974 resultados para Island of Elba,Fluid inclusions,Petrography,Torre di Rio skarn,Iron ore deposits
Quartz veins ranging in size from less than 50 cm length and 5 cm width to greater than 10 m in length and 5 m in width are found throughout the Central Swiss Alps. In some cases, the veins are completely filled with milky quartz, while in others, sometimes spectacular void-filling quartz crystals are found. The style of vein filling and size is controlled by host rock composition and deformation history. Temperatures of vein formation, estimated using stable isotope thermometry and mineral equilibria, cover a range of 450 degrees C down to 150 degrees C. Vein formation started at 18 to 20 Ma and continued for over 10 My. The oxygen isotope values of quartz veins range from 10 to 20 permil, and in almost all cases are equal to those of the hosting lithology. The strongly rock-buffered veins imply a low fluid/rock ratio and minimal fluid flow. In order to explain massive, nearly morromineralic quartz formation without exceptionally large fluid fluxes, a mechanism of differential pressure and silica diffusion, combined with pressure solution, is proposed for early vein formation. Fluid inclusions and hydrous minerals in late-formed veins have extremely low delta D values, consistent with meteoric water infiltration. The change from rock-buffered, static fluid to infiltration from above can be explained in terms of changes in the large-scale deformation style occurring between 20 and 15 Ma. The rapid cooling of the Central Alps identified in previous studies may be explained in part, by infiltration of cold meteoric waters along fracture systems down to depths of 10 km or more. An average water flux of 0.15 cm 3 cm(-2)yr(-1) entering the rock and reemerging heated by 40 degrees C is sufficient to cool rock at 10 km depth by 100 degrees C in 5 million years. The very negative delta D values of < -130 permil for the late stage fluids are well below the annual average values measured in meteoric water in the region today. The low fossil delta D values indicate that the Central Alps were at a higher elevation in the Neogene. Such a conclusion is supported by an earlier work, where a paleoaltitude of 5000 meters was proposed on the basis of large erratic boulders found at low elevations far from their origin.
Paired samples of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum of 30 patients - 10 with active, 10 with inactive neurocysticercosis (NCC), and 10 control subjects - were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using two Taenia crassiceps metacestode extracts as antigen in order to detect IgG antibodies. In active NCC, high levels of IgG were detected (p < 0.05). The CSF samples showed 80% (CI 72-88) of reactivity in the saline extract (S) and 90% (CI 84-95) in sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and the serum samples were reactive in 90% (CI 84-95) and 100% (CI 98-100) in the S and SDS antigenic extracts, respectively. The use of the paired samples of CSF and serum in active NCC showed equivalent results suggesting that the serum samples could be used as a screening in those patients whose CSF puncture is counter-indicated.
Aedes aegypti on Madeira Island (Portugal): genetic variation of a recently introduced dengue vector
The increasing population of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes on Madeira Island (Portugal) resulted in the first autochthonous dengue outbreak, which occurred in October 2012. Our study establishes the first genetic evaluation based on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes [cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 (ND4)] and knockdown resistance ( kdr ) mutations exploring the colonisation history and the genetic diversity of this insular vector population. We included mosquito populations from Brazil and Venezuela in the analysis as putative geographic sources. The Ae. aegypti population from Madeira showed extremely low mtDNA genetic variability, with a single haplotype for COI and ND4. We also detected the presence of two important kdr mutations and the quasi-fixation of one of these mutations (F1534C). These results are consistent with a unique recent founder event that occurred on the island of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes that carry kdr mutations associated with insecticide resistance. Finally, we also report the presence of the F1534C kdr mutation in the Brazil and Venezuela populations. To our knowledge, this is the first time this mutation has been found in South American Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. Given the present risk of Ae. aegypti re-invading continental Europe from Madeira and the recent dengue outbreaks on the island, this information is important to plan surveillance and control measures.
