950 resultados para Forest Seed. Sabiá species. Germination. Electric conductivity. Potassium leaching. Physiological quality
The Alburni Massif is the most important karstic area in southern Italy and It contains about 250 caves. Most of these caves are located on the plateau, between 1500 m a.s.l. and 700 m a.s.l., and only a few reach the underground streams that feed the springs and the deep aquifer. The main springs are Grotta di Pertosa-Auletta (CP1) and Auso spring (CP31), both located at 280 m a.s.l., the first on the south-eastern margin whereas the second on south-west margin, and the springs present in Castelcivita area, the Castelcivita-Ausino system (CP2) and Mulino di Castelcivita spring (CP865), located at 60 m a.s.l.. Some other secondary springs are present too. We have monitored Pertosa-Auletta’s spring with a multiparameter logger. This logger has registered data from November 2014 to December 2015 regarding water level, electric conductivity and temperature. The hydrodynamic monitoring has been supported by a sampling campaign in order to obtain chemical water analyses. The work was done from August 2014 to December 2015, not only at Pertosa but also at all the other main springs, and in some caves. It was possible to clarify the behavior of Pertosa-Auletta’s spring, almost exclusively fed by full charge conduits, only marginally affected by seasonal rains. Pertosa-Auletta showed a characteristic Mg/Ca ratio and Mg2+ enrichment, as demonstrated by its saturation index that always showed a dolomite saturation. All other spring have characteristic waters from a chemical point of view. In particular, it highlights the great balance between the components dissolved in the waters of Mulino’ spring opposed to the variability of the nearby Castelcivita-Ausino spring. Regarding the Auso spring the variable behavior in terms of discharge and chemistry is confirmed, greatly influenced by rainfall and, during drought periods, by full charge conduits. Rare element concentrations were also analyzed and allowed to characterize further the different waters. Based on all these data an updated hydrogeological map of the Alburni massif has been drawn, that defines in greater detail the hydrogeological complexes on the basis of lithologies, and therefore of their chemical characteristics.
The effect of MWCNT introduction in a polycarbosilane based ceramic on its electrical properties is presented. The electrical conductivity of two MWCNT powders was measured under dynamic compaction up to 20 MPa when it reached 3–5 S/cm. The compaction behavior was also analyzed and modeled. A composite was then realized using allylhydridopolycarbosilane SMP10® and divinylbenzene as matrix. Intact 10 mm MWCNT-SiC ceramic discs samples with 2 wt.% filler load were produced pressure-less via liquid route despite the linear shrinkage of about 30%. Nanotubes microstructure and distribution in the matrix were confirmed after pyrolysis with TEM and SEM analysis. Anyhow similar electrical conductivity values after pyrolysis between the loaded and unloaded samples were measured. The microstructure analysis via XRD and TEM revealed that the percolative carbon network formed through the use of divinylbenzene improves the electric conductivity more than that of MWCNT addition and also simplifies the whole process.
La producción de aceite de oliva genera distintos subproductos entre los cuales el efluente o alpechín representa un serio problema mediambiental. En los países productores el alpechín es un residuo muy contaminante debido a su elevada composición orgánica, sus efectos inhibitorios y la tendencia de sus componentes a sufrir oxidación biológica. Estas características y la estacionalidad de su producción dificultan su eliminación. La industria del aceite de oliva está actualmente en expansión en Argentina. En Mendoza, dicha actividad tiene una gran tradición y un impacto ambiental considerable. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar los caracteres físico- químicos de los efluentes de fábricas de aceite oliva en Mendoza (Argentina) para conocer la realidad de la industria local y rever las especificaciones legales para efluentes. Los efluentes de dos fábricas fueron evaluados en tres puntos de muestreo: agua de entrada al proceso, salida de la fábrica y pileta de deposición final de los efluentes. Se analizó el contenido de iones, pH, conductividad eléctrica, DBO y DQO. Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que las características del efluente dependen del método de extracción utilizado y la eventual dilución con agua de lavado. La calidad del agua subterránea utilizada en el proceso no es un factor determinante para lograr un efluente fácilmente tratable. El problema medioambiental que se plantea es la producción de un efluente con alto contenido orgánico, salino y bajo pH, caracteres que impiden su vuelco en cursos de agua superficial o red de cloacas, por no cumplir con los requisitos indicados en la normativa vigente. Por lo tanto, las fábricas elaboradoras de aceite de oliva serán las encargadas de que dichos efluentes reciban un adecuado proceso de depuración que permita su eliminación o reutilización.
