970 resultados para G protein-coupled receptor kinase


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Cardiac hypertrophy is a complex remodeling process of the heart induced by physiological or pathological stimuli resulting in increased cardiomyocyte size and myocardial mass. Whereas cardiac hypertrophy can be an adaptive mechanism to stressful conditions of the heart, prolonged hypertrophy can lead to heart failure which represents the primary cause of human morbidity and mortality. Among G protein-coupled receptors, the α1-adrenergic receptors (α1-ARs) play an important role in the development of cardiac hypertrophy as demonstrated by numerous studies in the past decades, both in primary cardiomyocyte cultures and genetically modified mice. The results of these studies have provided evidence of a large variety of α1-AR-induced signaling events contributing to the defining molecular and cellular features of cardiac hypertrophy. Recently, novel signaling mechanisms have been identified and new hypotheses have emerged concerning the functional role of the α1-adrenergic receptors in the heart. This review will summarize the main signaling pathways activated by the α1-AR in the heart and their functional implications in cardiac hypertrophy.


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Cholesterol (Chol) is an important lipid in cellular membranes functioning both as a membrane fluidity regulator, permeability regulator and co-factor for some membrane proteins, e.g. G-protein coupled receptors. It also participates in the formation of signaling platforms and gives the membrane more mechanical strenght to prevent osmotic lysis of the cell. The sterol structure is very conserved and already minor structural modifications can completely abolish its membrane functions. The right interaction with adjacent lipids and the preference of certain lipid structures over others are also key factors in determining the membrane properties of cholesterol. Because of the many important properties of cholesterol it is of value to understand the forces and structural properties that govern the membrane behavior of this sterol. In this thesis we have used established fluorescence spectroscopy methods to study the membrane behavior of both cholesterol and some of its 3β-modified analogs. Using several fluorescent probes we have established how the acyl chain order of the two main lipid species, sphingomyelin (SM) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) affect sterol partitioning as well as characterized the membrane properties of 3β-aminocholesterol and cholesteryl phosphocholine. We concluded that cholesterol prefers SM over PC at equal acyl chain order, indicating that other structural properties besides the acyl chain order are important for sphingomyelin-sterol interactions. A positive charge at the 3β position only caused minor changes in the sterol membrane behavior compared to cholesterol. A large phosphocholine head group caused a disruption in membrane packing together with other membrane lipids with large head groups, but was also able to form stable fluid bilayers together with ceramide and cholesterol. The Ability of the large head group sterol to form bilayers together with ceramide was further explored in the last paper where cholesteryl phosphocholine/ceramide (Chol-PC/Cer) complexes were successfully used to transfer ceramide into cultured cells.


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The participation of the kallikrein-kinin system, comprising the serine proteases kallikreins, the protein substrates kininogens and the effective peptides kinins, in some pathological processes like hypertension and cardiovascular diseases is still a matter of controversy. The use of different experimental set-ups in concert with the development of potent and specific inhibitors and antagonists for the system has highlighted its importance but the results still lack conclusivity. Over the last few years, transgenic and gene-targeting technologies associated with molecular biology tools have provided specific information about the elusive role of the kallikrein-kinin system in the control of blood pressure and electrolyte homeostasis. cDNA and genomic sequences for kinin receptors B2 and B1 from different species were isolated and shown to encode G-protein-coupled receptors and the structure and pharmacology of the receptors were characterized. Transgenic animals expressing an overactive kallikrein-kinin system were established to study the cardiovascular effects of these alterations and the results of these investigations further corroborate the importance of this system in the maintenance of normal blood pressure. Knockout animals for B2 and B1 receptors are available and their analysis also points to the role of these receptors in cardiovascular regulation and inflammatory processes. In this paper the most recent and relevant genetic animal models developed for the study of the kallikrein-kinin system are reviewed, and the advances they brought to the understanding of the biological role of this system are discussed.


