764 resultados para Intelligent Manufacturing
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a success story involving the extending of lean manufacturing practices between a focal firm and its supplier, both located in Brazil, thereby configuring a case of excellence. Design/methodology/approach – An in-depth case study was conducted involving two companies: Company A, focal, leader in its segment, located in Brazil; and Company B, Company A's supplier, also located in Brazil. Findings – Results indicate there are several mechanisms for extending lean manufacturing practices in the supply chain, such as workshops, training, and integrated teams. These mechanisms are shown and guidelines are also introduced for companies seeking to successfully extend lean manufacturing practices. Originality/value – An original use of define, measure, analyze, improve, control for structuring the extending of lean manufacturing practices to suppliers and, consequently, the importance of the lean six-sigma relationship in this context. Furthermore, the guidelines introduced serve as a benchmark for other companies interested in the topic.
In recent decades, two research themes have been prominent in the academic and organizational setting: lean manufacturing and green management. Since 1996, when Florida (1996) wrote an article focusing on the synergy between these two areas, the debate if “Lean is Green?” enters in the academic field. It is in this context that this research presents the results of a systematic literature on the topic, focusing on the characteristics, positive and negative impacts, lean paradigms, green paradigms and design of supply chains. To perform this procedure it were followed the methodological footsteps of Lage Junior and Godinho Filho (2010). The research occurred in the database Scopus and it was conducted from June, 2012 to July, 2012.The key word used was “green lean” and as search filter it were included only articles and conference Papers. Their main result is a deep analysis of the accumulated knowledge on the subject, where it is revealed that the majority of studies point to the synergy between some components of the lean manufacturing system in relation to environmental management. The research gap found is related to articles that address the entropy of the union of lean and green systems.
This study reports the implementation of GMPs in a mozzarella cheese processing plant. The mozzarella cheese manufacturing unit is located in the Southwestern region of the state of Parana, Brazil, and processes 20,000 L of milk daily. The implementation of GMP took place with the creation of a multi-disciplinary team and it was carried out in four steps: diagnosis, report of the diagnosis and road map, corrective measures and follow-up of GMP implementation. The effectiveness of actions taken and GMP implementation was compared by the total percentages of non-conformities and conformities before and after implementation of GMR Microbiological indicators were also used to assess the implementation of GMP in the mozzarella cheese processing facility. Results showed that the average percentage of conformity after the implementation of GMP was significant increased to 66%, while before it was 32% (p < 0.05). The populations of aerobic microorganisms and total coliforms in equipment were significantly reduced (p < 0.05) after the implementation of GMP, as well as the populations of total coliforms in the hands of food handlers (p < 0.05). In conclusion, GMP implementation changed the overall organization of the cheese processing unity, as well as managers and food handlers' behavior and knowledge on the quality and safety of products manufactured. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study examines the paramilitary training carried out by the Integralist Militia (Militia Integralista), unit of the Brazilian Integralist Action (Acao Integralista Brasileira, AIB) of the extreme right wing political party in Brazil in the 1930s. The training was aimed to create the "integral soldier", a "physically strong, intelligent and soul superior" one. The study analyzes issues of the newspaper "Monitor Integralista", a prescriptive and dogmatic journal of the movement, found in the Public and History Archives of the city of Rio Claro, State of Sao Paulo, and in the "A Offensiva" newspaper, microfilmed an archived at the National Library of Rio de Janeiro. It concludes that Plinio Salgado's goal, the National Head of the AIB, was to train, by using verbal persuasion, speeches, word of mouth and by vote, by force and physical combat, the integralists to defend the causes of the movement.
A power transformer needs continuous monitoring and fast protection as it is a very expensive piece of equipment and an essential element in an electrical power system. The most common protection technique used is the percentage differential logic, which provides discrimination between an internal fault and different operating conditions. Unfortunately, there are some operating conditions of power transformers that can mislead the conventional protection affecting the power system stability negatively. This study proposes the development of a new algorithm to improve the protection performance by using fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms. An electrical power system was modelled using Alternative Transients Program software to obtain the operational conditions and fault situations needed to test the algorithm developed, as well as a commercial differential relay. Results show improved reliability, as well as a fast response of the proposed technique when compared with conventional ones.