Long-term environmental time series of continuously collected data are fundamental to identify and classify pulses and determine their role in aquatic systems. This paper presents a web based archive for limnological and meteorological data collected by integrated system for environmental monitoring (SIMA). The environmental parameters that are measured by SIMA are: chlorophyll-a (µg/L), water surface temperature (ºC), water column temperature by a thermistor string (ºC), turbidity (NTU), pH, dissolved oxygen concentration (mg/L), electric conductivity (µS/cm), wind speed (m/s) and direction (º), relative humidity (%), short wave radiation (W/m**2), barometric pressure (hPa). The data are collected in preprogrammed time interval (1 hour) and are transmitted by satellite in quasi-real time for any user in a range of 2500 km from the acquisition point. So far 11 hydroelectric reservoirs being monitored using the SIMA buoy. A basic statistics (mean and standard deviation) for some parameters and an example of time series were displayed. The main observed problem are divided into sensors and satellite. The sensors problems is due to the environmental characteristics of each water body. In acid waters the sensors of water quality rapidly degrade, and the collected data are invalid. Another problem is the infestation of periphyton in the sensor. SIMA buoy makes the parameters readings every hour, or 24 readings per day. However, not always received all readings because the system requires satellites passing over the buoy antenna to complete the transfer and due to the satellite constellation position, some locations inland are not met as often as necessary to complete all transmissions. This is the more often causes for lack in the time series.
Cadmium has been widely used as a coating to provide protection against galvanic corrosion for steels and for its natural lubricity on threaded applications. However, it is a toxic metal and a known carcinogenic agent, which is plated from an aqueous bath containing cyanide salts. For these reasons, the use of cadmium has been banned in Europe for most industrial applications. However, the aerospace industry is still exempt due to the stringent technical and safety requirements associated with aeronautical applications, as an acceptable replacement is yet to be found. Al slurry coatings have been developed as an alternative to replace cadmium coatings. The coatings were deposited on AISI 4340 steel and have been characterized by optical and electron microscopy. Testing included salt fog corrosion exposure, fluid corrosion exposure (immersion), humidity resistance, coating-substrate and paint-coating adhesion, electric conductivity, galvanic corrosion, embrittlement and fatigue. The results indicated that Al slurry coatings are an excellent alternative for Cd replacement.
La degradación por salinización de los suelos regados con aguas salobres viene aumentando a escala mundial. El problema de la concentración de sales más solubles que el yeso depende principalmente del agua de riego, la aridez climática y la ausencia de drenaje. Estas condiciones se dan en el aluvium del río Limón, que es un tributario del lago Maracaibo, sito en el estado de Zulia de Venezuela. La regulación del río Limón mediante el cierre de los embalses de Manuelote y Tulé ha disminuido los aportes de aguas y sedimentos de las avenidas de inundación, que tienen carácter diluyente. Por otro lado, el balance de sales solubles en el suelo ha registrado una acumulación neta en los años de extrema aridez anteriores al año 2006, dado que la mayor dilución de las aguas ombrogénicas embalsadas procedentes de las lluvias no ha sido suficiente para compensar la concentración por evapotranspiración “in situ” de las aguas retenidas en la cuenca baja, sobre todo en ausencia de desagüe superficial y drenaje profundo. Las inundaciones posteriores a 2006 fueron suficientes para disminuir la salinidad superficial hasta los valores encontrados en 2010. El estudio experimental de esta problemática en el sector del caño San Miguel ha sido abordado mediante el establecimiento del perfil de salinidad acoplado con el perfil hipotético de humedad usado en la taxonomía de suelos. Este perfil define la disponibilidad del agua del suelo para la vegetación en función de tres potenciales: 1) el potencial