OBJECTIVE: To determine changes of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers of patients on monotherapy with lopinavir/ritonavir. DESIGN: The Monotherapy Switzerland/Thailand study (MOST) trial compared monotherapy with ritonavir-boosted lopinavir with continued therapy. The trial was prematurely stopped due to virological failure in six patients on monotherapy. It, thus, offers a unique opportunity to assess brain markers in the early stage of HIV virological escape. METHODS: : Sixty-five CSF samples (34 on continued therapy and 31 on monotherapy) from 49 HIV-positive patients enrolled in MOST. Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, we determined the CSF concentration of S100B (astrocytosis), neopterin (inflammation), total Tau (tTau), phosphorylated Tau (pTau), and amyloid-β 1-42 (Aβ), the latter three indicating neuronal damage. Controls were CSF samples of 29 HIV-negative patients with Alzheimer dementia. RESULTS: In the CSF of monotherapy, concentrations of S100B and neopterin were significantly higher than in continued therapy (P = 0.006 and P = 0.013, respectively) and Alzheimer dementia patients (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.0005, respectively). In Alzheimer dementia, concentration of Aβ was lower than in monotherapy (P = 0.005) and continued therapy (P = 0.016) and concentrations of tTau were higher than in monotherapy (P = 0.019) and continued therapy (P = 0.001). There was no difference in pTau among the three groups. After removal of the 16 CSF with detectable viral load in the blood and/or CSF, only S100B remained significantly higher in monotherapy than in the two other groups. CONCLUSION: Despite full viral load-suppression in blood and CSF, antiretroviral monotherapy with lopinavir/ritonavir can raise CSF levels of S100B, suggesting astrocytic damage.
Extensional detachment systems separate hot footwalls from cool hanging walls, but the degree to which this thermal gradient is the product of ductile or brittle deformation or a preserved original transient geotherm is unclear. Oxygen isotope thermometry using recrystallized quartz-muscovite pairs indicates a smooth thermal gradient (140 degrees C/100 m) across the gently dipping, quartzite-dominated detachment zone that bounds the Raft River core complex in northwest Utah (United States). Hydrogen isotope values of muscovite (delta D-Ms similar to-100 parts per thousand) and fluid inclusions in quartz (delta D-Fluid similar to-85 parts per thousand) indicate the presence of meteoric fluids during detachment dynamics. Recrystallized grain-shape fabrics and quartz c-axis fabric patterns reveal a large component of coaxial strain (pure shear), consistent with thinning of the detachment section. Therefore, the high thermal gradient preserved in the Raft River detachment reflects the transient geotherm that developed owing to shearing, thinning, and the potentially prominent role of convective flow of surface fluids.
Abundant veins filled by calcite, celestite and pyrite were found in the core of a 719 m deep borehole drilled in Oftringen near Olten, located in the north-western Molasse basin, close to the thrust of the Folded Jura. Host rocks are calcareous marl, argillaceous limestone and limestone of the Dogger and Malm. The delta O-18 values of vein calcite are lower than in host rock carbonate and, together with microthermometric data from fluid inclusions in vein calcite, indicate precipitation from a seawater-dominated fluid at average temperatures of 56-68A degrees C. Such temperatures were reached at the time of maximum burial of the sedimentary pile in the late Miocene. The depth profile of delta C-13 and Sr-87/Sr-86 values and Sr content of both whole-rock carbonate and vein calcite show marked trends towards negative delta C-13, high Sr-87/Sr-86, and low Sr content in the uppermost 50-150 m of the Jurassic profile (upper Oxfordian). The Sr-87/Sr-86 of vein minerals is generally higher than that of host rock carbonate, up to very high values corresponding to Burdigalian seawater (Upper Marine Molasse, Miocene), which represents the last marine incursion in the region. No evidence for internally derived radiogenic Sr (clay minerals) has been found and so an external source is required. S and O isotope composition of vein celestite and pyrite can be explained by bacterial reduction of Miocene seawater sulphate. The available data set suggests the vein mineralization precipitated from descending Burdigalian seawater and not from a fluid originating in the underlying Triassic evaporites.
