971 resultados para Garve, Christian, 1742-1798.
Fragment of a leaf with handwritten entries made by Caleb Gannet, the College Steward, for hay weighing hay at the College Farm between 1797 and January 20, 1798.
Small paper notebook containing handwritten facts and figures documenting the benefits received by the town of Cambridge from the College. The notebook contains much of the same information in the Committee notebook (HUM 79 Box 1, Folder 55). Most entries list financial benefits such as the College's payments to local tradesman, the schoolmaster, and the first parish minister, as well as income received by local merchants and boarding houses from College students and officers. The cover is inscribed "Committee."
One-leaf folio-sized set of handwritten notes and extracts regarding New England academic institutions that received tax exemptions.
One leaf containing handwritten research questions regarding the holding of real estate and related taxation.
Notebook with brown paper cover containing handwritten extracts from the charters and related legislation of New England academic, charitable, and commercial institutions regarding their ability to hold real estate and related tax exemptions. Most of the listed documents are dated in the 1780s and 1790s. The notebook also contains extracts from "Argument in the case of Poor's rate, charged on the College of Christ & Emmanuel in the University of Cambridge 1768." The item title is transcribed from a handwritten inscription on the back cover.
One octavo-sized leaf containing handwritten questions in the hand of Professor Pearson regarding the taxation of real estate in Cambridge. A note on the document verso: "Allen 2nd June 11th 1798" indicates Pearson used a student's assignment paper and the date suggests the queries may have been created in preparation for the June 20, 1798 meeting with the Committee of the Town of Cambridge.
The 1742 diary is interleaved in Nathaniel Ames’ An astronomical diary, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord Christ, 1742. The volume holds brief notes about Holyoke’s daily life, written on blank pages bound with the almanac. Each page, representing one month, is divided into three columns with a section for the weather, the direction of the wind, and finally notes on the day and Holyoke’s undeciphered shorthand. The diary begins before Holyoke’s admittance to Harvard and concludes in his freshman year. The earlier months have regular entries, he later stops recording the weather and makes only sporadic entries. Holyoke notes holidays, travel events, interactions with Harvard faculty, and infrequently, community events such as a burial or trial. On the last page, Holyoke provides "An account of our examination the 13 day of July 1742: viz: [Daniel] Foxcroft [Joseph] Green myself and [James] Putnam listing the specific examiners and the texts used for the exam.
Brief note from Samuel Russell to Treasurer Ebenezer Storer requesting delivery of the sloop's mainsail and jibb to the new owner.
In this letter, Prince questions the legality of his dismissal.
Lovell and Allen accompanied Holyoke to Nathan Prince's lodging in Boston, to personally inform him that the Board of Overseers had voted for his dismissal and that his belongings had been removed from his chamber and were being stored in town until he chose to claim them.
Although the context of this document is not entirely clear, it appears that the Prentices were responsible for storing Prince's belongings – recently removed from his Harvard chamber – until he could claim them. These included his "wearing linnen," "wearing cloathe & five or six papers," and "five or six books."
Uncompleted bill of sale for the sloop Cyrus between Ebenezer Storer and buyers Samuel Drinkwater and Abel Sawyer. The document is undated.
Three printed quarter bills for Loammi Baldwin dated February 22, 1798, May 24, 1798, and November 29, 1798.
Eight receipts from Abiel Holmes for room and board dated October 19, 1796; January 3, 1797; February 20, 1797; April 19, 1797; July 14, 1797; October 10, 1797; April 17, 1798; and July 12, 1798.
Paper wrapper reads: "Nicholas Shapleigh & John Shapleigh / Division of farm at Kittery / Recorded January 31st, 1798 / 17 cents duty." The legal document establishing the division of the land is signed by each of the three surveyors: Nicholas Morrell(?), William Fry, and Daniel Emery.