988 resultados para Judah, ha-Nasi, ca. 135-ca. 220.


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We present and examine a multi-sensor global compilation of mid-Holocene (MH) sea surface temperatures (SST), based on Mg/Ca and alkenone palaeothermometry and reconstructions obtained using planktonic foraminifera and organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst census counts. We assess the uncertainties originating from using different methodologies and evaluate the potential of MH SST reconstructions as a benchmark for climate-model simulations. The comparison between different analytical approaches (time frame, baseline climate) shows the choice of time window for the MH has a negligible effect on the reconstructed SST pattern, but the choice of baseline climate affects both the magnitude and spatial pattern of the reconstructed SSTs. Comparison of the SST reconstructions made using different sensors shows significant discrepancies at a regional scale, with uncertainties often exceeding the reconstructed SST anomaly. Apparent patterns in SST may largely be a reflection of the use of different sensors in different regions. Overall, the uncertainties associated with the SST reconstructions are generally larger than the MH anomalies. Thus, the SST data currently available cannot serve as a target for benchmarking model simulations.


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Records of Cd/Ca in planktonic foraminiferal calcite of Globigerinoides bulloides in cores from the Subantarctic region of the Southern Ocean show large glacial-interglacial variations with lower Cd/Ca (by 0.06-0.10 µmol/mol) at glacial times. Interpretation of these records in terms of lower dissolved phosphate and inferred higher glacial nutrient utilization has significant implications for glacial atmospheric carbon dioxide (pCO2) draw-down. However, box core-top data for G. bulloides in the North Atlantic suggest that the incorporation of Cd into planktonic foraminifera relative to seawater (DCd) is temperature sensitive (DCd=0.637 exp 0.15T). When the Subantarctic planktonic Cd/Ca records are corrected for this temperature dependence, they show little or no glacial-interglacial diferences. If, as seems likely, this observation can be interpreted to indicate a minimal change (< 0.5 µmol/kg) in surface water phosphate concentrations, then the explanation for lowered glacial pCO2 must be looked for elsewhere.


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A Mediterranean composite sedimentary record was analyzed for Ba/Ca ratios on carbonate shells of Orbulina universa planktonic foraminifer (Ba/Ca)carb providing the opportunity to study and assess the extent of freshwater inputs on the basin and possible impacts on its dynamics during the Tortonian to Recent period. A number of scanning electron microscope analyses and auxiliary trace element measurements (Mn, Sr, and Mg), obtained from the same samples, exclude important diagenetic effects on the studied biogenic carbonates and corroborate the reliability of (Ba/Ca)carb ratios in foraminifera calcite as indicators of seawater source components during the studied interval. A long-term trend with (Ba/Ca)carb values shifting from ~7 to 3 µmol/mol from the base of the Tortonian to the top of the Messinian is observed. The interval of the late Messinian salinity crisis, where biogenic carbonates are missing or strongly diagenized, represents a crucial passage not monitored in our record. At the base of the Pliocene, up to about 4.7 Ma, the (Ba/Ca)carb record shows a decreasing trend from ~4 µmol/mol stabilizing itself to an about constant value of 0.9 ± 0.3 µmol/mol for the whole Plio-Pleistocene interval. These results suggest a dramatic change in the continental runoff values, up to ~3-16 times higher during part of the late Neogene (Tortonian-early Pliocene), with a possible profound modification in the physical dynamics of the Mediterranean basin. First-order mass balance equations used to estimate barium and salinity budgets in the Mediterranean Sea during the late Miocene-early Pliocene interval support the hypothesis of an active connection of the basin with the Paratethys region and of a definitive restriction at the base of the Pliocene after about 0.7 Ma from the well-known Messinian Lagomare phase. They also open intriguing scenarios on possible circulation shifts during the Neogene.