Kinetics of crystal growth and equilibrium domains in eclogite of the Sesia Zone, Western Alps Darbellay Bastien Institut de Minéralogie et Géochimie Résumé grand public Comme toute matière, la roche est sensible à son environnement et cherche à s'adapter pour acquérir un état stable (état d'équilibre). Les changements des conditions physiques (température et pression) vont ainsi impliquer des modifications dans la roche. Le métamorphisme est l'étude de ces changements. Les minéraux qui constituent la roche peuvent modifier, leur structure, leur chimie ou être remplacer par d'autres minéraux plus stables. Il est ainsi crucial de déterminer les processus responsables et limitant de la croissance minérale. Trois processus permettent la croissance ; (1) la dissolution des éléments du réactant, (2) le transport de ces éléments vers le site de croissance, (3) l'incorporation de ces éléments dans la nouvelle structure. Cette thèse se focalise sur les structures des minéraux de haute pression (forme, zonation chimique, structure interne) pour essayer de déterminer les facteurs importants à l'origine de leur état final. Les zones d'étude se situent dans la zone de Sésia. La première partie traite de la problématique liée à l'incorporation d'un élément dans une structure minérale. A l'image de la croissance humaine, les irrégularités minéralogiques permettent de mettre en lumière un dysfonctionnement de la croissance due à un excès ou à une carence d'un élément. Bien dosé, cet élément est cependant essentiel à la croissance. Les zoisites (épidotes) des métabasites de la région de Cima di Bonze montrent une zonation chimique en sablier. Dans cette zonation la teneur en fer excède la capacité maximum que peut contenir la structure orthorhombique de la zoisite. Des défauts de structure permettent l'accommodation de cet excès. La zoisite peut ainsi adapter sa structure pour permettre l'incorporation d'une relativement grande quantité de fer. Les études précédentes montraient, pour des conditions similaires, la formation de deux épidotes distinctes. La deuxième partie se penche sur la compétition entre le minéral qui fait sa croissance et les minéraux (réactants) qui l'entourent. Les métapélites de la région du Monte Mucrone contiennent des grenats atollaires. Des études détaillées de la texture et de la zonation chimique du grenat ainsi qu'une modélisation thermodynamique ont permis de mieux cerner les facteurs importants responsables de la forme atollaire. Cette structure est obtenue par un changement du comportement de la croissance du grenat le long d'un chemin P-T hercynien. Dans un premier stade, le grenat croît rapidement et consume peu le quartz de la matrice. La croissance se fait ainsi le long des jointures des grains de quartz. Dans un second temps, les changements de conditions PT donnent une croissance lente du grenat et une forte consommation du quartz. Le grenat peut ainsi développer sa forme dodécaédrale classique. La troisième partie s'intéresse aux distances de transport par diffusion d'un élément (ici l'argon) durant la haute pression. Pour ce faire, un profile d'âges 40Ar/39Ar sur biotite a été mesuré depuis un veine de haute pression riche en argon jusque dans son encaissant (granitoïd du Monte Mucrone). Le profile montre une répartition des âges suivant une courbe de diffusion. Le transport se fait sur une longueur de deux centimètre avec l'aide d'un fluide. Il est réduit à une échelle millimétrique quand la phase fluide disparaît. Cette étude montre ainsi les difficultés de transport des éléments durant la haute pression ne permettant pas un rééquilibrage de la roche à grande échelle. Kinetics of crystal growth and equilibrium domains in eclogite of the Sesia Zone, Western Alps Darbellay Bastien Institut de Minéralogie et Géochimie Résumé de thèse Les processus de croissance (diffusion des éléments et les réactions d'interface) et les conditions dans lesquelles les minéraux grandissent (température, pression, fluide, composition chimique de la roche), déterminent la texture ainsi que la zonation des minéraux. Cette thèse se focalise, par le biais de textures peu communes, sur trois différents processus impliqués dans la croissance minérale à haute pression (Zone de Sésia, Alpes de l'Ouest, Italie). L'incorporation d'un élément dans une structure minérale ne peut se faire que dans des sites en accord avec la taille et la charge ionique de l'élément. De plus, la balance de charge doit être maintenue dans le minéral. La régularité de la structure cristalline fixe ainsi une limite maximum de concentration d'un élément