físico-químico o matricial, que depende de la energía de adsorción a la superficie de las partículas; 2) el potencial gravitatorio, que depende de la profundidad; y 3) el potencial osmótico, que depende de la concentración de la solución del suelo; lo que supone un avance respecto a tener en cuenta sólo el perfil de humedad, que solamente considera el potencial gravi-químico integrado por el matricial y el gravitatorio. El perfil normalizado de 200 mm de de agua útil, retenida entre 33 y 1500 kPa de succión, incluye ocho fases gravi-químicas de 25 mm. La presente investigación incluye el potencial osmótico estimado por la conductividad eléctrica del extracto de pasta saturada. Los experimentos de lavado de sales en columnas de suelo, simulando la distribución de las lluvias en cinco años representativos de los cuartiles estadísticos de la serie disponible de 38 años completos, han determinado el comportamiento de las sales solubles en un suelo sometido a drenaje. Los resultados han evidenciado que el balance de sales unido al balance de agua controla la degradación de los agrosistemas por salinización. La alternativa frutícola puede ser aumentada en estas condiciones, porque el balance de sales favorece el establecimiento de cultivos permanentes a costa de otros usos del suelo de menor interés económico, como el cultivo de forrajes en regadío y el aprovechamiento de los pastizales en secano durante el barbecho de desalinización, cuya caracterización se ha completado con el estudio de la vegetación indicadora del grado de salinidad. ABSTRACT Saline degradation of soils irrigated with brackish water is increasing worldwide. The problem of salts concentration more soluble than gypsum depends on irrigation water quality, climatic aridity, and drainage limitations. These conditions meet in Limón River alluvium, which is tributary to Maracaibo´s Lake in Zulia State, Venezuela. Limón River regulation by closing Manuelote and Tulé reservoirs has diminished the input of water and sediments from inundations, which exerted dilutive effects. On the other hand, the soil balance of soluble salts has registered a net accumulation during those extremely dry years before 2006 because the greater dilution of ombrogenic dammed water coming from rain has not been enough to compensate salt concentration by “in situ” evapotranspiration in middle basin water, mainly in the absence of superficial runoff and deep drainage. Floods after 2006 were enough to reduce the high superficial salinity figures to those addressed in 2010. The experimental study of this trouble in San Miguel´s pipe area has been addressed through of the establishment of its salinity profile together to the hypothetic moisture profile typically used in soil taxonomy. This salinity profile describes soil water availability for vegetation according to three potentials: 1) physico-chemical or matrix potential, which depends on the adsorption energy of the soil solution to the surface of soil particles; 2) gravitational potential, which depends on soil depth; and 3) osmotic potential, which depends on the concentration of the soil solution. This represents an advance from just using moisture regime, which only considers the matrix and gravitational components of a gravi-chemical potential. The standardized moisture profile of 200 mm useful water being retained between 33 and 1500 kPa includes eight gravi-chemical stages of 25 mm. This research also includes the osmotic component, which is estimated by the electric conductivity of the saturated paste extract. Salts leaching trials in soil columns simulating rain distribution along five model years, representing the statistical quartiles of the available series of 38 complete years, have determined the behaviour of soluble salts in a soil being subjected to drainage. Results have evidenced that salt and water balances considered together are able to control the agrosystem’s degradation by salinization. The fruit production alternative could be improved under these conditions because the salts balance favours the establishment of permanent crops to the detriment of other soil uses of lower economical interest such as irrigated forage and non-irrigated pasture during desalinization fallow, which characterization has been completed through assessing the presence of salinity-indicator vegetation.
