed that 30% of the follicles were in anagen (12% early and 18% late), 8% in catagen (2% early, 5% late and 1% not determinable) and 27% in telogen. Thirty-five per cent of hair follicles could not be assigned to a specific cycle stage because not all follicles within one biopsy were oriented perfectly. In conclusion, this guide will not only be helpful for the investigation of alopecic disorders and possibly their pathogenesis, but may also serve as a basis for research projects in which the comparison of hair cycle stages is essential, e.g. comparative analysis of gene expression patterns.


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Lipid metabolism is of crucial importance for pathogens. Lipids serve as cellular building blocks, signalling molecules, energy stores, posttranslational modifiers, and pathogenesis factors. Parasites rely on a complex system of uptake and synthesis mechanisms to satisfy their lipid needs. The parameters of this system change dramatically as the parasite transits through the various stages of its life cycle. Here we discuss the tremendous recent advances that have been made in the understanding of the synthesis and uptake pathways for fatty acids and phospholipids in apicomplexan and kinetoplastid parasites, including Plasmodium, Toxoplasma, Cryptosporidium, Trypanosoma and Leishmania. Lipid synthesis differs in significant ways between parasites from both phyla and the human host. Parasites have acquired novel pathways through endosymbiosis, as in the case of the apicoplast, have dramatically reshaped substrate and product profiles, and have evolved specialized lipids to interact with or manipulate the host. These differences potentially provide opportunities for drug development. We outline the lipid pathways for key species in detail as they progress through the developmental cycle and highlight those that are of particular importance to the biology of the pathogens and/or are the most promising targets for parasite-specific treatment.


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Gravity wants to pull an ice sheet to the center of the Earth, but cannot because the Earth's crust is in the way, so ice is pushed out sideways instead. Or is it? The ice sheet "sees" nothing preventing it from spreading out except air, which is much less massive than ice. Therefore, does not ice rush forward to fill this relative vacuum; does not the relative vacuum suck ice into it, because Nature abhors a vacuum? If so, the ice sheet is not only pulled downward by gravity, it is also pulled outward by the relative vacuum. This pulling outward will be most rapid where the ice sheet encounters least resistance. The least resistance exists along the bed of ice streams, where ice-bed coupling is reduced by a basal water layer, especially if the ice stream becomes afloat and the floating part is relatively unconfined around its perimeter and unpinned to the sea floor. Ice streams are therefore fast currents of ice that develop near the margins of an ice sheet where these conditions exist. Because of these conditions, ice streams pull ice out of ice sheets and have pulling power equal to the longitudinal gravitational pulling force multiplied by the ice-stream velocity. These boundary conditions beneath and beyond ice streams can be quantified by a basal buoyancy factor that provides a life-cycle classification of ice streams into inception, growth, mature, declining and terminal stages, during which ice streams disintegrate the ice sheet. Surface profiles of ice streams are diagnostic of the stage in a life cycle and, hence, of the vitality of the ice sheet.


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Beginning in the late 1980s, lobster (Homarus americanus) landings for the state of Maine and the Bay of Fundy increased to levels more than three times their previous 20-year means. Reduced predation may have permitted the expansion of lobsters into previously inhospitable territory, but we argue that in this region the spatial patterns of recruitment and the abundance of lobsters are substantially driven by events governing the earliest life history stages, including the abundance and distribution of planktonic stages and their initial settlement as Young-of-Year (YOY) lobsters. Settlement densities appear to be strongly driven by abundance of the pelagic postlarvae. Postlarvae and YOY show large-scale spatial patterns commensurate with coastal circulation, but also multi-year trends in abundance and abrupt shifts in abundance and spatial patterns that signal strong environmental forcing. The extent of the coastal shelf that defines the initial settlement grounds for lobsters is important to future population modeling. We address one part of this definition by examining patterns of settlement with depth, and discuss a modeling framework for the full life history of lobsters in the Gulf of Maine.


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Transaction costs, one often hears, are the economic equivalent of friction in physical systems. Like physicists, economists can sometimes neglect friction in formulating theories; but like engineers, they can never neglect friction in studying how the system actually does let alone should work. Interestingly, however, the present-day economics of organization also ignores friction. That is, almost single-mindedly, the literature analyzes transactions from the point of view of misaligned incentives and (especially) transaction-specific assets. The costs involved are certainly costs of running the economic system in some sense, but they are not obviously frictions. Stories about frictions in trade are not nearly as intriguing as stories about guileful trading partners and expensive assets placed at risk. But I will argue that these seemingly dull categories of cost what Baldwin and Clark (2003) call mundane transaction costs actually have a secret life. They are at least as important as, and quite probably far more important than, the more glamorous costs of asset specificity in explaining the partition between firm and market. These costs also have a secret life in another sense: they have a secret life cycle. I will argue that these mundane transaction costs provide much better material for helping us understanding how the boundaries among firms, markets, and hybrid forms change over time.