970 resultados para HIV infections Diet therapy
Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection has been the focus of several studies because this virus exhibits genetic and pathogenic characteristics that are similar to those of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). FIV causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in cats, nevertheless, a large fraction of infected cats remain asymptomatic throughout life despite of persistent chronic infection. This slow disease progression may be due to the presence of factors that are involved in the natural resistance to infection and the immune response that is mounted by the animals, as well as due to the adaptation of the virus to the host. Therefore, the study of virus-host interaction is essential to the understanding of the different patterns of disease course and the virus persistence in the host, and to help with the development of effective vaccines and perhaps the cure of FIV and HIV infections. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Background: The objective of this study was to improve the feasibility of applying topic 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) in photodiagnosis (PD) and treatment of condyloma caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) using two homemade handheld devices and to discuss the photodynamic therapy (PDT) as a suitable alternative for each of the cases studied. Both, protoporphyrin IX production and photodegradation were analyzed, and the pain experienced during the illumination was correlated with the light intensities. Methods: A total of 40 women with different grades of lesions caused by HPV were chosen from patients of the School of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto (University of Sao Paulo) and of the Unit of Public Health of Araraquara, Sao Paulo. Results: We did not encounter any unexpected difficulties using our devices during the treatment. The existence of an easily observable reddish fluorescence with large intensity concentrated on the Lesions is the clinical indication of the penetration and the selective concentration of protoporphyrin IX in the clinical and subclinical lesions rather than in the healthy tissue. The aesthetic results were much better than those obtained by conventional techniques as surgery or cryogenics, with no recurrence reported after two years of treatment. Conclusions: Our results are proof for the various advantages using ALA cream for the PD and PDT in many different cases of condyloma by HPV. This study will be continued to investigate the PpIX photobleaching and the irradiance and fluence rate to optimize conducting the clinical trials, to improve the devices and therefore increase the treatment response. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A fenilcetonúria (PKU) ocorre na incapacidade para transformar fenilalanina em tirosina, trazendo efeitos tóxicos para o sistema nervoso central. Tradicionalmente, no tratamento da PKU, o aleitamento materno é substituído por fórmula láctea. Este estudo verificou os efeitos do aleitamento materno como fonte de fenilalanina no desenvolvimento de crianças com PKU. Participaram dez lactentes com PKU, que iniciaram o tratamento com a introdução de fórmula láctea antes dos 30 dias e que mantiveram o aleitamento materno por no mínimo 30 dias de vida após o início dos procedimentos. Os procedimentos basearam-se em estimar a ingestão de leite materno, com margem segura da concentração da fenilalanina, calculando o volume gástrico e oferecendo inicialmente fórmula láctea, seguida do aleitamento materno em demanda livre, em todas as mamadas. O tempo de amamentação variou de um mês e cinco dias a 14 meses. Os controles sanguíneos foram semanais. Se o nível sérico da fenilalanina estivesse >2 mg/dL e <6 mg/dL mantinha-se a prescrição; se estivesse <2 mg/dL, diminuía-se a fórmula láctea em 25%, aumentando indiretamente o aleitamento materno; se estivesse >6 mg/dL, aumentava-se a fórmula em 50%. Avaliou-se os níveis de fenilalanina, aplicou-se a Early Language Milestone Scale e Passos Básicos do Desenvolvimento. Foram considerados adequados aqueles lactentes que apresentaram índices normativos em todas as avaliações. Dos lactentes, 80% conseguiram manter limites seguros da fenilalanina e desenvolvimento nos índices normativos. Há viabilidade da continuidade do aleitamento materno no tratamento de crianças com PKU desde que os níveis de fenilalanina sejam rigorosamente controlados e que os efeitos do aleitamento materno para o desenvolvimento infantil sejam verificados.
Lautropia mirabilis, a pleomorphic, motile, gram-negative coccus, has been isolated from the oral cavities of 32 of 60 (53.3%) children infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and 3 of 25 (12.0%) HIV-uninfected controls; the association of L. mirabilis isolation with HIV infection is significant (P < 0.001). All children in the study, both HIV-infected children and controls, were born to HIV-infected mothers. The presence of this bacterium was not associated with clinical disease in these children. The HIV-infected children with L. mirabilis did not differ from the HIV-infected children without L. mirabilis in immunological status, clinical status, or systemic medications. The role of HIV infection itself or concomitant factors in the establishment of L. mirabilis in the oral cavity remains to be elucidated.
