962 resultados para Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Science méconnue en Suisse, l'entomologie forensique a été développée depuis 1993 en Suisse romande. Les insectes utilisés dans cette discipline appartiennent principalement aux ordres des diptères et des coléoptères. Une présentation des principales familles et leur biologie permettent de comprendre l'utilité de ces espèces dans le calcul de l'intervalle post-mortem et leur utilisation potentielle dans les affaires criminelles
[Acte royal. 1768-03-01. Versailles]
[Acte royal. 1768-03-01. Versailles]
[Acte. 1762-07-08]
The study aimed at understanding the implications of the teaching-service integration to nursing education from the perspective of teachers, students and professionals in Primary Healthcare as well as identifying the roles of teachers and professionals who follow practical experiences in education. This is a case study of qualitative approach carried out in five undergraduate courses in Nursing in the state of Santa Catarina. A total of 22 teachers and 14 professionals were interviewed and five focus groups were conducted with students. Results are presented in two categories: Implications of the teaching-service integration to education in Nursing: contributing factors and intervening factors and Relationships established in the experiences: a unison speech and a dissonant practice. The contributions of the teaching-service integration are undeniable. Despite this belief, there are intervening factors that need to be on the agenda for discussion. The role of facilitator in education emerged strongly despite conflicting perceptions remain.
The report highlights the services the IUB provided to Iowans, along with results achieved to ensure reliability, and to improve and expand utility service infrastructure in Iowa. This information is provided in accordance with the State of Iowa Accountable Government Act, Iowa Code chapter 8E. The two basic business functions of the IUB are utility regulation and compliance, and resource management. This report covers performance information for both of these areas.
The report highlights the services the IUB provided to Iowans, along with results achieved to ensure reliability, and to improve and expand utility service infrastructure in Iowa. This information is provided in accordance with the State of Iowa Accountable Government Act, Iowa Code chapter 8E. The two basic business functions of the IUB are utility regulation and compliance, and resource management. This report covers performance information for both of these areas.
The Technology Governance Board (TGB), established pursuant to Iowa Code Section 8A.204, developed and published this strategic information technology plan in December 2006. This plan contains the TGB's vision, mission, goals, and strategies that will lead the executive branch to an information technology infrastructure and policies that will enhance and unify the technology infrastructure to support business operations for electronic government, consistent with the vision of providing sustained support for “extraordinary customer service”.
Evidence of a sport-specific hierarchy of protective factors against doping would thus be a powerful aid in adapting information and prevention campaigns to target the characteristics of specific athlete groups, and especially those athletes most vulnerable for doping control. The contents of phone calls to a free and anonymous national anti-doping service called 'ecoute dopage' were analysed (192 bodybuilders, 124 cyclists and 44 footballers). The results showed that the protective factors that emerged from analysis could be categorised into two groups. The first comprised 'Health concerns', 'Respect for the law' and 'Doping controls from the environment' and the second comprised 'Doubts about the effectiveness of illicit products, 'Thinking skills' and 'Doubts about doctors'. The ranking of the factors for the cyclists differed from that of the other athletes. The ordering of factors was 1) respect for the law, 2) doping controls from the environment, 3) health concerns 4) doubts about doctors, and 5) doubts about the effectiveness illicit products. The results are analysed in terms of the ranking in each athlete group and the consequences on the athletes' experience and relationship to doping. Specific prevention campaigns are proposed to limit doping behaviour in general and for each sport.
This report is submitted as required per Code of Iowa section 327J.3(5), "The director shall report annually to the general assembly concerning the development and operation of the midwest regional rail system and the state's passenger rail service." The Midwest Regional Rail Initiative (MWRRI) is a nine-state effort to develop an implementation plan for a 3,000-mile, high-speed rail system hubbed in Chicago. Studies done since 1996 have concluded that such a regional system, including a line from Chicago to Omaha through Davenport, Iowa City and Des Moines, is viable. Most of the system would be upgraded to allow 110 mile-per-hour service. Some low volume lines, including the Iowa portions, would be upgraded for 79 mile-per-hour service. The nine-state coalition released an updated 2004 executive report for the system. As reported, the updated cost estimate for the Chicago to Omaha corridor, which includes a branch to Quincy, Ill., is $638 million for infrastructure and $167 million for rolling stock. These costs are higher than first estimated in 1998 and are given in 2002 dollars, (not adjusted for the cost of inflation). Operating subsidies would be required during an extended start-up phase. The allocation of these subsidy costs among the various states has not been determined, and is still a subject for analysis and negotiation. Little progress on implementation is expected unless a federal funding package is passed for passenger rail initiatives. Continued congressional discussion on policy directions relative to Amtrak clouds the issue of passenger rail funding. However, Congress is expected to address passenger rail issues and funding in 2007. Participation of the Iowa Department of Transportation in the MWRRI is authorized under Iowa Code section 327J.3.
