931 resultados para Growth-inhibition


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The urokinase plasminogen activator system is involved in angiogenesis and tumor growth of malignant gliomas, which are highly neovascularized and so may be amenable to antiangiogenic therapy. In this paper, we describe the activity of Å6, an octamer capped peptide derived from the non-receptor-binding region of urokinase plasminogen activator. Å6 inhibited human microvascular endothelial cell migration but had no effect on the proliferation of human microvascular endothelial cells or U87MG glioma cells in vitro. In contrast, Å6 or cisplatin (CDDP) alone suppressed subcutaneous tumor growth in vivo by 48% and 53%, respectively, and, more strikingly, the combination of Å6 plus CDDP inhibited tumor growth by 92%. Such combination treatment also greatly reduced the volume of intracranial tumor xenografts and increased survival of tumor-bearing animals when compared with CDDP or Å6 alone. Tumors from the combination treatment group had significantly reduced neovascularization, suggesting a mechanism involving Å6-mediated inhibition of endothelial cell motility, thereby eliciting vascular sensitivity to CDDP-mediated toxicity. These data suggest that the combination of an angiogenesis inhibitor that targets endothelial cells with a cytotoxic agent may be a useful therapeutic approach.


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Based on the observation that removal of tumors from metastatic organs reversed their chemoresistance, we hypothesized that chemoresistance is induced by extracellular factors in tumor-bearing organs. By comparing chemosensitivity and proteins in different tumors (primary vs. metastases) and different culture systems (tumor fragment histocultures vs. monolayer cultures derived from the same tumor), we found elevated levels of acidic (aFGF) and basic (bFGF) fibroblast growth factors in the conditioned medium (CM) of solid and metastatic tumors. These CM induced broad spectrum resistance to drugs with diverse structures and action mechanisms (paclitaxel, doxorubicin, 5-fluorouracil). Inhibition of bFGF by mAb and its removal by immunoprecipitation resulted in complete reversal of the CM-induced chemoresistance, whereas inhibition/removal of aFGF resulted in partial reversal. Using CM that had been depleted of aFGF and/or bFGF and subsequently reconstituted with respective human recombinant proteins, we found that bFGF but not aFGF induced chemoresistance whereas aFGF amplified the bFGF effect. aFGF and bFGF fully accounted for the CM effect, indicating these proteins as the underlying mechanism of the chemoresistance. The FGF-induced resistance was not due to reduced intracellular drug accumulation or altered cell proliferation. We further showed that an inhibitor of aFGF/bFGF (suramin) enhanced the in vitro and in vivo activity of chemotherapy, resulting in shrinkage and eradication of well established human lung metastases in mice without enhancing toxicity. These results indicate elevated levels of extracellular aFGF/bFGF as an epigenetic mechanism by which cancer cells elude cytotoxic insult by chemotherapy, and provide a basis for designing new treatment strategies.


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The ATM gene is mutated in the syndrome of ataxia telangiectasia (AT), associated with neurologic dysfunction, growth abnormalities, and extreme radiosensitivity. Insulin-like growth factor-I receptor (IGF-IR) is a cell surface receptor with tyrosine kinase activity that can mediate mitogenesis, cell transformation, and inhibition of apoptosis. We report here that AT cells express low levels of IGF-IR and show decreased IGF-IR promoter activity compared with wild-type cells. Complementation of AT cells with the ATM cDNA results in increased IGF-IR promoter activity and elevated IGF-IR levels, whereas expression in wild-type cells of a dominant negative fragment of ATM specifically reduces IGF-IR expression, results consistent with a role for ATM in regulating IGF-IR expression at the level of transcription. When expression of IGF-IR cDNA is forced in AT cells via a heterologous viral promoter, near normal radioresistance is conferred on the cells. Conversely, in ATM cells complemented with the ATM cDNA, specific inhibition of the IGF-IR pathway prevents correction of the radiosensitivity. Taken together, these results establish a fundamental link between ATM function and IGF-IR expression and suggest that reduced expression of IGF-IR contributes to the radiosensitivity of AT cells. In addition, because IGF-I plays a major role in human growth and metabolism and serves as a survival and differentiation factor for developing neuronal tissue, these results may provide a basis for understanding other aspects of the AT syndrome, including the growth abnormalities, insulin resistance, and neurodegeneration.


