857 resultados para Libby Prison.
Innovative, low carbon technologies are already available for use in the construction of buildings, but the impact of their specification on construction projects is unclear. This exploratory research identifies issues which arise following the specification of BIPV in non-residential construction projects. Rather than treating the inclusion of a new technology as a technical problem, the research explores the issue from a socio-technical perspective to understand the accommodations which the project team makes and their effect on the building and the technology. The paper is part of a larger research project which uses a Social Construction of Technology Approach (SCOT) to explore the accommodations made to working practices and design when Building Integrated PhotoVoltaic (BIPV) technology is introduced. The approach explores how the requirements of the technology from different groups of actors (Relevant Social Groups or RSG's) give rise to problems and create solutions. As such it rejects the notion of a rational linear view of innovation diffusion; instead it suggests that the variety and composition of the Relevant Social Groups set the agenda for problem solving and solutions as the project progresses. The research explores the experiences of three people who have extensive histories of involvement with BIPV in construction, looks at how SCOT can inform our understanding of the issues involved and identifies themes and issues in the specification of BIPV on construction projects. A key finding concerns the alignment of inflection points at which interviewees have found themselves changing from one RSG to another as new problems and solutions are identified. The points at which they change RSG often occurred at points which mirror conventional construction categories (in terms of project specification, tender, design and construction).
Objective. To compare mental health, coping and family-functioning in parents of young people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety disorders, and no known mental health problems. Method. Parents of young people with OCD (N=28), other anxiety disorders (N=28), and no known mental health problems (N=62) completed the Brief Symptom Inventory (Derogatis, 1993), the Coping Responses Inventory (Moos, 1990), and the McMaster family assessment device (Epstein, Baldwin, & Bishop, 1983). Results. Parents of children with OCD and anxiety disorders had poorer mental health and used more avoidant coping than parents of non-clinical children. There were no group differences in family-functioning. Conclusion. The similarities across the parents of clinically referred children suggest that there is a case for encouraging active parental involvement in the treatment of OCD in young people.
Background: A number of cognitive appraisals have been identified as important in the manifestation of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in adults. There have, however, been few attempts to explore these cognitive appraisals in clinical groups of young people. Method: This study compared young people aged between 11 and 18 years with OCD (N ¼ 28), young people with other types of anxiety disorders (N ¼ 28) and a non-clinical group (N ¼ 62) on three questionnaire measures of cognitive appraisals. These were inflated responsibility (Responsibility Attitude Scale; Salkovskis et al., 2000), thought–action fusion – likelihood other (Thought–Action Fusion Scale; Shafran, Thordarson & Rachman, 1996) and perfectionism (Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale; Frost, Marten, Luhart & Rosenblate, 1990). Results: The young people with OCD had significantly higher scores on inflated responsibility, thought–action fusion – (likelihood other), and one aspect of perfectionism, concern over mistakes, than the other groups. In addition, inflated responsibility independently predicted OCD symptom severity. Conclusions: The results generally support a downward extension of the cognitive appraisals held by adults with OCD to young people with the disorder. Some of the results, however, raise issues about potential developmental shifts in cognitive appraisals. The findings are discussed in relation to implications for the cognitive model of OCD and cognitive behavioural therapy for young people with OCD. Keywords: Cognitive models, inflated responsibility, obsessive-compulsive disorder, perfectionism, thought–action fusion. Abbreviations: ADIS-C: Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for Children; ADIS-P: Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for Parents; E/RP: Exposure/Response Prevention; LOI-CV: Leyton Obsessional Inventory – Child Version; MPS: Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale; OCD: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder; RAS: Responsibility Attitude Scale; TAF-LO: Thought–Action Fusion – (Likelihood Other).
Attention to epistemology, theory use and citation practices are all issues which distinguish academic disciplines from other ways of knowing. Examples from construction research are used to outline and reflect on these issues. In doing so, the discussion provides an introduction to some key issues in social research as well as a reflection on the current state of construction research as a field. More specifically, differences between positivist and interpretivist epistemologies, the role of theory in each and their use by construction researchers are discussed. Philosophical differences are illustrated by appeal to two published construction research articles by Reichstein et al. and Harty on innovation (Reichstein, Salter and Gann, 2005; Harty, 2008). An analysis of citations for each highlights different cumulativity strategies. The potential contribution of mixed research programmes, combining positivist and interpretivist research, is evaluated. The paper should be of interest to early researchers and to scholars concerned with the ongoing development of construction research as an academic field.