There has been considerable concern in Latin America over the implications of increased competition from China for local industry. These concerns include the possibility of "deindustrialization," the increased "primarization" of the region's exports and the difficulties of upgrading manufactured exports into higher technology products. This article examines the impact of Chinese competition both in the domestic market and in export markets on Brazilian industry. It documents the increased penetration of Chinese manufactures in the Brazilian market and the way in which Brazilian exports have lost market share to China in the US, European Union and four Latin American countries. Brazil, because of its more developed and locally integrated industrial sector, is not typical of other Latin American countries and the article also discusses the relevance of the Brazilian experience for the region as a whole.
Computational and experimental characterization of a low-cost piezoelectric valveless diaphragm pump
Flow pumps act as important devices in areas such as Bioengineering, Medicine, and Pharmacy, among other areas of Engineering, mainly for delivering liquids or gases at small-scale and precision flow rate quantities. Principles for pumping fluids based on piezoelectric actuators have been widely studied, since they allow the construction of pump systems for displacement of small fluid volumes with low power consumption. This work studies valveless piezoelectric diaphragm pumps for flow generation, which uses a piezoelectric ceramic (PZT) as actuator to move a membrane (diaphragm) up and down as a piston. The direction of the flow is guaranteed by valveless configuration based on a nozzle-diffuser system that privileges the flow in just one pumping direction. Most research efforts on development of valveless flow pump deal either with computational simulations based on simplified models or with simplified physical approaches based on analytical models. The main objective of this work is the study of a methodology to develop a low-cost valveless piezoelectric diaphragm flow pump using computational simulations, parametric study, prototype manufacturing, and experimental characterization. The parametric study has shown that the eccentricity of PZT layer and metal layer plays a key role in the performance of the pump.
This study aims to develop and implement a tool called intelligent tutoring system in an online course to help a formative evaluation in order to improve student learning. According to Bloom et al. (1971,117) formative evaluation is a systematic evaluation to improve the process of teaching and learning. The intelligent tutoring system may provide a timely and high quality feedback that not only informs the correctness of the solution to the problem, but also informs students about the accuracy of the response relative to their current knowledge about the solution. Constructive and supportive feedback should be given to students to reveal the right and wrong answers immediately after taking the test. Feedback about the right answers is a form to reinforce positive behaviors. Identifying possible errors and relating them to the instructional material may help student to strengthen the content under consideration. The remedial suggestion should be given in each answer with detaileddescription with regards the materials and instructional procedures before taking next step. The main idea is to inform students about what they have learned and what they still have to learn. The open-source LMS called Moodle was extended to accomplish the formative evaluation, high-quality feedback, and the communal knowledge presented here with a short online financial math course that is being offered at a large University in Brazil. The preliminary results shows that the intelligent tutoring system using high quality feedback helped students to improve their knowledge about the solution to the problems based on the errors of their past cohorts. The results and suggestion for future work are presented and discussed.
European Regional Development Fund
In the last years, Intelligent Tutoring Systems have been a very successful way for improving learning experience. Many issues must be addressed until this technology can be defined mature. One of the main problems within the Intelligent Tutoring Systems is the process of contents authoring: knowledge acquisition and manipulation processes are difficult tasks because they require a specialised skills on computer programming and knowledge engineering. In this thesis we discuss a general framework for knowledge management in an Intelligent Tutoring System and propose a mechanism based on first order data mining to partially automate the process of knowledge acquisition that have to be used in the ITS during the tutoring process. Such a mechanism can be applied in Constraint Based Tutor and in the Pseudo-Cognitive Tutor. We design and implement a part of the proposed architecture, mainly the module of knowledge acquisition from examples based on first order data mining. We then show that the algorithm can be applied at least two different domains: first order algebra equation and some topics of C programming language. Finally we discuss the limitation of current approach and the possible improvements of the whole framework.
Reasoning under uncertainty is a human capacity that in software system is necessary and often hidden. Argumentation theory and logic make explicit non-monotonic information in order to enable automatic forms of reasoning under uncertainty. In human organization Distributed Cognition and Activity Theory explain how artifacts are fundamental in all cognitive process. Then, in this thesis we search to understand the use of cognitive artifacts in an new argumentation framework for an agent-based artificial society.
