977 resultados para Knowledge creating


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ViralZone (http://viralzone.expasy.org) is a knowledge repository that allows users to learn about viruses including their virion structure, replication cycle and host-virus interactions. The information is divided into viral fact sheets that describe virion shape, molecular biology and epidemiology for each viral genus, with links to the corresponding annotated proteomes of UniProtKB. Each viral genus page contains detailed illustrations, text and PubMed references. This new update provides a linked view of viral molecular biology through 133 new viral ontology pages that describe common steps of viral replication cycles shared by several viral genera. This viral cell-cycle ontology is also represented in UniProtKB in the form of annotated keywords. In this way, users can navigate from the description of a replication-cycle event, to the viral genus concerned, and the associated UniProtKB protein records.


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L'article és una reflexió sobre els requisits de formació dels professionals que demana la societat del coneixement. Un dels objectius més importants que ha de tenir la universitat en la societat del coneixement és la formació de professionals competents que tinguin prou eines intel·lectuals per a enfrontar-se a la incertesa de la informació, a la consciència que aquesta té una data de caducitat a curt termini i a l'ansietat que això provoca. Però, a més, també han de ser capaços de definir i crear les eines de treball amb què donaran sentit i eficàcia a aquest coneixement mudable i mutant. Per això, l'espai europeu d'ensenyament superior prioritza la competència transversal del treball col·laboratiu amb l'objectiu de promoure un aprenentatge autònom, compromès i adaptat a les noves necessitats de l'empresa del segle xxi. En aquest context, es presenta l'entorn teòric que fonamenta el treball desenvolupat a la plataforma informàtica ACME, que uneix el treball col·laboratiu i l'aprenentatge semipresencial o blended learning. Així mateix, es descriuen amb detall alguns exemples de wikis, paradigma del treball col·laboratiu, fets en assignatures impartides per la Universitat de Girona en l'espai virtual ACME


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L'article és una reflexió sobre els requisits de formació dels professionals que demana la societat del coneixement. Un dels objectius més importants que ha de tenir la universitat en la societat del coneixement és la formació de professionals competents que tinguin prou eines intel·lectuals per a enfrontar-se a la incertesa de la informació, a la consciència que aquesta té una data de caducitat a curt termini i a l'ansietat que això provoca. Però, a més, també han de ser capaços de definir i crear les eines de treball amb què donaran sentit i eficàcia a aquest coneixement mudable i mutant. Per això, l'espai europeu d'ensenyament superior prioritza la competència transversal del treball col·laboratiu amb l'objectiu de promoure un aprenentatge autònom, compromès i adaptat a les noves necessitats de l'empresa del segle xxi. En aquest context, es presenta l'entorn teòric que fonamenta el treball desenvolupat a la plataforma informàtica ACME, que uneix el treball col·laboratiu i l'aprenentatge semipresencial o blended learning. Així mateix, es descriuen amb detall alguns exemples de wikis, paradigma del treball col·laboratiu, fets en assignatures impartides per la Universitat de Girona en l'espai virtual ACME


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The Iowa economy is undergoing great change. Among the sectors deemed important to Iowa’s economic future is bioscience. Definition of what constitutes the bioscience sector but suggests it includes agricultural, medical, plant-life sciences, and related industrial activity.


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R. solanacearum was ranked in a recent survey the second most important bacterial plant pathogen, following the widely used research model Pseudomonas syringae (Mansfield et al., 2012). The main reason is that bacterial wilt caused by R. solanacearum is the world"s most devastating bacterial plant disease (http://faostat.fao.org), threatening food safety in tropical and subtropical agriculture, especially in China, Bangladesh, Bolivia and Uganda (Martin and French, 1985). This is due to the unusually wide host range of the bacterium, its high persistence and because resistant crop varieties are unavailable. In addition, R. solanacearum has been established as a model bacterium for plant pathology thanks to pioneering molecular and genomic studies (Boucher et al., 1985; Cunnac et al., 2004b; Mukaihara et al., 2010; Occhialini et al., 2005; Salanoubat et al., 2002). As for many bacterial pathogens, the main virulence determinant in R. solanacearum is the type III secretion system (T3SS) (Boucher et al., 1994), which injects a number of effector proteins into plant cells causing disease in hosts or an hypersensitive response in resistant plants. In this article we discuss the current state in the study of the R. solanacearum T3SS, stressing the latest findings and future perspectives.


