899 resultados para Laryngeal mask


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BACKGROUND: Oxidative killing is the primary defense against surgical pathogens; risk of infection is inversely related to tissue oxygenation. Subcutaneous tissue oxygenation in obese patients is significantly less than in lean patients during general anesthesia. However, it remains unknown whether reduced intraoperative tissue oxygenation in obese patients results from obesity per se or from a combination of anesthesia and surgery. In a pilot study, we tested the hypothesis that tissue oxygenation is reduced in spontaneously breathing, unanesthetized obese volunteers. METHODS: Seven lean volunteers with a body mass index (BMI) of 22 +/- 2 kg/m(2) were compared to seven volunteers with a BMI of 46 +/- 4 kg/m(2). Volunteers were subjected to the following oxygen challenges: (1) room air; (2) 2 l/min oxygen via nasal prongs, (3) 6 l/min oxygen through a rebreathing face mask; (4) oxygen as needed to achieve an arterial oxygen pressure (arterial pO(2)) of 200 mmHg; and (5) oxygen as needed to achieve an arterial pO(2) of 300 mmHg. The oxygen challenges were randomized. Arterial pO(2) was measured with a continuous intraarterial blood gas analyzer (Paratrend 7); deltoid subcutaneous tissue oxygenation was measured with a polarographic microoxygen sensor (Licox). RESULTS: Subcutaneous tissue oxygenation was similar in lean and obese volunteers: (1) room air, 52 +/- 10 vs 58 +/- 8 mmHg; (2) 2 l/min, 77 +/- 25 vs 79 +/- 24 mmHg; (3) 6 l/min, 125 +/- 43 vs 121 +/- 25 mmHg; (4) arterial pO(2) = 200 mmHg, 115 +/- 42 vs 144 +/- 23 mmHg; (5) arterial pO(2) = 300 mmHg, 145 +/- 41 vs 154 +/- 32 mmHg. CONCLUSION: In this pilot study, we could not identify significant differences in deltoid subcutaneous tissue oxygen pressure between lean and morbidly obese volunteers.


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INTRODUCTION: It has been suggested that infants dynamically regulate their tidal flow and end-expiratory volume level. The interaction between muscle activity, flow and lung volume in spontaneously sleeping neonates is poorly studied, since it requires the assessment of transcutaneous electromyography of respiratory muscles (rEMG) in matched comparison to lung function measurements. METHODS: After determining feasibility and repeatability of rEMG in 20 spontaneously sleeping healthy neonates, we measured the relative impact of intercostal and diaphragmatic EMG activity in direct comparison to the resulting tidal flow and FRC. RESULTS: We found good feasibility, repeatability and correlation of timing indices between rEMG activity and flow. The rEMG amplitude was significantly dependent on the resistive load of the face mask. Diaphragm and intercostal muscle activity commenced prior to the onset of flow and remained active during the expiratory cycle. The relative contribution of intercostal and diaphragmatic activity to flow was variable and changed dynamically. CONCLUSION: Using matched rEMG, air flow and lung volume measurements, we have found good feasibility and repeatability of intercostal and diaphragm rEMG measurements and provide the first quantitative measures of the temporal relationship between muscle activity and flow in spontaneously sleeping healthy neonates. Lung mechanical function is dynamically regulated and adapts on a breath to breath basis. So, non-invasive rEMG measurements alone or in combination with lung function might provide a more comprehensive picture of pulmonary mechanics in future studies. The data describing the timing of EMG and flow may be important for future studies of EMG triggered mechanical ventilation.


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BACKGROUND: Injuries of the recurrent laryngeal nerve with consecutive vocal cord paralysis is a typical complication in chest, esophageal, thyroideal, and neck surgery. Glottic insufficiency secondary to such a lesion can be treated by endolaryngeal vocal cord augmentation (injection laryngoplasty). Many different substances have been used, often showing complications or disadvantages. This study reports on the use of injectable polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), with special regard to the long-term results. METHODS: In this prospective study, 21 patients with unilateral vocal cord paralysis underwent injection laryngoplasty using PDMS at a volume of 0.5-1.0 ml. Preoperatively, 6 weeks and 12 months after the injection the following parameters concerning patients' voice were evaluated: Glottic closure by videolaryngostroboscopy, maximum phonation time, voice range, voice dynamic, jitter, shimmer, noise-to-harmonic-ratio, and roughness, breathiness, and hoarseness (RBH). In addition, patients were asked to give their own evaluation of how satisfied they felt with their voice and of the handicaps it caused them. RESULTS: Postoperatively an improvement was evident in all the parameters that were investigated, and this significant improvement was still in evidence for most of the parameters more than one year after the injection. In our study no complications were observed more than one year after injection. CONCLUSION: PDMS is a safe substance for injection laryngoplasty in unilateral vocal cord paresis. Objective and subjective parameters confirm its effectiveness. It is suitable for obtaining satisfying results in the reestablishment of the patient's voice and communication ability.


