966 resultados para Galaxies : Peculiar


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O fio condutor que perpassa o presente ensaio alinha o peculiar estatuto da problemática transcendental no horizonte aberto pela obra de Merleau-Ponty. Nessa direção, demarcaremos as linhas mestras desse novo discurso transcendental, isto é, sua inflexão ontologicamente decisiva enquanto crítica revisional das condições de todo conhecimento agenciada sob o enigma de nossa conaturalidade carnal e, portanto, corporal com o mundo e com o outro.


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Finlands industri har av tradition varit starkt energikrävande. Träförädlingsindustrin, som fick sin egentliga start i medlet på 1800-talet, använde stora mängder energi liksom metallförädlingsföretagen i ett senare skede. Krigstiden med sin energiransonering visade handgripligen för allmänheten liksom för specialisterna att en tillräcklig tillgång till energi är ett livsvillkor för vår industri och därmed för vårt land. Efterkrigstiden kännetecknades av en allt snabbare utbyggnad av den på vatten- och ångkraft baserade elkraftskapaciteten, en utbyggnad som den inhemska verkstadsindustrin i stor utsträckning deltog i. Men redan på 1950-talet var vattenkraften till stor del utbyggd, varför den privata såväl som den statliga sektorns intresse allt mera inriktade sig på den speciellt i USA favoriserade atomenergin. Efter fördjupade studier i kärnfysik och kärnteknik vid the International School of Nuclear Science and Engineering i USA deltog författaren av dessa rader intensivt (först som Ahlströmanställd och senare som VD för Finnatom) i den utvecklingsverksamhet inom det kärntekniska området som inte bara elproducenterna utan även verkstadsindustrin i vårt land genomförde. Det var därför naturligt för mig att som objekt för min doktorsavhandling välja introduktionen av kärnkraften i Finland med speciell fokus på den inhemska verkstadsindustrins roll. Jag ställde följande forskningsfrågor: a. När och hur skedde introduktionen av kärnkraften i Finland? b. Vilka var orsakerna till och resultatet av denna introduktion? c. Vilken var den inhemska verkstadsindustrins roll? Ett grundligt studium av litteraturen inklusive mötesprotokoll och tidningsreferat samt personligen genomförda intervjuer med ett trettiotal av de verkliga aktörerna i den långa och komplicerade introduktionsprocessen ledde till en teori, vars riktighet jag anser mig ha kunnat bevisa. Den inhemska verkstadsindustrins roll var synnerligen central. Dess representanter lyckades, bl.a. refererande till erfarenheterna från utbyggnaden av vatten- och ångkraften liksom till byggandet av den underkritiska milan YXP samt forskningsreaktorn TRIGA, övertyga beslutsfattarna om att den besatt nödig kompetens för att kompensera den kompetensbrist som kunde iakttas inom vissa områden hos den sovjetiska kärnkraftverksleverantören. De inhemska leveranserna påverkade även driftsresultatet, speciellt i fallet Lovisa, i positiv riktning. Introduktionsprocessen, som omfattade tiden från slutet av 1950-talet till början på 1980-talet, beskrevs, noterande bl.a. J. W. Creswells anvisningar, i detalj i avhandlingen. Introduktionen fick som resultat konkurrenskraftig elkraft, impuls till start av nya företag, exempelvis Nokia Elektronik, liksom en klar höjning av den tekniska nivån hos vår industri, inkluderande kärnteknisk tillverkning i stor skala. Katastrofen i Tjernobyl i slutet av april 1986 innebar emellertid att utvecklingen tog en paus på ett par decennier. Erfarenheterna från introduktionsfasen kan förhoppningsvis utnyttjas till fullo nu, när utbyggnaden av kärnkraften återupptagits i vårt land.


