993 resultados para Large Extra Dimensions


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The influence of altitude and latitude on some structure sizes of Lutzomyia intermedia was noted; several structures of insects collected in higher localities were greater, according to Bergmann's rule. This influence was more remarkable in two localities of the State of Espírito Santo, probably due to greater differences in altitude. Comparing insects from different latitudes, more differences were noted in comparisons of insects from low altitude localities than in those of material from higher altitudes. The small number of differences between insects collected in July and in December does not indicate a defined influence of season and temperature on the size of adults. The possible epidemiological implications of these variations are discussed.


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Between 1985 and 1990 we treated 11 large segmental bone defects (average 6.7 cm) in ten patients with the Ilizarov technique. Open fractures, type III according to Gustilo, represented the largest group (8 of 11 cases). The average delay before the Ilizarov technique was initiated was 8.9 months. The external fixator was usually maintained for 1 year. Bone regeneration was obtained in every case. Consolidation was not fulfilled with this technique in three cases. The complications observed were one refracture, four leg-length discrepancies (average 1.5 cm), and five axial deformities exceeding 5 degrees. No pin-track infection was observed. In our limited series of four type IIIC open fractures treated by the Ilizarov technique, no patients required amputation. The Ilizarov technique is particularly useful in the treatment of large bone defects, without major complications, especially if there is an adequate initial debridement.


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As life expectancy continues to rise, the prevalence of chronic conditions is increasing in our society. However, we do not know if the extra years of life gained are being spent with disability and illness, or in good health. Furthermore, it is unclear if all groups in society experience their extra years of life in the same way. This report examines patterns of health expectancies across the island of Ireland, examining any North-South and socio-economic differences as well looking at differences in data sources. The older population (aged 65 or over) on the island of Ireland is growing and becoming a larger percentage of the total  population. Republic of Ireland Census 2011 revealed that 12% of the RoI population was aged 65 or over (CSO, 2012), and Northern Ireland Census 2011 revealed that 13% of the NI population was aged 65 or over (NISRA, 2012). By 2041 the population aged 65 or over is projected to reach 22% in RoI and 24% in NI (McGill, 2010). It is unclear, however, if this increasing longevity will be enjoyed equally by all strata of society.


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In recent years, management of abdominal pain in emergency care units (ECU) has undergone a radical change. Chronic work overload of ECU and increase in severity and complexity of cases required an optimal medical imaging method, such as ultrasound, to establish an accurate diagnosis as quickly as possible. A great variety of causes may cause acute abdominal pain and the role of sonography is to accurately distinguish between these aetiologies. For the application of sonography, perhaps more so than with other imaging methods, a perfect knowledge of sonographical characteristics and technical possibilities is essential to achieve an optimal answer. The purpose of this review is to present and discuss the sonographic characteristics of extra-digestive causes of acute abdominal pain such as splenic infarction, thoracic pathologies, urinary and gynaecologic diseases or retroperitoneal pathologies.


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The basal sliding surfaces in large rockslides are often composed of several surfaces and possess a complex geometry. The exact morphology and location in three dimensions of the sliding surface remains generally unknown, in spite of extensive field and subsurface investigations, such as those at the Åknes rockslide (western Norway). This knowledge is crucial for volume estimations, failure mechanisms, and numerical slope stability modeling. This paper focuses on the geomorphologic characterization of the basal sliding surface of a postglacial rockslide scar in the vicinity of Åknes. This scar displays a stepped basal sliding surface formed by dip slopes of the gneiss foliation linked together by steeply dipping fractures. A detailed characterization of the rockslide scar by means of high-resolution digital elevation models permits statistical parameters of dip angle, spacing, persistence, and roughness of foliation surfaces and step fractures to be obtained. The characteristics are used for stochastic simulations of stepped basal sliding surfaces at the Åknes rockslide. These findings are compared with previous models based on geophysical investigations. This study discusses the investigation of rockslide scars and rock outcrops for a better understanding of potential rockslides. This work identifies possible basal sliding surface locations, which is a valuable input for volume estimates, design and location of monitoring instrumentation, and numerical slope stability modeling.


