935 resultados para GaMnAs layer


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Campylobacter rectus is an important periodontal pathogen in humans. A surface-layer (S-layer) protein and a cytotoxic activity have been characterized and are thought to be its major virulence factors. The cytotoxic activity was suggested to be due to a pore-forming protein toxin belonging to the RTX (repeats in the structural toxins) family. In the present work, two closely related genes, csxA and csxB (for C. rectus S-layer and RTX protein) were cloned from C. rectus and characterized. The Csx proteins appear to be bifunctional and possess two structurally different domains. The N-terminal part shows similarity with S-layer protein, especially SapA and SapB of C. fetus and Crs of C. rectus. The C-terminal part comprising most of CsxA and CsxB is a domain with 48 and 59 glycine-rich canonical nonapeptide repeats, respectively, arranged in three blocks. Purified recombinant Csx peptides bind Ca2+. These are characteristic traits of RTX toxin proteins. The S-layer and RTX domains of Csx are separated by a proline-rich stretch of 48 amino acids. All C. rectus isolates studied contained copies of either the csxA or csxB gene or both; csx genes were absent from all other Campylobacter and Helicobacter species examined. Serum of a patient with acute gingivitis showed a strong reaction to recombinant Csx protein on immunoblots.


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OBJECTIVES Application of the recently developed optical method based on the monitoring of the specular reflection intensity to study the protective potential of the salivary pellicle layer against early enamel erosion. METHODS The erosion progression was compared between two treatment groups: enamel samples coated by the 15 h-in vitro-formed salivary pellicle layer (group P, n=90) and the non-coated enamel surfaces (control group C, n=90). Different severity of the erosive impact was modelled by the enamel incubation in 1% citric acid (pH=3.6) for 2, 4, 8, 10 or 15 min. Erosion quantification was performed by the optical method as well as by the microhardness and calcium release analyses. RESULTS Optical assessment of the erosion progression showed erosion inhibition by the in vitro salivary pellicle in short term acidic treatments (≤ 4 min) which was also confirmed by microhardness measurements proving significantly less (p<0.05) enamel softening in the group P at 2 and 4 min of erosion compared to the group C. SEM images demonstrated less etched enamel interfaces in the group P at short erosion durations as well. CONCLUSIONS Monitoring of the specular reflection intensity can be successfully applied to quantify early erosion progression in comparative studies. In vitro salivary pellicle (2h) provides erosion inhibition but only in short term acidic exposures. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The proposed optical technique is a promising tool for the fast and non-invasive erosion quantification in clinical studies.


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The paper presents a link layer stack for wireless sensor networks, which consists of the Burst-aware Energy-efficient Adaptive Medium access control (BEAM) and the Hop-to-Hop Reliability (H2HR) protocol. BEAM can operate with short beacons to announce data transmissions or include data within the beacons. Duty cycles can be adapted by a traffic prediction mechanism indicating pending packets destined for a node and by estimating its wake-up times. H2HR takes advantage of information provided by BEAM such as neighbour information and transmission information to perform per-hop congestion control. We justify the design decisions by measurements in a real-world wireless sensor network testbed and compare the performance with other link layer protocols.


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Rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor (RGNT) is a recently introduced, indolent neoplasm composed of diminutive circular aggregates of neurocytic-like cells on a noninfiltrative astrocytic background, typically located in the cerebellar midline The traded concept of RGNT being derived from site-specific periventricular precursors may be questioned in the face of extracerebellar examples as well as ones occurring in combination with other representatives of the glioneuronal family. We describe a hitherto not documented example of asymptomatic RGNT discovered during autopsy of a 74-year-old male. Located in the tuberal vermis, this lesion of 6 mm diameter consisted of several microscopic nests of what were felt to represent nascent stages of RGNT, all of them centered on the internal granular layer, and ranging from mucoid dehiscences thereof to fully evolved - if small - tumor foci. Molecular genetic analysis revealed a missense mutation in Exon 20 of the PIK3CA gene involving an A→G transition at Nucleotide 3140. On the other hand, neither codeletion of chromosomes 1p/19q nor pathogenic mutations of IDH1/2 were detected. By analogy with in situ paradigms in other organs, we propose that this tumor is likely to have arisen from the internal granular layer, rather than the plate of the 4th ventricle. A suggestive departure from the wholesale argument of "undifferentiated precursors", this finding also indirectly indicates that a subset of non-classical RGNTs - in particular extracerebellar examples, whose origin cannot be mechanistically accounted for by either of the above structures - may possibly reflect an instance of phenotypic convergence, rather than a lineage-restricted entity.