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The discovery of non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic neurotransmission in the gut and bladder in the early 1960's is described as well as the identification of adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) as a transmitter in these nerves in the early 1970's. The concept of purinergic cotransmission was formulated in 1976 and it is now recognized that ATP is a cotransmitter in all nerves in the peripheral and central nervous systems. Two families of receptors to purines were recognized in 1978, P1 (adenosine) receptors and P2 receptors sensitive to ATP and adenosine diphosphate (ADP). Cloning of these receptors in the early 1990's was a turning point in the acceptance of the purinergic signalling hypothesis and there are currently 4 subtypes of P1 receptors, 7 subtypes of P2X ion channel receptors and 8 subtypes of G protein-coupled receptors. Both short-term purinergic signalling in neurotransmission, neuromodulation and neurosecretion and long-term (trophic) purinergic signalling of cell proliferation, differentiation, motility, death in development and regeneration are recognized. There is now much known about the mechanisms underlying ATP release and extracellular breakdown by ecto-nucleotidases. The recent emphasis on purinergic neuropathology is discussed, including changes in purinergic cotransmission in development and ageing and in bladder diseases and hypertension. The involvement of neuron-glial cell interactions in various diseases of the central nervous system, including neuropathic pain, trauma and ischemia, neurodegenerative diseases, neuropsychiatric disorders and epilepsy are also considered.


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La majorité des hyperplasies macronodulaires bilatérales des surrénales avec syndrome de Cushing ACTH-indépendant (AIMAH) est due à l’expression aberrante de divers récepteurs hormonaux au niveau du cortex surrénalien. Les gènes responsables des AIMAH familiales avec récepteurs aberrants n’ont pas été identifiés. Le but de ce projet est de les identifier. Une étude de liaison, visant à identifier la ou les régions du génome comprenant le ou les gènes pouvant être en cause dans les AIMAH familiales, a été réalisée en utilisant l’ADN des membres d’une famille (10 malades et 7 sains) originaire du Québec, atteinte d’AIMAH et syndrome de Cushing et caractérisée par l’expression des récepteurs β-adrénergique et V1-vasopressine. Diverses régions chromosomiques entre les personnes atteintes et non-atteintes de la famille ont été soulignées. Un total de 707453 SNPs a été obtenu, et après analyse statistique, 159 SNPs significatifs, pouvant être associés au phénotype, ont été mis en évidence entre les deux groupes. Il a été constaté que la majorité de ces SNPs se situaient sur les régions chromosomiques 1q32.1 et 16q12.2. Une étude du transcriptome a aussi été réalisée en utilisant l’ADN des tumeurs de deux patients de la famille, ainsi que l’ADN d'autres tumeurs surrénaliennes. Les analyses statistiques ont permis d’identifier 15 gènes susceptibles d’être reliés à la maladie (11 surexprimés et 4 sous-exprimés). En utilisant les données de ces deux études, nous avons ciblé six gènes du chromosome 1 (ATP2B4, PPP1R12B, SOX13, CACNA1S, ADORA1et PHLDA3), un du chromosome 16 (CHD9) et un du chromosome 13 (SPRY2), afin de rechercher la présence de mutations. Le séquençage n’a révélé aucun changement de nucléotide dans les gènes PPP1R12B et SOX13. Dans les gènes ATP2B4, CACNA1S, ADORA1et PHLDA3, le séquençage a révélé des changements de nucléotides n’entrainant soit pas de changement d’acide aminé soit un changement d’acide aminé jugé « non pertinent », du fait qu’il ne permettait pas de différencier les sujets sains des sujets atteints. Pour ce qui est de CHD9 et SPRY2, le séquençage a permis d’identifier des changements de nucléotides entrainant des changements d’acides aminés de façon plus fréquente chez les sujets atteints par rapport aux sujets sains. En conclusion, nos travaux nous ont donc permis d’identifier, par étude de liaison et par analyse du transcriptome, des gènes candidats qui pourraient être responsables de cette pathologie. Le séquençage de ces gènes candidats a révélé des mutations de CHD9 et SPRY2. Ces résultats s’avèrent prometteurs puisque ces deux gènes produisent des protéines impliquées dans le remodelage de la chromatine et dans la régulation de la signalisation des protéines kinases. Le phénotypage et le génotypage des patients atteints doivent être poursuivis pour vérification.


