978 resultados para Lathers, Richard, 1820-1903.


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CARL FRIEDRICH PHILIPP VON MARTIUS foi um naturalista alemão que visitou diversas regiões brasileiras, sobretudo a região da Amazônia. Este veio ao Brasil junto com a comitiva da Arquiduquesa Leopoldina da Áustria, que aqui vinha se casar com o Príncipe Herdeiro D. Pedro de Alcântara, futuro Imperador do Brasil. A sua viagem pelo Brasil teve início em 1817, no Rio de Janeiro, e término em 1820, na região amazônica. Estima-se que coletou amostras de cerca de 7.200 espécies de plantas, que foram base para a produção da Flora Brasiliensis, editada inicialmente por ele, com a colaboração e edição póstuma de AUGUST WILHELM EICHLER e IGNATZ URBAN. Esta obra monumental foi publicada entre 1840 e 1906, com a participação dos mais eminentes botânicos europeus da época, que realizaram os tratamentos taxonômicos de 22.767 espécies brasileiras, na maioria angiosperma. O tratamento das Lauraceae ficou a cargo do botânico suíço CARL DANIEL FRIEDRICH MEISSNER. Dentre as espécies de Lauraceae constam 64 táxons com indicação de coletas realizadas por MARTIUS. Tomando-se por referência o tratamento de MEISSNER, bem como as demais opera principes, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a atualização taxonômica das espécies de Lauraceae coletadas por MARTIUS no Brasil. Para tanto, foram verificadas as coleções dos principais herbários europeus e norte americanos, com base na literatura especializada e nos bancos de dados disponíveis. Através de imagens em alta resolução dos espécimes, esses foram confrontados com os protólogos e revisões dos gêneros. Desta forma, os tratamentos das espécies envolvidas foram conduzidos com a verificação do status taxonômico das mesmas, suas sinonímias, nomes atualmente aceitos como corretos, bem como sobre as tipificações relacionadas. Sempre que pertinente, foram feitos comentários sobre as coleções e sobre problemas taxonômicos e nomenclaturais detectados. Com este trabalho...


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This paper analyzes the character Bigger Thomas Native Son’s American novel published in 1940 by African-American author Richard Wright. Through this character we try to study more the post-slavery racial issue in a country where racial segregation was legally sustained and how this issue was reflected in society and identity formation of their native sons African-American


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The aim of this paper is to analyze the translation of the work by the translator-traveller Richard Francis Burton, Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil, with a full account of the gold and diamond mines, made by Américo Jacobina Lacombe, trying to relate the work of the latter to the editorial goals of the Brasiliana Collection. As a subseries of the Biblioteca Pedagógica Brasileira [Brazilian Pedagogical Library] published by Companhia Editora Nacional, Brasiliana was conceived in agreement with the 1930s and 1940s policies to expand lay education and make it possible for Brazilians to get to better know the greatness of their country. The paper will focus on the numerous translator’s notes, since many of them reveal Lacombe’s didactic purpose of informing readers about Brazilian history and geography. The analysis also examines the effacement of Burton’s translations from Portuguese into English in his book.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Starting with a critical review that make Deleuze and Guattari about the use of images in the writings and drawings reproduced in Narrative of a Child Analysis, by Melanie Klein, the authors reflect on the place of metaphor in the speech of this analyzed child about desiring life, intoxicated with Oedipian metaphors. They highlight the role of metaphor in the production of the alleged psychoanalytic intoxication.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In his October 17, 2012 interview with Robert Ryals, Richard Dinning details his thoughts and memories as an army air corps cadet at Winthrop. Dinning includes details of his career in the Army Air Corp during WWII. This interview was conducted for inclusion into the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections Oral History Program.


