654 resultados para Gaze


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec la direction de Jean-Jacques Courtine à l'Université de Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle sous la discipline anthropologie et avec la direction de Dominique Deslandres à l'Université de Montréal sous la discipline histoire


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Enacting tonsillitis: Relational performances in medical practices In this paper the diagnostic process of bacterial tonsillitis at two Swedish health centres is described and analysed as to how this disease comes into being, or how it is enacted. The concept of enactment implies that disease is constituted in, and through, relational practises involving human and non-human elements. The study is based on interviews with nurses and doctors as well as field observations from the health centres. In the analysis it becomes apparent that different – and sometimes conflicting – enactments of tonsillitis appear in medical practices, depending on the organization of relations between different elements. It is concluded that diagnostic agency is created in relations between both humans and non-humans, and who and what is given diagnostic agency is changeable depending on the relations at hand. The diagnostic process of tonsillitis shows how the most mundane medical diagnoses involves a number of complex relations, that stretches beyond categories such as social and medical.


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The agriculture with the use of products with less environmental impact is expanding. In it, the producers offer their products without the use of synthetic chemical inputs, solving the phytosanitary problems with the use of biological or alternative control agents such as parasites, predators, entomopathogenic, alternative products, plant extracts and essential oils. These products can be considered safe to non-target organisms, but studies are needed to find these features on natural enemies and on the beneficial insects such as bees, common frequenter of cultures. In this sense, this study aims to evaluate the effects of control over reproductive quality queens of Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Africanized. For this, it tested the action of control products on the production of A. mellifera queens, using the commercial entomopathogenic fungus Boveril® 1,0x108 (Beauveria bassiana) and aqueous extract of pomegranate (Punica granatum) at a concentration of 5% sterile distilled water with Tween (0.01%) and sterile distilled water (controls). The treatments were incorporated into a tissue type gauze, wrapped in an acrylic plate and packed inside minirrecrias type colonies for the production of queens on the day before the transfer of larvae. The next day were introduced battens with 30 domes with larvae to produce queens, so the workers have contacted the agent tested. From the emergence of all the queens, they were monitored to determine the measures of body weight (mg), length and width of wing and abdomen, length, width and height of the chest (mm) as well as the time of emergence of queens. The next step was evaluated the influence of the control agents in production creates, performing measurements of creating areas in cm2 for six straight weeks. It was found that the area creates Queens did not differ among the treatments. Histological analysis of hipofaringeanas of workers glands that came into contact with the control agents and the midgut of virgin queens were also held. Histological analysis differences were observed in the tissues when the treatments were compared with the respective controls.


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Partiendo de la noción de literatura de pensamiento, como conjunto heterogéneo y complejo de formas literarias con vocación argumentativa, el estudio que sigue pretende mostrar a la vez el valor paradigmático del ensayo, en el marco de estas escrituras, y la naturaleza transfronteriza de los géneros de no-ficción, entre los cuales el ensayo y la crónica periodística constituyen dos de las formas más próximas. En un primer momento, se analizan los rasgos característicos del ensayo, tal como Montaigne lo concibió, con el fin de determinar las líneas de fuerza de esta forma matricial, de la que procede hasta hoy toda una tradición de escritos asistemáticos y porosos de naturaleza personal y reflexiva. En un segundo momento, se estudian los rasgos específicos de la crónica periodística contemporánea, a la luz del modelo canónico, poniendo el énfasis en la perspectiva subjetiva de la mirada y en la noción de actualidad, como principales indicadores de la dimensión permeable e híbrida de este género.


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With the premise that the tourism promotional video “China, Forever” provides a crucial access to understanding how tourism engages in a wider circle of socio-culture formation, this dissertation research approaches tourism by examining communicative practices initiated by “China, Forever”. In doing so, it seeks to reveal two dialogues – firstly, between the discursive construction of tourism representational language and China’s nation-state ideology; secondly, between interpretations from overseas Chinese audiences and nation-state narratives delivered via the tourism media. In analyzing the first dialogue, this dissertation reveals that the pursuit of collective and monolithic national imagery has caused a representational violence – one that is committed by the nation-state ideology operated through the organization of tourism language. The very representational coercion itself, however, signifies the nature of tourism media as a vehicle mediating the global gaze and China’s self-representation; illuminating the fact that China’s nation-state building is only to be understood as deeply-grounded in the complexity of postcolonial politics. Furthermore, in a dialectic view, such finding consolidates the nature of “China, Forever” as a cultural product that actively exists as a component in the overall social fabric, co-creating a wider circle of culture politics together with other genres of media products; thus, calling for a more comprehensive understanding of tourism media at large. In the second approach, this dissertation seeks to understand how the tourism video “China, Forever” mediates the relationship between tourism narratives of the nation-state and overseas Chinese individuals; thus bridging together tourism media and ongoing life experiences of the audiences chosen. The analysis reveals that audiences’ interpretations heavily concentrate on resisting and fragmenting the hegemonic nation-state language in “China, Forever”. While some interviewees seek to decentralize the nation-state perspective from aspects of aesthetics, representational style, and representational subjects in “China, Forever” by incorporating their individual memories and past experiences, to some others, the over-polished glorification of China in the mediated tourism discourse is only coercive to China’s social realities experienced by the individual interviewees - the disheartening contrasts of poverty and affluence as well as other social inequalities. From the perspective of the audience group, the Chinese scholars and students at the University of Illinois interviewed for this dissertation research constitute a cohort of exiled audiences for the tourism video “China, Forever”. The audiences subject themselves to voluntary interpellation, a process in which they find themselves defending, negotiating, and resisting the nation-state representation of China – even though they are not its intended audience and have had no input into its production. Nevertheless, such process is one of identification, in which viewers articulate a subject position from which to speak of their own experiences, dilemmas and desires. The usefulness of tourism media discourse in mediating the nation-state narratives and the individual experience is amplified.