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Les dérivés de l’opium (opioïdes) et du cannabis (cannabinoïdes) présentent de nombreuses propriétés intéressantes. Suite à l’identification de leurs récepteurs respectifs, diverses stratégies pharmacologiques ont tenté d’exploiter leurs propriétés analgésiques. Le clonage des récepteurs cannabinoïdes CB1 et CB2 a favorisé la découverte de composés endogènes pour ces récepteurs, les endocannabinoïdes, dont les deux plus étudiés sont l’anandamide et le 2-arachidonyl glycérol (2-AG). Cette découverte a également mené à l’identification d’enzymes qui catalysent l’inactivation de ces cannabinoïdes endogènes : une amidohydrolase des acides gras ou FAAH ainsi qu’une monoacylglycérol lipase ou MAGL. Le système cannabinoïde endogène est régulé à la hausse dans une variété de processus pathologiques, tels que les douleurs inflammatoire et neuropathique. Cette augmentation est habituellement interprétée comme une réaction physiologique visant à rétablir l’homéostasie et elle a notamment été observée en périphérie. Les endocannabinoïdes semblent donc agir de façon spécifique à des moments clés dans certains tissus ciblés afin de minimiser les conséquences reliées au déclenchement de ces douleurs. Cette observation est très intéressante d’un point de vue thérapeutique puisqu’elle suggère la possibilité de cibler les enzymes de dégradation des endocannabinoïdes dans le but d’augmenter leurs concentrations locales et d’ainsi prolonger leur action neuromodulatrice. En périphérie, l’activation des récepteurs cannabinoïdes induit des effets antinociceptifs bénéfiques tout en minimisant les effets indésirables souvent associés à leur activation centrale. Nous avons orienté nos travaux vers la modulation périphérique de ce système endogène à l’aide d’inhibiteurs des enzymes de dégradation des endocannabinoïdes afin d’évaluer leur potentiel thérapeutique et d’élucider les mécanismes d’action qui sous-tendent leurs effets dans des modèles animaux de douleurs inflammatoire et neuropathique. Nous avons démontré que cette approche permet de soulager les symptômes associés à ces deux types de douleurs, et ce via les récepteurs CB1 et CB2. Les systèmes cannabinoïde et opioïde présentent des similitudes, dont des localisations similaires le long des voies de la douleur, des mécanismes d’action relayés par des récepteurs couplés aux protéines G et des propriétés pharmacologiques communes telles que l’analgésie. Le système opioïde est impliqué dans les effets antinociceptifs induits par les cannabinoïdes. À l’inverse, le rôle joué par le système cannabinoïde dans ceux induits par la morphine demeure incertain. Nous avons démontré que les effets antinociceptifs périphériques et spinaux produits par la morphine sont diminués chez les souris génétiquement modifiées chez lesquelles l’expression des récepteurs CB1 ou CB2 a été éliminée, laissant supposer un rôle pour ces récepteurs dans les effets de la morphine. Nous avons de plus démontré que la diminution de l'analgésie produite par la morphine dans ces souris n'est pas causée par un dysfonctionnement des récepteurs opioïdes mu (MOP) ni par une régulation à la baisse de ces récepteurs. Nos résultats confirment l'existence d'interactions fonctionnelles entre les systèmes cannabinoïde et opioïde au niveau périphérique et spinal. Ces observations sont prometteuses d’un point de vue thérapeutique puisqu’une modulation périphérique ciblée des niveaux d’endocannabinoïdes et d’opioïdes endogènes permettrait de produire des effets analgésiques bénéfiques potentiellement synergiques tout en minimisant les effets indésirables associés à l’activation centrale de ces systèmes.