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High-throughput technologies are now used to generate more than one type of data from the same biological samples. To properly integrate such data, we propose using co-modules, which describe coherent patterns across paired data sets, and conceive several modular methods for their identification. We first test these methods using in silico data, demonstrating that the integrative scheme of our Ping-Pong Algorithm uncovers drug-gene associations more accurately when considering noisy or complex data. Second, we provide an extensive comparative study using the gene-expression and drug-response data from the NCI-60 cell lines. Using information from the DrugBank and the Connectivity Map databases we show that the Ping-Pong Algorithm predicts drug-gene associations significantly better than other methods. Co-modules provide insights into possible mechanisms of action for a wide range of drugs and suggest new targets for therapy


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la University of California a Irvine, EEUU, entre juliol del 2007 i gener del 2008. Els termoparells són actualment els sensors de temperatura més populars i més utilitzats per a un ampli rang d’aplicacions: industrials, domèstiques, etc. Aconseguir miniaturar els dispositius fins a dimensions extremadament petites obra un ampli rang de noves aplicacions per aquests dispositius, per exemple, en el camp de la tecnologia lab-on-a-chip. En aquesta investigació, el concepte de termoparell, és a dir, dos cables de diferent metall connectats per un extrem s’ha extrapolat a l’escala nanomètrica, utilitzant nanowires com a element de construcció. Aquests nanowires s’han sintetitzat a través d’un nou procediment desenvolupat en el grup d’investigació de la Universitat de California, Irvine, que ha permès treballar amb nanowires de diferents dimensions (control independent de l’alçada i amplada) i un major grau d’èxit en la fabricació d’aquests termometres. El mètode també permet dipositar aquestes nanoestructures sobre substractes no conductors de manera controlable, simplificant notablement tot el procés de fabricació. L’obtenció d’aquests dispositius ha permès demostrar que, a part de ser bons sensors de temperatura a nivell macroscòpic (fonts de calor ambientals), també permet la determinació de temperatura a nivell microscòpic (fonts de calor focalitzada, com és el cas de feixos làser). Per a la seva caracterització ha estat necessari l’ús de tecnologia puntera (làsers, amplificadors, microscopis de forces atòmiques) i inclòs el disseny de nous dispositius. Aquests nanotermoparells presenten propietats extraordinàries, com una gran sensitivitat, gran velocitat de resposta a estímuls tèrmics, i un comportament estable vers l’ús i el temps.


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The low frequency of self-peptide-specific T cells in the human preimmune repertoire has so far precluded their direct evaluation. Here, we report an unexpected high frequency of T cells specific for the self-antigen Melan-A/MART-1 in CD8 single-positive thymocytes from human histocompatibility leukocyte antigen-A2 healthy individuals, which is maintained in the peripheral blood of newborns and adults. Postthymic replicative history of Melan-A/MART-1-specific CD8 T cells was independently assessed by quantifying T cell receptor excision circles and telomere length ex vivo. We provide direct evidence that the large T cell pool specific for the self-antigen Melan-A/MART-1 is mostly generated by thymic output of a high number of precursors. This represents the only known naive self-peptide-specific T cell repertoire directly accessible in humans.


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Le travail en situations d'urgence, notamment médicale, comporte de nombreux facteurs de risque pour la santé mentale. Cependant, des études récentes suggèrent que la reconnaissance de même que certains aspects relatifs au sens du travail pourraient permettre aux individus de préserver leur équilibre psychique malgré la présence de stresseurs importants.Nous avons effectué une étude portant sur la santé au travail pour des ambulanciers travaillant en Suisse romande. Dans un premier temps, une phase qualitative centrée sur l'observation du travail réel a été effectuée. Les observations ont été effectuées dans 11 services pour un total de 416 heures d'observation. Dans un second temps, un questionnaire a été développé et administré à l'ensemble des ambulanciers de Suisse romande.Notre étude a notamment permis de confirmer l'importance de la reconnaissance et du sens du travail pour les ambulanciers. [Auteurs]


