986 resultados para Forage machinery


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An adequate and safe road system is critical to the timely and efficient transportation of grain and farm machinery at harvest time. However, changes in agricultural operations over the past 30 years are having a dramatic impact on Iowa’s road system, and are affecting our ability to maintain that system.


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Mitochondrial fusion and fission is a dynamic process critical for the maintenance of mitochondrial function and cell viability. During excitotoxicity neuronal mitochondria are fragmented, but the mechanism underlying this process is poorly understood. Here, we show that Mfn2 is the only member of the mitochondrial fusion/fission machinery whose expression is reduced in in vitro and in vivo models of excitotoxicity. Whereas in cortical primary cultures, Drp1 recruitment to mitochondria plays a primordial role in mitochondrial fragmentation in an early phase that can be reversed once the insult has ceased, Mfn2 downregulation intervenes in a delayed mitochondrial fragmentation phase that progresses even when the insult has ceased. Downregulation of Mfn2 causes mitochondrial dysfunction, altered calcium homeostasis, and enhanced Bax translocation to mitochondria, resulting in delayed neuronal death. We found that transcription factor MEF2 regulates basal Mfn2 expression in neurons and that excitotoxicity-dependent degradation of MEF2 causes Mfn2 downregulation. Thus, Mfn2 reduction is a late event in excitotoxicity and its targeting may help to reduce excitotoxic damage and increase the currently short therapeutic window in stroke.


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The northern Humboldt Current system (NHCS) off Peru is one of the most productive world marine regions. It represents less than 0.1% of the world ocean surface but presently sustains about 10% of the world fish catch, with the Peruvian anchovy or anchoveta Engraulis ringens as emblematic fish resource. Compared with other eastern boundary upwelling systems, the higher fish productivity of the NHCS cannot be explained by a corresponding higher primary productivity. On another hand, the NHCS is the region where El Niño, and climate variability in general, is most notable. Also, surface oxygenated waters overlie an intense and extremely shallow Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ). In this context, the main objective of this study is to better understand the trophic flows in the NHCS using both stomach content and stable isotope analyses. The study focuses on a variety of organisms from low trophic levels such as zooplankton to top predators (seabirds and fur seals). The approach combines both long-term and specific studies on emblematic species such as anchoveta, and sardine Sardinops sagax and a more inclusive analysis considering the 'global' food web in the recent years (2008 – 2012) using stable isotope analysis. Revisiting anchovy and sardine we show that whereas phytoplankton largely dominated anchoveta and sardine diets in terms of numerical abundance, the carbon content of prey items indicated that zooplankton was by far the most important dietary component. Indeed for anchovy euphausiids contributed 67.5% of dietary carbon, followed by copepods (26.3%). Selecting the largest prey, the euphausiids, provide an energetic advantage for anchoveta in its ecosystem where oxygen depletion imposes strong metabolic constrain to pelagic fish. Sardine feed on smaller zooplankton than do anchoveta, with sardine diet consisting of smaller copepods and fewer euphausiids than anchoveta diet. Hence, trophic competition between sardine and anchovy in the northern Humboldt Current system is minimized by their partitioning of the zooplankton food resource based on prey size, as has been reported in other systems. These results suggest an ecological role for pelagic fish that challenges previous understanding of their position in the foodweb (zooplanktophagous instead of phytophagous), the functioning and the trophic models of the NHCS. Finally to obtain a more comprehensive vision of the relative trophic position of NHCS main components we used stable isotope analyses. For that purpose we analyzed the δ13C and δ15N stable isotope values of thirteen taxonomic categories collected off Peru from 2008 - 2011, i.e., zooplankton, fish, squids and air-breathing top predators. The δ15N isotope signature was strongly impacted by the species, the body length and the latitude. Along the Peruvian coast, the OMZ get more intense and shallow south of ~7.5ºS impacting the baseline nitrogen stable isotopes. Employing a linear mixed-effects modelling approach taking into account the latitudinal and body length effects, we provide a new vision of the relative trophic position of key ecosystem components. Also we confirm stomach content-based results on anchoveta Engraulis ringens and highlight the potential remarkable importance of an often neglected ecosystem component, the squat lobster Pleuroncodes monodon. Indeed, our results support the hypothesis according to which this species forage to some extent on fish eggs and larvae and can thus predate on the first life stages of exploited species. However, the δ13C values of these two species suggest that anchoveta and squat lobster do not exactly share the same habitat. This would potentially reduce some direct competition and/or predation.


