979 resultados para Grassland habitat index
草地退化不仅仅是今天中国才发生的事情。历史上曾经发生“黑尘暴”的美国North Dakota州,现在仍然有62.7%土地被用作耕作,林地所占面积仅仅占1%。私有制和种植业较畜牧业的高的利润率,是该州种植业比重高于畜牧业的重要原因。草原保护项目(CRP)得到了美国政府财政的大力支持, 在North Dakota州采用了以草地恢复为主的措施。美国发达的教育体系带来的高流动率,使得North Dakota州自30年代后居住人口稳定在60-70万成为可能,从而避免了我国出现的草原地区不断增加的人口压力。由此可见:草地作为重要的自然资源,不可能完全保护起来;没有其他配套措施,私有制可能会带来新一轮垦殖;草地畜牧业仍然是畜牧业的重要组成部分,畜牧业发展需要结合种植业尤其需要与饲料生产相结合。 依据生态系统服务的理念,首次发展了生态系统服务指数(ESI),试图通过对生态系统服务功能的综合考虑,提出科学的适宜放牧率的评价方法。本文利用美国北达科他州立大学中部草原研究站17年长期放牧试验数据,选取植物多样性Shannon-Wiener指数、地上净初级生产力、土壤表层含水量和单位面积家畜增重等四个指标,通过对不同指标分别赋予不同的权重,计算不同管理目标下ESI及其稳定性,并对单目标管理与多目标管理进行了比较研究。结果表明,对于北美混合普列里(Prairie)草地,围封不利用或建立自然保护区,虽然生态系统比较稳定,但既不能有效的提高植物多样性、初级生产力和土壤水分含量等生态功能,又没有畜产品产出;而在重牧或极重牧处理下虽然获得了较大的畜产品生产,但导致了草地生态系统的退化和较大的系统不稳定性。因此,这两种管理方式在实践中都是不可取的。应用生态系统服务指数综合考虑,认为应该权衡各项生态功能和生产功能,此时轻牧或中牧是最适宜的。因此,ESI的建立避免了单项指标的评价偏差,使得适宜放牧率的确定更加合理。 利用前面构建的多目标权重评价体系,结合内蒙古草原生态系统定位站放牧试验样地的数据,探讨了锡林郭勒盟定位站附近的适宜放牧率为2.67羊/ha,低于单目标条件下的每公顷绵羊4羊/ha。同时在经济学和生态系统系统服务理论的基础上,依据谢高地等人(2001年)的研究,并提出了环境税和生态补偿的标准,分别是每公顷15元和90元。
Discolouration of sands and other marine substrata caused by benthic diatoms have been reported by Aleem (1950) Eaton and Moss (1975), Sullivan (1980), Maple (1983), Navarro (1983) and Wah and Wee (1988). However, this is for the first time such a phenomenon is being reported from a mangrove habitat of Karachi. It was caused by a pennate diatom Navicula cancellata Donkin.
Three species of bacteria, 8 species of fungi and 3 species of VAM-fungi were isolated from the soil substrata supporting Avicennia marina which comprises the majority of mangrove vegetation along the Karachi coast. The species abundances for fungi and bacteria were greater at one site (Sandspit) supporting healthy mangrove growth with soil pH 7.8, EC 16.2mmhos/cm², TSS 2.57% and available phosphorus 0.008% than at the other site (Korangi creek) with stunted growth of mangrove where the soil samples showed pH 7.9, EC 18.8mmhos/cm², TSS 1.45% and available phosphorus 0.001%. Symbiotic association by vasicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi in the roots of mangrove plants was also observed on a small scale at Korangi creek where the substratum was undergoing microbial degradation.
The study was conducted in pond to determine the fecundity and gonadosomatic index of chapila, Gudusia chapra. The male fish was found to attain sexual maturity at 7.7 cm and 7.41 g and that of the female at 9.3 cm and 14.65 g by standard-length and body-weight respectively. The investigated fishes were found to be male and female at the ratio of 1:3 and generally female was found to be larger than male. The fish was found to spawn for several months with two spawning peaks, one in April and another in August as indicated by the peaks of gonadosomatic index and ova diameter. Fecundity of the fish ranged from 25,220 to 154,528 with an average value of 72,383 and was found to increase with the increase in length and weight of the fish. The relationships between fecundity and standard-length, body-weight, gonad-length and gonad weight of the fish were found to be linear and significant.
Juveniles of freshwater prawns caught by the traditional cylindrical bamboo traps operated by the local fishermen in a natural habitat of Kalu River near Titvala were sampled every week during September to December 1991 and 1992, to study the composition and relative abundance of different species and their relationship with hydrobiological parameters. The juvenile catch comprised Macrobrachium rosenbergii, M. idella, M. scabriculum and M. bombayensis. Among these M. rosenbergii was more abundant followed by M. idella. It is also observed that high tide catches are more productive than those of low tides.