995 resultados para Greenhouse plants.


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As alterações climáticas emergentes têm um grande impacto no crescimento e desenvolvimento de espécies florestais, nomeadamente em espécies de valor industrial e medicinal, como é o caso do eucalipto (Eucalyptus globulus) e da moringa (Moringa oleifera). Assim, é urgente conhecer as respostas fisiológicas e entender as variações que ocorrem nos perfis metabólicos de espécies vegetais. Neste trabalho, plantas jovens de Eucalyptus globulus foram expostas a radiação UVB (12kJ/m2) e foram avaliadas as respostas fisiológicas e o perfil metabólico, um e onze dias após a aplicação da radiação. A dose de UVB usada não afetou as reações fotoquímicas nem as trocas gasosas, contudo ao nível do metabolismo do carbono (AST e amido) e do conteúdo de pigmentos verificaram-se pequenas alterações (AST e pigmentos). Através da análise do perfil metabólico de E. globulus foram encontrados compostos voláteis e semi-voláteis pertencentes às famílias dos terpenos, sesquiterpenos e aldeídos. Em geral, os sesquiterpenos e os álcoois monoterpénicos apresentaram uma tendência para manter e, em alguns casos, diminuir com o stress, enquanto que o grupos dos aldeídos aumentou e os monoterpenos apresentaram um comportamento mais heterogéneo. O E. globulus mostrou ser uma espécie tolerante à aplicação da dose de UVB usada neste trabalho. Por outro lado, plantas jovens de M. oleifera foram expostas a défice hídrico (DH). Um grupo de plantas foi recolhido um dia após o final da exposição e o outro grupo após onze dias do final da exposição. Foi avaliado o perfil metabólico desta espécie através de GC/MS. Os dados cromatográficos indicaram que em condições de stress (DH(1) e DH(11)), as quantidades de compostos associados a vias primárias e secundárias de defesa (como os alcanos, álcoois, ácidos carboxílicos, esteróis, aminoácidos e açucares) sofreram algumas alterações. As plantas analisadas 11 dias após a remoção do stress mostraram maiores variações do perfil de metabolitos. No entanto, tanto um como onze dias após a remoção do stress, as plantas apresentaram a formação de novos rebentos. Apesar do perfil de metabolitos ter sofrido algumas alterações, por não se registarem casos de morte, conclui-se que as plantas de moringa mostraram ser tolerantes aos tratamentos aplicados.


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Dissertação mest., Engenharia Biológica, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Dissertação mest., Gestão da água e da costa, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biotecnológicas (Biotecnologia Vegetal), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2010


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One of the aspects of modern agriculture is characterised by a culture without soil (hydroponic cultures). These culture techniques are identified by possessing automatic control systems to control the nutrient solution. In first hydroponic cultures this control was accomplished by “on- off” analog controllers that applied a single control law implemented in hardware. Therefore, the changes of the control law resulted in the change of all interface electronics. In digital control implemented by micro-controllers the alteration of such control law is easily performed by changing only a computer program, leaving untouched all the interface hardware. In this way, the use and substitution of the control strategy is improved, as well, the use of advanced control strategies.


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A multivariable predictive controller was implemented to regulate the air temperature, humidity and CO2 concentration for a greenhouse located in the north of Portugal. The controller outputs are computed in order to optimise the future behaviour of the greenhouse environment, concerning the set-point accuracy and the minimization of energy inputs.


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The problem with the adequacy of radial basis function neural networks to model the inside air temperature as a function of the outside air temperature and solar radiation, and the inside relative humidity in an hydroponic greenhouse is addressed.


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The problem with the adequacy of radial basis function neural networks to model the inside air temperature as a function of the outside air temperature and solar radiation, and the inside relative humidity in an hydroponic greenhouse is addressed.


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This text describes a real data acquisition and identification system implemented in a soilless greenhouse located at the University of Algarve (south of Portugal). Using the Real Time Workshop, Simulink, Matlab and the C programming language a system was developed to perform real-time data acquisition from a set of sensors.


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A real-time data acquisition and identification system implemented in a soil-less greenhouse located in the south of Portugal is described. The system performs real-time data acquisition from a set of sensors connected to a data logger.


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A real-time parameter estimator for the climate discrete-time dynamic models of a greenhouse located at the North of Portugal are presented. The experiments showed that the second order models identified for the air temperature and humidity achieve a close agreement between simulated and experimantal data.


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For a greenhouse located at UTAD-University, the methods used to estimate in real-time the parameters of the inside air temperature model will be described. The structure and the parameters of the climate discrete-time dynamic model were previously identified using data acquired during two different periods of the year.


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In this paper climate discrete-time dynamic models for the inside air temperature of a soilless greenhouse are identified, using data acquired during two different periods of the year. These models employ data from air temperature and relative humidity.


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In this paper climate discrete-time dynamic models for the inside air temperature of two different greenhouses are identified, using data acquired during two different periods of the year. These models employ data from air temperature and relative humidity (both outside and inside the greenhouse), solar radiation, wind speed, and control inputs (ventialtion, etc.).


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The application of the Radial Basis Function (RBF) Neural Network (NN) to greenhouse inside air temperature modelling has been previously investigated (Ferreira et al., 2000a). In those studies, the inside air temperature is modelled as a function of the inside relative humidity and of the outside temperature and solar radiation. A second-order model structure previously selected (Cunha et al., 1996) in the context of dynamic temperature models identification, is used.