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This work provides a contribution to a better understanding of the trophic ecology of important predators in the Northern Humboldt Current System, the jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi), the chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) and the jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) by the characterization of the highly variable feeding patterns of these species at different spatiotemporal scales. We provided new knowledge on the comparative trophic behaviour of these species, defined as opportunistic in previous investigations. For that purpose we applied a variety of statistical methods to an extensive dataset of 27,188 non-empty stomachs. We defined the spatial organization of the forage fauna of these predators and documented changes in prey composition according to predators’ size and spatiotemporal features of environment. Our results highligh the key role played by the dissolved oxygen. We also deciphered an important paradox on the jumbo squid diet: why do they hardly forage on the huge anchovy (Engraulis ringens) biomass distributed of coastal Peru? We showed that the shallow oxygen minimum zone present off coastal Peru could hamper the co-occurrence of jumbo squids and anchovies. In addition, we proposed a conceptual model on jumbo squid trophic ecology including the ontogenetic cycle, oxygen and prey availability. Moreover we showed that the trophic behaviour of jack mackerel and chub mackerel is adapted to forage on more accessible species such as for example the squat lobster Pleurocondes monodon and Zoea larvae. Besides, both predators present a trophic overlap. But jack mackerel was not as oracious as chub mackerel, contradictorily to what was observed by others authors. Fish diet presented a high spatiotemporal variability, and the shelf break appeared as a strong biogeographical frontier. Diet composition of our fish predators was not necessarily a consistent indicator of changes in prey biomass. El Niño events had a weak effect on the stomach fullness and diet composition of chub mackerel and jack mackerel. Moreover, decadal changes in diet diversity challenged the classic paradigm of positive correlation between species richness and temperature. Finally, the global patterns that we described in this work, illustrated the opportunistic foraging behaviour, life strategies and the high degree of plasticity of these species. Such behaviour allows adaptation to changes in the environment.


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The plant-beneficial bacterium Pseudomonas brassicacearum forms phenotypic variants in vitro as well as in planta during root colonization under natural conditions. Transcriptome analysis of typical phenotypic variants using microarrays containing coding as well as noncoding DNA fragments showed differential expression of several genes relevant to secondary metabolism and of the small RNA (sRNA) genes rsmX, rsmY, and rsmZ. Naturally occurring mutations in the gacS-gacA system accounted for phenotypic switching, which was characterized by downregulation of antifungal secondary metabolites (2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol and cyanide), indoleacetate, exoenzymes (lipase and protease), and three different N-acyl-homoserine lactone molecules. Moreover, in addition to abrogating these biocontrol traits, gacS and gacA mutations resulted in reduced expression of the type VI secretion machinery, alginate biosynthesis, and biofilm formation. In a gacA mutant, the expression of rsmX was completely abolished, unlike that of rsmY and rsmZ. Overexpression of any of the three sRNAs in the gacA mutant overruled the pleiotropic changes and restored the wild-type phenotypes, suggesting functional redundancy of these sRNAs. In conclusion, our data show that phenotypic switching in P. brassicacearum results from mutations in the gacS-gacA system.


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In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, cell-cell communication based on N-acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL) signal molecules (termed quorum sensing) is known to control the production of extracellular virulence factors. Hence, in pathogenic interactions with host organisms, the quorum-sensing (QS) machinery can confer a selective advantage on P. aeruginosa. However, as shown by transcriptomic and proteomic studies, many intracellular metabolic functions are also regulated by quorum sensing. Some of these serve to regenerate the AHL precursors methionine and S-adenosyl-methionine and to degrade adenosine via inosine and hypoxanthine. The fact that a significant percentage of clinical and environmental isolates of P. aeruginosa is defective for QS because of mutation in the major QS regulatory gene lasR, raises the question of whether the QS machinery can have a negative impact on the organism's fitness. In vitro, lasR mutants have a higher probability to escape lytic death in stationary phase under alkaline conditions than has the QS-proficient wild type. Similar selective forces might also operate in natural environments.


