656 resultados para Germanium Dendrites


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Spark source mass spectroscopy was used to analyze 61 elements in ten ferromanganese nodules found near Glenora in the Bay of Quinte at the eastern end of Lake Ontario. Most minor elements, including As, Pb, and Hg, have concentrations between 1-100 µg/g. F, S, Co, Zn, and La have concentrations in 100 µg/g range. Ba and Sr are present at levels of 1% and 0.1% respectively. Compared to similar measurements on nodules found in the Great Lakes and in other parts of the globe, values reported here are generally lower. Compared to their marine equivalents, lake nodules appear to be inferior scavengers of minor elements. Examination of all available data corroborates the postulate that marine biological material is an important source of minor elements found in oceanic nodules.


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High-resolution records of Ca and Sr were obtained from shipboard XRF analyses of bulk sediments in five gravity cores from the southern Cape Basin, South Atlantic Ocean. Sr/Ca ratios display regular glacial/interglacial variations of 14-40% and reveal a close correlation with the SPECMAP record, minimum Sr/Ca ratios appearing during glacial (delta18 O) maxima, distinct increases during periods of deglaciation, and highest ratios in interstadials. Shifts in carbonate-producing phytoplankton and/or zooplankton assemblages over glacial/interglacial cycles are suggested to be the main cause for the observed variations in Sr/Ca patterns. Quick assessment of the relationship between Sr/Ca ratios and the SPECMAP record made it possible to easily transfer an age model to the newly collected cores already during the cruise.


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The hydrologic system beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet is thought to influence both the dynamics and distribution of fast flowing ice streams, which discharge most of the ice lost by the ice sheet. Despite considerable interest in understanding this subglacial network and its affect on ice flow, in situ observations from the ice sheet bed are exceedingly rare. Here we describe the first sediment cores recovered from an active subglacial lake. The lake, known as Subglacial Lake Whillans, is part of a broader, dynamic hydrologic network beneath the Whillans Ice Stream in West Antarctica. Even though "floods" pass through the lake, the lake floor shows no evidence of erosion or deposition by flowing water. By inference, these floods must have insufficient energy to erode or transport significant volumes of sediment coarser than silt. Consequently, water flow beneath the region is probably incapable of incising continuous channels into the bed and instead follows preexisting subglacial topography and surface slope. Sediment on the lake floor consists of till deposited during intermittent grounding of the ice stream following flood events. The fabrics within the till are weaker than those thought to develop in thick deforming beds suggesting subglacial sediment fluxes across the ice plain are currently low and unlikely to have a large stabilizing effect on the ice stream's grounding zone.


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Snow samples collected from hand-dug pits at two sites in Simcoe County, Ontario, Canada were analysed for major and trace elements using the clean lab methods established for polar ice. Potentially toxic, chalcophile elements are highly enriched in snow, relative to their natural abundance in crustal rocks, with enrichment factor (EF) values (calculated using Sc) in the range 107 to 1081 for Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Cu, Mo, Pb, Sb, Te, and Zn. Relative to M/Sc ratios in snow, water samples collected at two artesian flows in this area are significantly depleted in Ag, Al, Be, Bi, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb, Tl, V, and Zn at both sites, and in Co, Th and Tl at one of the sites. The removal from the waters of these elements is presumably due to such processes as physical retention (filtration) of metal-bearing atmospheric aerosols by organic and mineral soil components as well as adsorption and surface complexation of ionic species onto organic, metal oxyhydroxide and clay mineral surfaces. In the case of Pb, the removal processes are so effective that apparently ''natural'' ratios of Pb to Sc are found in the groundwaters. Tritium measurements show that the groundwater at one of the sites is modern (ie not more than 30 years old) meaning that the inputs of Pb and other trace elements to the groundwaters may originally have been much higher than they are today; the M/Sc ratios measured in the groundwaters today, therefore, represent a conservative estimate of the extent of metal removal along the flow path. Lithogenic elements significantly enriched in the groundwaters at both sites include Ba, Ca, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Rb, S, Si, Sr, and Ti. The abundance of these elements can largely be explained in terms of weathering of the dominant silicate (plagioclase, potassium feldspar, amphibole and biotite) and carbonate minerals (calcite, dolomite and ankerite) in the soils and sediments of the watershed. Arsenic, Mo, Te, and especially U are also highly enriched in the groundwaters, due to chemical weathering: these could easily be explained if there are small amounts of sulfides (As, Mo, Te) and apatite (U) in the soils of the source area. Elements neither significantly enriched nor depleted at both sites include Fe, Ga, Ge, and P.