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The purpose of this paper is to provide quantitative fire history information for a geographically unique region, the Loess Hills of northwest Missouri. We sampled 33 bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa Michx.), chinkapin oak (Q. muehlenbergii Engelm.), and black oak (Q. velutina Lam.) trees from the Brickyard Hill Conservation Area in northwest Missouri. The period of tree-ring record ranged in calendar years from 1671 to 2004 and fire-scar dates (n = 97) ranged from 1672 to 1980. Fire intervals for individual trees ranged from 1 to 87 years. The mean fire interval was 6.6 years for the pre-Euro-American settlement period (1672-1820), and 5.2 years for the entire record (1672-1980). A period of more frequent fire (mean fire interval = 1.6 for 1825 to 1850) coincided with Euro-American settlement of the area. The average percentage of trees scarred at the site was 16.8%, or about 1 in 7 trees sampled per fire. No significant relationship between fire years and drought conditions was found; however, events prior to 1820 may have been associated with wet to dry mode transitions.


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The state of Florida as among the two worst invasive species problems in the USA. Besides the sheer numbers of established exotic species in Florida, many present novel difficulties for management, or have other characteristics making effective management extremely challenging. Moreover, initiation of management action requires more than recognition by experts that a potentially harmful species has become established. It also requires the political will along with concomitant resources and appropriate personnel to develop effective methods and apply them. We illustrate various aspects of the situation in Florida with examples of invasive vertebrates, the problems they pose(d), and management approaches to the problems.


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A new species of titi monkey, genus Callicebus Thomas, 1903, is described based on four individuals, one from a small tributary of the left bank of Rio Teles Pires, northern state of Mato Grosso, and three others from Largo do Souza, Rio Iriri, Pará, Brazil. The new species belongs to the Callicebus moloch species group, and the main diagnostic characteristics of the new species are the whitish forehead, sideburns and beard coloration, which are contiguous, forming a frame around the blackish face; overall body pelage coloration is pale grayish-brown agouti; hands, feet and tip of the tail whitish; belly and inner sides of fore and hind limbs uniformly orange. The pattern of pelage coloration and qualitative and quantitative skull morphology are described and compared to the other species of the Callicebus moloch group. Species of the Callicebus moloch group show great similarity in skull morphology and morphometrics, making the external morphological characters, specially the chromatic fields, the most reliable diagnostic trait to identify the species.


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Attraverso un excursus storico, teorico e metodologico, questa tesi di dottorato analizza la nascita, gli sviluppi e l’attuale dimensione costitutivo-identitaria dei Performance Studies, un ambito di ricerca accademica che, nato negli Stati Uniti alla fine degli anni Settanta, ha sempre palesato una natura restia nei confronti di qualunque tentativo definitorio. Se i Performance Studies concepiscono la performance sia come oggetto d’analisi sia come lente metodologica, e se, come evidenziato da Richard Schechner, praticamente tutto può essere “elevato a performance” e quindi indagato secondo le categorie analitiche di questa disciplina, ecco allora che, con uno slittamento transitivo e “meta-metodologico”, questa ricerca dottorale ha scelto come proprio oggetto di studio i Performance Studies stessi, osservandoli “as performance” e avvalendosi degli strumenti metodologici suggeriti dal suo stesso oggetto d’analisi. Questo lavoro indaga come l’oggetto di studio dei Performance Studies sia, seguendo la teoria schechneriana, il “behaved behavior”, e dunque come di conseguenza, il repertorio, prima ancora che l’archivio, possa essere considerato il fedele custode delle “pratiche incorporate”. Soffermandosi su esempi di “reenactment” performativo come quelli messi in atto da Marina Abramović e Clifford Owens, così come sui tentativi condotti dalla sezione dell’Intangible Cultural Heritage dell’UNESCO, suggerisce validi esempi di “archiviazione” della performance. L’elaborato prende poi in esame casi che esemplificano la proficua identificazione tra “studiare performance” e “fare performance”, sottolinea il ruolo cruciale e imprenscindibile determinato dal lavoro di ricerca sul campo inteso come “osservazione partecipante”, ed evidenzia il costante coinvolgimento sociale e politico assunto dai Performance Studies. Questa dissertazione affronta e supporta l’efficacia dei Performance Studies nel proporsi come uno strumento innovativo in grado di analizzare un mondo sempre più performativo nelle sue dinamiche. La loro natura tanto interdisciplinare quanto interculturale sembra farne una lente adeguata attraverso cui promuovere livelli diversi di performance dialogica tra culture localmente distinte ma globalmente assimilabili.