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Embora a homeopatia seja uma especialidade médica reconhecida pelo Conselho Federal de Medicina desde 1980, com pressupostos científicos estabelecidos, aplicação clínica diversa, projetos nas áreas de pesquisa básica e clínica, oferecida nos serviços públicos de saúde e com iniciativas de ensino na graduação médica, a desinformação sobre esta peculiar racionalidade se encontra arraigada na cultura médica. Este estudo objetivou mensurar a desinformação quanto aos pressupostos homeopáticos existente entre estudantes de Medicina participantes do 33º Encontro Científico de Estudantes de Medicina (São Paulo, 2003). Foi aplicado um questionário auto-responsivo no início de uma atividade didática, no qual o conhecimento foi mensurado. Os respondentes consideravam como "prerrogativas da homeopatia": o tratamento natural (18%), o efeito placebo (14%) e o aspecto místico-religioso (4,5%); "indicações do tratamento homeopático" se restringiram às doenças crônicas (52%) ou psicossomáticas (18%); "inexistência de fundamentação científica" pela pesquisa básica (21%) ou clínica (29%); "morosidade na resposta terapêutica" (57%); e "isenção de efeitos colaterais" no uso inadequado do medicamento homeopático (71%). Perante outros aspectos, 43% dos estudantes não reconheciam a homeopatia como uma "especialidade médica"; a totalidade ignorava que ela estivesse "disponível em serviços públicos de saúde"; 64% desconheciam sua "inclusão no currículo de algumas faculdades de Medicina"; e todos os alunos se mostraram "bastante interessados em aprendê-la", na forma de disciplina obrigatória (64%) ou optativa (36%). Sugere-se que a informação acerca dos aspectos fundamentais da homeopatia seja transmitida nos primeiros anos da graduação médica.


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No intervalo de uma década (1966-1975), três escolas médicas - nas universidades de Brasília (UnB), São Paulo (USP) e Minas Gerais (UFMG) - estabeleceram novos currí-culos a fim de preparar médicos com potencial ampliado no trato de necessidades de saúde no cenário comunitário. As três escolas diferiam entre si no contexto geopolítico, na totalidade de recursos e na experiência de vida. Embora suas propostas tivessem traços em comum, cada qual definiu de forma peculiar os elementos da organização programática, dos enfoques estratégicos e da gestão do processo curricular, os quais se expressaram diferentemente na característica global de orientação comunitária, bem como no impacto de seus efeitos na formação dos médicos e no sistema de saúde. Este relato reúne informações documentais referenciadas e algumas ilações sobre os elementos básicos da inovação curricular e seus efeitos, nos três casos.


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En este artículo proponemos una explicación novedosa del efecto Knobe. El efecto Knobe es una asimetría peculiar en la atribución de intencionalidad a un agente con relación a los efectos colaterales previstos de su acción, dependiendo sólo de la valoración moral del efecto y sin que nada más cambie en la situación juzgada: los efectos colaterales malos, pero no los buenos, se consideran intencionalmente producidos. Nos enfocamos aquí en la pregunta por la explicación de esa peculiar asimetría ¿basta la valencia moral del efecto colateral para explicarla? Hacemos un análisis sistemático de una gran variedad de viñetas presentes en los estudios experimentales y de sus resultados. Intentamos así aislar los factores explicativos. Proponemos que la asimetría se explica por concordancia o discordancia entre la valencia moral del efecto colateral y la actitud moral del agente, juzgada por los espectadores.