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En els últims anys el sector de la construcció ha experimentat un creixement exponencial. Aquest creixement ha repercutit sobre molts aspectes: des de la necessitat de tenir més personal a les obres, la implantació d’unes oficines per a poder gestionar la compatibilitat i portar un control sobre les obres fins a la necessitat d’haver de disposar de programes informàtics específics que ajudin a realitzar la feina de la manera més còmode i àgil possible. El projecte que s’ha dut a terme consisteix a cobrir una d’aquestes necessitats, que és la de la gestió dels pressupostos en les diferents obres que els constructors realitzen. Utilitza la base de dades de l’ITEC (institut de Tecnologia de la Construcció de Catalunya) sobre la qual treballen la immensa majoria dels arquitectes quan dissenyen les obres, però també permet entrar les pròpies dades que el constructor vulgui. L’usuari de l’aplicació podrà fer pressupostos per obres de nova construcció, reformes ... agrupant cada una d’elles per capítols. Aquests capítols els podem entendre com les diferents fases a dur a terme, per exemple: la construcció dels fonaments, l’aixecament de les parets o fer la teulada. Dins dels capítols hi trobem les partides, que és un conjunt de materials i hores de feina i maquinària per a dur a terme una part de l’obra, com per exemple seria fer un envà de separació entre habitacions. En aquest cas hi tindríem els diferents materials que necessitaríem, totxanes, morter; les hores de manobre necessàries per aixecar-la, el transport de tot el material fins a l’obra... Tots aquests paràmetres (materials, hores, transport...) s’anomenen articles i van inclosos a dins de les partides. Aquesta aplicació està dissenyada per funcionar en un entorn client/servidor, utilitzant com a servidor un Linux OpenSuse 10.2 i com a clients estacions de treball amb Windows XP, tot i que també podríem utilitzar d’altres versions dels sistemes operatius de Microsoft. L’entorn de desenvolupament utilitzat és el del llenguatge FDS , el qual ja porta integrat un gestor de fitxers que és el que es farà servir.


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Com a resultat de les politiques i estratègies de col·laboració entre la universitat de Vic i de l’hospital i de la voluntat de realitzar activitats formatives conjuntes , s’estableix un línia de treball orientada a l’estudi i anàlisi de la situació logística interna actual del laboratori d’anàlisis clíniques de l’Hospital General de Vic. El treball es centra en el procés intern del laboratori i l’abast de l’estudi es troba limitat a les àrees especifiques d’hematologia i coagulació i bioquímica. D’aquestes dues àrees el treball realitza un estudi exhaustiu del seu procés intern, identifica les seves activitats i la seva metodologia de treball amb l’objectiu d’elaborar el Value Stream Map de cadascuna de les àrees. Les àrees de Microbiologia, Banc de Sang i Urgències resten fora d’aquest estudi exhaustiu tot i que són presents en el treball per la inevitable interacció que tenen en la globalitat del procés. El treball es centra bàsicament en els processos automatitzats tot i que els processos que es duen a terme en el laboratori són tant automatitzats com manuals. També es limita al sistema productiu intern del laboratori tot i la interacció que té aquest sistema intern amb altres centres productius del sistema com ara són els centres d’atenció primària, els diversos hospitals i centres d’atenció sociosanitària. El laboratori es troba immers en el moment de l’elaboració d’aquest treball en un situació de canvi i millora del seus processos interns que consisteixen principalment en la substitució de part la maquinària actual que obliguen a la definició d’un nou layout i d’una nova distribució de la producció a cada màquina. A nivell extern també s’estan produint millores en el sistema informàtic de gestió que afecten a part del seu procés. L’objectiu del treball és donar visibilitat total al procés de logística interna actual del laboratori, identificant clarament com són i quina seqüència tenen els processos logístics interns i els mètodes de treball actuals, tant de recursos màquina com recursos persona, per poder identificar sota una perspectiva de generació de valor, aquells punts concrets de la logística interna que poden ser millorats en quant a eficiència i productivitat amb l’objectiu que un cop identificats es puguin emprendre accions i/o projectes de millora. El treball finalitza amb un anàlisis final del procés logística interna des d’una òptica Lean. Per fer-ho, identifica aquelles activitats que no aporten valor al procés o MUDA i les classifica en set categories i es realitzen diverses propostes de millora com són la implantació d’un flux continu , anivellat i basat en un concepte pull , identifica activitats que poden ser estandarditzades i/o simplificades i proposa modificacions en les infraestructures físiques per donar major visibilitat al procés. L’aspecte humà del procés es planteja des d’un punt de vist de metodologia, formació, comunicació i aplicació de les 5S.


