1000 resultados para Koskinen, Liisa


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BACKGROUND: Continuous population aging has raised international policy interest in promoting active aging (AA). AA theoretical models have been defined from a biomedical or a psychosocial perspective. These models may be expanded including components suggested by lay individuals. This paper aims to study the correlates of AA in three European countries, namely, Spain, Poland, and Finland using four different definitions of AA. METHODS: The EU COURAGE in Europe project was a cross-sectional general adult population survey conducted in a representative sample of the noninstitutionalized population of Finland, Poland, and Spain. Participants (10,800) lived in the community. This analysis focuses on individuals aged 50 years old and over (7,987). Four definitions (two biomedical, one psychosocial, and a complete definition including biomedical, psychosocial, and external variables) of AA were analyzed. RESULTS: Differences in AA were found for country, age, education, and occupation. Finland scored consistently the highest in AA followed by Spain and Poland. Younger age was associated with higher AA. Higher education and occupation was associated with AA. Being married or cohabiting was associated with better AA compared to being widowed or separated in most definitions. Gender and urbanicity were not associated with AA, with few exceptions. Men scored higher in AA only in Spain, whereas there was no gender association in the other two countries. Being widowed was only associated with lower AA in Poland and not being married was associated with lower AA in Poland and Finland but not Spain. CONCLUSIONS: Associations with education, marital status, and occupation suggest that these factors are the most important components of AA. These association patterns, however, seem to vary across the three countries. Actions to promote AA in these countries may be addressed at reducing inequalities in occupation and education or directly tackling the components of AA lacking in each country.


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Digitoitu 21. 8. 2008.


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Soitinnus: viulu, piano


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BACKGROUND: The association between obesity and back pain has mainly been studied in high-income settings with inconclusive results, and data from older populations and developing countries are scarce. The aim of this study was to assess this association in nine countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America among older adults using nationally-representative data. METHODS: Data on 42116 individuals ≥50 years who participated in the Collaborative Research on Ageing in Europe (COURAGE) study conducted in Finland, Poland, and Spain in 2011-2012, and the World Health Organization's Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health (SAGE) conducted in China, Ghana, India, Mexico, Russia, and South Africa in 2007-2010 were analysed. Information on measured height and weight available in the two datasets was used to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI). Self-reported back pain occurring in the past 30 days was the outcome. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to assess the association between BMI and back pain. RESULTS: The prevalence of back pain ranged from 21.5% (China) to 57.5% (Poland). In the multivariable analysis, compared to BMI 18.5-24.9 kg/m(2), significantly higher odds for back pain were observed for BMI ≥35 kg/m(2) in Finland (OR 3.33), Russia (OR 2.20), Poland (OR 2.03), Spain (OR 1.56), and South Africa (OR 1.48); BMI 30.0-34.0 kg/m(2) in Russia (OR 2.76), South Africa (OR 1.51), and Poland (OR 1.47); and BMI 25.0-29.9 kg/m(2) in Russia (OR 1.51) and Poland (OR 1.40). No significant associations were found in the other countries. CONCLUSIONS: The strength of the association between obesity and back pain may vary by country. Future studies are needed to determine the factors contributing to differences in the associations observed.


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Soitinnus: piano, orkesteri.


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BACKGROUND: There is a need for short, specific instruments that assess quality of life (QOL) adequately in the older adult population. The aims of the present study were to obtain evidence on the validity of the inferences that could be drawn from an instrument to measure QOL in the aging population (people 50+ years old), and to test its psychometric properties. METHODS: The instrument, WHOQOL-AGE, comprised 13 positive items, assessed on a five-point rating scale, and was administered to nationally representative samples (n = 9987) from Finland, Poland, and Spain. Cronbach's alpha was employed to assess internal consistency reliability, whereas the validity of the questionnaire was assessed by means of factor analysis, graded response model, Pearson's correlation coefficient and unpaired t-test. Normative values were calculated across countries and for different age groups. RESULTS: The satisfactory goodness-of-fit indices confirmed that the factorial structure of WHOQOL-AGE comprises two first-order factors. Cronbach's alpha was 0.88 for factor 1, and 0.84 for factor 2. Evidence supporting a global score was found with a second-order factor model, according to the goodness-of-fit indices: CFI = 0.93, TLI = 0.91, RMSEA = 0.073. Convergent validity was estimated at r = 0.75 and adequate discriminant validity was also found. Significant differences were found between healthy individuals (74.19 ± 13.21) and individuals with at least one chronic condition (64.29 ± 16.29), supporting adequate known-groups validity. CONCLUSIONS: WHOQOL-AGE has shown good psychometric properties in Finland, Poland, and Spain. Therefore, considerable support is provided to using the WHOQOL-AGE to measure QOL in older adults in these countries, and to compare the QOL of older and younger adults.