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We examined the zinc content of diatom frustules as an indicator of past changes in surface seawater Zn2+ concentration. Zn/Si data of samples from three cores located in the South Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean spanning the last interglacial-glacial transition are presented. Changes in the Zn/Si record are linked to changes in the surface water Zn2+ concentration. The source of variation in Zn2+ concentration appears to be via changes in deep water upwelling and circulation. We rule out changes in phytoplankton productivity and aeolian dust input as a source of variation in the Zn/Si record. Likewise, the Zn/Si data are not linked to shifts in the diatom species composition of the sediment or sediment preservation effects. The Zn/Si results presented do not support the zinc hypothesis. There is no link between the uptake of CO2 by phytoplankton, as inferred from the d13C record, and the Zn/Si record.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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L’inflammation du système nerveux central (SNC), appelée neuroinflammation, est un aspect inséparable des maladies neurodégénératives chroniques comme la sclérose en plaques (SEP) et la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA). La caractérisation de la signature moléculaire spécifique à chaque population cellulaire dans des pathologies distinctes va aboutir à la compréhension et donc au contrôle de la neuroinflammation. Le présent ouvrage a pour but de mieux comprendre les mécanismes d’action de deux types cellulaires myéloïdes, la microglie et les neutrophiles, au cours des affections neuroinflammatoires du SNC. Ainsi, le premier objectif a été de comprendre le rôle des cytokines IL-36 dans la neuroinflammation établie au cours de l’encéphalomyélite auto-immune expérimentale (EAE). Dans une seconde partie, l’objectif a été d’explorer l’action du GPR84, un récepteur couplé à la protéine G spécifique à la microglie dans le SNC, lors de l’altération des fonctions cérébrales dans un modèle de souris transgénique de la MA. Nos résultats démontrent que la voie de signalisation IL-36/IL36R est augmentée dans trois modèles différents de l’EAE, mais ne contribue pas au développement ni à la progression de la pathologie. En utilisant l’approche de cytométrie en flux nous identifions les neutrophiles comme la source majeure de l’IL-36γ. De plus, nous démontrons que la microglie exprime l’IL-36R et sa stimulation par l’IL-36γ conduit à la production de cytokines pro-inflammatoires. Dans un second temps, nous caractérisons l’augmentation de l’expression du GPR84 par la microglie dans le modèle murin de la MA APP/PS1. Ainsi, le croisement de ces souris avec des souris déficientes en GPR84 diminue l’activation et le recrutement de la microglie autour des plaques d’amyloïde-β et accélère le déclin cognitif. Nos études impliquent le GPR84 comme un acteur important dans le maintien de l’homéostasie neuronale puisque son absence favorise la dégénérescence des dendrites dans le cerveau. Les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse apportent de nouveaux éléments qui peuvent contribuer au développement des thérapies qui ciblent les cellules myéloïdes dans diverses pathologies du SNC. Ces données ouvrent de nouvelles pistes pour élucider le rôle de l’IL-36γ dans des maladies neurodégénératives. Enfin, pour une première fois, nous présentons un modèle murin permettant d’identifier le(s) ligand(s) endogène(s) du GPR84, une cible thérapeutique potentielle pour la prévention et/ou le traitement de la MA.