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In this dissertation, active galactic nuclei (AGN) are discussed, as they are seen with the high-resolution radio-astronomical technique called Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). This observational technique provides very high angular resolution (_ 10−300 = 1 milliarcsecond). VLBI observations, performed at different radio frequencies (multi-frequency VLBI), allow to penetrate deep into the core of an AGN to reveal an otherwise obscured inner part of the jet and the vicinity of the AGN’s central engine. Multi-frequency VLBI data are used to scrutinize the structure and evolution of the jet, as well as the distribution of the polarized emission. These data can help to derive the properties of the plasma and the magnetic field, and to provide constraints to the jet composition and the parameters of emission mechanisms. Also VLBI data can be used for testing the possible physical processes in the jet by comparing observational results with results of numerical simulations. The work presented in this thesis contributes to different aspects of AGN physics studies, as well as to the methodology of VLBI data reduction. In particular, Paper I reports evidence of optical and radio emission of AGN coming from the same region in the inner jet. This result was obtained via simultaneous observations of linear polarization in the optical and in radio using VLBI technique of a sample of AGN. Papers II and III describe, in detail, the jet kinematics of the blazar 0716+714, based on multi-frequency data, and reveal a peculiar kinematic pattern: plasma in the inner jet appears to move substantially faster that that in the large-scale jet. This peculiarity is explained by the jet bending, in Paper III. Also, Paper III presents a test of the new imaging technique for VLBI data, the Generalized Maximum Entropy Method (GMEM), with the observed (not simulated) data and compares its results with the conventional imaging. Papers IV and V report the results of observations of the circularly polarized (CP) emission in AGN at small spatial scales. In particular, Paper IV presents values of the core CP for 41 AGN at 15, 22 and 43 GHz, obtained with the help of the standard Gain transfer (GT) method, which was previously developed by D. Homan and J.Wardle for the calibration of multi-source VLBI observations. This method was developed for long multi-source observations, when many AGN are observed in a single VLBI run. In contrast, in Paper V, an attempt is made to apply the GT method to single-source VLBI observations. In such observations, the object list would include only a few sources: a target source and two or three calibrators, and it lasts much shorter than the multi-source experiment. For the CP calibration of a single-source observation, it is necessary to have a source with zero or known CP as one of the calibrators. If the archival observations included such a source to the list of calibrators, the GT could also be used for the archival data, increasing a list of known AGN with the CP at small spatial scale. Paper V contains also calculation of contributions of different sourced of errors to the uncertainty of the final result, and presents the first results for the blazar 0716+714.


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The state of Ceará, Brazil, has 75% of its area covered by Brazilian semiarid, with its peculiar features. In this state, the dams are constituted in water structure of strategic importance, ensuring, both in time and space, the development and supply of water to population. However, construction of reservoirs results in various impacts that should be carefully observed when deciding on their implementation. One of the impacts identified as negative is the increased evaporation, which constitutes a major component of water balance in reservoirs, especially in arid regions. Several methods for estimating evaporation have been proposed over time, many of them deriving from the Penman equation. This study evaluated six different methods for estimating evaporation in order to determine the most suitable for use in hydrological models for water balance in reservoirs in the state of Ceará. The tested methods were proposed by Penman, Kohler-Nordenson-Fox, Priestley-Taylor, deBruim-Keijman, Brutsaert-Stricker and deBruim. The methods presented good performance when tested for water balance during the dry season, and the Priestley-Taylor was the most appropriate, since the data from de simulated water balance with evaporation estimated by this method were the closest of the water balance data observed from measures of reservoir level and the elevation-volume curve provided by the Company of Management of Water Resources of the state of Ceará - COGERH.


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Adenocarcinomas of the cardia and gastroesophageal junction are peculiar entities with three different origins, which differ somewhat from other adenocarcinomas of the stomach in their clinical presentation and pathogenesis, and have a poorer prognosis. In this article the authors reviewed definitions, incidence and epidemiology, etiologic factors, genetic implications, clinical presentation, diagnosis, staging and treatment, with emphasis on the surgical approach, discussing the current management of these cancers. The prognostic factors related specifically to the cardia cancers are: esophageal invasion greater than 3cm, microscopic residual tumor and wall penetration (>T2). Preoperative workup should include computed tomography, and endoscopic ultrasonography and laparoscopy when available. Preoperative recognition of T3/ T4/N2 lesions should indicate inclusion in neo-adjuvant protocols whenever possible. The authors present the results of 46 resected cases of adenocarcinomas of the cardia and GE junction of the Instituto Nacional do Câncer- Brazil (1981-1995). Cure was intended in 29 and palliation in 17 patients. The most common type of resection was total gastrectomy with abdominal esophagectomy (28 cases). Morbidity (major and minor) occurred in 50% of the patients. The main causes were of respiratory origin and fistulas (19.6% each). Death occurred in 44% of the patients with fistula. Postoperative death until the 30th day occurred in 17.24% of the curative cases and in 23.52% of the palliative ones. The median survival time was 68.5 months for stage I, 25 months for stage II, 31 months for stage III and 12.5 months for stage IV diseases. The median survival time was 8 months for palliation and 28.5 months for cure. No long-term survival was obtained with the palliative group, whereas 25% survived five years of more in the curative group. The authors conclude that the surgical approach should be the one the surgeon feels more comfortable with. Complete removal of the disease proved by frozen section, splenectomy and D2 lymphadenectomy should be the standard therapy with curative intent.