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The related inflammatory cytokines, interleukin- (IL-) 1β and IL-33, are both implicated in the response of the heart to injury. They also activate mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in cardiac myocytes. The hypertrophic Gq protein-coupled receptor agonist endothelin-1 is a potentially cardioprotective peptide and may modulate the inflammatory response. Endothelin-1 also stimulates (MAPKs) in cardiac myocytes and promotes rapid changes in expression of mRNAs encoding intercellular and intracellular signalling components including receptors for IL-33 (ST2) and phosphoprotein phosphatases. Prior exposure to endothelin-1 may specifically modulate the response to IL-33 and, more globally, influence MAPK activation by different stimuli. Neonatal rat ventricular myocytes were exposed to IL-1β or IL-33 with or without pre-exposure to endothelin-1 (5 h) and MAPK activation assessed. IL-33 activated ERK1/2, JNKs and p38-MAPK, but to a lesser degree than IL-1β. Endothelin-1 increased expression of soluble IL-33 receptors (sST2 receptors) which may prevent binding of IL-33 to the cell-surface receptors. However, pretreatment with endothelin-1 only inhibited activation of p38-MAPK by IL-33 with no significant influence on ERK1/2 and a small increase in activation of JNKs. Inhibition of p38-MAPK signalling following pretreatment with endothelin-1 was also detected with IL-1β, H2O2 or tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα) indicating an effect intrinsic to the signalling pathway. Endothelin-1 pretreatment suppressed the increase in expression of IL-6 mRNA induced by IL-1β and decreased the duration of expression of TNFα mRNA. Coupled with the general decrease in p38-MAPK signalling, we conclude that endothelin-1 attenuates the cardiac myocyte inflammatory response, potentially to confer cardioprotection.


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Proteolytic enzymes comprise approximately 2 percent of the human genome [1]. Given their abundance, it is not surprising that proteases have diverse biological functions, ranging from the degradation of proteins in lysosomes to the control of physiological processes such as the coagulation cascade. However, a subset of serine proteases (possessing serine residues within their catalytic sites), which may be soluble in the extracellular fluid or tethered to the plasma membrane, are signaling molecules that can specifically regulate cells by cleaving protease-activated receptors (PARs), a family of four G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). These serine proteases include members of the coagulation cascade (e.g., thrombin, factor VIIa, and factor Xa), proteases from inflammatory cells (e.g., mast cell tryptase, neutrophil cathepsin G), and proteases from epithelial tissues and neurons (e.g., trypsins). They are often generated or released during injury and inflammation, and they cleave PARs on multiple cell types, including platelets, endothelial and epithelial cells, myocytes, fibroblasts, and cells of the nervous system. Activated PARs regulate many essential physiological processes, such as hemostasis, inflammation, pain, and healing. These proteases and their receptors have been implicated in human disease and are potentially important targets for therapy. Proteases and PARs participate in regulating most organ systems and are the subject of several comprehensive reviews [2, 3]. Within the central and peripheral nervous systems, proteases and PARs can control neuronal and astrocyte survival, proliferation and morphology, release of neurotransmitters, and the function and activity of ion channels, topics that have also been comprehensively reviewed [4, 5]. This chapter specifically concerns the ability of PARs to regulate TRPV channels of sensory neurons and thereby affect neurogenic inflammation and pain transmission [6, 7].


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Serine proteases from the circulation, inflammatory cells, digestive glands and microorganisms can signal to cells by cleaving protease-activated receptors (PARs), a family of four G-protein-coupled receptors. Proteases cleave PARs at specific sites to expose tethered ligand domains that bind to and activate the cleaved receptors. Despite this irreversible mechanism of activation, PAR signaling is tightly regulated to prevent the uncontrolled stimulation of cells. Although PARs are found in all organ systems, protease signaling is of particular interest in the gastrointestinal tract, where proteases regulate neurotransmission, secretion, motility, epithelial permeability and intestinal inflammation, and can thus contribute to disease.


