952 resultados para LCL filters


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The coding gain in subband coding, a popular technique for achieving signal compression, depends on how the input signal spectrum is decomposed into subbands. The optimality of such decomposition is conventionally addressed by designing appropriate filter banks. The issue of optimal decomposition of the input spectrum is addressed by choosing the set of band that, for a given number of bands, will achieve maximum coding gain. A set of necessary conditions for such optimality is derived, and an algorithm to determine the optimal band edges is then proposed. These band edges along with ideal filters, achieve the upper bound of coding gain for a given number of bands. It is shown that with ideal filters, as well as with realizable filters for some given effective length, such a decomposition system performs better than the conventional nonuniform binary tree-structured decomposition in some cases for AR sources as well as images


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This study examines the thermal efficiency of the operation of arc furnace and the effects of harmonics and voltage dips of a factory located near Bangkok. It also attempts to find ways to improve the performance of the arc furnace operation and minimize the effects of both harmonics and voltage dips. A dynamic model of the arc furnace has been developed incorporating both electrical and thermal characteristics. The model can be used to identify potential areas for improvement of the furnace and its operation. Snapshots of waveforms and measurement of RMS values of voltage, current and power at the furnace, at other feeders and at the point of common coupling were recorded. Harmonic simulation program and electromagnetic transient simulation program were used in the study to model the effects of harmonics and voltage dips and to identify appropriate static and dynamic filters to minimize their effects within the factory. The effects of harmonics and voltage dips were identified in records taken at the point of common coupling of another factory supplied by another feeder of the same substation. Simulation studies were made to examine the results on the second feeder when dynamic filters were used in the factory which operated the arc furnace. The methodology used and the mitigation strategy identified in the study are applicable to general situation in a power distribution system where an arc furnace is a part of the load of a customer


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The Linear phase(LP) Finite Impulse Response(FIR) filters are widely used in many signal processing systems which are sensitive to phase distortion. In this article, we obtain a canonic lattice structure of an LP-FIR filter with a complex impulse response. This lattice structure is based on some novel lattice stages obtained from some properties of symmetric polynomials.This canonic lattice structure exploits the redundancy in the zeros of an LP-FIR filter.


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This paper presents a modified cellulose acetate membrane prepared using a dry casting technique that can be used to perform lysis of erythrocytes and isolation of hemoglobin. Isolation of hemoglobin is thus achieved without the use of lysis buffers. Cellulose acetate (CA) membranes are embedded with ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) and potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3), which act as lysing agents. The presence of embedded salts is confirmed using EDS analysis. The pores in the CA membrane act as filters. The average pore size in these membranes is designed to be 1.5 mu M, as characterized by SEM analysis, so that they allow hemoglobin to pass through and block all other cells and unlysed erythrocytes present in blood. When a drop of blood is added to the membrane, the NH4Cl and KHCO3 embedded in the membrane dissolve in plasma and lyse the erythrocytes. The filtered hemoglobin is characterized using UV-Vis Spectroscopy. The results indicate extraction of higher concentration of hemoglobin compared with conventional methods.


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We address the classical problem of delta feature computation, and interpret the operation involved in terms of Savitzky- Golay (SG) filtering. Features such as themel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), obtained based on short-time spectra of the speech signal, are commonly used in speech recognition tasks. In order to incorporate the dynamics of speech, auxiliary delta and delta-delta features, which are computed as temporal derivatives of the original features, are used. Typically, the delta features are computed in a smooth fashion using local least-squares (LS) polynomial fitting on each feature vector component trajectory. In the light of the original work of Savitzky and Golay, and a recent article by Schafer in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, we interpret the dynamic feature vector computation for arbitrary derivative orders as SG filtering with a fixed impulse response. This filtering equivalence brings in significantly lower latency with no loss in accuracy, as validated by results on a TIMIT phoneme recognition task. The SG filters involved in dynamic parameter computation can be viewed as modulation filters, proposed by Hermansky.