La semilla es el órgano que garantiza la propagación y continuidad evolutiva de las plantas espermatofitas y constituye un elemento indispensable en la alimentación humana y animal. La semilla de cereales acumula en el endospermo durante la maduración, mayoritariamente, almidón y proteínas de reserva. Estas reservas son hidrolizadas en la germinación por hidrolasas sintetizadas en la aleurona en respuesta a giberelinas (GA), siendo la principal fuente de energía hasta que la plántula emergente es fotosintéticamente activa. Ambas fases del desarrollo de la semilla, están reguladas por una red de factores de transcripción (TF) que unen motivos conservados en cis- en los promotores de sus genes diana. Los TFs son proteínas que han desempeñado un papel central en la evolución y en el proceso de domesticación, siendo uno de los principales mecanismos de regulación génica; en torno al 7% de los genes de plantas codifican TFs. Atendiendo al motivo de unión a DNA, éstos, se han clasificado en familias. La familia DOF (DNA binding with One Finger) participa en procesos vitales exclusivos de plantas superiores y sus ancestros cercanos (algas, musgos y helechos). En las semillas de las Triticeae (subfamilia Pooideae), se han identificado varias proteínas DOF que desempeñan un papel fundamental en la regulación de la expresión génica. Brachypodium distachyon es la primera especie de la subfamilia Pooideae cuyo genoma (272 Mbp) ha sido secuenciado. Su pequeño tamaño, ciclo de vida corto, y la posibilidad de ser transformado por Agrobacterium tumefaciens (plásmido Ti), hacen que sea el sistema modelo para el estudio de cereales de la tribu Triticeae con gran importancia agronómica mundial, como son el trigo y la cebada. En este trabajo, se han identificado 27 genes Dof en el genoma de B. distachyon y se han establecido las relaciones evolutivas entre estos genes Dof y los de cebada (subfamilia Pooideae) y de arroz (subfamilia Oryzoideae), construyendo un árbol filogenético en base al alineamiento múltiple del dominio DOF. La cebada contiene 26 genes Dof y en arroz se han anotado 30. El análisis filogenético establece cuatro grupos de genes ortólogos (MCOGs: Major Clusters of Orthologous Genes), que están validados por motivos conservados adicionales, además del dominio DOF, entre las secuencias de las proteínas de un mismo MCOG. El estudio global de expresión en diferentes órganos establece un grupo de nueve genes BdDof expresados abundantemente y/o preferencialmente en semillas. El estudio detallado de expresión de estos genes durante la maduración y germinación muestra que BdDof24, ortólogo putativo a BPBF-HvDOF24 de cebada, es el gen más abundante en las semillas en germinación de B. distachyon. La regulación transcripcional de los genes que codifican hidrolasas en la aleurona de las semillas de cereales durante la post‐germinación ha puesto de manifiesto la existencia en sus promotores de un motivo tripartito en cis- conservado GARC (GA-Responsive Complex), que unen TFs de la clase MYB-R2R3, DOF y MYBR1-SHAQKYF. En esta tesis, se ha caracterizado el gen BdCathB de Brachypodium que codifica una proteasa tipo catepsina B y es ortólogo a los genes Al21 de trigo y HvCathB de cebada, así como los TFs responsables de su regulación transcripcional BdDOF24 y BdGAMYB (ortólogo a HvGAMYB). El análisis in silico del promotor BdCathB ha identificado un motivo GARC conservado, en posición y secuencia, con sus ortólogos en trigo y cebada. La expresión de BdCathB se induce durante la germinación, así como la de los genes BdDof24 y BdGamyb. Además, los TFs BdDOF24 y BdGAMYB interaccionan en el sistema de dos híbridos de levadura e in planta en experimentos de complementación bimolecular fluorescente. En capas de aleurona de cebada, BdGAMYB activa el promotor BdCathB, mientras que BdDOF24 lo reprime; este resultado es similar al obtenido con los TFs ortólogos de cebada BPBF-HvDOF24 y HvGAMYB. Sin embargo, cuando las células de aleurona se transforman simultáneamente con los dos TFs, BdDOF24 tiene un efecto aditivo sobre la trans-activación mediada por BdGAMYB, mientras que su ortólogo BPBF-HvDOF24 produce el efecto contrario, revirtiendo el efecto de HvGAMYB sobre el promotor BdCathB. Las diferencias entre las secuencias deducidas de las proteínas BdDOF24 y BPBF-HvDOF24 podrían explicar las funciones opuestas que desempeñan en su interacción con GAMYB. Resultados preliminares con líneas de inserción de T-DNA y de sobre-expresión estable de BdGamyb, apoyan los resultados obtenidos en expresión transitoria. Además las líneas homocigotas knock-out para el gen BdGamyb presentan alteraciones en anteras