Contexte: la planification infirmière de sortie des personnes âgées est une composante importante des soins pour assurer une transition optimale entre l'hôpital et la maison. Beaucoup d'événements indésirables peuvent survenir après la sortie de l'hôpital. Dans une perspective de système de santé, les facteurs qui augmentent ce risque incluent un nombre croissant de patients âgés, l'augmentation de la complexité des soins nécessitant une meilleure coordination des soins après la sortie, ainsi qu'une augmentation de la pression financière. Objectif: évaluer si les interventions infirmières liées à la planification de sortie chez les personnes âgées et leurs proches aidants sont prédictives de leur perception d'être prêts pour le départ, du niveau d'anxiété du patient le jour de la sortie de l'hôpital et du nombre de recours non programmé aux services de santé durant les trente jours après la sortie. Méthode: le devis est prédictif corrélationnel avec un échantillon de convenance de 235 patients. Les patients âgés de 65 ans de quatre unités d'hôpitaux dans le canton de Vaud en Suisse ont été recrutés entre novembre 2011 et octobre 2012. Les types et les niveaux d'interventions infirmières ont été extraits des dossiers de soins et analysés selon les composantes du modèle de Naylor. La perception d'être prêt pour la sortie et l'anxiété ont été mesurées un jour avant la sortie en utilisant l'échelle de perception d'être prêt pour la sortie et l'échelle Hospital Anxiety and Depression. Un mois après la sortie, un entretien téléphonique a été mené pour évaluer le recours non programmé aux services de santé durant cette période. Des analyses descriptives et un modèle randomisé à deux niveaux ont été utilisés pour analyser les données. Résultats: peu de patients ont reçu une planification globale de sortie. L'intervention la plus fréquente était la coordination (M = 55,0/100). et la moins fréquente était la participation du patient à la planification de sortie (M = 16,1/100). Contrairement aux hypothèses formulées, les patients ayant bénéficié d'un plus grand nombre d'interventions infirmières de préparation à la sortie ont un niveau moins élevé de perception d'être prêt pour le départ (B = -0,3, p < 0,05, IC 95% [-0,57, -0,11]); le niveau d'anxiété n'est pas associé à la planification de sortie (r = -0,21, p <0,01) et la présence de troubles cognitifs est le seul facteur prédictif d'une réhospitalisation dans les 30 jours après la sortie de l'hôpital ( OR = 1,50, p = 0,04, IC 95% [1,02, 2,22]). Discussion: en se focalisant sur chaque intervention de la planification de sortie, cette étude permet une meilleure compréhension du processus de soins infirmiers actuellement en cours dans les hôpitaux vaudois. Elle met en lumière les lacunes entre les pratiques actuelles et celles de pratiques exemplaires donnant ainsi une orientation pour des changements dans la pratique clinique et des recherches ultérieures. - Background: Nursing discharge planning in elderly patients is an important component of care to ensure optimal transition from hospital to home. Many adverse events may occur after hospital discharge. From a health care system perspective, contributing factors that increase the risk of these adverse events include a growing number of elderly patients, increased complexity of care requiring better care coordination after discharge, as well as increased financial pressure. Aim: To investigate whether older medical inpatients who receive comprehensive discharge planning interventions a) feel more ready for hospital discharge, b) have reduced anxiety at the time of discharge, c) have lower health care utilization after discharge compared to those who receive less comprehensive interventions. Methods: Using a predictive correlational design, a convenience sample of 235 patients was recruited. Patients aged 65 and older from 4 units of hospitals in the canton of Vaud in Switzerland were enrolled between November 2011 and October 2012. Types and level of interventions were extracted from the medical charts and analyzed according to the components of Naylor's model. Discharge readiness and anxiety were measured one day before discharge using the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale. A telephone interview was conducted one month after hospital discharge to asses unplanned health services utilization during this follow-up period. Descriptive analyses and a two- level random model were used for statistical analyses. Results: Few patients received comprehensive discharge planning interventions. The most frequent intervention was Coordination (M = 55,0/100) and the least common was Patient participation in the discharge planning (M = 16,1/100). Contrary to our hypotheses, patients who received more nursing discharge interventions were significantly less ready to go home (B = -0,3, p < 0,05, IC 95% [-0,57, -0,11]); their anxiety level was not associated with their readiness for hospital discharge (r = -0,21, p <0,01) and cognitive impairment was the only factor that predicted rehospitalization within 30 days after discharge ( OR = 1,50, p = 0,04, IC 95% [1,02, 2,22]). Discussion: By focusing on each component of the discharge planning, this study provides a greater and more detailed insight on the usual nursing process currently performed in medical inpatients units. Results identified several gaps between current and Best practices, providing guidance to changes in clinical practice and further research.