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Olfactory glomeruli are the loci where the first odor-representation map emerges. The glomerular layer comprises exquisite local synaptic circuits for the processing of olfactory coding patterns immediately after their emergence. To understand how an odor map is transferred from afferent terminals to postsynaptic dendrites, it is essential to directly monitor the odor-evoked glomerular postsynaptic activity patterns. Here we report the use of a transgenic mouse expressing a Ca(2+)-sensitive green fluorescence protein (GCaMP2) under a Kv3.1 potassium-channel promoter. Immunostaining revealed that GCaMP2 was specifically expressed in mitral and tufted cells and a subpopulation of juxtaglomerular cells but not in olfactory nerve terminals. Both in vitro and in vivo imaging combined with glutamate receptor pharmacology confirmed that odor maps reported by GCaMP2 were of a postsynaptic origin. These mice thus provided an unprecedented opportunity to analyze the spatial activity pattern reflecting purely postsynaptic olfactory codes. The odor-evoked GCaMP2 signal had both focal and diffuse spatial components. The focalized hot spots corresponded to individually activated glomeruli. In GCaMP2-reported postsynaptic odor maps, different odorants activated distinct but overlapping sets of glomeruli. Increasing odor concentration increased both individual glomerular response amplitude and the total number of activated glomeruli. Furthermore, the GCaMP2 response displayed a fast time course that enabled us to analyze the temporal dynamics of odor maps over consecutive sniff cycles. In summary, with cell-specific targeting of a genetically encoded Ca(2+) indicator, we have successfully isolated and characterized an intermediate level of odor representation between olfactory nerve input and principal mitral/tufted cell output.


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Morphological analysis of neonatal rabbit retina suggests that the type-A horizontal cell acts as the pioneer cell for development of the OPL. It is the first mature element of the OPL, and it forms the infrastructure upon which the OPL accrues. The role of type-A horizontal cells in influencing postnatal development of the OPL was examined.^ GABAergic characteristics of the type-A horizontal cell were defined. The type-A horizontal cell was found to possess two more GABAergic characteristics in addition to those previously demonstrated, during a short period in early postnatal development: endogenous stores of GABA and the GABA precursor, glutamate. Lesioning the type-A horizontal cell resulted in their permanent loss in addition to the disappearance of cone terminals and a dramatic increase in rod terminals within the OPL. Thus the type-A cells are not a necessary prerequisite for positioning the OPL in postnatal development, but may be necessary for establishment of the normal photoreceptor mosaic.^ Since type-A horizontal cells possess a number of GABAergic qualities during the period of cone photoreceptor cell differentiation, and there are reports of GABA's trophic action in other developing neuronal systems; the role that GABAergic type-A horizontal cells play in directing photoreceptor differentiation was examined.^ Disrupting effects of GABA-A receptor antagonists indicate that type-A horizontal cells act as postsynaptic targets for the growing cone terminals of photoreceptor cells. These trophic or synaptic interactions may involve GABA-A receptors activated by GABA released from horizontal cells. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that type-A horizontal cells act as pioneering cells in directing the postnatal development of the OPL.^ These studies offer an in depth analysis of the structural and chemical relationship between type-A horizontal cells and other elements of the OPL from which the roles of type-A horizontal cells and the GABA system in development can be defined. They contribute to our knowledge of both structural and GABAergic mechanisms involved in central nervous system development. ^


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A basin-wide interdecadal change in both the physical state and the ecology of the North Pacific occurred near the end of 1976. Here we use a physical-ecosystem model to examine whether changes in the physical environment associated with the 1976-1977 transition influenced the lower trophic levels of the food web and if so by what means. The physical component is an ocean general circulation model, while the biological component contains 10 compartments: two phytoplankton, two zooplankton, two detritus pools, nitrate, ammonium, silicate, and carbon dioxide. The model is forced with observed atmospheric fields during 1960-1999. During spring, there is a similar to 40% reduction in plankton biomass in all four plankton groups during 1977-1988 relative to 1970-1976 in the central Gulf of Alaska (GOA). The epoch difference in plankton appears to be controlled by the mixed layer depth. Enhanced Ekman pumping after 1976 caused the halocline to shoal, and thus the mixed layer depth, which extends to the top of the halocline in late winter, did not penetrate as deep in the central GOA. As a result, more phytoplankton remained in the euphotic zone, and phytoplankton biomass began to increase earlier in the year after the 1976 transition. Zooplankton biomass also increased, but then grazing pressure led to a strong decrease in phytoplankton by April followed by a drop in zooplankton by May: Essentially, the mean seasonal cycle of plankton biomass was shifted earlier in the year. As the seasonal cycle progressed, the difference in plankton concentrations between epochs reversed sign again, leading to slightly greater zooplankton biomass during summer in the later epoch.