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We consider precoding strategies at the secondary base station (SBS) in a cognitive radio network with interference constraints at the primary users (PUs). Precoding strategies at the SBS which satisfy interference constraints at the PUs in cognitive radio networks have not been adequately addressed in the literature so far. In this paper, we consider two scenarios: i) when the primary base station (PBS) data is not available at SBS, and ii) when the PBS data is made available at the SBS. We derive the optimum MMSE and Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP) matrix Alters at the SBS which satisfy the interference constraints at the PUs for the former case. For the latter case, we propose a precoding scheme at the SBS which performs pre-cancellation of the PBS data, followed by THP on the pre-cancelled data. The optimum precoding matrix filters are computed through an iterative search. To illustrate the robustness of the proposed approach against imperfect CSI at the SBS, we then derive robust precoding filters under imperfect CSI for the latter case. Simulation results show that the proposed optimum precoders achieve good bit error performance at the secondary users while meeting the interference constraints at the PUs.


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We propose a new method for design of computationally efficient nonsubsampled multiscale multidirectional filter bank with perfect reconstruction (PR). This filter bank is composed of two nonsubsampled filter banks, for multiscale decomposition and for directional expansion. For multiscale decomposition, we transform the 1-D equivalent subband filters directly into 2-D equivalent subband filters. The computational cost is considerably reduced by avoiding the computation of 2-D convolutions. The multidirectional decomposition utilizes fan filters. A new method for design of 2-D zero phase FIR fan filter transformation function is developed. This method also aids the transformation of a 1-D filter bank to a 2-D multidirectional filter bank. The potential application of the proposed filter bank is illustrated by comparing the image denoising performance of the proposed filter bank with other design method that exist in available literature.


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Earlier studies have indicated that variability in size, surface texture and charge greatly influence the contaminant removal process in granular media. Based on surface characteristics of montmorillonite, it is anticipated that small addition of this clay would increase adhesion sites for bacterial growth and extracellular polymer production in the slow sand filter and thereby enhance its contaminant removal ability. Experiments were performed by permeating groundwater contaminated with pathogens (total coliform and E. Coli) and inorganic contaminants through the bentonite amended slow sand filter (BASSF). Surprisingly, the BASSF retained inorganic contaminants besides pathogens. Water-leach tests (pH of water leachate ranged from 2 to 9) with spent BASSF specimen indicated that the inorganic contaminants are irreversibly adsorbed to a large extent. It is considered that the combined effects of enhanced-organic matter mediated adhesion sites and increased hydraulic retention time enables the BASSF specimen to retain inorganic contaminants. It is envisaged that BASSF filters could find use in treating contaminated groundwater for potable needs at household and community level.


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This paper presents an analysis and comparison between two circuit topologies of the 3-phase, 3-level unity power factor (Vienna) rectifier on the basis of packaging issues and semiconductor power losses. The analysis indicates the suitability of one particular circuit variant due to restrictions on switching frequency at higher power levels. A comparison is also done between hysteresis and carrier based PWM strategies for current control of the rectifier, along with experimental evaluation of the control strategies on a hardware prototype of the rectifier. The comparison indicates that the carrier based modulation strategy is better suited for use with higher order filters that are utilized in high power applications.


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The problem of updating the reliability of instrumented structures based on measured response under random dynamic loading is considered. A solution strategy within the framework of Monte Carlo simulation based dynamic state estimation method and Girsanov's transformation for variance reduction is developed. For linear Gaussian state space models, the solution is developed based on continuous version of the Kalman filter, while, for non-linear and (or) non-Gaussian state space models, bootstrap particle filters are adopted. The controls to implement the Girsanov transformation are developed by solving a constrained non-linear optimization problem. Numerical illustrations include studies on a multi degree of freedom linear system and non-linear systems with geometric and (or) hereditary non-linearities and non-stationary random excitations.


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Using a Girsanov change of measures, we propose novel variations within a particle-filtering algorithm, as applied to the inverse problem of state and parameter estimations of nonlinear dynamical systems of engineering interest, toward weakly correcting for the linearization or integration errors that almost invariably occur whilst numerically propagating the process dynamics, typically governed by nonlinear stochastic differential equations (SDEs). Specifically, the correction for linearization, provided by the likelihood or the Radon-Nikodym derivative, is incorporated within the evolving flow in two steps. Once the likelihood, an exponential martingale, is split into a product of two factors, correction owing to the first factor is implemented via rejection sampling in the first step. The second factor, which is directly computable, is accounted for via two different schemes, one employing resampling and the other using a gain-weighted innovation term added to the drift field of the process dynamics thereby overcoming the problem of sample dispersion posed by resampling. The proposed strategies, employed as add-ons to existing particle filters, the bootstrap and auxiliary SIR filters in this work, are found to non-trivially improve the convergence and accuracy of the estimates and also yield reduced mean square errors of such estimates vis-a-vis those obtained through the parent-filtering schemes.