donné. Les zoisites provenant des métabasites de la région de Cima di Bonze montrent des zonations en sablier caractérisées par une concentration anormale en fer. La zonation se marque par une différente teinte de biréfringence et par un plus grand angle d'extinction que le reste de la zoisite. Une inter-croissance de clinozoisite à l'intérieur de la structure orthorhombique de la zoisite peut ainsi être suspectée. Les analyses XRD (diffraction des rayons x) ainsi que les analyses Raman ne confirment pas cette suspicion. Seules les analyses TEM (microscope à électrons transmis) montrent des défauts de structure pouvant être interprétés comme des modules de clinozoisite. Ils ne peuvent cependant pas être considérés comme une phase thermodynamique. Un nouveau trou d'immiscibilité entre deux zoisite (X ep= 0.1 and Xep = 0.15) a ainsi pu être établi. Dans les métapélites la région du Monte Mucrone, des grenats fortement zonés montrent une évolution texturale singulière. Ils présentent une forme initiale de `champignon' qui se développe pour former une structure atollaire finale. L'étude conjuguée de la structure 3D et des zonations, ainsi que l'établissement d'un model thermodynamique, indiquent que ces structures proviennent de deux épisodes de croissances : (1) La croissance du grenat durant un chemin prograde hercynien (de 525 °C et 6.2 kbar à 640 °C et 9 kbar) permet la formation des textures atollaires. Elles sont le résultat d'une croissance poecilitique initiale suivie d'une croissance idiomorphique du grenat. (2) La structure est rendue plus complexe par la cristallisation d'un grenat homogène tout autour ainsi qu'à l'intérieur du grenat hercynien durant la haute pression alpine (550 °C and 20 kbar). L'arrivée de l'eau durant la haute pression facilite le transport d'éléments et permet une cristallisation rapide du grenat. La diffusion peut être un facteur limitant de la croissance minéralogique. Elle a aussi une grande importance pour la géochronologie. Une veine de haute pression à l'intérieur du granitoïde du Monte Mucrone a été étudiée dans le but de déterminer la distance de diffusion de l'argon. Le profile d'âges 40Ar/39Ar sur biotites, établi de la veine vers le métagranitoïde, suit une courbe de diffusion. Les âges sont élevés proche de la veine (800 Ma) puis décroissent jusqu'à des âges homogènes (170-150 Ma) à deux centimètres de la veine. La présence de fluide, marqué par de hautes concentrations en chlore, permet une diffusion centimétrique. Cependant, la distance est réduite à une échelle millimétrique quand le fluide est absent. Les très faibles distances de diffusion préservent les âges pré-alpins et impliquent un événement géologique pour les âges de 170-150 Ma. Kinetics of crystal growth and equilibrium domains in eclogite of the Sesia Zone, Western Alps Darbellay Bastien Institut de Minéralogie et Géochimie Thesis abstract Rock textures and zonings are the consequence of growth processes (element diffusion and interface reaction) steered by the environment in which they grew (pressure, differential stress, temperature, fluid and rock composition). The thesis presented here focuses on three different topics, each of it dealing with aspects of mineral growth processes during subduction, in a high-pressure environment. All studies were conducted in the Sesia Zone of the Western European Alps, Italy. The first study addresses the crystallography and geochemistry of element incorporation in zoisite, one of the major hydrous minerals found in subduction zone rocks. Elements can be incorporated into a mineral structure only on crystallographic sites that offer enough space for the ion and the overall charge balance has to be maintained. Element concentrations are hence limited. Incorporation of some elements produces complex zoning, including hourglass like patterns, which are the focus of the first contribution. Zoisites from Cima di Bonze (Sesia Zone) show spectacular hourglass zoning defined by Fe-content variations. The hourglass zones have a distinct birefringence and a different extinction angle than the regular part of the zoisite. We show by detailed XRD (X-ray diffraction) and confocal Raman analyses that the high Fe-zones are nevertheless zoisite, and not clinozoisite as one might expect. High resolution TEM (transmission electron microscopy) analyses show planar defects on (100) that can be interpreted as small-scale clinozoisite modules. However, these clinozoisites cannot be interpreted as a distinctive thermodynamic phase and the entire mineral has to be considered as zoisite. The miscibility