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Soitinnus: lauluääni (S), huilu, orkesteri.


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Digitoitu 29. 12. 2008


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Digitoitu 13. 8. 2008.


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Turun Suomalaisen Yliopistoseuran syntysanat lausuttiin 29.4.1917. Seuran tärkeimpiin tavoitteisiin kuului alun alkaen tieteellisen kirjaston aikaansaaminen. Jo hoitokunnan ensimmäisessä kokouksessa 25.11.1917 asetettiin kirjastovaliokunta, joka sai tehtäväkseen kerätä kirjallisuutta sekä hoitaa seuran kirjastoa, arkistoa ja kokoelmia. Turun Suomalaiselta Yliopistoseuralta osoitti hämmästyttävää kaukokatseisuutta ja ripeyttä aikataulu, jossa se päätti ja toteutti Turun yliopiston kirjaston perustamisen. Vuonna 1920, suurinpiirtein samaan aikaan, kun oli päätetty yliopiston perustamisesta, yliopistoseura päätti ryhtyä toimiin kirjaston järjestämisen aloittamiseksi. 20.11.1920 valittiin yliopiston kirjaston väliaikaiseksi kirjastonhoitajaksi – ja 1922 vakinaiseksi - FK Volter Kilpi, joka alkoi hoitaa Turun yliopiston kirjastoa 1.1.1921. Kirjasto avasi ovensa yleisölle 27.6.1922, samana päivänä jolloin Turun suomalainen yliopisto aloitti toimintansa. Turun yliopiston kirjaston varsinaisena perustamisvuotena pidetään kuitenkin vuotta 1921. Turun suomalainen yliopisto, vuodesta 1927 Turun yliopisto oli vuoteen 1974 saakka yksityinen yliopisto. Turun yliopiston valtiollistamista koskeva laki tuli voimaan 1.8.1974. Turun yliopiston kirjaston ensimmäinen historiikki koskee vuosia 1917-1969 (Laurikkala & Neuvonen, 1970). 2000-luvun alussa Turun yliopiston kirjasto asetti tavoitteeksi, uuden 90-vuotishistoriikin kirjoittaminen. Tätä tehtävää varten palkattiin syksyksi 2005 kirjastonhoitaja Liisa Hilander. 2006 myös haastateltiin eräitä kirjaston aikaisempia työntekijöitä. Tämä aineisto on tallennettu erikseen kirjaston arkistoon. Alkuperäinen tavoite 90-vuotishistoriikin julkaisemisesta vuonna 2011 kuitenkin muuttui, kun päätökset Turun yliopistosta ja Turun kauppakorkeakoulusta muodostuvasta Turun yliopistosta tehtiin uuden yliopistolain yhteydessä, joka astuu voimaan 1.1.2010. Yliopisto muuttuu samalla valtion yliopistosta julkisoikeudelliseksi yliopistoksi. Kirjaston tilanne ja asema oli pitkään epäselvä ja vasta vuoden 2009 lopussa yliopisto teki päätöksen Turun yliopiston kirjaston ja Turun kauppakorkeakoulun kirjastojen yhdistämisestä (uudeksi) Turun yliopiston kirjastoksi 1.1.2010 lähtien. Samalla kirjasto asema muuttui yliopiston erillislaitoksesta yliopiston hallinnon organisaatioon – yliopistopalveluihin - kuuluvaksi yksiköksi. Sekä yliopiston että sen kirjaston aseman muuttuminen sai aikaan tarpeen aikaistaa Turun yliopiston kirjaston historiikin julkaisemisen vuoden 2009 lopussa. Historiikki kuvaa kirjaston kautta 1970-luvun alusta 2000-luvun loppupuolelle. Historiikin julkaisemisen aikaistamisen vuoksi 2000-luvun viimeisten vuosien tapahtumiin lähinnä on vain viittauksia.


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