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Purpose of review Evidence suggests that short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) derived from microbial metabolism in the gut play a central role in host homeostasis. The present review describes the current understanding and physiological implications of SCFAs derived from microbial metabolism of nondigestible carbohydrates. Recent findings Recent studies indicate a role for SCFAs, in particular propionate and butyrate, in the metabolic and inflammatory disorders such as obesity, diabetes and inflammatory bowel diseases, through the activation of specific G-protein-coupled receptors and modification of transcription factors. Established prebiotics, such as fructooligosaccharides and galactooligosaccharides, which support the growth of Bifidobacteria, mainly mediate acetate production. Thus, recent identification of prebiotics which are able to stimulate the production of propionate and butyrate by benign saccharolytic populations in the colon is of interest. Summary Manipulation of saccharolytic fermentation by prebiotic substrates is beginning to provide information on structure–function relationships relating to the production of SCFAs, which have multiple roles in host homeostasis.


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The last 10–15 years have seen an expansion in the understanding of the intracellular signalling pathways activated in cardiac myocytes in response to hypertrophic or lethal stimuli. The mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) were identified as potential key mediators of cardiac myocyte responses in the early to mid-1990's, with the extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2) being potently activated by heterotrimeric Gq protein-coupled receptor (GqPCR) agonists, and the c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) and p38-MAPKs being potently activated by cell stresses.


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Endothelial cells produce NO by activation of constitutive nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and transcription of inducible NOS (iNOS). We have previously shown that melatonin, in the nanomolar range, inhibits activation of constitutive NOS, and in the present paper, we evaluated whether it could interfere with the expression of iNOS, which is activated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a major component of gram-negative bacteria cell walls. Primary cultures of rat endothelial cells were loaded with fluorescent probe for NO detection. Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) translocation in endothelial cells elicited by LPS was measured by electromobility shift assay, and the vasodilation of aortic rings was accessed by recording isometric contraction. Melatonin in a micromolar but not in a nanomolar range inhibits the NO production induced by LPS. This effect is not dependent on the activation of G protein-coupled melatonin receptors. The nuclear NF-kappa B translocation is a process necessary for iNOS transcription, and melatonin also inhibits its translocation. LPS induced vasodilation only in endothelium-intact aortic rings, and melatonin (10 mu m) inhibits the vasodilation. Here, we show that concentrations compatible with nocturnal melatonin surge (nm) did not interfere with the activity of iNOS. Considering that micromolar melatonin concentrations could be locally achieved through production by activated immune competent cells, extra-pineal melatonin could have a protective effect against tissue injury. We propose that melatonin blocked the LPS-induced vasodilation by inhibiting the NF-kappa B pathway. Finally, we propose that the effect of melatonin on vascular reactivity is one of the mechanisms that underlies the protective effect of this indolamine against LPS.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Although melatonin is mainly produced by the pineal gland, an increasing number of extra-pineal sites of melatonin synthesis have been described. We previously demonstrated the existence of bidirectional communication between the pineal gland and the immune system that drives a switch in melatonin production from the pineal gland to peripheral organs during the mounting of an innate immune response. In the present study, we show that acute neuroinflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injected directly into the lateral ventricles of adult rats reduces the nocturnal peak of melatonin in the plasma and induces its synthesis in the cerebellum, though not in the cortex or hippocampus. This increase in cerebellar melatonin content requires the activation of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), which positively regulates the expression of the key enzyme for melatonin synthesis, arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AA-NAT). Interestingly, LPS treatment led to neuronal death in the hippocampus and cortex, but not in the cerebellum. This privileged protection of cerebellar cells was abrogated when G-protein-coupled melatonin receptors were blocked by the melatonin antagonist luzindole, suggesting that the local production of melatonin protects cerebellar neurons from LPS toxicity. This is the first demonstration of a switch between pineal and extra-pineal melatonin production in the central nervous system following a neuroinflammatory response. These results have direct implications concerning the differential susceptibility of specific brain areas to neuronal death.