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Este sucinto texto pretende, sem grandes pretensões, ser uma reflexão sobre o capítulo sétimo, Seeing and Theming, do livro The Turist Gaze de John Urry. Na primeira parte do capítulo, Seeing and being seen, Urry analisa a questão do olhar do turista e como a fotografia, a partir do século XIX, suscitou novas formas de olhar, passando depois, em Themes and Malls, a debruçar-se sobre um dos aspetos específicos do olhar do turista, relacionando-o com uma série de ambientes produzidos, de forma orientada, para o consumo turístico. Assim, este breve ensaio será estruturado em dois capítulos, que correspondem à parte primeira e segunda parte do capítulo sétimo do livro de John Urry. Após se fazer uma análise das ideias expressas, partir-se-á para o enunciar de outras teorias, de outros autores, que poderiam, quiçá, relacionar-se com o assunto do capítulo em estudo.


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The current study investigated the cognitive workload of sentence and clause wrap-up in younger and older readers. A large number of studies have demonstrated the presence of wrap-up effects, peaks in processing time at clause and sentence boundaries that some argue reflect attention to organizational and integrative semantic processes. However, the exact nature of these wrap-up effects is still not entirely clear, with some arguing that wrap-up is not related to processing difficulty, but rather is triggered by a low-level oculomotor response or the implicit monitoring of intonational contour. The notion that wrap-up effects are resource-demanding was directly tested by examining the degree to which sentence and clause wrap-up affects the parafoveal preview benefit. Older and younger adults read passages in which a target word N occurred in a sentence-internal, clause-final, or sentence-final position. A gaze-contingent boundary change paradigm was used in which, on some trials, a non-word preview of word N+1 was replaced by a target word once the eyes crossed an invisible boundary located between words N and N+1. All measures of reading time on word N were longer at clause and sentence boundaries than in the sentence-internal position. In the earliest measures of reading time, sentence and clause wrap-up showed evidence of reducing the magnitude of the preview benefit similarly for younger and older adults. However, this effect was moderated by age in gaze duration, such that older adults showed a complete reduction in the preview benefit in the sentence-final condition. Additionally, sentence and clause wrap-up were negatively associated with the preview benefit. Collectively, the findings from the current study suggest that wrap-up is cognitively demanding and may be less efficient with age, thus, resulting in a reduction of the parafoveal preview during normal reading.


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Using a postcolonial methodology within a German Cultural Studies framework, this thesis applies a close reading to Uwe Timm’s 1978 novel Morenga and Gerhard Seyfried’s 2003 novel Herero. Both novels narrate the colonial experience in German Southwest Africa during the 1904-1907 Herero and Nama uprising through the eyes of a German male protagonist. I investigate how notions of the ‘other’ become ingrained in the collective cultural imaginary of a nation and manifest themselves as inherent truths used to justify methods of subjugation. I also examine the conflicts that arise due to the clash between these drastically different cultures in the “contact zone”, a term I borrow from Mary Louise Pratt. Emphasis is placed on analyzing the ways in which the natives’ use of mimicry allows for the creation of a cultural hybridity in which power relations are constantly negotiated and re-evaluated. I also problematize the difficulty both protagonists demonstrate in their quest to abandon the colonial gaze in favor of adopting a postcolonial perspective, an attempt that often appears ambivalent at best.