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In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the GacS/GacA two-component system positively controls the quorum-sensing machinery and the expression of extracellular products via two small regulatory RNAs, RsmY and RsmZ. An rsmY rsmZ double mutant and a gacA mutant were similarly impaired in the synthesis of the quorum-sensing signal N-butanoyl-homoserine lactone, the disulfide bond-forming enzyme DsbA, and the exoproducts hydrogen cyanide, pyocyanin, elastase, chitinase (ChiC), and chitin-binding protein (CbpD). Both mutants showed increased swarming ability, azurin release, and early biofilm development.


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Structurally and sequence-wise, the Hsp110s belong to a subfamily of the Hsp70 chaperones. Like the classical Hsp70s, members of the Hsp110 subfamily can bind misfolding polypeptides and hydrolyze ATP. However, they apparently act as a mere subordinate nucleotide exchange factors, regulating the ability of Hsp70 to hydrolyze ATP and convert stable protein aggregates into native proteins. Using stably misfolded and aggregated polypeptides as substrates in optimized in vitro chaperone assays, we show that the human cytosolic Hsp110s (HSPH1 and HSPH2) are bona fide chaperones on their own that collaborate with Hsp40 (DNAJA1 and DNAJB1) to hydrolyze ATP and unfold and thus convert stable misfolded polypeptides into natively refolded proteins. Moreover, equimolar Hsp70 (HSPA1A) and Hsp110 (HSPH1) formed a powerful molecular machinery that optimally reactivated stable luciferase aggregates in an ATP- and DNAJA1-dependent manner, in a disaggregation mechanism whereby the two paralogous chaperones alternatively activate the release of bound unfolded polypeptide substrates from one another, leading to native protein refolding.


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Résumé : Le positionnement correct du fuseau mitotique est crucial pour les divisions cellulaires asymétriques, car il gouverne le contrôle spatial de la division cellulaire et assure la ségrégation adéquate des déterminants cellulaires. Malgré leur importance, les mécanismes contrôlant le positionnement du fuseau mitotique sont encore mal compris. Chez l'embryon au stade une-cellule du nématode Caenorhabditis elegans, le fuseau mitotique est positionné de manière asymétrique durant l'anaphase grâce à l'action de générateurs de force situés au cortex cellulaire, et dont la nature était jusqu'alors indéterminée. Ces générateurs de force corticaux exercent une traction sur les microtubules astraux et sont dépendants de deux protéines Gα et de leurs protéines associées. Cette thèse traite de la nature de la machinerie responsable pour la génération des forces de tractions, ainsi que de son lien avec les protéines Gα et associées. Nous avons combiné des expériences de coupure par faisceau laser du fuseau mitotique avec le contrôle temporel de l'inactivation de gènes ou de l'exposition à des produits pharmacologiques. De cette manière, nous avons établi que la dynéine, un moteur se déplaçant vers l'extrémité négative des microtubules, ainsi que la dynamique des microtubules, sont toutes deux requises pour la génération efficace des forces de tractions. Nous avons démontré que les protéines Gα et leurs protéines associées GPR-1/2 et LIN-5 interagissent in vivo avec LIS-1, un composant du complexe de la dynéine. De plus, nous avons découvert que les protéines Gα, GPR-1/2 et LIN-5 promeuvent la présence du complexe de la dynéine au cortex cellulaire. Nos résultats suggèrent un mécanisme par lequel les protéines Gα permettent le recrutement cortical de GPR-1/2 et LIN-5, assurant ainsi la présence de la dynéine au cortex. Conjointement avec la dynamique des microtubules, ce mécanisme permet la génération des forces de tractions afin d'obtenir une division cellulaire correcte. Comme les mécanismes contrôlant le positionnement du fuseau mitotique et les divisions cellulaires asymétriques sont conservés au cours de l'évolution, nous espérons que les mécanismes élucidés par ce travail sont d'importance générale pour la génération de la diversité cellulaire durant le développement. De plus, ces mécanismes pourraient être applicables à d'autres divisions asymétriques, comme celle des cellules souches, dont le disfonctionnement peut entraîner la génération de cellules cancéreuses. Abstract : Proper spindle positioning is crucial for asymmetric cell division, because it controls spatial aspects of cell division and the correct inheritance of cell-fate determinants. However, the mechanisms governing spindle positioning remain incompletely understood. In the Caenorhabditis elegans one-cell stage embryo, the spindle becomes asymmetrically positioned during anaphase through the action of as-yet unidentified cortical force generators that pull on astral microtubules and that depend on two Gα proteins and associated proteins. This thesis addresses the nature of the force generation machinery and the link with the Gα and associated proteins. By performing spindle-severing experiments following temporally restricted gene inactivation and drug exposure, we established that microtubule dynamics and the minus-end directed motor dynein are both required for generating efficient pulling forces. We discovered that the Gα proteins and their associated proteins GPR-1/2 and LIN-5 interact in vivo with LIS-1, a component of the dynein complex. Moreover, we uncovered that LIN-5, GPR-1/2 and the Gα proteins promote the presence of the dynein complex at the cell cortex. Our findings suggest a mechanism by which the Gα proteins enable GPR-1/2 and LIN-5 recruitment to the cortex, thus ensuring the presence of cortical dynein. Together with microtubule dynamics, this allows pulling forces to be exerted and proper cell division to be achieved. Because the mechanisms of spindle positioning and asymmetric cell division are conserved across evolution, we expect the underlying mechanism uncovered here to be of broad significance for the generation of cell diversity during development. Moreover, this mechanism could be relevant for other asymmetric cell divisions, such as stem cell divisions, whose dysfunction may lead to the generation of cancer cells.