gap between two zoisites (Xep = 0.1 and Xep = 0.15) can be then definite at 550 ± 50°C and 14 to 20 Kbar. Strongly zoned garnets in quartz rich metapelite from the Monte Mucrone area (Sesia Zone) show evolution form 3D mushroom to atoll structure. The second contribution presents textural investigations, garnet zoning and thermodynamic modeling that demonstrate that atoll garnets are the result of two distinctive growth events. (1) Garnet atoll structure is already formed during a prograde Hercynian path from 525 °C and 6.2 kbar to 640 °C and 9 kbar. It results in an initial poikilitic growth followed by a final idiomorphic growth event. (2) Alpine HP garnet are homogenous (550 °C and 20 kbar) and grew around and also inside the Hercynian garnet. Lack of prograde Alpine garnet and fast growth of the HP garnet is explained by the absence of water during much of the prograde path. Water saturation was only observed towards the end, close towards the peak metamorphic conditions. Diffusion could be a limiting factor for crystal growth. It has also a great importance in geochronology. HP vein inside the metagranitoide of the Monte Mucrone (~300 Ma) was investigated to determine argon diffusion scales during high-pressure metamorphism. 40Ar/39Ar biotite ages profile from the vein toward the metagranodiorite show a diffusion curve: old ages (800 Ma) located close to the vein decrease until homogenous 170-150 Ma ages are obtained, two centimeter away from the vein. Centimeter-scale diffusion occurs with help of a fluid phase marked by high chlorine concentrations. Argon diffusion is reduced to a millimeter scale when free fluid is absent. Very short diffusion distance permits to preserve pre-Alpine ages. The 170-150 Ma ages are considered to be geologic meaningful, probably resulting from the extensional tectonics linked to opening of the Tethian ocean.
Crystallization of anatectic melts in high-temperature metamorphic terrains releases volatile-rich magmas that can be transported into adjacent lithologies. This study addresses the variations in the oxygen, boron and hydrogen isotopic composition of aplite-pegmatite dikes that formed during the crystallization of anatectic melts in regional high-temperature metamorphism on the island of Naxos, Greece, and propagated upward into the overlying sequences of metamorphic schist. The transport distance of these dikes was increased through a significant horizontal component of travel that was imposed by contemporaneous low-angle extensional shearing. Laser fluorination oxygen isotope analyses of quartz, tourmaline, garnet, and biotite mineral separates from the aplite-pegmatite dikes show a progressive rise in delta(18)O values with increasing distance from the core. Oxygen isotope fractionations among quartz, tourmaline, and garnet show temperature variations from > 700degreesC down to similar to400degreesC. This range is considered to reflect isotopic fractionation beginning with crystallization at high temperatures in water-undersaturated conditions and then evolving through lower temperature crystallization and retrograde sub-solidus exchange. Two processes are examined for the cause of the progressive increase in delta(18)O values: (1) heterogeneous delta(18)O sources and (2) fluid-rock exchange between the aplite/pegmatite magmas and their host rock. Although the former process cannot be ruled out, there is as yet no evidence in the exposed sequences on Naxos for the presence of a suitable high delta(18)O magma source. In contrast, a tendency for the delta(18)O of quartz in the aplite/pegmatite dikes to approach that of the quartz in the metamorphic rock suggests that fluid-rock exchange with the host rock may potentially be an important process. Advection of fluid into the magma is examined based on Darcian fluid flow into an initially water-undersaturated buoyantly propagating aplitic dike magma. It is shown that such advective flow could only account for part of the O-18-enrichment, unless it were amplified by repeated injection of magma pulses, fluid recycling, and deformation-assisted post-crystallization exchange. The mechanism is, however, adequate to account for hydrogen isotope equilibration between dike and host rock. In contrast, variations in the delta(11)B values of tourmalines suggest that B-11/B-10 fractionation during crystallization and/or magma degassing was the major control of boron geochemistry rather than fluid-rock interaction and that the boron isotopic system was decoupled from that of oxygen. Copyright (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd.