OBJECTIVE The link between CNS penetration of antiretrovirals and AIDS-defining neurologic disorders remains largely unknown.METHODS: HIV-infected, antiretroviral therapy-naive individuals in the HIV-CAUSAL Collaboration who started an antiretroviral regimen were classified according to the CNS Penetration Effectiveness (CPE) score of their initial regimen into low (<8), medium (8-9), or high (>9) CPE score. We estimated "intention-to-treat" hazard ratios of 4 neuroAIDS conditions for baseline regimens with high and medium CPE scores compared with regimens with a low score. We used inverse probability weighting to adjust for potential bias due to infrequent follow-up.RESULTS: A total of 61,938 individuals were followed for a median (interquartile range) of 37 (18, 70) months. During follow-up, there were 235 cases of HIV dementia, 169 cases of toxoplasmosis, 128 cases of cryptococcal meningitis, and 141 cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. The hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) for initiating a combined antiretroviral therapy regimen with a high vs low CPE score was 1.74 (1.15, 2.65) for HIV dementia, 0.90 (0.50, 1.62) for toxoplasmosis, 1.13 (0.61, 2.11) for cryptococcal meningitis, and 1.32 (0.71, 2.47) for progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. The respective hazard ratios (95% confidence intervals) for a medium vs low CPE score were 1.01 (0.73, 1.39), 0.80 (0.56, 1.15), 1.08 (0.73, 1.62), and 1.08 (0.73, 1.58).CONCLUSIONS: We estimated that initiation of a combined antiretroviral therapy regimen with a high CPE score increases the risk of HIV dementia, but not of other neuroAIDS conditions.
BACKGROUND Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection affects up to 7 % of the European population. Specific HBV genotypes are associated with rapid progression to end-stage liver disease and sub-optimal interferon treatment responses. Although the geographic distribution of HBV genotypes differs between regions, it has not been studied in Switzerland, which lies at the crossroads of Europe. METHODS In a retrospective analysis of 465 HBV samples collected between 2002 and 2013, we evaluated the HBV genotype distribution and phylogenetic determinants, as well as the prevalence of serological evidence of hepatitis delta, hepatitis C and HIV infections in Switzerland. Baseline characteristics of patients were compared across their region of origin using Fisher's exact test and ANOVA, and risk factors for HBeAg positivity were assessed using logistic regression. RESULTS The Swiss native population represented 15.7 % of HBV-infected patients living in Switzerland. In the overall population, genotype D was most prevalent (58.3 %), whereas genotype A (58.9 %) was the predominant genotype among the Swiss native population. The prevalence of patients with anti-HDV antibodies was 4.4 %. Patients of Swiss origin were most likely to be HBeAg-positive (38.1 %). HBV genotypes of patients living in Switzerland but sharing the same original region of origin were consistent with their place of birth. CONCLUSIONS The molecular epidemiology of HBV infection in Switzerland is driven by migration patterns and not by the genotype distribution of the native population. The prevalence of positive anti-HDV antibodies in our cohort was very low.
It has been well documented that inmates incarcerated in prisons and correctional facilities exhibit higher incidence and prevalence of mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) disease than the general population. This has public health implications because correctional systems may serve as reservoirs for TB disease that can lead to TB outbreaks in the facilities or can be spread to the general public once inmates are released. Although Texas has one of the largest correctional systems in both the US and the world, little is known about TB prevalence and incidence among Texas inmates. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the relationship between TB incidence and incarceration in Texas correctional facilities and investigate differences in various demographic factors. ^ The study used the national TB database from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to calculate and compare the overall incidences of TB disease among correctional facility inmates and similar non-inmates in Texas during 2005–2009. Data were also stratified by age, gender, race/ethnicity, birth status, and HIV status and compared between inmates and non-inmates using chi-squared analysis and relative risks with 95% confidence intervals to assess any significant differences. ^ Results suggest that the overall TB incidence among Texas correctional facility inmates per year (88.6 per 100,000) was significantly higher than that of Texas non-inmates (6.3 per 100,000); a 14 fold difference. Relative risk analyses by gender, race/ethnicity, and those with HIV infection found that the TB incidences for all these demographics were significantly and consistently higher in inmates compared to non-inmates. In particular, Hispanic inmates were more likely to develop TB than their non-inmate counterparts by a relative risk of 23.9 (95% CI 19.4–29.4). Likewise, both male and female inmates were more likely to develop TB than non-inmates (RR = 10.2, 95% CI 8.5–12.2; RR = 20.8, 95% CI 12.2–25.3, respectively), although female inmates unconventionally exhibited a higher TB incidence and relative risk than males inmates, which has not been shown. Among those with HIV infections, correctional facility inmates were 2.6 times were likely to develop TB disease than non-inmates (95% CI 1.5–4.4). ^ Inmates in Texas correctional facilities have a higher incidence of TB than non-inmates. Part of this higher risk may be because a large proportion of inmates come from populations already at high risks for TB, such as foreign born immigrants, those infected with HIV, and low SES groups such as many racial/ethnic minorities. Thus, these results may be used as a basis for more controlled and detailed research in the area, and to further characterize incarceration as a risk factor for TB incidence. They may also bring much needed attention about this health disparity to public health officials, legislators, and health administrators to expand and improve TB control in Texas correctional facilities, particularly among inmates released to the community, and reduce the risk of TB transmission to the general population.^
La pérdida involuntaria de peso es un predictor independiente de morbimortalidad, especialmente en ancianos, pacientes con cáncer, SIDA y postoperatorios. Con el objeto de determinar la significación clínica de la pérdida de peso en pacientes internados, se estudiaron 100 pacientes. La edad media fue de 57.6 años (DS±11.04); 38% mayores de 65 años y 62% hombres. La permanencia hospitalaria media fue de 13 días, superior a la media del servicio (7,3 días). El 61% pertenecían a clase social baja y 25% eran desocupados. En el 100% fue involuntaria y en ninguno fue causa de hospitalización. Tenían hiporexia 61 pacientes y 57 malnutrición. El IMC fue inferior a 20 en el 50% de los casos. La causa fue determinada en el 70% y en 72% se relacionó con la enfermedad de base, en 27% con trastornos alimentarios y con fármacos en 1%. Las etiologías más frecuentes fueron: neoplasias (34 pacientes), enfermedades crónicas (24), TBC (3) y SIDA (3). El 46% desarrollaron infecciones nosocomiales y el 100% tenían comórbidas (alcoholismo 26%, depresión 22%, diabetes 20%, EPOC 11%, insuficiencia cardiaca, cirrosis y demencia 8% c/u e insuficiencia renal 6%). La mortalidad fue del 18% y las causas más frecuentes fueron sepsis severa, fallo multiorgánico y neoplasias. Conclusiones: La pérdida significativa de peso en el paciente hospitalizado se caracterizó por ser involuntaria, asociada a clase social baja, a malnutrición, a alta taza de comorbilidad, a predisposición a infecciones nosocomiales, secundaria a enfermedades crónicas, neoplasias, tuberculosis y SIDA y a una tasa de mortalidad elevada.