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O tumor de colisão ou tumor misto é uma neoplasia maligna de pele, relacionada à exposição solar e com índices de incidência de até 1,5%. Apresenta comportamento clínico peculiar, em relação às demais neoplasias malignas de pele e com diagnóstico histológico, caracterizado pela colisão entre um carcinoma basocelular e um carcinoma epidermóide, ou seja, duas neoplasias com histologias distintas e interface nítida entre ambas. O caso relatado foi de paciente do sexo masculino, 73 anos, com duas lesões cervicais de crescimento progressivo nos últimos meses. O tratamento realizado foi cirúrgico, com exame histológico demonstrando a presença de carcinoma de células escamosas contíguo ao carcinoma de células basais. O acometimento preferencial ocorre em homens de pele clara, na quinta ou sexta décadas de vida. Sua localização mais comum é na cabeça e pescoço, principalmente na parte central da face. O carcinoma basoescamoso é diagnóstico diferencial, definido através de critérios histológicos distintos, uma vez que ambas neoplasias apresentam comportamento clínico semelhante. Os índices de recidiva local variam de 12% a 45%, enquanto que é baixo na recidiva regional, de aproximadamente 7,5%. Os principais fatores prognósticos são o gênero do paciente, margens cirúrgicas, infiltração perineural e status linfonodal. O tratamento de escolha é a ressecção, sendo a radioterapia indicada na sua adjuvância e lesões irressecáveis. A recidiva local é o principal fator limitante na sobrevida livre de doença que apresenta resultados pobres.


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The umbilical cord blood (UCB) is an important source of pluripotent stem cells, which motivated researches on ontogeny and transplantation. The morphological characterization of umbilical cord cells is the first step to establish subsequent experiments on these areas. Although some information on humans can be found, no data on UCB is available for bovines. Therefore, this work is the first attempt to conduct an ultrastructural characterization of bovine umbilical cord blood. Blood was collected from the umbilical cord of twenty fetuses by punction of the umbilical vein. Samples were processed for whole leucocytes observation by centrifugation and the buffy coat was collected. Cells were washed and pelleted and prepared according to the standard protocol of the transmission electron microscopy. The presence of cells with morphologic characteristics compatible with the precursors from the erythrocytic, neutrophilic, eosinophilic, basophilic, and lymphocytic lineages was observed. Atypical cells with peculiar morphological features, strongly similar to apoptotic cells, were seen. Bovine neutrophils with three types of cytoplasmic granules were also found in the blood. The ultrastructural characteristics of observed bovine UCB cells where similar to those found in other species, suggesting that bovines could possibly constitute an experimental model for approaches on UCB cells research.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se a administração de doses únicas e de frações diárias da dose letal de monofluoroacetato de sódio (MF) a ovinos induzem a clássica degeneração hidrópico-vacuolar (DHV) dos túbulos uriníferos contornados distais observada no rim de bovinos intoxicados por plantas brasileiras que causam "morte súbita" (PBCMS). MF foi administrado, por via oral, em doses únicas de 0,5 e 1,0mg/kg, cada dose para dois ovinos, e em doses subletais repetidas diariamente de 0,1mg/kg/dia, por quatro dias, e 0,2mg/kg/dia por seis dias, cada dose para um ovino. Todos os ovinos que receberam MF morreram, exceto um que recebeu 0,5mg/kg e não mostrou sintomas. A evolução da intoxicação variou de 3min a 33h5min. Clinicamente os animais apresentaram taquicardia, respiração abdominal, tremores musculares, ligeira perda de equilíbrio, por vezes cambaleavam, deitavam e apoiavam a cabeça no flanco. Na fase final, os ovinos caíam em decúbito lateral, esticavam os membros, faziam movimentos de pedalagem, apresentavam opistótono e morriam. O exame ecocardiográfico evidenciou dilatação cardíaca e redução da fração de encurtamento sistólico. A análise dos níveis séricos de uréia e creatinina revelou moderada a acentuada azotemia. MF provocou "morte súbita" em todos os ovinos que mostraram sintomas. À necropsia verificaram-se aurículas e veias jugulares, cavas, ázigos e pulmonares moderadamente ingurgitadas e, em alguns animais, edema pulmonar. O exame histopatológico revelou, em todos os ovinos, leve a acentuada DHV das células epiteliais dos túbulos contornados distais, associada à picnose nuclear. Adicionalmente, verificaram-se discreta vacuolização e, por vezes, necrose de coagulação de hepatócitos. Não encontramos referências a esse tipo peculiar de lesão, exceto das descrições sobre lesões renais associadas à ingestão de PBCMS e de recentes estudos em bovinos intoxicados com MF. Este trabalho demonstra, em ovinos, que tanto doses letais únicas quanto subdoses diárias de MF induzem a DHV dos túbulos uriníferos contornados distais associada à picnose nuclear.