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A common-mode (CM) filter based on the LCL filter topology is proposed in this paper, which provides a parallel path for ground currents and which also restricts the magnitude of the EMI noise injected into the grid. The CM filter makes use of the components of a line to line LCL filter, which is modified to address the CM voltage with minimal additional components. This leads to a compact filtering solution. The CM voltage of an adjustable speed drive using a PWM rectifier is analyzed for this purpose. The filter design is based on the CM equivalent circuit of the drive system. The filter addresses the adverse effects of the PWM rectifier in an adjustable speed drive. Guidelines are provided on the selection of the filter components. Different variants of the filter topology are evaluated to establish the effectiveness of the proposed circuit. Experimental results based on EMI measurement on the grid side and the CM current measurement on the motor side are presented. These results validate the effectiveness of the filter.


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Flood is one of the detrimental hydro-meteorological threats to mankind. This compels very efficient flood assessment models. In this paper, we propose remote sensing based flood assessment using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image because of its imperviousness to unfavourable weather conditions. However, they suffer from the speckle noise. Hence, the processing of SAR image is applied in two stages: speckle removal filters and image segmentation methods for flood mapping. The speckle noise has been reduced with the help of Lee, Frost and Gamma MAP filters. A performance comparison of these speckle removal filters is presented. From the results obtained, we deduce that the Gamma MAP is reliable. The selected Gamma MAP filtered image is segmented using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and Mean Shift Segmentation (MSS). The GLCM is a texture analysis method that separates the image pixels into water and non-water groups based on their spectral feature whereas MSS is a gradient ascent method, here segmentation is carried out using spectral and spatial information. As test case, Kosi river flood is considered in our study. From the segmentation result of both these methods are comprehensively analysed and concluded that the MSS is efficient for flood mapping.


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Exhaust noise in engines has always been a major source of automotive noise. Challenges for muffler design have been constraints on size, back pressure, and, of course, the cost. Designing for sufficient insertion loss at the engine firing frequency and the first few harmonics has been the biggest challenge. Most advances in the design of efficient mufflers have resulted from linear plane wave theory, making use of the transfer matrix method. This review paper deals with evaluating approximate source characteristics required for prediction of the unmuffled intake and exhaust noise, making use of the electroacoustical analogies. In the last few years, significant advances have been made in the analysis of variable area perforated ducts, transverse plane wave analysis of short elliptical as well as circular chambers, double-tuned expansion chambers and concentric tube resonators, catalytic converters, diesel particulate filters, air cleaners, etc. The development of long strand fibrous materials that can be used in hot exhaust systems without binders has led to the use of combination mufflers in exhaust systems. Breakthroughs have been achieved in the prediction and control of breakout noise from the elliptical and circular muffler shell as well as the end plates of typical mufflers. Diesel particulate filters and inlet air cleaners have also been modeled acoustically. Some of these recent advances are the subject of this review paper.


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A power filter is necessary to connect the output of a power converter to the grid so as to reduce the harmonic distortion introduced in the line current and voltage by the power converter. Many a times, a transformer is also present before the point of common coupling. Magnetic components often constitute a significant part of the overall weight, size and cost of the grid interface scheme. So, a compact inexpensive design is desirable. A higher-order LCL-filter and a transformer are increasingly being considered for grid interconnection of the power converter. This study proposes a design method based on a three-winding transformer, that generates an integrated structure that behaves as an LCL-filter, with both the filter inductances and the transformer that are merged into a single electromagnetic component. The parameters of the transformer are derived analytically. It is shown that along with a filter capacitor, the transformer parameters provide the filtering action of an LCL-filter. A single-phase full-bridge power converter is operated as a static compensator for performance evaluation of the integrated filter transformer. A resonant integrator-based single-phase phase locked loop and stationary frame AC current controller are employed for grid frequency synchronisation and line current control, respectively.