972 resultados para LC-PDA
The method for preparation of molecularly imprinted monolithic stationary phase has been improved to achieve liquid chromatographic separation of enantiomers and diastereomers. By adopting low polar porogenic solvents of toluene and dodecanol and optimal polymerization conditions, the molecularly imprinted monolithic stationary phases with good flow-through properties and high resolution were prepared. Enantiomers of amino acid derivatives and diastereomers of cinchona alkaloids were completely resolved using the monolithic stationary phases. The influence of porogenic composition, monomer-template ratio and polymerization conditions on the chromatographic performance was investigated. Some chromatographic conditions such as the composition of the mobile phase and the temperature were characterized. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the molecularly imprinted monolithic stationary phase has a large through-pore structure to allow the mobile phase to flow through the column at very low backpressure. Accelerated separations of enantiomers and diastereomers were therefore achieved at elevated flow rates. Finally, the chiral recognition performance of the prepared stationary phase in aqueous media was investigated. Hydrophobic interaction, and ionic and/or hydrogen bonding interactions were proposed to be responsible for the recognition mechanism. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A new method for the sensitive determination of amino acids and peptides using the tagging reagent 2-(9-carbazole)-ethyl chloroformate (CEOC) with fluorescence (FL) detection has been developed. Identification of derivatives was carried out by liquid chromotography mass spectrometry. The chromophore in the 2-(9-fluorenyl)-ethyl chloroformate (FMOC) reagent was replaced by carbazole, which resulted in a sensitive fluorescence lerivatizing agent CEOC. CEOC can easily and quickly label peptides and amino acids. Derivatives are stable enough to be efficiently analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Studies on derivatization demonstrate excellent derivative yields over the pH range 8.8-10.0. Maximal yields close to 100% are observed with three- to fourfold molar reagent excess. Derivatives exhibit strong fluorescence and allow direct injection of the reaction mixture with no significant disturbance from the major fluorescent reagent degradation by-products, such as 2(9-carbazole)-ethanol and bis-(2-(9-carbazole)-ethyl) carbonate. In addition, the detection responses for CEOC derivatives are compared to those obtained with FMOC. The ratios AC(CEOC)/AC(FMOC) = 1.00-1.82 for fluorescence (FL) response and AC'(CEOC)/AC'(FMOC) = 1.00-1.21 for ultraviolet (UV) response are observed (here, AC and AC' are, respectively, FL and UV F response). Separation of the derivatized peptides and amino acids has been optimized on a Hypersil BDS C18 column. Excellent linear responses are observed. This method was used successfully to analyze protein hydrolysates from wool and from direct-derivatized beer. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