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Prostate stem-cell antigen (PSCA) is a cell-surface antigen expressed in normal prostate and overexpressed in prostate cancer tissues. PSCA expression is detected in over 80% of patients with local disease, and elevated levels of PSCA are correlated with increased tumor stage, grade, and androgen independence, including high expression in bone metastases. We evaluated the therapeutic efficacy of anti-PSCA mAbs in human prostate cancer xenograft mouse models by using the androgen-dependent LAPC-9 xenograft and the androgen-independent recombinant cell line PC3-PSCA. Two different anti-PSCA mAbs, 1G8 (IgG1κ) and 3C5 (IgG2aκ), inhibited formation of s.c. and orthotopic xenograft tumors in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, administration of anti-PSCA mAbs led to retardation of established orthotopic tumor growth and inhibition of metastasis to distant sites, resulting in a significant prolongation in the survival of tumor-bearing mice. These studies suggest PSCA as an attractive target for immunotherapy and demonstrate the therapeutic potential of anti-PSCA mAbs for the treatment of local and metastatic prostate cancer.


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Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) knockout mice are resistant to murine models of human diseases such as cerebral and myocardial ischemia, traumatic brain injury, diabetes, Parkinsonism, endotoxic shock and arthritis, implicating PARP in the pathogenesis of these diseases. Potent selective PARP inhibitors are therefore being evaluated as novel therapeutic agents in the treatment of these diseases. Inhibition or depletion of PARP, however, increases genomic instability in cells exposed to genotoxic agents. We recently demonstrated the presence of a genomically unstable tetraploid population in PARP–/– fibroblasts and its loss after stable transfection with PARP cDNA. To elucidate whether the genomic instability is attributable to PARP deficiency or lack of PARP activity, we investigated the effects of PARP inhibition on development of tetraploidy. Immortalized wild-type and PARP–/– fibroblasts were exposed for 3 weeks to 20 µM GPI 6150 (1,11b-dihydro-[2H]benzopyrano[4,3,2-de]isoquinolin-3-one), a novel small molecule specific competitive inhibitor of PARP (Ki = 60 nM) and one of the most potent PARP inhibitors to date (IC50 = 0.15 µM). Although GPI 6150 initially decreased cell growth in wild-type cells, there was no effect on cell growth or viability after 24 h. GPI 6150 inhibited endogenous PARP activity in wild-type cells by ∼91%, to about the residual levels in PARP–/– cells. Flow cytometric analysis of unsynchronized wild-type cells exposed for 3 weeks to GPI 6150 did not induce the development of tetraploidy, suggesting that, aside from its catalytic function, PARP may play other essential roles in the maintenance of genomic stability.


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Cell shape plays a role in cell growth, differentiation, and death. Herein, we used the hepatocyte, a normal, highly differentiated cell characterized by a long G1 phase, to understand the mechanisms that link cell shape to growth. First, evidence was provided that the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK)/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) cascade is a key transduction pathway controlling the hepatocyte morphology. MEK2/ERK2 activation in early G1 phase did not lead to cell proliferation but induced cell shape spreading and demonstration was provided that this MAPK-dependent spreading was required for reaching G1/S transition and DNA replication. Moreover, epidermal growth factor (EGF) was found to control this morphogenic signal in addition to its mitogenic effect. Thus, blockade of cell spreading by cytochalasin D or PD98059 treatment resulted in inhibition of EGF-dependent DNA replication. Our data led us to assess the first third of G1, is exclusively devoted to the growth factor-dependent morphogenic events, whereas the mitogenic signal occured at only approximately mid-G1 phase. Moreover, these two growth factor-related sequential signaling events involved successively activation of MEK2-ERK2 and then MEK1/2-ERK1/2 isoforms. In addition, we demonstrated that inhibition of extracellular matrix receptor, such as integrin β1 subunit, leads to cell arrest in G1, whereas EGF was found to up-regulated integrin β1 and fibronectin in a MEK-ERK–dependent manner. This process in relation to cytoskeletal reorganization could induce hepatocyte spreading, making them permissive for DNA replication. Our results provide new insight into the mechanisms by which a growth factor can temporally control dual morphogenic and mitogenic signals during the G1 phase.