This paper presents the assessment and mapping of the Ribeira Seca catchment, an insular Sahelian mountain region sensitive to desertification, located on the island of Santiago, Cabo Verde. Desertification is a threat to the global environment, representing a serious ecological problemin Cabo Verde. To successfully combat desertification, an evaluation of desertification consequences is required and the building of cartography of the sensitivity for arid and semi-arid ecosystems is required as a first step. The MEDALUS model was the basis for this study in which six quality indicators were used: climate, soil, vegetation, land management, erosion and social factors. Several parameters were defined for each indicator with weights varying between 1 (very low) and 2 (very high). The geometric mean of each of the six quality indicators was employed to produce a map of areas sensitive to desertification. The results of this study show that more than 50% of the watershed show clear evidence of becoming a desertified area.
In this work we analyze how patchy distributions of CO2 and brine within sand reservoirs may lead to significant attenuation and velocity dispersion effects, which in turn may have a profound impact on surface seismic data. The ultimate goal of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of these processes within the framework of the seismic monitoring of CO2 sequestration, a key strategy to mitigate global warming. We first carry out a Monte Carlo analysis to study the statistical behavior of attenuation and velocity dispersion of compressional waves traveling through rocks with properties similar to those at the Utsira Sand, Sleipner field, containing quasi-fractal patchy distributions of CO2 and brine. These results show that the mean patch size and CO2 saturation play key roles in the observed wave-induced fluid flow effects. The latter can be remarkably important when CO2 concentrations are low and mean patch sizes are relatively large. To analyze these effects on the corresponding surface seismic data, we perform numerical simulations of wave propagation considering reservoir models and CO2 accumulation patterns similar to the CO2 injection site in the Sleipner field. These numerical experiments suggest that wave-induced fluid flow effects may produce changes in the reservoir's seismic response, modifying significantly the main seismic attributes usually employed in the characterization of these environments. Consequently, the determination of the nature of the fluid distributions as well as the proper modeling of the seismic data constitute important aspects that should not be ignored in the seismic monitoring of CO2 sequestration problems.
A novel laboratory technique is proposed to investigate wave-induced fluid flow on the mesoscopic scale as a mechanism for seismic attenuation in partially saturated rocks. This technique combines measurements of seismic attenuation in the frequency range from 1 to 100?Hz with measurements of transient fluid pressure as a response of a step stress applied on top of the sample. We used a Berea sandstone sample partially saturated with water. The laboratory results suggest that wave-induced fluid flow on the mesoscopic scale is dominant in partially saturated samples. A 3-D numerical model representing the sample was used to verify the experimental results. Biot's equations of consolidation were solved with the finite-element method. Wave-induced fluid flow on the mesoscopic scale was the only attenuation mechanism accounted for in the numerical solution. The numerically calculated transient fluid pressure reproduced the laboratory data. Moreover, the numerically calculated attenuation, superposed to the frequency-independent matrix anelasticity, reproduced the attenuation measured in the laboratory in the partially saturated sample. This experimental?numerical fit demonstrates that wave-induced fluid flow on the mesoscopic scale and matrix anelasticity are the dominant mechanisms for seismic attenuation in partially saturated Berea sandstone.