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The mitochondrial 70-kDa heat shock protein (mtHsp70), also known in humans as mortalin, is a central component of the mitochondrial protein import motor and plays a key role in the folding of matrix-localized mitochondrial proteins. MtHsp70 is assisted by a member of the 40-kDa heat shock protein co-chaperone family named Tid1 and a nucleotide exchange factor. Whereas, yeast mtHsp70 has been extensively studied in the context of protein import in the mitochondria, and the bacterial 70-kDa heat shock protein was recently shown to act as an ATP-fuelled unfolding enzyme capable of detoxifying stably misfolded polypeptides into harmless natively refolded proteins, little is known about the molecular functions of the human mortalin in protein homeostasis. Here, we developed novel and efficient purification protocols for mortalin and the two spliced versions of Tid1, Tid1-S, and Tid1-L and showed that mortalin can mediate the in vitro ATP-dependent reactivation of stable-preformed heat-denatured model aggregates, with the assistance of Mge1 and either Tid1-L or Tid1-S co-chaperones or yeast Mdj1. Thus, in addition of being a central component of the protein import machinery, human mortalin together with Tid1, may serve as a protein disaggregating machine which, for lack of Hsp100/ClpB disaggregating co-chaperones, may carry alone the scavenging of toxic protein aggregates in stressed, diseased, or aging human mitochondria.