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O monofluoroacetato (MF) ou ácido monofluoroacético é utilizado na Austrália e Nova Zelândia no controle populacional de mamíferos nativos ou exóticos. O uso desse composto é proibido no Brasil, devido ao risco de intoxicação de seres humanos e de animais, uma vez que a substância permanece estável por décadas. No Brasil casos recentes de intoxicação criminosa ou acidental têm sido registrados. MF foi identificado em diversas plantas tóxicas, cuja ingestão determina "morte súbita"; de bovinos na África do Sul, Austrália e no Brasil. O modo de ação dessa substância baseia-se na formação do fluorocitrato, seu metabólito ativo, que bloqueia competitivamente a aconitase e o ciclo de Krebs, o que reduz produção de ATP. As espécies animais têm sido classificadas nas quatro Categorias em função do efeito provocado por MF: (I) no coração, (II) no sistema nervoso central (III) sobre o coração e sistema nervoso central ou (IV) com sintomatologia atípica. Neste trabalho, apresenta-se uma revisão crítica atualizada sobre essa substância. O diagnóstico da intoxicação por MF é realizado pelo histórico de ingestão do tóxico, pelos achados clínicos e confirmado por exame toxicológico. Uma forma peculiar de degeneração hidrópico-vacuolar das células epiteliais dos túbulos uriníferos contorcidos distais tem sido considerada como característica dessa intoxicação em algumas espécies. O tratamento da intoxicação por MF é um desafio, pois ainda não se conhece um agente capaz de reverte-la de maneira eficaz; o desfecho geralmente é fatal


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In the past few decades, sport has become a major business with remarkable international reach. As part of the commercial sector of sport, professional sport is said to be intrinsically different from other businesses due to its unique characteristics, such as the peculiar economics and the intense loyalty of fans. Simultaneously with the growing business aspect, sport continues to have great social and cultural impacts on our society. Sport has also become an increasingly popular means of attending social problems due to its alleged suitability for such purposes and its popular appeal. A great number of actors in the professional sport industry have long been involved in socially responsible activities, many of which have been sport-related. While Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been extensively studied in general, its role in the professional sport industry has received less attention in the academic research until recently. It has been argued that due to the unique characteristics of professional sport, CSR should also be studied in this particular context. The objective of this study was to contribute to filling the research gap and increase the understanding of CSR in the context of professional sport by examining sport-related CSR realized by professional football clubs in Europe. The theoretical part of this study leaned on previous literature about using sport as a means of attending social issues and the role of CSR in professional sport industry. The empirical part of the study was carried out through web site analyses and interviews. The clubs to be examined were chosen by using purposive sampling technique and taking into consideration the accessibility and suitability of information the clubs could offer. The method used for analyzing the data was qualitative content analysis. The empirical findings were largely in line with the theoretical framework of the study. The sportrelated CSR of the clubs was concentrated on teaching the participants diverse skills and values, improving their health, encouraging social inclusion, supporting disabled people, and promoting overall participation in sport. The clubs also emphasized the importance of local communities as targets of their CSR. CSR had been an integral part of the clubs’ activities from the beginning, but there were remarkable differences between large and small clubs in terms of structured organization and realization of their CSR. Measuring and evaluation of CSR appeared to be a challenge for most clubs regardless of their size and resources. The motives for the clubs to engage in CSR seemed to be related to the clubs’ values or to their stakeholders’ interests. In general, the clubs’ CSR went beyond what the society is likely to expect from them in legal or ethical sense.