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The impact of a filtering half-face respirator and a half-face supplied air respirator use on blood lactate production was assessed during maximal exertion to determine if anaerobic strain increased compared to no respirator use. Twenty-eight participants performed a 30 second cycling Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT) wearing a half-face respirator. Blood lactate production was measured to evaluate if there was an increase in anaerobic strain from wearing a tight fitting half-face respirator compared to wearing no respirator. A supplied air respirator WAnT was then performed using 18 participants from the first experiment to evaluate if supplied air decreased anaerobic strain. Data from both experiments were compared to evaluate differences in the physiological effects due to respirator use during maximal exertion. A survey was administered following the second WAnT experiment to measure the participants' perception of acceptability and impact of supplied air respirator use in workplace. The blood lactate levels measured directly after the WAnT yielded lower overall mean values during the half-mask respirator trial (12.1 mmollL) and supplied air respirator trial (12.2 mmollL) than the no respirator trial (13.1 mmoI/L). However, differences in blood lactate levels were not statistically significant (p =0.597). Participants reported an average acceptability of 92.3% to wearing the supplied air respirator while performing light work. However, the average acceptability decreased as the exertion increased to moderate (78.8%) and heavy (46.6%) workloads. The supplied air respirator used provided no significant reduction in anaerobic strain within this study group compared to either the filtering half-face respirator or the no respirator condition. However, there were differences in physiological effects of respirators on each gender identified in this study. Further assessment of the anaerobic impact of respirators on each gender should be conducted.


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Inbreeding is common in plant populations and can affect plant fitness and resistance against herbivores. These effects are likely to depend on population history. In a greenhouse experiment with plants from 17 populations of Lychnis flos-cuculi, we studied the effects of experimental inbreeding on resistance and plant fitness. Depending on the levels of past herbivory and abiotic factors at the site of plant origin, we found either inbreeding or outbreeding depression in herbivore resistance. Furthermore, when not damaged experimentally by snail herbivores, plants from populations with higher heterozygosity suffered from inbreeding depression and those from populations with lower heterozygosity suffered from outbreeding depression. These effects of inbreeding and outbreeding were not apparent under experimental snail herbivory. We conclude that inbreeding effects on resistance and plant fitness depend on population history. Moreover, herbivory can mask inbreeding effects on plant fitness. Thus, understanding inbreeding effects on plant fitness requires studying multiple populations and considering population history and biotic interactions.


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Background: Research on the evolution of reproductive isolation in African cichlid fishes has largely focussed on the role of male colours and female mate choice. Here, we tested predictions from the hypothesis that allopatric divergence in male colour is associated with corresponding divergence in preference. Methods: We studied four populations of the Lake Malawi Pseudotropheus zebra complex. We predicted that more distantly-related populations that independently evolved similar colours would interbreed freely while more closely-related populations with different colours mate assortatively. We used microsatellite genotypes or mesh false-floors to assign paternity. Fisher's exact tests as well as Binomial and Wilcoxon tests were used to detect if mating departed from random expectations. Results: Surprisingly, laboratory mate choice experiments revealed significant assortative mating not only between population pairs with differently coloured males, but between population pairs with similarly-coloured males too. This suggested that assortative mating could be based on nonvisual cues, so we further examined the sensory basis of assortative mating between two populations with different male colour. Conducting trials under monochromatic (orange) light, intended to mask the distinctive male dorsal fin hues (blue v orange) of these populations, did not significantly affect the assortative mating by female P. emmiltos observed under control conditions. By contrast, assortative mating broke down when direct contact between female and male was prevented. Conclusion: We suggest that non-visual cues, such as olfactory signals, may play an important role in mate choice and behavioural isolation in these and perhaps other African cichlid fish. Future speciation models aimed at explaining African cichlid radiations may therefore consider incorporating such mating cues in mate choice scenarios.


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Das Selektive Maskensintern ist ein neues, pulverbasiertes Additives Fertigungsverfahren. Das schichtweise aufgebrachte Kunststoffpulver wird hier flächig über einen Infrarotstrahler belichtet und aufgeschmolzen. Das Verfahren bietet ein großes Potential dreidimensionale, wärmeleitfähige Bauteile mit beliebiger Geometrie herzustellen. In diesem Beitrag wird darauf eingegangen, wie kommerziell erhältliches Polyamid 12-Pulver mit thermisch leitfähigen Füllstoffen, wie Aluminiumgrieß und Kupferkugeln, modifiziert und funktionalisierte Bauteile hergestellt werden können. Prozessrelevante Materialeigenschaften werden mittels Differential Scanning Kalorimetrie, Rotationsviskosimetrie und der Wärmeleitfähigkeit der modifizierten Pulver bestimmt. An den gefertigten Bauteilen wird die ausgebildete Morphologie, die mechanischen Eigenschaften als auch die Bauteilwärmeleitfähigkeit untersucht.


