916 resultados para Intelligent systems. Pipeline networks. Fuzzy logic


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Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are increasingly deployed to enable thousands of users to share, create, and access live video streaming with different characteristics and content, such as video surveillance and football matches. In this context, there is a need for new mechanisms for assessing the quality level of videos because operators are seeking to control their delivery process and optimize their network resources, while increasing the user’s satisfaction. However, the development of in-service and non-intrusive Quality of Experience assessment schemes for real-time Internet videos with different complexity and motion levels, Group of Picture lengths, and characteristics, remains a significant challenge. To address this issue, this article proposes a non-intrusive parametric real-time video quality estimator, called MultiQoE that correlates wireless networks impairments, videos’ characteristics, and users’ perception into a predicted Mean Opinion Score. An instance of MultiQoE was implemented in WMNs and performance evaluation results demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of MultiQoE in predicting the user’s perception of live video streaming services when compared to subjective, objective, and well-known parametric solutions.


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An integrated approach for multi-spectral segmentation of MR images is presented. This method is based on the fuzzy c-means (FCM) and includes bias field correction and contextual constraints over spatial intensity distribution and accounts for the non-spherical cluster's shape in the feature space. The bias field is modeled as a linear combination of smooth polynomial basis functions for fast computation in the clustering iterations. Regularization terms for the neighborhood continuity of intensity are added into the FCM cost functions. To reduce the computational complexity, the contextual regularizations are separated from the clustering iterations. Since the feature space is not isotropic, distance measure adopted in Gustafson-Kessel (G-K) algorithm is used instead of the Euclidean distance, to account for the non-spherical shape of the clusters in the feature space. These algorithms are quantitatively evaluated on MR brain images using the similarity measures.


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This chapter presents fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM) as a vehicle for Web knowledge aggregation, representation, and reasoning. The corresponding Web KnowARR framework incorporates findings from fuzzy logic. To this end, a first emphasis is particularly on the Web KnowARR framework along with a stakeholder management use case to illustrate the framework’s usefulness as a second focal point. This management form is to help projects to acceptance and assertiveness where claims for company decisions are actively involved in the management process. Stakeholder maps visually (re-) present these claims. On one hand, they resort to non-public content and on the other they resort to content that is available to the public (mostly on the Web). The Semantic Web offers opportunities not only to present public content descriptively but also to show relationships. The proposed framework can serve as the basis for the public content of stakeholder maps.


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The presented approach describes a model for a rule-based expert system calculating the temporal variability of the release of wet snow avalanches, using the assumption of avalanche triggering without the loading of new snow. The knowledge base of the model is created by using investigations on the system behaviour of wet snow avalanches in the Italian Ortles Alps, and is represented by a fuzzy logic rule-base. Input parameters of the expert system are numerical and linguistic variables, measurable meteorological and topographical factors and observable characteristics of the snow cover. Output of the inference method is the quantified release disposition for wet snow avalanches. Combining topographical parameters and the spatial interpolation of the calculated release disposition a hazard index map is dynamically generated. Furthermore, the spatial and temporal variability of damage potential on roads exposed to wet snow avalanches can be quantified, expressed by the number of persons at risk. The application of the rule base to the available data in the study area generated plausible results. The study demonstrates the potential for the application of expert systems and fuzzy logic in the field of natural hazard monitoring and risk management.


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A software prototype for dynamic route planning in the travel industry for cognitive cities is presented in this paper. In contrast to existing tools, the prototype enhances the travel experience (i.e., sightseeing) by allowing additional flexibility to the user. The theoretical background of the paper strengthens the understanding of the introduced concepts (e.g., cognitive cities, fuzzy logic, graph databases) to comprehend the presented prototype. The prototype applies an instantiation and enhancement of the graph database Neo4j . For didactical reasons and to strengthen the understanding of this prototype a scenario, applied to route planning in the city of Bern (Switzerland) is shown in the paper.


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We propose WEAVE, a geographical 2D/3D routing protocol that maintains information on a small number of waypoints and checkpoints for forwarding packets to any destination. Nodes obtain the routing information from partial traces gathered in incoming packets and use a system of checkpoints along with the segments of routes to weave end-to-end paths close to the shortest ones. WEAVE does not generate any control traffic, it is suitable for routing in both 2D and 3D networks, and does not require any strong assumption on the underlying network graph such as the Unit Disk or a Planar Graph. WEAVE compares favorably with existing protocols in both testbed experiments and simulations.


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In this paper, we commence the study of the so called supplementarity measures. They are introduced axiomatically and are then related to incompatibility measures by antonyms. To do this, we have to establish what we mean by antonymous measure. We then prove that, under certain conditions, supplementarity and incompatibility measuresare antonymous. Besides, with the aim of constructing antonymous measures, we introduce the concept of involution on the set made up of all the ordered pairs of fuzzy sets. Finally, we obtain some antonymous supplementarity measures from incompatibility measures by means of involutions.