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec la direction de Jean-Jacques Courtine à l'Université de Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle sous la discipline anthropologie et avec la direction de Dominique Deslandres à l'Université de Montréal sous la discipline histoire


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O presente relatório de qualificação profissional surge no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada, integrada no plano de estudos do mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e configura-se como requisito parcial para a obtenção de grau de mestre. Pretende-se, deste modo, que o mesmo evidencie o percurso formativo da mestranda de forma refletida e indagadora das experiências e competências desenvolvidas nos dois níveis de educação, com vista à construção de um perfil duplo. O documento integra os pressupostos teóricos e legais que fundamentam a prática pedagógica da mestranda em ambos os níveis educativos assim como a forma como estes foram mobilizados para a prática pedagógica, as características inerentes ao contexto educativo e os conhecimentos obtidos ao longo da mesma acerca das crianças e das suas individualidades e do meio envolvente. A metodologia de investigação-ação constituiu um pilar no decorrer da intervenção pedagógica, encontrando-se espelhada ao longo do presente relatório de estágio. Deste modo, a prática da mestranda obedeceu a um processo rigoroso assente na articulação das etapas inerentes à metodologia evidenciada: observação, planificação, ação, reflexão e avaliação. Esta metodologia permitiu melhorar e enriquecer as intervenções pedagógicas, possibilitando um olhar crítico e indagador não só acerca das práticas mas igualmente sobre a Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, de uma forma mais geral. Face ao indicado, a realização do estágio profissionalizante, desenvolvido em ambos os contextos educativos caracterizou-se por ser a força motriz para que a mestranda desenvolvesse competências pessoais e profissionais inerentes a um perfil docente duplo, construindo, desta forma, as primeiras etapas de um processo evolutivo e de aprendizagem gradual e constante compreendendo, assim, a importância e exigência de educar


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Significant advances in science should be given to addressing the needs of society and the historical context of the territories. Although technological developments that began with modernity and the industrial revolution allowed human beings to control the resources of nature to put to your service without limits, it is clear that the crisis of the prevailing development models manifest themselves in many ways but with three common denominators: environmental degradation, social injustice and extreme poverty. Consequently, today should not be possible to think a breakthrough in the development of science without addressing global environmental problems and the deep social injustices that increase at all scales under the gaze, impassively in many occasions, of formal science.


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Drawing on interpretations of Foucault's techniques of power, we explored the discourses and power relations operative between groups of girls that appeared to influence their participation in Physical Education (PE) and outside of school in sport and physical activity (PA) in rural and regional communities. Interviews and focus groups were conducted in eight secondary schools with female students from Year 9 (n = 22) and 10 (n = 116). Dominant gendered and performance discourses were active in shaping girls’ construction of what it means to be active or ‘sporty’, and these identity positions were normalised and valued. The perceived and real threat of their peer's gaze as a form of surveillance acted to further perpetuate the power of performance discourses; whereby girls measured and (self) regulated their participation. Community settings were normalised as being exclusively for skilled performers and girls self-regulated their non-participation according to judgements made about their own physical abilities. These findings raise questions about the ways in which power relations, as forged in broader sociocultural and institutional discourse–power relations, can infiltrate the level of the PE classroom to regulate and normalise practices in relation to their, and others, PA participation.


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Expanding the Gaze is a collection of important new empirical and theoretical works that demonstrate the significance of the gendered dynamics of surveillance.


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Drawing largely on cinematic theories of sound, film aesthetics, and neuroscientific understandings of the eye and the gaze, we undertake a comparative analysis of two film sequences to address these questions: the chase sequence" from the animated film, Monsters, Inc. (Pete Docter, David Silverman, and Lee Unkrich, 2001); and the Omaha Beach landing sequence from Saving Private Ryan (Steven Spielberg, 1998).


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Peu satisfaite des concepts généralement mentionnés lorsqu’il s’agit d’écrire sur les films réalisés en stop-motion, je propose d’analyser un corpus de quatre films réalisés par un duo estonien peu connu, les réalisatrices Jelena Girlin et Mari-Liis Bassovskaja, en ancrant mon discours dans une recherche plus large sur l’intimité et la sensorialité en art. J’effleure, par l’entremise d’une revue de littérature, le paradoxe d’animer l’inanimé et l’idée du umheimlich freudien, prégnants dans les écrits substantiels autour du cinéma d’animation en volume. Après avoir démontré que l’œuvre de Girlin Bassovskaja s’incrit dans le domaine de l’intime, j’approfondis l’analyse en m’appuyant sur les théories de la visualité haptique appliquée aux films. Je découvre le corpus à la lumière de ces théories, et évoque l’idée du regard caressant du spectateur vers le film, mais aussi de sa réversibilité. De plus, en tant que réalisatrice-animatrice de court-métrages d’animation, les théories susmentionnées outillent ma pensée afin de décrire ma volonté quasi obsessionnelle de rendre l’intimité tangible par une animation sensuelle en pâte à modeler sur verre.