An eclogite facies meta-plagiogranite from the Lanzo massif (western Alps, Italy) contains crystals of zircon intimately associated with allanite. Zircon displays different microtextures ranging from pristine, euhedral, and magmatic to fractured, porous varieties with mosaic zoning, and pervasive recrystallization into euhedral microcrystals. Fractures and voids in the recrystallized zircon microcrystals are mainly filled by high-pressure Na-rich pyroxene. Electron backscattered diffraction analysis revealed a similar crystallographic orientation for primary magmatic zircon crystals and microcrystals, with less than 2 degrees misorientation among neighboring microdomains. The textural change is coupled with chemical and isotopic modifications: recrystallized zircon domains contain significantly less Th and light- to mid-REE, but are richer in Sr than magmatic zircon crystals. Magmatic zircon preserves the protolith U-Pb age of 163.5 +/- 1.7 Ma, whereas zircon microcrystals have a mean age of 55 +/- 1 Ma. The coexisting allanite also contains inclusions of Na-rich pyroxene and has chemical features (elevated Sr and Ni contents and lack of Eu anomaly) indicating formation at high pressure. Despite being associated texturally with zircon, allanite yields a younger Th-Pb age of 46.5 +/- 3.0 Ma, suggesting that the Lanzo unit remained at relatively high pressure conditions for similar to 8 m.y. Zircon recrystallization proceeded with volume reduction and loss of material to an alkaline metamorphic fluid that acted as the agent for a coupled dissolution-reprecipitation process. Recrystallization occurred with minimum transport, in a low-strain environment, and was not significantly enhanced by metamictization. The source of the fluid for zircon recrystallization is most probably related to prograde devolatilization reactions in the surrounding serpentinite.
We perform a three-dimensional study of steady state viscous fingers that develop in linear channels. By means of a three-dimensional lattice-Boltzmann scheme that mimics the full macroscopic equations of motion of the fluid momentum and order parameter, we study the effect of the thickness of the channel in two cases. First, for total displacement of the fluids in the channel thickness direction, we find that the steady state finger is effectively two-dimensional and that previous two-dimensional results can be recovered by taking into account the effect of a curved meniscus across the channel thickness as a contribution to surface stresses. Second, when a thin film develops in the channel thickness direction, the finger narrows with increasing channel aspect ratio in agreement with experimental results. The effect of the thin film renders the problem three-dimensional and results deviate from the two-dimensional prediction.
We study the forced displacement of a fluid-fluid interface in a three-dimensional channel formed by two parallel solid plates. Using a lattice-Boltzmann method, we study situations in which a slip velocity arises from diffusion effects near the contact line. The difference between the slip and channel velocities determines whether the interface advances as a meniscus or a thin film of fluid is left adhered to the plates. We find that this effect is controlled by the capillary and Péclet numbers. We estimate the crossover from a meniscus to a thin film and find good agreement with numerical results. The penetration regime is examined in the steady state. We find that the occupation fraction of the advancing finger relative to the channel thickness is controlled by the capillary number and the viscosity contrast between the fluids. For high viscosity contrast, lattice-Boltzmann results agree with previous results. For zero viscosity contrast, we observe remarkably narrow fingers. The shape of the finger is found to be universal.
A model of anisotropic fluid with three perfect fluid components in interaction is studied. Each fluid component obeys the stiff matter equation of state and is irrotational. The interaction is chosen to reproduce an integrable system of equations similar to the one associated to self-dual SU(2) gauge fields. An extension of the BelinskyZakharov version of the inverse scattering transform is presented and used to find soliton solutions to the coupled Einstein equations. A particular class of solutions that can be interpreted as lumps of matter propagating in empty space-time is examined.