y polen y no producen semillas viables. ABSTRACT The seed is the plant organ of the spermatophytes responsible for the dispersion and survival in the course of evolution. In addition, it constitutes one of the most importan elements of human food and animal feed. The main reserves accumulated in the endosperm of cereal seeds through the maturation phase of development are starch and proteins. Its degradation by hydrolases synthetized in aleurone cells in response to GA upon germination provides energy, carbon and nitrogen to the emerging seedling before it acquires complete photosynthetic capacity. Both phases of seed development are controlled by a network of transcription factors (TFs) that interact with specific cis- elements in the promoters of their target genes. TFs are proteins that have played a central role during evolution and domestication, being one of the most important regulatory mechanisms of gene expression. Around 7% of genes in plant genomes encode TFs. Based on the DNA binding motif, TFs are classified into families. The DOF (DNA binding with One Finger) family is involved in specific processes of plants and its ancestors (algae, mosses and ferns). Several DOF proteins have been described to play important roles in the regulation of genes in seeds of the Triticeae tribe (Pooideae subfamily). Brachypodium distachyon is the first member of the Pooideae subfamily to be sequenced. Its small size and compact structured genome (272 Mbp), the short life cycle, small plant size and the possibility of being transformed with Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Ti-plasmid) make Brachypodium the model system for comparative studies within cereals of the Triticeae tribe that have big economic value such as wheat and barley. In this study, 27 Dof genes have been identified in the genome of B. distachyon and the evolutionary relationships among these Dof genes and those frome barley (Pooideae subfamily) and those from rice (Oryzoideae subfamily) have been established by building a phylogenetic tree based on the multiple alignment of the DOF DNA binding domains. The barley genome (Hordeum vulgare) contains 26 Dof genes and in rice (Oryza sativa) 30 genes have been annotated. The phylogenetic analysis establishes four Major Clusters of Orthologous Genes (MCOGs) that are supported by additional conserved motives out of the DOF domain, between proteins of the same MCOG. The global expression study of BdDof genes in different organs and tissues classifies BdDof genes into two groups; nine of the 27 BdDof genes are abundantly or preferentially expressed in seeds. A more detailed expression analysis of these genes during seed maturation and germination shows that BdDof24, orholog to barley BPBF-HvDof24, is the most abundantly expressed gene in germinating seeds. Transcriptional regulation studies of genes that encode hydrolases in aleurone cells during post-germination of cereal seeds, have identified in their promoters a tripartite conserved cis- motif GARC (GA-Responsive Complex) that binds TFs of the MYB-R2R3, DOF and MYBR1-SHAQKYF families. In this thesis, the characterization of the BdCathB gene, encoding a Cathepsin B-like protease and that is ortholog to the wheat Al21 and the barley HvCathB genes, has been done and its transcriptional regulation by the TFs BdDOF24 and BdGAMYB (ortholog to HvGAMYB) studied. The in silico analysis of the BdCathB promoter sequence has identified a GARC motif. BdCathB expression is induced upon germination, as well as, those of BdDof24 and BdGamyb genes. Moreover, BdDOF24 and BdGAMYB interact in yeast (Yeast 2 Hybrid System, Y2HS) and in planta (Bimolecular Fluorecence Complementation, BiFC). In transient assays in aleurone cells, BdGAMYB activates the BdCathB promoter, whereas BdDOF24 is a transcriptional repressor, this result is similar to that obtained with the barley orthologous genes BPBF-HvDOF24 and HvGAMYB. However, when aleurone cells are simultaneously transformed with both TFs, BdDOF24 has an additive effect to the trans-activation mediated by BdGAMYB, while its ortholog BPBF-HvDOF24 produces an opposite effect by reducing the HvGAMYB activation of the BdCathB promoter. The differences among the deduced protein sequences between BdDOF24 and BPBF-HvDOF24 could explain their opposite functions in the interaction with GAMYB protein. Preliminary results of T-DNA insertion (K.O.) and stable over-expression lines of BdGamyb support the data obtained in transient expression assays. In addition, the BdGamyb homozygous T-DNA insertion (K.O.) lines have anther and pollen alterations and they do not produce viable seeds.