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A new method is presented to determine an accurate eigendecomposition of difficult low temperature unimolecular master equation problems. Based on a generalisation of the Nesbet method, the new method is capable of achieving complete spectral resolution of the master equation matrix with relative accuracy in the eigenvectors. The method is applied to a test case of the decomposition of ethane at 300 K from a microcanonical initial population with energy transfer modelled by both Ergodic Collision Theory and the exponential-down model. The fact that quadruple precision (16-byte) arithmetic is required irrespective of the eigensolution method used is demonstrated. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Time-dependent wavepacket evolution techniques demand the action of the propagator, exp(-iHt/(h)over-bar), on a suitable initial wavepacket. When a complex absorbing potential is added to the Hamiltonian for combating unwanted reflection effects, polynomial expansions of the propagator are selected on their ability to cope with non-Hermiticity. An efficient subspace implementation of the Newton polynomial expansion scheme that requires fewer dense matrix-vector multiplications than its grid-based counterpart has been devised. Performance improvements are illustrated with some benchmark one and two-dimensional examples. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Patterns of association of digenean families and their mollusc and vertebrate hosts are assessed by way of a new database containing information on over 1000 species of digeneans for lift-cycles and over 5000 species from fishes. Analysis of the distribution of digenean families in molluscs suggests that the group was associated primitively with gastropods and that infection of polychaetes, bivalves and scaphopods are all the results of host-switching. For the vertebrates. infections of agnathans and chondrichthyans are apparently the result of host-switching from teleosts. For digenean families the ratio of orders of fishes infected to superfamilies of molluscs infected ranges from 0.5 (Mesometridae) to 16 (Bivesiculidae) and has a mean of 5.6. Individual patterns of host association of 13 dipenean families and superfamilies are reviewed. Two, Bucephalidae and Sanguinicolidae. are exceptional in infecting a range of first intermediate hosts qualitatively as broad as their range of definitive hosts. No well-studied taxon shows narrower association with vertebrate than with mollusc clades. The range of definitive hosts of digeneans is characteristically defined by eco-physiological similarity rather than phylogenetic relationship. The range of associations of digenean families with mollusc taxa is generally much narrower. These data are considered in the light of ideas about the significance of different forms of host association. If Manter's Second Rule (the longer the association with a host group, the mure pronounced the specificity exhibited by the parasite group) is invoked, then the data may suggest that the Digenea first parasitised molluscs before adopting vertebrate hosts. This interpretation is consistent with most previous ideas about the evolution of the Digenea but contrary to current interpretations based on the monophyly of the Neodermata. The basis of Manter's Second Rule is. however, considered too flimsy for this interpretation to be robust. Problems of the inference of the evolution of patterns of parasitism in the Neodermata al-e discussed and considered so intractable that the truth may be presently unknowable. (C) 2001 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The complete sequence of the MCIR locus has been assembled, the coding region of the gene is intronless and placed within a 12 kb region flanked by the NULP1 and TUBB4 genes. The immediate promoter region has an E-box site with homology to the M-box consensus known to bind the microphthalmia transcription factor (MITF), however, promoter deletion analysis and transactivation studies have failed to show activation through this element by MITF. Polymorphism within the coding region, immediate 5' promoter region and a variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) minisatellite within the locus have been examined in a collection of Caucasian families and African individuals. Haplotype analysis shows linkage disequilibrium between the VNTR and MCIR coding region red hair variant alleles which can be used to estimate the age of these missense changes. Assuming a mean VNTR mutation rate of 1% and a star phylogeny, we estimate the Arg151Cys variant arose 7500 years before the present day, suggesting these variants may have arisen in the Caucasian population more recently than previously thought. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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In this study we present a novel automated strategy for predicting infarct evolution, based on MR diffusion and perfusion images acquired in the acute stage of stroke. The validity of this methodology was tested on novel patient data including data acquired from an independent stroke clinic. Regions-of-interest (ROIs) defining the initial diffusion lesion and tissue with abnormal hemodynamic function as defined by the mean transit time (MTT) abnormality were automatically extracted from DWI/PI maps. Quantitative measures of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and volume (CBV) along with ratio measures defined relative to the contralateral hemisphere (r(a)CBF and r(a)CBV) were calculated for the MTT ROIs. A parametric normal classifier algorithm incorporating these measures was used to predict infarct growth. The mean r(a)CBF and r(a)CBV values for eventually infarcted MTT tissue were 0.70 +/-0.19 and 1.20 +/-0.36. For recovered tissue the mean values were 0.99 +/-0.25 and 1.87 +/-0.71, respectively. There was a significant difference between these two regions for both measures (P