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Additive, pulverbasierte Schichtbauverfahren, wie das Selektive Masken- oder La-sersintern, ermöglichen die Fertigung von komplexen Bauteilen ohne Werkzeug und Form. Aufgrund der hohen, verarbeitungsbedingten Bauraumtemperaturen kommt es während der Verarbeitung zu physikalischem und thermisch-oxidativem Abbau der eingesetzten Kunststoffpulver. Das im Bauraum nicht aufgeschmolzene Material, der so genannte Partcake, kann nach dem Bauprozess vom fertigen Bauteil entfernt und für weitere Bauprozesse verwendet werden. Zur Realisierung reproduzierbarer Bau-teileigenschaften ist jedoch eine Aufbereitung („Refreshen“) des Partcake-Pulvers notwendig. Im Rahmen des Beitrags werden Erkenntnisse zum Alterungsverhalten von Kunst-stoffpulvern vorgestellt. In einem Modellversuch wurde der Verarbeitungsprozess für PA12-Pulver nachgestellt und somit verschiedene Alterungsstufen generiert. Beson-deres Augenmerk wurde auf den Einfluss einer Materialvorbehandlung gelegt. Die gealterten Pulver wurden physikalisch und thermoanalytisch hinsichtlich ihrer verar-beitungsrelevanten Materialeigenschaften untersucht.


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The objective of this study was to examine the association of pharyngeal lymphoid hyperplasia (PLH), recurrent laryngeal neuropathy (RLN), mucus accumulation (MA) score and tracheobronchial secretion neutrophil percentage (TBS-N) with rider-assessed performance in sport horses. Airway endoscopy scores, tracheobronchial secretion cytology, rider-assessed general impression and willingness to perform were investigated in 171 top-level sport horses. Increased MA appears to be associated with poor willingness to perform in sport horses. Older horses had decreased PLH scores and increased TBS-N. Mucus accumulation scores > or =3 were associated with increased odds (mean 9.92; upper and lower 95% confidence intervals: 1.5-64.6) of poor rather than excellent willingness to perform. A TBS-N of 20-50% compared with <20% was associated with decreased odds (median 0.11; upper and lower 95% CI: 0.02-0.66) of poor rather than excellent willingness to perform. In addition, horses with an RLN grade > or =2 had significantly higher odds for giving a poorer general impression and willingness to perform. This finding, however, must be interpreted with caution, since only two horses had significant RLN (grade > or =3).


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Das selektive Maskensintern von Kunststoffen ermöglicht die flächige Belichtung des Bauraums, wodurch sich konstante, von der zu belichtenden Geometrie/Fläche unabhängige Zykluszeiten pro Schicht ergeben. Durch den Einsatz eines, über dem Bauraum platzierten, Infrarotstrahlerfeldes wird eine Modifikation des verarbeiteten Polyamid 12-Pulvers mit einem Absorber, hier Flammruß, notwendig. Bisher konnte gezeigt werden, dass Prototypen sowie wärmeleitfähige Kunststoffbauteile hergestellt werden können. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags sollen die mechanischen Eigenschaften von SMS-Bauteilen betrachtet werden. Die Beeinflussung der mechanischen Kennwerte, durch variierende Materialeigenschaften sowie unterschiedliche Prozessparameter, werden ebenso wie die Richtungs-, Temperatur- und Belastungsartabhängigkeit, bei konstanten Material- und Prozessparametern, untersucht. Zur Charakterisierung des Bauteilversagens wurden Methoden wie die Lichtmikroskopie und Rasterelektronenmikroskopie eingesetzt und Bruchmechanismen abgeleitet.