手绘草图是一种自然而直接的思路外化和交流方式。用户传统使用草图的方式为先用草图记录早期想法,想法成熟时转化为正规电子文档,这样存在着冗余性和低效性的问题。随着笔计算设备的普及,数码笔、手写板、手写屏、电子白板、PDA、UMPC等设备不断融入人们的生活,在线手绘草图将成为笔计算设备的主要应用之一。近年来,手绘草图也开始在互联网上出现,成为用户体现个性的方式。理解在线手绘草图将为手绘草图的高效利用和高效编辑提供了保障。 草图理解包括在线草图理解和离线草图理解。在线草图理解的对象为用户用数字笔绘制的在线草图,而离线草图理解的对象为图像。目前,在线草图理解技术是当前的研究热点,但它仍然面临很多挑战,例如草图的自适应识别、新领域草图的理解、草图的高效交互等。本文的研究对象为在线草图理解技术以及面向在线草图理解的交互技术。具体地,从多个层次和角度展开研究,依次为:草图符号识别、手写公式理解、草图结构理解、面向在线草图理解的交互技术、原型系统。 本文首先概述了草图理解技术的发展历史,介绍了在线草图理解技术的需求、输入设备和关键技术,并分析了在线草图理解技术的研究进展。之后,本文对自适应的草图符号识别、手写无机化学公式理解、手绘概念图的结构理解这三个问题进行了讨论,并对面向在线草图理解的交互技术进行了分析,最后研发了一个原型系统IdeaNote。本文研究内容和创新点如下: 1. 自适应的草图符号识别 在草图符号的自适应学习中,不同用户的训练样本数量可能不同,保持在不同样本数量下良好的学习效果成为需要解决的一个重要问题。本文提出一种自适应的草图符号识别方法,该方法采用与训练样本个数相关的分类器组合策略将模板匹配方法和SVM统计分类方法进行了高效组合。它通过利用支持小样本学习的模板匹配方法和支持更多样本学习的SVM方法,并同时利用草图符号中的在线信息和离线信息,实现了不同样本个数下自适应的符号学习和识别。评估表明,该方法可以在24类草图符号分别使用1到20个训练样本时具有较高的识别正确率和较好的时间性能。 2. 手写无机化学公式理解 手写公式是人们学习和生活中的重要部分,本文提出手写无机化学公式的同步识别和异步识别方法。同步识别方法在用户书写无机化学公式的同时进行识别,异步识别方法在用户完成一个或几个化学公式的时候进行识别。两类方法均充分利用了无机化学领域的知识,具有较高的识别正确率。其中,异步识别方法的正确率为93.08%。基于手写无机化学公式的理解结果,可以支持无机化学公式的手写输入、多通道输入、自动错误检测和自动配平等。 3. 手绘概念图的结构理解 草图结构理解是草图编辑和草图应用的基础。手绘概念图是思维产生和交流的重要工具,与正规形式的概念图相比更加自然且符合用户的纸笔习惯。本文提出一种手绘概念图的结构理解方法。它采用动态规划方法提取概念图中的节点和连线笔划块,通过图划分的方法降低图的动态规划的时间复杂度,在此基础上提取由节点、连线和节点连线关系组成的概念图结构。评估表明,该方法可以取得95.18%的节点和连线提取正确率,且概念图结构理解的时间满足实时性要求。 4. 面向在线草图理解的交互技术 草图的交互技术对草图系统至关重要。本文提出手绘概念图的结构化编辑技术和基于语音和笔的多通道输入和纠错技术。其中,手绘概念图的结构化编辑技术,支持结构化的选择、移动、缩放和节点互换等编辑操作。评估表明,该结构化编辑方法比基于笔划的编辑方法更加高效。多通道交互技术包括基于语音和笔的多通道化学公式输入方法和基于语音和笔的多通道数学公式纠错方法。评估表明,基于语音和笔的手写数学公式识别纠错方法比基于笔的纠错方法取得更好的效果。 5. 原型系统IdeaNote 笔记系统是笔计算设备上的重要应用。IdeaNote是一个基于数字笔的笔记系统。它支持数字笔迹的自由输入,并支持笔迹的高效编辑。IdeaNote的基础为在线草图理解技术和面向在线草图理解的交互技术。在线草图理解技术包含笔手势识别方法、支持小样本学习的草图符号识别方法、列表结构理解方法、手绘概念图的结构理解方法和手写公式理解方法。面向在线草图理解的交互技术包括结构化编辑技术和多通道交互技术。另外,系统包含一个用于操纵笔迹的笔手势集合。
移动计算是当今主流的计算模式之一,以MID、UMPC、Tablet PC、PDA为代表的移动设备为移动计算的实现提供了可行性。在办公软件领域,随着用户需求的多样化发展,办公软件的非结构化、自由化输入是未来发展的趋势,以鼠标、键盘为主的传统办公软件已不能适应移动设备的需求。 思维是人接受信息、存贮信息、加工信息以及输出信息的活动过程。知识工作者是思维最为活跃的人群,是开发和使用知识的人。笔记是思维重要的呈现方式,笔记采集是知识工作者主要的活动之一。笔记采集正朝着个性化、智能化的方向发展,传统的办公软件已不能适应笔记采集的需求,以笔记采集为主要内容的移动办公软件将是办公软件发展的方向之一。 为适应笔记采集的移动性、自由性特点,本文设计和开发了面向知识工作者的笔记采集工具。本文的主要工作如下: 1. 笔记采集工具的需求分析 通过分析知识工作者的代表人群(老师和学生)在特定场景下的手写材料,总结得到笔记采集工具的功能需求。笔记采集工具需要支持笔迹的输入、笔迹结构的高级理解(如概念图理解等)以及一些特定领域下的功能(如动态几何作图等)。 2. 笔记采集工具的系统设计 依据PIBG界面范式,设计了笔记采集工具。具体地,通过剖析笔迹信息处理的层次关系,设计出笔迹处理解析机制;按照功能将系统划分为四个模块:笔迹采集、笔迹编辑、笔迹理解和笔迹管理;设计出包含交互层、任务层、算法层和数据层的软件体系结构。 3. 笔记采集工具的主要算法和特色功能 笔记采集工具的个性化和自由化需要各种高级功能(如概念图理解、动态几何)的支持。工具中采用的算法包括$1模板匹配算法、数学公式理解、概念图结构理解、笔迹搜索以及几何约束求解相关的算法。工具设计了一套笔手势,并为手势交互提供了有效的可视化反馈。 4. 笔记采集工具的实现与应用实例 实现了笔记采集原型工具,并给出一个学生使用该工具进行学习的实例。该工具的主要功能包括笔手势交互、动态几何、手写数学公式输入、概念图结构化编辑、笔迹搜索等。
This paper presents results of 2 years (from January 2005 to December 2006) of measurement of N2O fluxes from the native and grazed Leymus chinensis (LC) steppes in Inner Mongolia, China using the static opaque chamber method. The measurement was at a frequency of twice per month in the growing season and once per month in the non-growing season. In addition, the possible effect of water-heat factors on N2O fluxes was statistically analyzed. The results indicated that there were distinct seasonal patterns in N2O fluxes with large fluxes in spring, summer, and autumn but negative fluxes in winter. The annual net emission of N2O ranging from 0.24 to 0.30 kg N2O-N ha(-1) and from 0.06 to 0.26 kg N2O-N ha(-1) from the native and grazed LC steppe, respectively. Grazing activities suppressed N2O production. In the growing season, soil moisture was the primary driving factor of N2O fluxes. The high seasonal variation of N2O fluxes was regulated by the distribution of effective rainfall, rather than precipitation intensity. Air temperature or soil temperature at 0, 5, and 10 cm depth was the most restricting factor of N2O fluxes in the non-growing season.