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Evidence has emerged that the initiation and growth of gliomas is sustained by a subpopulation of cancer-initiating cells (CICs). Because of the difficulty of using markers to tag CICs in gliomas, we have previously exploited more robust phenotypic characteristics, including a specific morphology and intrincic autofluorescence, to identify and isolate a subpopulation of glioma CICs, called FL1(+). The objective of this study was to further validate our method in a large cohort of human glioma and a mouse model of glioma. Seventy-four human gliomas of all grades and the GFAP-V(12)HA-ras B8 mouse model were analyzed for in vitro self-renewal capacity and their content of FL1(+). Nonneoplastic brain tissue and embryonic mouse brain were used as control. Genetic traceability along passages was assessed with microsatellite analysis. We found that FL1(+) cells from low-grade gliomas and from control nonneoplasic brain tissue show a lower level of autofluorescence and undergo a restricted number of cell divisions before dying in culture. In contrast, we found that FL1(+) cells derived from many but not all high-grade gliomas acquire high levels of autofluorescence and can be propagated in long-term cultures. Moreover, FL1(+) cells show a remarkable traceability over time in vitro and in vivo. Our results show that FL1(+) cells can be found in all specimens of a large cohort of human gliomas of different grades and in a model of genetically induced mouse glioma as well as nonneoplastic brain. However, their self-renewal capacity is variable and seems to be dependent on the tumor grade.


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Large or giant cellular blue nevi are usually congenital and represent a challenge for the physician. Close anatomic structures may be altered by the size of the moles. In this article, we report the case of an uncommon large, agminated, cellular blue nevus of the 'plaque type' in a 42-year-old female. Due to the risks of malignant melanoma development on a large or giant blue nevus, we highlight the importance of proper histopathological diagnosis. Furthermore, because of the possibility that the nevus may invade the bone and cerebral tissues, we discuss the indication of a radiological diagnosis. The accurate correlation to clinical and histopathological findings and appropriate multidisciplinary management can save the lives of patients. © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Posterior chest wall defects are frequently encountered after excision of tumors as a result of trauma or in the setting of wound dehiscence after spine surgery. Various pedicled fasciocutaneous and musculocutaneous flaps have been described for the coverage of these wounds. The advent of perforator flaps has allowed the preservation of muscle function but their bulk is limited. Musculocutaneous flaps remain widely employed. The trapezius and the latissimus dorsi (LD) flaps have been used extensively for upper and middle posterior chest wounds, respectively. Their bulk allows for obliteration of the dead space in deep wounds. The average width of the LD skin paddle is limited to 10-12 cm if closure of the donor site is expected without skin grafting. In 2001 a modification of the skin paddle design was introduced in order to allow large flaps to be raised without requiring grafts or flaps for donor site closure. This V-Y pattern allows coverage of large anterior chest defects after mastectomy. We have modified this flap to allow its use for posterior chest wall defects. We describe the flap design, its indications, and its limitations with three clinical cases. Level of Evidence V This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors at www.springer.com/00266 .


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Full-field X-ray microscopy is a valuable tool for 3D observation of biological systems. In the soft X-ray domain organelles can be visualized in individual cells while hard X-ray microscopes excel in imaging of larger complex biological tissue. The field of view of these instruments is typically 10(3) times the spatial resolution. We exploit the assets of the hard X-ray sub-micrometer imaging and extend the standard approach by widening the effective field of view to match the size of the sample. We show that global tomography of biological systems exceeding several times the field of view is feasible also at the nanoscale with moderate radiation dose. We address the performance issues and limitations of the TOMCAT full-field microscope and more generally for Zernike phase contrast imaging. Two biologically relevant systems were investigated. The first being the largest known bacteria (Thiomargarita namibiensis), the second is a small myriapod species (Pauropoda sp.). Both examples illustrate the capacity of the unique, structured condenser based broad-band full-field microscope to access the 3D structural details of biological systems at the nanoscale while avoiding complicated sample preparation, or even keeping the sample environment close to the natural state.