INTRODUÇÃO: A incidência de pacientes apresentando alergia à proteína do leite de vaca (APLV) após os 5 anos de idade vem crescendo. Definir se estes pacientes tolerariam a ingestão de alimento produzido com leite processado a altas temperaturas (LPAT) proporcionaria melhor qualidade de vida, definiria melhor prognóstico e possibilitaria avaliar a indicação de dessensibilização com muffin. OBJETIVO: (1) identificar quais pacientes com APLV persistente aos quatro anos poderiam tolerar a ingestão de LPAT, (2) descrever as características clínicas e laboratoriais dos grupos reativo e não reativo ao LPAT, e (3) compara-las entre os dois grupos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, utilizando amostra de conveniência, incluindo todos os pacientes acompanhados no ambulatório de alergia alimentar do Instituto da Criança HCFMUSP que preenchiam os critérios de inclusão e que concordaram em realizar o TPO, entre janeiro/2013 e novembro/2014. Os pacientes foram admitidos em hospital-dia sob supervisão médica e submetidos à ingestão de um muffin contendo 2,8 gramas de proteína do leite de vaca. Foram definidos como tolerantes se não apresentassem nenhuma reação alérgica. Estes pacientes foram submetidos na sequência a novo TPO com leite de vaca in natura para excluir a tolerância ao leite de vaca. RESULTADOS: Foram realizados 38 TPO com LPAT, sendo que 30 pacientes (15 masculinos) preencheram todos os critérios de inclusão. A mediana da idade foi de 7 anos e 7 meses (4a10m -14a2m). 14 pacientes (46%) não apresentaram reação após a ingestão do muffin, sendo considerados como não reativos. A análise comparativa entre os grupos reativos e não reativos ao LPAT, não mostrou diferença estatisticamente significante quanto às características clínicas: idade (p=0,8), sexo (p=0,4), história pessoal de rinite (p=0,7), história pessoal de asma (p=0,7), história pessoal de outras alergias (p=0,6), história familiar de rinite (p=0,7), história familiar de asma (p=0,3), história familiar de outras alergias (p=0,1), relato de anafilaxia prévia (p=0,07), relato de ingestão de traços de leite previamente ao TPO (p=0,4), relato de reação alérgica no último ano antes da provocação (p=0,6), relato de anafilaxia no último ano antes do TPO (p=0,6). Não se observou diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois grupos para IgE total (p=0,1) e eosinófilos (p=0,6). O teste de puntura para leite de vaca e frações mostrou diferença estatisticamente significante para ?-lactoalbumina (p= 0,01) e para a caseína (p = 0,004); em relação ao ImmunoCAP® apenas para a caseína (p= 0,05) essa diferença foi significante. Ao avaliar estes pacientes 1 ano após o TPO, nenhum dos 16 pacientes que foram reativos ao LPAT estava ingerindo leite de vaca, enquanto 28% dos pacientes que foram tolerantes ao LPAT estavam consumindo leite de vaca in natura sem reação (p=0,037). CONCLUSÃO: O estudo mostrou que os pacientes com APLV desta amostra brasileira apresentaram 2 diferentes fenótipos, sendo que aproximadamente metade tolerou o LPAT. Sendo assim, o TPO para LPAT deve ser considerado para pacientes com APLV, sempre sob supervisão médica e estrutura segura e adequada, pois pode contribuir para uma mudança no paradigma do seguimento destes pacientes. Teste de puntura e ImmunoCAP® para caseína podem sugerir quais pacientes estariam tolerantes ao TPO com LPAT, reforçando dados da literatura internacional
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Vol. 5 issued by the National League for Nursing, Division of Nursing Education.
"July 1996."