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The goal of the work described in this paper is to develop a visual line guided system for being used on-board an Autonomous Guided Vehicle (AGV) commercial car, controlling the steering and using just the visual information of a line painted below the car. In order to implement the control of the vehicle, a Fuzzy Logic controller has been implemented, that has to be robust against curvature changes and velocity changes. The only input information for the controller is the visual distance from the image center captured by a camera pointing downwards to the guiding line on the road, at a commercial frequency of 30Hz. The good performance of the controller has successfully been demonstrated in a real environment at urban velocities. The presented results demonstrate the capability of the Fuzzy controller to follow a circuit in urban environments without previous information about the path or any other information from additional sensors


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This paper proposes a stress detection system based on fuzzy logic and the physiological signals heart rate and galvanic skin response. The main contribution of this method relies on the creation of a stress template, collecting the behaviour of previous signals under situations with a different level of stress in each individual. The creation of this template provides an accuracy of 99.5% in stress detection, improving the results obtained by current pattern recognition techniques like GMM, k-NN, SVM or Fisher Linear Discriminant. In addition, this system can be embedded in security systems to detect critical situations in accesses as cross-border control. Furthermore, its applications can be extended to other fields as vehicle driver state-of-mind management, medicine or sport training.


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Decreasing the accidents on highway and urban environments is the main motivation for the research and developing of driving assistance systems, also called ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems). In recent years, there are many applications of these systems in commercial vehicles: ABS systems, Cruise Control (CC), parking assistance and warning systems (including GPS), among others. However, the implementation of driving assistance systems on the steering wheel is more limited, because of their complexity and sensitivity. This paper is focused in the development, test and implementation of a driver assistance system for controlling the steering wheel in curve zones. This system is divided in two levels: an inner control loop which permits to execute the position and speed target, softening the action over the steering wheel, and a second control outer loop (controlling for fuzzy logic) that sends the reference to the inner loop according the environment and vehicle conditions. The tests have been done in different curves and speeds. The system has been proved in a commercial vehicle with satisfactory results.


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This paper presents the complete development of the Simbiosis Smart Walker. The device is equipped with a set of sensor subsystems to acquire user-machine interaction forces and the temporal evolution of user's feet during gait. The authors present an adaptive filtering technique used for the identification and separation of different components found on the human-machine interaction forces. This technique allowed isolating the components related with the navigational commands and developing a Fuzzy logic controller to guide the device. The Smart Walker was clinically validated at the Spinal Cord Injury Hospital of Toledo - Spain, presenting great acceptability by spinal chord injury patients and clinical staff


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La tesis doctoral CONTRIBUCIÓN AL ESTUDIO DE DOS CONCEPTOS BÁSICOS DE LA LÓGICA FUZZY constituye un conjunto de nuevas aportaciones al análisis de dos elementos básicos de la lógica fuzzy: los mecanismos de inferencia y la representación de predicados vagos. La memoria se encuentra dividida en dos partes que corresponden a los dos aspectos señalados. En la Parte I se estudia el concepto básico de «estado lógico borroso». Un estado lógico borroso es un punto fijo de la aplicación generada a partir de la regla de inferencia conocida como modus ponens generalizado. Además, un preorden borroso puede ser representado mediante los preórdenes elementales generados por el conjunto de sus estados lógicos borrosos. El Capítulo 1 está dedicado a caracterizar cuándo dos estados lógicos dan lugar al mismo preorden elemental, obteniéndose también un representante de la clase de todos los estados lógicos que generan el mismo preorden elemental. El Capítulo finaliza con la caracterización del conjunto de estados lógicos borrosos de un preorden elemental. En el Capítulo 2 se obtiene un subconjunto borroso trapezoidal como una clase de una relación de indistinguibilidad. Finalmente, el Capítulo 3 se dedica a estudiar dos tipos de estados lógicos clásicos: los irreducibles y los minimales. En el Capítulo 4, que inicia la Parte II de la memoria, se aborda el problema de obtener la función de compatibilidad de un predicado vago. Se propone un método, basado en el conocimiento del uso del predicado mediante un conjunto de reglas y de ciertos elementos distinguidos, que permite obtener una expresión general de la función de pertenencia generalizada de un subconjunto borroso que realice la función de extensión del predicado borroso. Dicho método permite, en ciertos casos, definir un conjunto de conectivas multivaluadas asociadas al predicado. En el último capítulo se estudia la representación de antónimos y sinónimos en lógica fuzzy a través de auto-morfismos. Se caracterizan los automorfismos sobre el intervalo unidad cuando sobre él se consideran dos operaciones: una t-norma y una t-conorma ambas arquimedianas. The PhD Thesis CONTRIBUCIÓN AL ESTUDIO DE DOS CONCEPTOS BÁSICOS DE LA LÓGICA FUZZY is a contribution to two basic concepts of the Fuzzy Logic. It is divided in two parts, the first is devoted to a mechanism of inference in Fuzzy Logic, and the second to the representation of vague predicates. «Fuzzy Logic State» is the basic concept in Part I. A Fuzzy Logic State is a fixed-point for the mapping giving the Generalized Modus Ponens Rule of inference. Moreover, a fuzzy preordering can be represented by the elementary preorderings generated by its Fuzzy Logic States. Chapter 1 contemplates the identity of elementary preorderings and the selection of representatives for the classes modulo this identity. This chapter finishes with the characterization of the set of Fuzzy Logic States of an elementary preordering. In Chapter 2 a Trapezoidal Fuzzy Set as a class of a relation of Indistinguishability is obtained. Finally, Chapter 3 is devoted to study two types of Classical Logic States: irreducible and minimal. Part II begins with Chapter 4 dealing with the problem of obtaining a Compa¬tibility Function for a vague predicate. When the use of a predicate is known by means of a set of rules and some distinguished elements, a method to obtain the general expression of the Membership Function is presented. This method allows, in some cases, to reach a set of multivalued connectives associated to the predicate. Last Chapter is devoted to the representation of antonyms and synonyms in Fuzzy Logic. When the unit interval [0,1] is endowed with both an archimedean t-norm and a an archi-medean t-conorm, it is showed that the automorphisms' group is just reduced to the identity function.