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Recent progress in the production, purification, and experimental and theoretical investigations of carbon nanotubes for hydrogen storage are reviewed. From the industrial point of view, the chemical vapor deposition process has shown advantages over laser ablation and electric-arc-discharge methods. The ultimate goal in nanotube synthesis should be to gain control over geometrical aspects of nanotubes, such as location and orientation, and the atomic structure of nanotubes, including helicity and diameter. There is currently no effective and simple purification procedure that fulfills all requirements for processing carbon nanotubes. Purification is still the bottleneck for technical applications, especially where large amounts of material are required. Although the alkali-metal-doped carbon nanotubes showed high H-2 Weight uptake, further investigations indicated that some of this uptake was due to water rather than hydrogen. This discovery indicates a potential source of error in evaluation of the storage capacity of doped carbon nanotubes. Nevertheless, currently available single-wall nanotubes yield a hydrogen uptake value near 4 wt% under moderate pressure and room temperature. A further 50% increase is needed to meet U.S. Department of Energy targets for commercial exploitation. Meeting this target will require combining experimental and theoretical efforts to achieve a full understanding of the adsorption process, so that the uptake can be rationally optimized to commercially attractive levels. Large-scale production and purification of carbon nanotubes and remarkable improvement of H-2 storage capacity in carbon nanotubes represent significant technological and theoretical challenges in the years to come.


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We inferred the phylogeny of 33 species of ticks from the subfamilies Rhipicephalinae and Hyalomminae from analyses of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA and morphology. We used nucleotide sequences from 12S rRNA, cytochrome c oxidase I, internal transcribed spacer 2 of the nuclear rRNA, and 18S rRNA. Nucleotide sequences and morphology were analyzed separately and together in a total-evidence analysis. Analyses of the five partitions together (3303 characters) gave the best-resolved and the best-supported hypothesis so far for the phylogeny of ticks in the Rhipicephalinae and Hyalomminae, despite the fact that some partitions did not have data for some taxa. However, most of the hidden conflict (lower support in the total-evidence analyses compared to that in the individual analyses) was found in those partitions that had taxa without data. The partitions with complete taxonomic sampling had more hidden support (higher support in the total-evidence analyses compared to that in the separate-partition analyses) than hidden conflict. Mapping of geographic origins of ticks onto our phylogeny indicates an African origin for the Rhipicephalinae sensu lato (i.e., including Hyalomma spp.), the Rhipicephalus-Boophilus lineage, the Dermacentor-Anocentor lineage, and the Rhipicephalus-Booophilus-Nosomma-Hyalomma-Rhipicentor lineage. The Nosomma-Hyalomma lineage appears to have evolved in Asia. Our total-evidence phylogeny indicates that (i) the genus Rhipicephalus is paraphyletic with respect to the genus Boophilus, (ii) the genus Dermacentor is paraphyletic with respect to the genus Anocentor, and (iii) some subgenera of the genera Hyalomma and Rhipicephalus are paraphyletic with respect to other subgenera in these genera. Study of the Rhipicephalinae and Hyalomminae over the last 7 years has shown that analyses of individual datasets (e.g., one gene or morphology) seldom resolve many phylogenetic relationships, but analyses of more than one dataset can generate well-resolved phylogenies for these ticks. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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Active surveillance for dengue (DEN) virus infected mosquitoes can be an effective way to predict the risk of dengue infection in a given area. However, doing so may pose logistical problems if mosquitoes must be kept alive or frozen fresh to detect DEN virus. In an attempt to simplify mosquito processing, we evaluated the usefulness of a sticky lure and a seminested reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction assay (RT-PCR) for detecting DEN virus RNA under laboratory conditions using experimentally infected Aedes aegypti (L.) mosquitoes. In the first experiment, 40 male mosquitoes were inoculated with 0.13 mul of a 10(4) pfu/ml DEN-2 stock solution. After a 7-d incubation period, the mosquitoes were applied to the sticky lure and kept at room temperatures of 23-30 degreesC. Following 7,10,14, and 28 d application, 10 mosquitoes each were removed from the lure pooled and assayed for virus. DEN virus nucleic acid was clearly detectable in all pools up to 28 d after death. A second study evaluated sensitivity and specificity using one, two, and five DEN-infected mosquitoes removed after 7, 10, 14, 21 and 30 d application and tested by RT-PCR. All four DEN serotypes were individually inoculated in mosquitoes and evaluated using the same procedures as experiment 1. The four serotypes were detectable in as few as one mosquito 30 d after application to the lure with no evidence of cross-reactivity. The combination of sticky lures and RT-PCR show promise for mosquito and dengue virus surveillance and warrant further evaluation.


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Highly filled thermosets are used in applications such as integrated circuit (IC) packaging. However, a detailed understanding of the effects of the fillers on the macroscopic cure properties is limited by the complex cure of such systems. This work systematically quantifies the effects of filler content on the kinetics, gelation and vitrification of a model silica-filled epoxy/amine system in order to begin to understand the role of the filler in IC packaging cure. At high cure temperatures (100 degreesC and above) there appears to be no effect of fillers on cure kinetics and gelation and vitrification times. However, a decrease in the gelation and vitrification times and increase the reaction rate is seen with increasing filler content at low cure temperatures (60-90 degreesC). An explanation for these results is given in terms of catalysation of the epoxy amine reaction by hydrogen donor species present on the silica surface and interfacial effects.