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The proliferation of multimedia content and the demand for new audio or video services have fostered the development of a new era based on multimedia information, which allowed the evolution of Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) and also Flying Ad-Hoc Networks (FANETs). In this way, live multimedia services require real-time video transmissions with a low frame loss rate, tolerable end-to-end delay, and jitter to support video dissemination with Quality of Experience (QoE) support. Hence, a key principle in a QoE-aware approach is the transmission of high priority frames (protect them) with a minimum packet loss ratio, as well as network overhead. Moreover, multimedia content must be transmitted from a given source to the destination via intermediate nodes with high reliability in a large scale scenario. The routing service must cope with dynamic topologies caused by node failure or mobility, as well as wireless channel changes, in order to continue to operate despite dynamic topologies during multimedia transmission. Finally, understanding user satisfaction on watching a video sequence is becoming a key requirement for delivery of multimedia content with QoE support. With this goal in mind, solutions involving multimedia transmissions must take into account the video characteristics to improve video quality delivery. The main research contributions of this thesis are driven by the research question how to provide multimedia distribution with high energy-efficiency, reliability, robustness, scalability, and QoE support over wireless ad hoc networks. The thesis addresses several problem domains with contributions on different layers of the communication stack. At the application layer, we introduce a QoE-aware packet redundancy mechanism to reduce the impact of the unreliable and lossy nature of wireless environment to disseminate live multimedia content. At the network layer, we introduce two routing protocols, namely video-aware Multi-hop and multi-path hierarchical routing protocol for Efficient VIdeo transmission for static WMSN scenarios (MEVI), and cross-layer link quality and geographical-aware beaconless OR protocol for multimedia FANET scenarios (XLinGO). Both protocols enable multimedia dissemination with energy-efficiency, reliability and QoE support. This is achieved by combining multiple cross-layer metrics for routing decision in order to establish reliable routes.


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PURPOSE Optical coherence tomography (OCT) was used to analyze the thickness of various retinal layers of patients following successful macula-off retinal detachment (RD) repair. METHODS Optical coherence tomography scans of patients after successful macula-off RD repair were reanalyzed with a subsegmentation algorithm to measure various retinal layers. Regression analysis was performed to correlate time after surgery with changes in layer thickness. In addition, patients were divided in two groups. Group 1 had a follow-up period after surgery of up to 7 weeks (range, 21-49 days). In group 2, the follow-up period was >8 weeks (range, 60-438 days). Findings were compared to a group of age-matched healthy controls. RESULTS Correlation analysis showed a significant positive correlation between inner nuclear-outer plexiform layer (INL-OPL) thickness and time after surgery (P=0.0212; r2=0.1551). Similar results were found for the ellipsoid zone-retinal pigment epithelium complex (EZ-RPE) thickness (P=0.005; r2=0.2215). Ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer thickness (GCL-IPL) was negatively correlated with time after surgery (P=0.0064; r2=0.2101). For group comparison, the retinal nerve fiber layer in both groups was thicker compared to controls. The GCL-IPL showed significant thinning in group 2. The outer nuclear layer was significantly thinner in groups 1 and 2 compared to controls. The EZ-RPE complex was significantly thinner in groups 1 and 2 compared to controls. In addition, values in group 1 were significantly thinner than in group 2. CONCLUSIONS Optical coherence tomography retinal layer thickness measurements after successful macular-off RD repair revealed time-dependent thickness changes. Inner nuclear-outer plexiform layer thickness and EZ-RPE thickness was positively correlated with time after surgery. Ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer thickness was negatively correlated with time after surgery.


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MATERNO-FETAL NUTRIENT TRANSFER ACROSS PRIMARY HUMAN TROPHOBLAST MONOLAYER Objectives: Polarized trophoblasts represent the transport and metabolic barrier between the maternal and fetal circulation. Currently human placental nutrient transfer in vitro is mainly investigated unidirectionallyon cultured primary trophoblasts, or bidirectionally on the Transwell® system using BeWo cells treated with forskolin. As forskolin can induce various gene alterations (e.g. cAMP response element genes), we aimed to establish a physiological primary trophoblast model for materno-fetal nutrient exchange studies without forskolin application. Methods: Human term cytotrophoblasts were isolated by enzymatic digestion and Percoll® gradient separation. The purity of the primary cells was assessed by flow cytometry using the trophoblast-specific marker cytokeratin-7. After screening different coating matrices, we optimized the growth conditions for the primary cytotrophoblasts on Transwell/ inserts. The morphology of 5 days cultured trophoblasts was determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Membrane makers were visualized using confocal microscopy. Additionally transport studies were performed on the polarized trophoblasts in the Transwell® system. Results: During 5 days culture, the trophoblasts (>90% purity) developed a modest trans-epithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and a sizedependent apparent permeability coefficient (Papp) to fluorescently labeled compounds (MW ~400-70’000D). SEM analyses confirmed a confluent trophoblast layer with numerous microvilli at day six, and TEM revealed a monolayer with tight junctions. Immunocytochemistry on the confluent trophoblasts showed positivity for the cell-cell adhesion molecule E-cadherin, the tight junction protein ZO-1, and the membrane proteins ABCA1 and Na+/K+-ATPase. Vectorial glucose and cholesterol transport studies confirmed functionality of the cultured trophoblast barrier. Conclusion: Evidence from cell morphology, biophysical parameters and cell marker expressions indicate the successful and reproducible establishment of a primary trophoblast monolayer model suitable for transport studies. Application of this model to pathological trophoblasts will help to better understand the mechanism underlying gestational diseases, and to define the consequences of placental pathology on materno-fetal nutrient transport.