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The term "Logic Programming" refers to a variety of computer languages and execution models which are based on the traditional concept of Symbolic Logic. The expressive power of these languages offers promise to be of great assistance in facing the programming challenges of present and future symbolic processing applications in Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge-based systems, and many other areas of computing. The sequential execution speed of logic programs has been greatly improved since the advent of the first interpreters. However, higher inference speeds are still required in order to meet the demands of applications such as those contemplated for next generation computer systems. The execution of logic programs in parallel is currently considered a promising strategy for attaining such inference speeds. Logic Programming in turn appears as a suitable programming paradigm for parallel architectures because of the many opportunities for parallel execution present in the implementation of logic programs. This dissertation presents an efficient parallel execution model for logic programs. The model is described from the source language level down to an "Abstract Machine" level suitable for direct implementation on existing parallel systems or for the design of special purpose parallel architectures. Few assumptions are made at the source language level and therefore the techniques developed and the general Abstract Machine design are applicable to a variety of logic (and also functional) languages. These techniques offer efficient solutions to several areas of parallel Logic Programming implementation previously considered problematic or a source of considerable overhead, such as the detection and handling of variable binding conflicts in AND-Parallelism, the specification of control and management of the execution tree, the treatment of distributed backtracking, and goal scheduling and memory management issues, etc. A parallel Abstract Machine design is offered, specifying data areas, operation, and a suitable instruction set. This design is based on extending to a parallel environment the techniques introduced by the Warren Abstract Machine, which have already made very fast and space efficient sequential systems a reality. Therefore, the model herein presented is capable of retaining sequential execution speed similar to that of high performance sequential systems, while extracting additional gains in speed by efficiently implementing parallel execution. These claims are supported by simulations of the Abstract Machine on sample programs.


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E-learning systems output a huge quantity of data on a learning process. However, it takes a lot of specialist human resources to manually process these data and generate an assessment report. Additionally, for formative assessment, the report should state the attainment level of the learning goals defined by the instructor. This paper describes the use of the granular linguistic model of a phenomenon (GLMP) to model the assessment of the learning process and implement the automated generation of an assessment report. GLMP is based on fuzzy logic and the computational theory of perceptions. This technique is useful for implementing complex assessment criteria using inference systems based on linguistic rules. Apart from the grade, the model also generates a detailed natural language progress report on the achieved proficiency level, based exclusively on the objective data gathered from correct and incorrect responses. This is illustrated by applying the model to the assessment of Dijkstra’s algorithm learning using a visual simulation-based graph algorithm learning environment, called GRAPHs


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In this paper we propose a new benchmark to drive making decisions in maintenance of computer systems. This benchmark is made from load average sample data. The main goal is to improve reliability and performance of a set of devices or components. In particular, the stability of the system is measured in terms of variability of the load. A forecast of the behavior of this stability is also proposal as part of the reporting benchmark. At the final stage, a more stable system is obtained and its global reliability and performance can be then evaluated by means of appropriate specifications.