OBJECTIVE To measure the pleasure and suffering indicators at work and relate them to the socio-demographic and employment characteristics of the nursing staff in a hemodialysis center in southern Brazil. METHOD Quantitative research, with 46 workers. We used a self-completed form with demographic and labor data and the Pleasure and Suffering Indicators at Work Scale (PSIWS). We conducted a bivariate and correlation descriptive analysis with significance levels of 5% using the Epi-Info® and PredictiveAnalytics Software programs. RESULTS Freedom of Speech was considered critical; other factors were evaluated as satisfactory. The results revealed a possible association between sociodemographic characteristics and work, and pleasure and suffering indicators. There was a correlation between the factors evaluated. CONCLUSION Despite the satisfactory evaluation, suffering is present in the studied context, expressed mainly by a lack of Freedom of Speech, with the need for interventions to prevent injury to the health of workers.
OBJECTIVEDescribing how Kaingang seniors and their primary caregivers experience access to public health services.METHODA qualitative study guided by ethnography, conducted with 28 elderly and 19 caregivers. Data were collected between November 2010 and February 2013 through interviews and participative observation analyzed by ethnography.RESULTSThe study revealed the benefits and difficulties of the elderly access to health services, the facility to obtain health care resources such as appointments, medications and routine procedures, and the difficulties such as special assistance service problems and delays in the dispatching process between reference services.CONCLUSIONThe importance of knowing and understanding the cultural specificities of the group in order to offer greater opportunities for the elderly access to health services was reinforced.
The LSTA goals for Iowa, FY98-FY02, are as follows: 1. Provide all Iowans with expanded access to information and materials through the State of Iowa Libraries Online (SILO) network. 2. Improve library service to Iowans through knowledgeable, well-trained staff and wellinformed public library trustees and library users. 3. Meet Iowans’ increasing demands for information and library services by identifying and encouraging resource sharing and partnerships. 4. Provide state level leadership and services to accomplish the LSTA Five-Year Plan. The primary objectives of this evaluation are to provide: $ An assessment of the overall impact of Iowa’s LSTA funding and success in achieving the goals identified in the state’s five-year plan. $ An in-depth analysis of two specific goals from the plan: providing Iowans with expanded access to information and materials through the State of Iowa Libraries Online (SILO) network; and improving library service to Iowans through knowledgeable, well-trained staff and well-informed public library trustees and library users. LSTA built on accomplishments made possible with the federal HEA II-B grant awarded to the State Library in 1995. This grant led the way in bringing technology to Iowa libraries by creating an electronic library network for resource sharing. SILO (State of Iowa Libraries Online) became fully functional in 1997. The State Library continued funding SILO with LSTA money when the grant ended. This funding supports the SILO infrastructure, providing equitable access to information through cutting edge technology to Iowans in both small and large, rural and urban, communities. Access to electronic material and information has encouraged public libraries to increase the number of computers and public access to the Internet. LSTA funding was used to increase training opportunities for library staff and trustees. Many programs, such as librarian certification, were strengthened by an increase in continuing education opportunities.