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Root elongation, hematoxylin staining, and changes in the ultrastructure of root-tip cells of an Al-tolerant maize variety (Zea mays L. C 525 M) exposed to nutrient solutions with 20 μm Al (2.1 μm Al3+ activity) for 0, 4, and 24 h were investigated in relation to the subcellular distribution of Al using scanning transmission electron microscopy and energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis on samples fixed by different methods. Inhibition of root-elongation rates, hematoxylin staining, cell wall thickening, and disturbance of the distribution of pyroantimoniate-stainable cations, mainly Ca, was observed only after 4 and not after 24 h of exposure to Al. The occurrence of these transient, toxic Al effects on root elongation and in cell walls was accompanied by the presence of solid Al-P deposits in the walls. Whereas no Al was detectable in cell walls after 24 h, an increase of vacuolar Al was observed after 4 h of exposure. After 24 h, a higher amount of electron-dense deposits containing Al and P or Si was observed in the vacuoles. These results indicate that in this tropical maize variety, tolerance mechanisms that cause a change in apoplastic Al must be active. Our data support the hypothesis that in Al-tolerant plants, Al can rapidly cross the plasma membrane; these data clearly contradict the former conclusions that Al mainly accumulates in the apoplast and enters the symplast only after severe cell damage has occurred.


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Regulation of isoprenoid end-product synthesis required for normal growth and development in plants is not well understood. To investigate the extent to which specific genes for the enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR) are involved in end-product regulation, we manipulated expression of the HMG1 and HMG2 genes in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruit using arachidonic acid (AA). In developing young fruit AA blocked fruit growth, inhibited HMG1, and activated HMG2 expression. These results are consistent with other reports indicating that HMG1 expression is closely correlated with growth processes requiring phytosterol production. In mature-green fruit AA strongly induced the expression of HMG2, PSY1 (the gene for phytoene synthase), and lycopene accumulation before the normal onset of carotenoid synthesis and ripening. The induction of lycopene synthesis was not blocked by inhibition of HMGR activity using mevinolin, suggesting that cytoplasmic HMGR is not required for carotenoid synthesis. Our results are consistent with the function of an alternative plastid isoprenoid pathway (the Rohmer pathway) that appears to direct the production of carotenoids during tomato fruit ripening.


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In roots two distinct polar movements of auxin have been reported that may control different developmental and growth events. To test the hypothesis that auxin derived from the shoot and transported toward the root controls lateral root development, the two polarities of auxin transport were uncoupled in Arabidopsis. Local application of the auxin-transport inhibitor naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) at the root-shoot junction decreased the number and density of lateral roots and reduced the free indoleacetic acid (IAA) levels in the root and [3H]IAA transport into the root. Application of NPA to the basal half of or at several positions along the root only reduced lateral root density in regions that were in contact with NPA or in regions apical to the site of application. Lateral root development was restored by application of IAA apical to NPA application. Lateral root development in Arabidopsis roots was also inhibited by excision of the shoot or dark growth and this inhibition was reversible by IAA. Together, these results are consistent with auxin transport from the shoot into the root controlling lateral root development.


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The putative Ca2+-channel blocker LaCl3 prevented the gravitropic bending of cut snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus L.) spikes (S. Philosoph-Hadas, S. Meir, I. Rosenberger, A.H. Halevy [1996] Plant Physiol 110: 301–310) and inhibited stem curvature to a greater extent than vertical and horizontal stem elongation at the bending zone. This might indicate that LaCl3, which modulates cytosolic Ca2+, does not influence general stem-growth processes but may specifically affect other gravity-associated processes occurring at the stem-bending zone. Two such specific gravity-dependent events were found to occur in the bending zone of snapdragon spikes: sedimentation of starch-containing chloroplasts at the bottom of stem cortex cells, as seen in cross-sections, and establishment of an ethylene gradient across the stem. Our results show that the lateral sedimentation of chloroplasts associated with gravity sensing was prevented in cross-sections taken from the bending zone of LaCl3-treated and subsequently gravistimulated spikes and that LaCl3 completely prevented the gravity-induced, asymmetric ethylene production established across the stem-bending zone. These data indicate that LaCl3 inhibits stem curvature of snapdragon spikes by preventing several gravity-dependent processes. Therefore, we propose that the gravitropic response of shoots could be mediated through a Ca2+-dependent pathway involving modulation of cytosolic Ca2+ at various stages.