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In this paper I present an endogenous growth model where the engine of growth is in-house R&D performed by high-tech firms. I model knowledge (patent) licensing among high-tech firms. I show that if there is knowledge licensing, high-tech firms innovate more and economic growth is higher than in cases when there are knowledge spillovers or there is no exchange of knowledge among high-tech firms. However, in case when there is knowledge licensing the number of high-tech firms is lower than in cases when there are knowledge spillovers or there is no exchange of knowledge.


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In this paper I present an endogenous growth model where the engine of growth is in-house R&D performed by high-tech firms. I model knowledge (patent) licensing among high-tech firms. I show that if there is knowledge licensing, high-tech firms innovate more and economic growth is higher than in cases when there are knowledge spillovers or there is no exchange of knowledge among high-tech firms. However, in case when there is knowledge licensing the number of high-tech firms is lower than in cases when there are knowledge spillovers or there is no exchange of knowledge.


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INTRODUCTION: Developments in technology, web-based teaching and whole slide imaging have broadened the teaching horizon in anatomic pathology. Creating online learning material including many types of media such as radiologic images, whole slides, videos, clinical and macroscopic photographs, is now accessible to most universities. Unfortunately, a major limiting factor to maintain and update the learning material is the amount of resources needed. In this perspective, a French-national university network was initiated in 2011 to build joint online teaching modules consisting of clinical cases and tests. The network has since expanded internationally to Québec, Switzerland and Ivory Coast. METHOD: One of the first steps of the project was to build a learning module on inflammatory skin pathology for interns and residents in pathology and dermatology. A pathology resident from Québec spent 6 weeks in France and Switzerland to develop the contents and build the module on an e-learning Moodle platform under the supervision of two dermatopathologists. The learning module contains text, interactive clinical cases, tests with feedback, virtual slides, images and clinical photographs. For that module, the virtual slides are decentralized in 2 universities (Bordeaux and Paris 7). Each university is responsible of its own slide scanning, image storage and online display with virtual slide viewers. RESULTS: The module on inflammatory skin pathology includes more than 50 web pages with French original content, tests and clinical cases, links to over 45 virtual images and more than 50 microscopic and clinical photographs. The whole learning module is being revised by four dermatopathologists and two senior pathologists. It will be accessible to interns and residents in the spring of 2014. The experience and knowledge gained from that work will be transferred to the next international resident whose work will be aimed at creating lung and breast pathology learning modules. CONCLUSION: The challenges of sustaining a project of this scope are numerous. The technical aspect of whole-slide imaging and storage needs to be developed by each university or group. The content needs to be regularly updated and its accuracy reviewed by experts in each individual domain. The learning modules also need to be promoted within the academic community to ensure maximal benefit for trainees. A collateral benefit of the project was the establishment of international partnerships between French-speaking universities and pathologists with the common goal of promoting pathology education through the use of multi-media technology including whole slide imaging.


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At the beginning of the 21st century, a new social arrangement of work poses a series of questions and challenges to scholars who aim to help people develop their working lives. Given the globalization of career counseling, we decided to address these issues and then to formulate potentially innovative responses in an international forum. We used this approach to avoid the difficulties of creating models and methods in one country and then trying to export them to other countries where they would be adapted for use. This article presents the initial outcome of this collaboration, a counseling model and methods. The life-designing model for career intervention endorses five presuppositions about people and their work lives: contextual possibilities, dynamic processes, non-linear progression, multiple perspectives, and personal patterns. Thinking from these five presuppositions, we have crafted a contextualized model based on the epistemology of social constructionism, particularly recognizing that an individual's knowledge and identity are the product of social interaction and that meaning is co-constructed through discourse. The life-design framework for counseling implements the theories of self-constructing [Guichard, J. (2005). Life-long self-construction. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 5, 111-124] and career construction [Savickas, M. L. (2005). The theory and practice of career construction. In S. D. Brown & R. W. Lent (Eds.), Career development and counselling: putting theory and research to work (pp. 42-70). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley] that describe vocational behavior and its development. Thus, the framework is structured to be life-long, holistic, contextual, and preventive.


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