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Im Rahmen des EU-Projektes PHOCAM entwickelt das beteiligte Konsortium Anlagen und Materialien für die generative Fertigung keramischer Bauteile auf Basis der Photopolymerisation. Das Kernelement der verwendeten Fertigungsanlagen, der DLP Projektor, erzeugt mittels leistungsstarker LEDs und einem 1080p DMD (Digital Micromirror Device) Bilder mit 1920x1080 Bildpunkten und der Pixelgröße von 40µm, woraus sich die Baufeldgröße von 76,8x43,2mm ergibt. Ein hochviskoser Schlicker, bestehen aus einem gefülltem fotosensitiven Harzsystem, wird von unten durch die gläserne Materialwanne belichtet, wodurch der Schlicker lokal aushärtet (polymerisiert). Auf diese Weise entsteht der Grünling, der in schichtbauweise (Standardschichtdicke von 25-50µm) aufgebaut ist. Im nachfolgenden Sinterprozess werden die Grünlinge zu den fertigen Keramikteilen gebrannt. Als keramisches Basismaterial für den Schlicker wurde vorwiegend Aluminiumoxid in Pulverform verwendet. Mit dem entwickelten System konnten bislang Schlicker mit einem Füllgrad (Keramikanteil) bis zu 50Vol% erfolgreich verarbeitet und zu Keramikteilen mit einer theoretischen Dichte von 99,6% gesintert werden.


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The purpose of the present study was to describe normal magnetic resonance (MR) imaging anatomy of the equine larynx and pharynx and to present the optimal protocol, sequences, and possible limitations of this examination technique. Using a 0.3 T unit, the laryngeal and pharyngeal regions was imaged in two horses. The protocol consisted of sagittal and transverse T2-weighted (T2w) fast spin echo, transverse T1-weighted (T1w) spin echo, and dorsal high-resolution T1w gradient echo (both pre- and postcontrast enhancement) sequences. Euthanasia was performed at the end of the imaging procedure. Macroscopic anatomy of the cadaver sections were compared with the MR images in transverse, midsagittal, and parasagittal planes. There was good differentiation of anatomic structures, including soft tissues. The laryngeal cartilages, hyoid apparatus, and upper airway muscle groups with their attachments could be clearly identified. However, it was not always possible to delineate individual muscles in each plane. Most useful were both T2w and T1w transverse sequences. Intravenous application of contrast medium was helpful to identify blood vessels. The MR images corresponded with the macroscopic anatomy of cadaver sections.


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Determinants of plant establishment and invasion are a key issue in ecology and evolution. Although establishment success varies substantially among species, the importance of species traits and extrinsic factors as determinants of establishment in existing communities has remained difficult to prove in observational studies because they can be confounded and mask each other. Therefore, we conducted a large multispecies field experiment to disentangle the relative importance of extrinsic factors vs. species characteristics for the establishment success of plants in grasslands. We introduced 48 alien and 45 native plant species at different seed numbers into multiple grassland sites with or without experimental soil disturbance and related their establishment success to species traits assessed in five independent multispecies greenhouse experiments. High propagule pressure and high seed mass were the most important factors increasing establishment success in the very beginning of the experiment. However, after 3 y, propagule pressure became less important, and species traits related to biotic interactions (including herbivore resistance and responses to shading and competition) became the most important drivers of success or failure. The relative importance of different traits was environment-dependent and changed over time. Our approach of combining a multispecies introduction experiment in the field with trait data from independent multispecies experiments in the greenhouse allowed us to detect the relative importance of species traits for early establishment and provided evidence that species traits—fine-tuned by environmental factors—determine success or failure of alien and native plants in temperate grasslands.


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Plaster death mask. Goal To design a box that can store and exhibit the death mask without requiring the removal or re-positioning of the mask. Treatment A custom, cloth-covered box with a drop-front was constructed to fit the dimensions of the mask and foam filler. Foam was carved to accommodate the mask and then covered with unbleached muslin.


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IMPORTANCE This study addresses the value of patients' reported symptoms as markers of tumor recurrence after definitive therapy for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the correlation between patients' symptoms and objective findings in the diagnosis of local and/or regional recurrences of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas in the first 2 years of follow-up. DESIGN Retrospective single-institution study of a prospectively collected database. SETTING Regional hospital. PARTICIPANTS We reviewed the clinical records of patients treated for oral cavity, oropharyngeal, laryngeal, and hypopharyngeal carcinomas between January 1, 2008, and December 31, 2009, with a minimum follow-up of 2 years. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Correlation between symptoms and oncologic status (recurrence vs remission) in the posttreatment period. RESULTS Of the 101 patients included, 30 had recurrences. Pain, odynophagia, and dysphonia were independently correlated with recurrence (odds ratios, 16.07, 11.20, and 5.90, respectively; P < .001). New-onset symptoms had the best correlation with recurrences. Correlation was better between 6 to 12 and 18 to 21 months after therapy and in patients initially treated unimodally (P < .05). Primary stage and tumor site had no effect. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE The correlation between symptoms and oncologic status is low during substantial periods within the first 2 years of follow-up. New-onset symptoms, especially pain, odynophagia, or dysphonia, better correlate with tumor recurrence, especially in patients treated unimodally.