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This thesis is devoted to understanding and improving technologically important III-V compound semiconductor (e.g. GaAs, InAs, and InSb) surfaces and interfaces for devices. The surfaces and interfaces of crystalline III-V materials have a crucial role in the operation of field-effect-transistors (FET) and highefficiency solar-cells, for instance. However, the surfaces are also the most defective part of the semiconductor material and it is essential to decrease the amount of harmful surface or interface defects for the next-generation III-V semiconductor device applications. Any improvement in the crystal ordering at the semiconductor surface reduces the amount of defects and increases the material homogeneity. This is becoming more and more important when the semiconductor device structures decrease to atomic-scale dimensions. Toward that target, the effects of different adsorbates (i.e., Sn, In, and O) on the III-V surface structures and properties have been investigated in this work. Furthermore, novel thin-films have been synthesized, which show beneficial properties regarding the passivation of the reactive III-V surfaces. The work comprises ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) environment for the controlled fabrication of atomically ordered III-V(100) surfaces. The surface sensitive experimental methods [low energy electron diffraction (LEED), scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS), and synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy (SRPES)] and computational density-functionaltheory (DFT) calculations are utilized for elucidating the atomic and electronic properties of the crucial III-V surfaces. The basic research results are also transferred to actual device tests by fabricating metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors and utilizing the interface sensitive measurement techniques [capacitance voltage (CV) profiling, and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy] for the characterization. This part of the thesis includes the instrumentation of home-made UHV-compatible atomic-layer-deposition (ALD) reactor for growing good quality insulator layers. The results of this thesis elucidate the atomic structures of technologically promising Sn- and In-stabilized III-V compound semiconductor surfaces. It is shown that the Sn adsorbate induces an atomic structure with (1×2)/(1×4) surface symmetry which is characterized by Sn-group III dimers. Furthermore, the stability of peculiar ζa structure is demonstrated for the GaAs(100)-In surface. The beneficial effects of these surface structures regarding the crucial III-V oxide interface are demonstrated. Namely, it is found that it is possible to passivate the III-V surface by a careful atomic-scale engineering of the III-V surface prior to the gate-dielectric deposition. The thin (1×2)/(1×4)-Sn layer is found to catalyze the removal of harmful amorphous III-V oxides. Also, novel crystalline III-V-oxide structures are synthesized and it is shown that these structures improve the device characteristics. The finding of crystalline oxide structures is exploited by solving the atomic structure of InSb(100)(1×2) and elucidating the electronic structure of oxidized InSb(100) for the first time.


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Espinhaço and Mantiqueira are two mountain ranges of great importance in Brazil. In the uppermost parts of these areas, unique ecosystems occur, generally associated with rock outcrops, they are collectively called High Altitude Rocky Complexes. These environments show distinct soil and biota characteristics in relation to the surrounding biome. The soils are generally shallow, coarse textured, with high Al3+ and varying amounts of organic matter. Entisols, Inceptsols and Histosols are dominant, directly associated with the rock outcrops, and forming a complex mosaic of soils. Some of these soils are endemic, based on peculiar conditions of parent materials, topography and vegetation, and this pedodiversity is important for detecting unique and endangered soils. In these soils, organic matter is highly humified, with a great amount of soluble forms and conspicuous presence of charcoal. Spodic horizons and dark water rivers are typically associated with quartzite and quartzite outcrops, formed by illuviation of organic compounds, being less common in granitic rocks. The very low nutrient content of these soils and other environmental limitations required the development of specific physiological and morphological plant adaptations. Most high altitude environments are unstable under current climatic conditions, and anthropic interventions may be accelerating this process. Detailed soil surveys are necessary for a better understanding of the role of these soils in ecological processes and for the development of adequate conservation policies.