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The role of the apical shoot as a source of inhibitors preventing fruit growth in the absence of a stimulus (e.g. pollination or application of gibberellic acid) has been investigated in pea (Pisum sativum L.). Plant decapitation stimulated parthenocarpic growth, even in derooted plants, and this effect was counteracted by the application of indole acetic acid (IAA) or abscisic acid (ABA) in agar blocks to the severed stump. The treatment of unpollinated ovaries with gibberellic acid blocked the effect of IAA or ABA applied to the stump. [3H]IAA and [3H]ABA applied to the stump were transported basipetally, and [3H]ABA but not [3H]IAA was also detected in unpollinated ovaries. The concentration of ABA in unpollinated ovaries increased significantly in the absence of a promotive stimulus. The application of IAA to the stump enhanced by 2- to 5-fold the concentration of ABA in the inhibited ovary, whereas the inhibition of IAA transport from the apical shoot by triiodobenzoic acid decreased the ovary content of ABA (to approximately one-half). Triiodobenzoic acid alone, however, was unable to stimulate ovary growth. Thus, in addition to removing IAA transport from the apical shoot, the accumulation of a promotive factor is also necessary to induce parthenocarpic growth in decapitated plants.


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Microcin B17 (MccB17) is a 3.1-kDa Escherichia coli antibiotic that contains thiazole and oxazole heterocycles in a peptide backbone. MccB17 inhibits its cellular target, DNA gyrase, by trapping the enzyme in a complex that is covalently bound to double-strand cleaved DNA, in a manner similar to the well-known quinolone drugs. The identification of gyrase as the target of MccB17 provides an opportunity to analyze the relationship between the structure of this unusual antibiotic and its activity. In this report, steady-state parameters are used to describe the induction of the cleavable complex by MccB17 analogs containing modified bisheterocyclic sites. The relative potency of these analogs corresponds to the capacity of the compounds to prevent growth of sensitive cells. In contrast to previously reported experiments, inhibition of DNA gyrase supercoiling activity by wild-type MccB17 also was observed. These results suggest that DNA gyrase is the main intracellular target of MccB17. This study probes the structure-function relationship of a new class of gyrase inhibitors and demonstrates that these techniques could be used to analyze compounds in the search for clinically useful antibiotics that block DNA gyrase.


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Proteases are known to play important roles in cell growth control, although the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. Here we show that the protease inhibitor N-acetyl-L-leucinyl-L-leucinyl-L-norleucinal induced cell cycle arrest in platelet-derived growth factor-stimulated human fibroblasts at the G1/S boundary of the cell cycle by inhibiting the proteasome. Inhibition of the proteasome resulted in accumulation of the tumor suppressor p53, which was followed by an increase in the amount of the cyclin-dependent kinase-inhibitor p21. As a consequence, both phosphorylation and activity of the cyclin-dependent kinase 2/cyclin E complex were inhibited. We further observed that the retinoblastoma gene product, pRb, remained in the hypophosphorylated state, thus preventing cells from progression into the S-phase. These studies strongly support the hypothesis that the proteasome is a key regulator in the G1-phase of cell cycle progression.


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Plasmodium falciparum is the major causative agent of malaria, a disease of worldwide importance. Resistance to current drugs such as chloroquine and mefloquine is spreading at an alarming rate, and our antimalarial armamentarium is almost depleted. The malarial parasite encodes two homologous aspartic proteases, plasmepsins I and II, which are essential components of its hemoglobin-degradation pathway and are novel targets for antimalarial drug development. We have determined the crystal structure of recombinant plasmepsin II complexed with pepstatin A. This represents the first reported crystal structure of a protein from P. falciparum. The crystals contain molecules in two different conformations, revealing a remarkable degree of interdomain flexibility of the enzyme. The structure was used to design a series of selective low molecular weight compounds that inhibit both plasmepsin II and the growth of P. falciparum in culture.


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An important component of cytokine regulation of cell growth and differentiation is rapid transcriptional activation of genes by the JAK-STAT (signal transducer and activator of transcription) signaling pathway. Ligation of cytokine receptors results in tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of receptor-associated Jak protein tyrosine kinases and cytoplasmic STAT transcription factors, which then translocate to the nucleus. We describe the interruption of cytokine triggered JAK-STAT signals by cAMP, the calcium ionophore ionomycin, and granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Jak1 kinase activity, interleukin 6-induced gene activation, Stat3 tyrosine phosphorylation, and DNA-binding were inhibited, as was activation of Jak1 and Stat1 by interferon gamma. The kinetics and requirement for new RNA and protein synthesis for inhibition of interleukin 6 by ionomycin and GM-CSF differed, but both agents increased the association of Jak1 with protein tyrosine phosphatase ID (SH2-containing phosphatase 2). Our results demonstrate that crosstalk with distinct signaling pathways can inhibit JAK-STAT signal transduction, and suggest approaches for modulating cytokine activity during immune responses and inflammatory processes.