The influence of the concentration of a nucleating agent (NA), namely 1,3:2,4-di(3,4-dimethylbenzylidene) sorbitol (DMDBS), on the gamma phase content in a propylene/ethylene copolymer was investigated by means of Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Wide-Angle X-ray Diffraction (WAXD), Small- Angle X-ray Scatter (SAXS) and Polarized Optical Microscopy (POM).
In this paper, the modification of polypropylene (PP) with acrylic acid (AA) by reactive extrusion using pre-irradiated PP (rPP) as initiator was investigated. It was found the relatively high graft degree (Gd) and slight degradation of modified PP was obtained when 20 wt% rPP was used. This result can be explained in terms of effective concentration of free radicals.
In vitro α-glycosidase inhibition assays and Ultrafiltration LC-DAD-ESI-MSn were combined to screening α-glucosidase inhibitors from hawthorn leaves flavonoids extract. As a result, hawthorn leaves flavonoids extract showed strong α-glucosidase inhibitory activity, four compounds presented α-glucosidase inhibitory effects were observed and identified by LC-DAD-MSn, and further confirmed by high resolution SORI-CID FT ICR MS data.
We report a quantum-chemical study of electronic, optical and charge transporting properties of four platinum (II) complexes, pt((CN)-N-Lambda)(2) ((CN)-N-Lambda=phenylpyridine or thiophenepyridine). The lowest-lying absorptions at 442, 440, 447 and 429 nm are all attributed to the mixed transition characters of metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) and ligand-centered (LC) pi - pi(*) transition. While, unexpectedly, the lowest-lying phosphorescent emissions at 663, 660, 675 and 742 nm are mainly from metal-to-ligand charge transfer ((MLCT)-M-3) ligand-centered (LC) pi ->pi* transition. Ionization potential (IP), electron affinities (EA) and reorganization energy P (lambda(hole/electron)) were obtained to evaluate the charge transfer and balance properties between hole and electron.
The present work describes a liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS) method for rapid identification of phenylethanoid glycosides in plant extract from Plantago asiatica L. By using a binary mobile phase system consisting of 0.2% acetic acid and acetonitrile under gradient conditions, a good separation was achieved on a reversed-phase C-18 column. The [M-H](-) ions, the molecular weights, and the fragment ions of phenylethanoid glycosides were obtained in the negative ion mode using LC-ESI-MS. The identification of the phenylethanoid glycosides (peaks 1-3) in the extract of P. asiatica L. was based on matching their retention time, the detection of molecular ions, and the fragment ions obtained by collision-induced dissociation (CID) experiments with those of the authentic standards and data reported in the literature.
Four saponins were isolated from the leaves of Aralia elata, and established using NMR and other spectroscopic methods, as well as data reported in the literature. Three Aralia saponins from the leaves of Aralia elata sharing the same structures as those isolated from the root bark suggested that the leaves would be a good substitute for the root bark of Aralia elata. These four Aralia saponins were then extensively investigated using complementarily positive and negative electrospray ionization multistage tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn). Two isomers of saponins with different sugar linkages were then successfully differentiated by positive ESI-MSn and verified with different retention times and the collision-induced dissociation (CID) spectra by LC-MS. A simple and effective LC-MS method was thus developed for the rapid identification and screening of these saponins in plant extracts from leaves of Aralia elata.
Methacrylic acid based inverse opal hydrogels (MIOHs) have been prepared by controlling the synthesis conditions, including cross-linker content, solvent content, and water content in solvent mixtures to explore the effect of the synthesis conditions (especially solvent content and mixture) on the response performance. Various response events (pH, solvent, ionic strength, 1,4-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride (PDA) response) have been investigated. For pH, solvent response, the same response behaviors have been observed: both the increased solvent (only ethanol) content and the enhanced water content in solvent will lead to the reduced response level of MIOHs compared to that of the increased cross-linker content. However, two different kinds of response behaviors for ionic strength response have been found by adjusting the synthesis conditions. The kinetics of pH response shows characteristics of a diffusion-limited process, and the equilibrium response time is about 20 min, which cannot be reduced by changing the synthesis conditions.