Il cambiamento organizzativo costituisce oggi un elemento fondamentale per la sopravvivenza dell'impresa. Un approccio al cambiamento è costituito dal Total Quality Management (o Qualità Totale). La Qualità Totale pone il cliente e la sua soddisfazione al centro delle decisioni aziendali. Ciò presuppone un coinvolgimento di tutto il personale dell'impresa nell'attività di miglioramento continuo. Un sistema di gestione della Qualità Totale è rappresentato dalla Lean Manufacturing. Infatti, i punti essenziali della Lean Manufacturing sono il focus sul cliente, l'eliminazione degli sprechi ed il miglioramento continuo. L'obiettivo è la creazione di valore per il cliente e, quindi, l'eliminazione di ogni forma di spreco. E' necessario adottare un'organizzazione a flusso e controllare continuamente il valore del flusso nell'ottica del miglioramento continuo. Il Lead Time costituisce l'indicatore principale della Lean Manufacturing.I risultati principali della Lean Manufacturing sono: aumento della produttività, miglioramento della qualità del prodotto, riduzione dei lead time e minimizzazione delle scorte ed aumento della rotazione. Tutto ciò è applicato ad un caso aziendale reale. Il caso si compone di un'analisi dei processi di supporto, dell'analisi del capitale circolante (analisi dello stock e del flusso attuale e futuro) e dell'analisi del sistema di trasporto, con l'obiettivo di ridurre il più possibile il lead time totale del sistema.
Negli ultimi anni è emerso chiaramente come la logistica rivesta un’importanza fondamentale per le aziende e costituisca un ottimo strumento per assicurarsi e mantenere un solido vantaggio competitivo. Inoltre, osservando l’ambiente attuale si evince come il sistema logistico sia caratterizzato da un progressivo aumento di complessità, sia in seguito alle maggiori esigenze dei mercati e sia come conseguenza della globalizzazione. In questo quadro evolutivo è mutato profondamente il ruolo ricoperto dalla logistica all’interno delle organizzazioni. Rispetto alla concezione tradizionale, che considerava la logistica come una funzione esclusivamente interna all’azienda, si è assistito al progressivo coinvolgimento dei fornitori e dei clienti ed è emersa la necessità di coordinare gli sforzi dell’intera supply chain, con l’obiettivo di migliorare il livello di servizio globalmente offerto e di ridurre i costi logistici totali. Tali considerazioni sono state il filo conduttore dell’analisi presentata di seguito, basata su uno studio svolto presso la DENSO Manufacturing Italia S.p.A., finalizzato all’analisi dei flussi in ingresso ed in particolar modo alla razionalizzazione degli imballi e dei trasporti, in un’ottica di integrazione con i fornitori. In particolare, la prima parte della trattazione introduce gli argomenti dal punto di vista teorico. Infatti, nel primo capitolo verrà illustrato il tema della logistica integrata e della sua evoluzione nel tempo, in relazione all’ambiente competitivo attuale ed alle nuove richieste dei mercati, approfondendo il tema della logistica in ingresso e del trasporto merci. Quindi, nel secondo capitolo verrà trattato il tema degli imballi, analizzandone le ripercussioni sull’intera catena logistica ed offrendo una panoramica dei metodi che permettono l’integrazione tra gli imballaggi ed i sistemi di trasporto, movimentazione e stoccaggio. Invece, la seconda parte dello studio sarà dedicata alla presentazione dell’azienda in cui è stato realizzato il progetto di tesi. Nel terzo capitolo verranno introdotte sia la multinazionale giapponese DENSO Corporation che la sua consociata DENSO Manufacturing Italia S.p.A., specializzata nella produzione di componenti per il mercato automotive, presso cui si è svolto lo studio. Nel quarto capitolo verrà descritto il layout dell’impianto, per poi presentare la logistica in ingresso allo stabilimento, ponendo maggiore attenzione ai flussi provenienti dal nord Italia – ed in particolare dal Piemonte – su cui si incentra il lavoro di tesi. Quindi, nella terza ed ultima parte verrà presentata in dettaglio l’analisi condotta durante lo studio aziendale. In particolare, il quinto capitolo tratta dei flussi di materiale provenienti dall’area piemontese, con l’analisi degli imballi utilizzati dai fornitori, delle consegne e delle modalità di trasporto. Infine, nel sesto capitolo saranno proposte delle soluzioni migliorative relativamente a tutte le criticità emerse in fase di analisi, valutandone gli impatti sia in termini economici che in relazione all’efficienza del flusso logistico.