There is a widespread assumption that clients’ expectations should be accommodated during a building project. However, there may be conflicting expectations within a client organization and these may change over time in the course of a project. Actor-Network Theory (ANT) is used to study the incorporation of client expectations into the on-going development of a building project. To illustrate this, negotiations over a particular decision, namely the location of a building on one university campus was analysed. Negotiations went through a number of stages, involving a master plan architect, members of the public, campus maps and the Vice Chancellor. An ANT analysis helped to trace diverse actors' interests in a series of discussions and how these interests conflict with each other as one option was chosen over another. The analysis revealed new client interests in each negotiation process. Also, the prioritisation of client interests changed over time. The documentation of diverse and dynamic client interests especially contributes to the understanding of how some client interests fail to be incorporated in decision-making processes
Many construction professionals and policy-makers would agree that client expectations should be accommodated during a building project. However, this aspiration is not easy to deal with as there may be conflicting interests within a client organization and these may change over time in the course of a project. This research asks why some client interests, and not others, are incorporated into the development of a building project. Actor-Network Theory (ANT) is used to study a single building project on a University campus. The building project is analysed as a number of discussions and negotiations, in which actors persuade each other to choose one solution over another. The analysis traces dynamic client engagement in decision-making processes as available options became increasingly constrained. However, this relative loss of control was countered by clients who continued the control over the timing of participants' involvement, and thus the way to impose their interests even at the later stage of the project.
Biography of Josephine Bonaparte. The incredible rise and unbelievable fall of Josephine, a mistress, courtesan and Revolutionary heroine whose energy and ambition has often been overshadowed by Napoleon’s military might. Historian Kate Williams, author of Becoming Queen, tells Josephine’s searing story of sexual obsession, politics and surviving as a woman in a man’s world. Abandoned in Paris by her aristocratic husband, Josephine's future did not look promising. But while her friends and contemporaries were sent to the guillotine during the Terror that followed the Revolution, she survived prison and emerged as the doyenne of a wildly debauched party scene, surprising everybody when she encouraged the advances of a short, marginalised Corsican soldier, six years her junior. Josephine, the fabulous hostess and skilled diplomat, was the perfect consort to the ambitious but obnoxious Napoleon. With her by his side, he became the greatest man in Europe, the Supreme Emperor; and she amassed a jewellery box with more diamonds than Marie Antoinette’s. But as his fame grew, Napoleon became increasingly obsessed with his need for an heir and irritated with Josephine’s extravagant spending. The woman who had enchanted France became desperate and jealous. Until, a divorcee aged forty-seven, she was forced to watch from the sidelines as Napoleon and his young bride produced a child.
In this work, the effect of glycerol on the physical properties of edible films were identified by X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), infrared (FTIR) and microwave spectroscopy. According to XRD diffractograms, films with 0 and 15% glycerol displayed an amorphous character, and a tendency to semicrystallization, for films with 30% and 45% glycerol. From DSC thermograms, the glass transition (Tg) of the films decreased with glycerol content. However, two Tgs were observed for samples with 30% and 45% glycerol, due to a phase separation. The intensity and positions of the peaks in FTIR fingerprint region presented slight variations due to new interactions arising between glycerol and biopolymer. Microwave measurements were sensitive to moisture content in the films, due to hydrophilic nature of the glycerol. The effect of plasticizer plays, then, an important rule on the physical and functional properties of these films, for applications in food technology.
The effects of iron ions on dielectric properties of lithium sodium phosphate glasses were studied by non-usual, fast and non-destructive microwave techniques. The dielectric constant (epsilon`). insertion loss (L) and microwave absorption spectra (microwave response) of the selected glass system xFe(2)O(3)center dot(1 - x)(50P(2)O5 center dot 25Li(2)O center dot 25Na(2)O), being x = 0, 3, 6, ....,15 expressed in mol.%, were investigated. The dielectric constant of the samples was investigated at 9.00 GHz using the shorted-line method (SLM) giving the minimum value of epsilon` = 2.10 +/- 0.02 at room temperature, and increasing further with x, following a given law. It was observed a gradual increasing slope Of E in the temperature range of 25 <= t <= 330 degrees C, at the frequency of 9.00 GHz. Insertion loss (measured at 9.00 GHz) and measurements of microwave energy attenuation, at frequencies ranging from 8.00 to 12.00 GHz were also studied as a function of iron content in the glass samples. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this preliminary work was to present a novel method, suitable to investigate the glass cooling, from melt to solid state, based on a fast, non-usual and easy microwave method. The following glass system xBaO . (100-x)B(2)O(3) (x = 0% and 40%) was selected as an example for this study. The melt was poured inside a piece of waveguide and then, its cooling was monitored by the microwave signal as a function of time. The variations in the signal can provide valuable informations about some structural changes that take place during the cooling stages, such as relaxation processes. This method can be useful to investigate the cooling and heating of other materials, opening new possibilities for investigation of dielectric behavior of materials under high temperatures. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Microwave techniques were applied to the study of dielectric properties of phosphate glasses on the basis of contributions from permanent and induced dipolar polarization of local structural units interacting with the electrical component of the electromagnetic radiation. The dielectric constant of the selected glass system (100-x)(50P(2)O(5)center dot 25Li(2)O center dot 25Na(2)O)center dot xFe(2)O(3), where 0 <= x <= 21 is in mol%, was measured using a microwave setup assembled to measure the phase shift of the standing wave pattern produced by the insertion of the sample. It is shown that the Fe2+ ions contribute effectively to the dielectric constant, as expected from the interactions of the dipoles of the local charge compensation pairs with the microwave radiation. However, there is the possibility of occurrence of some ions Fe3+, in general, at low iron content, which reinforces the glass structure and, therefore, decreases the dielectric constant. There is a gradual conversion from Fe3+ to Fe2+ as the iron ions increases. This is possibly the reason of the anomaly in the dielectric constant values observed in the results. These assumptions can be checked by results of electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and optical absorption (OA). The dielectric constant of the glasses studied in this work was found to increase with the temperature in the range of 25-330 degrees C. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of glycerol contents on physical properties of cassava starch films. The films were prepared from film-forming solutions (FFS) with 2g cassava starch/100g water and 0, 15, 30 and 45g glycerol/100g starch, and were analysed to determine its mechanical properties by tensile tests, the glass-transition temperature (T-g) by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and the crystallinity by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The infrared spectra of the films were also recorded. The resistance values of the films decreased, while those of the elasticity increased with an increase in glycerol concentration due to the plasticizer effect of glycerol, which was also observed in DSC curves. The T-g of the films prepared decreased with the glycerol content. However, for samples with 30 and 45g glycerol/100g starch, two T-g curves were observed, probably due to a phase separation phenomenon. According to the XRD diffractograms, the films with 0 and 15gglycerol/100g starch presented an amorphous character, but some tendency to show crystalline peaks were observed for films with 30 and 45g glycerol/100g starch. The results obtained with Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) corroborated these observations. Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
La novela El beso de la mujer araña del escritor argentino Manuel Puig es una novela que trata dedos presos en una cárcel bonaerense durante la dictadura militar argentina. Esta tesina se centrará enla identidad femenina de Molina. El objetivo de esta tesina es examinar la celebración de lafemineidad de Molina, y su construcción de una identidad femenina. Esta identidad se conectarácon la idea de la identidad femenina como socialmente construida, opuesto a la noción de génerocomo algo innato. Es decir, la identidad femenina de Molina y sus ideas de lo femeninocorresponden a la idea de la identidad femenina como socialmente construida. Apoyándonos enteoría feminista y teoría queer, estableceremos la conexión que existe entre la identidad femeninacomo la ve Molina, y la identidad femenina como construcción social.
This paper investigates the autobiography of Damien Echols. The autobiographical subject, Echols, depicts his life as a marginalized youth during the nineteen seventies and nineteen eighties in Arkansas, USA. It also explores the years that Echols spent on Death Row after having been arrested along with two other youths for the murder of three eight-year-old boys; a crime all three of the accused denied having committed. In 2011, after eighteen years of incarceration, the three now grown up men were released from prison. The author of this paper discusses biography and especially autobiography as a genre and explores to what extent memories represent the actual life the autobiographical subject, Echols, has lived and if memories are or can be truthful. In order to find the underlying meanings of the autobiography, the author of this paper uses as a starting-point a psychoanalytic approach towards Echol’s text. Key terms that will undergo a more close inspection are horror, water and home. This paper concludes with the notion that autobiographical objective truth does not exist.
Intresset för kriminalitet och individerna bakom de kriminella handlingarna ökar i samhället och återges i media dagligen. Det är just individen bakom brottet, hen som fängslas och får avtjäna sitt straff som denna studie riktar sitt fokus på. När fängelsegrindarna öppnas och återinträdet till samhället blir ett faktum; Hur tar då dessa individer sig tillbaka till samhället för att åter bli en del av det? Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka återanpassningsstrategier som frigivna använder sig av samt hur samhällets bemötande påverkar strategierna. Studien baseras på självbiografier skrivna av fyra författare som alla levt ett kriminellt liv och som sedermera avtjänat ett eller flera fängelsestraff. Resultatet visar att det finns flera anpassningsstrategier som tas i bruk. Däribland att söka hjälp och stöd hos familj, vänner eller andra sociala grupper. Vidare återfinns det i strävan efter en ”ny identitet” vilket ofta sker med hjälp av tro. Att sysselsätta sig, ge något tillbaka till samhället, visa sin kreativitet i syfte att återfå sin kredibilitet kan ses som strategier som leder fram till det slutliga målet, kredibiliteten. Slutligen kunde ett samband mellan samhällets bemötande och återanpassningsstrategierna utrönas. Ju mer negativt bemötandet är desto fler återanpassningsstrategier behövs och arbetet för att uppnå dem blir mer krävande. Givet blir då att ett bemötande som fyllts av uppmuntran till individens förändring medför att färre strategier behövs och risken för återfall blir mindre.