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Humans spend one third of their life sleeping, then we could raise the basic question: Why do we sleep? Despite the fact that we still don't fully understand its function, we made much progress in understanding at different levels how sleep is regulated. One model suggests that sleep is regulated by two processes: a homeostatic process that tracks the need for sleep and by a circadian rhythm that determines the preferred time-of-day sleep occurs. At the molecular level circadian rhythms are a property of interlocking transcriptional regula-tors referred to as clock genes. The heterodimeric transcription factors BMAL1::CLOCK/NPAS2 drive the transcription of many target genes including the clock genes Cryptochome1 (Cry1), Cry2, Period1 (Per1), and Per2. The encoded CRY/PER proteins are transcriptional inhibitors of BMAL1::CLOCK/NPAS2 thereby providing negative feedback to their own transcription. These genes seem, however, also involved in sleep homeostasis because the brain expression of clock genes, es-pecially that of Per2, increase as a function of time-spent-awake and because mice lacking clock genes display altered sleep homeostasis. The aim of first part of my doctoral work has been to advance our understanding the link that exists between sleep homeostasis and circadian rhythms investigating a possible mechanism by which sleep deprivation could alter clock gene expression by quantifying DNA-binding of the core-clock genes BMAL1, CLOCK and NPAS2 to their target chromatin loci including the E-box enhancers of the Per2 promoter. We made use of chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and quantitative poly-merase chain reaction (qPCR) to show that DNA-binding of CLOCK and BMAL1 to their target genes changes as a function of time-of-day in both liver and cerebral cortex. We then performed a 6h sleep deprivation (SD) and observed a significant decrease in DNA-binding of CLOCK and BMAL1 to Dbp. This is consistent with a decrease in Dbp mRNA levels after SD. The DNA-binding of NPAS2 and BMAL1 to Per2 was similarly decreased following SD. However, SD has been previously shown to in-crease Per2 expression in the cortex which seems paradoxical. Our results demonstrate that sleep-wake history can affect the molecular clock machinery directly at the level of the chromatin thereby altering the cortical expression of Dbp and Per2, and likely other targets. However, the precise dy-namic relationship between DNA-binding and mRNA expression, especially for Per2, remains elusive. The second aim of my doctoral work has been to perform an in depth characterization of cir-cadian rhythmicity, sleep architecture, analyze the response to SD in full null-Per2 knock-out (Per2-/-) mice, and Per1-/- mice, as well as their double knock-out offspring (Per1,2-/-) and littermate wildtype (Wt) mice. The techniques used include locomotor activity recording by passive infrared (PIR) sen-sors, EEG/EMG surgery, recording, and analysis, and cerebral cortex extraction and quantification of mRNA levels by qPCR. Under standard LD12:12 conditions, we found that wakefulness onset, as well as the time courses of clock gene expression in the brain and corticosterone plasma levels were ad-vanced by about 2h in Per2-/- mice compared to Wt mice. When released under constant dark condi-tions almost all Per2-/- mice (97%) became arrhythmic immediately. From these observations, we conclude that while Per2-/- mice seem to be able to anticipate dark onset, this does not result from a self-sustained circadian clock. Our results suggest instead that the earlier onset of activity results from a labile, not-self sustained 22h rhythm linked to light onset suggesting the existence of a light-driven rhythm. Analyses of sleep under LD12:12 conditions revealed that in both Per2-/- and Per1,2-/- mice the same sleep phenotypes are observed compared to Wt mice: increased NREM sleep frag-mentation and inability to adequately compensate the loss of NREM sleep. That suggests a possible role of PER2 in sleep consolidation and recovery.


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Hepatitis A virus (HAV), the prototype of genus Hepatovirus, has several unique biological characteristics that distinguish it from other members of the Picornaviridae family. Among these, the need for an intact eIF4G factor for the initiation of translation results in an inability to shut down host protein synthesis by a mechanism similar to that of other picornaviruses. Consequently, HAV must inefficiently compete for the cellular translational machinery and this may explain its poor growth in cell culture. In this context of virus/cell competition, HAV has strategically adopted a naturally highly deoptimized codon usage with respect to that of its cellular host. With the aim to optimize its codon usage the virus was adapted to propagate in cells with impaired protein synthesis, in order to make tRNA pools more available for the virus. A significant loss of fitness was the immediate response to the adaptation process that was, however, later on recovered and more associated to a re-deoptimization rather than to an optimization of the codon usage specifically in the capsid coding region. These results exclude translation selection and instead suggest fine-tuning translation kinetics selection as the underlying mechanism of the codon usage bias in this specific genome region. Additionally, the results provide clear evidence of the Red Queen dynamics of evolution since the virus has very much evolved to re-adapt its codon usage to the environmental cellular changing conditions in order to recover the original fitness.


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The clathrin assembly lymphoid myeloid leukemia (CALM) gene encodes a putative homologue of the clathrin assembly synaptic protein AP180. Hence the biochemical properties, the subcellular localization, and the role in endocytosis of a CALM protein were studied. In vitro binding and coimmunoprecipitation demonstrated that the clathrin heavy chain is the major binding partner of CALM. The bulk of cellular CALM was associated with the membrane fractions of the cell and localized to clathrin-coated areas of the plasma membrane. In the membrane fraction, CALM was present at near stoichiometric amounts relative to clathrin. To perform structure-function analysis of CALM, we engineered chimeric fusion proteins of CALM and its fragments with the green fluorescent protein (GFP). GFP-CALM was targeted to the plasma membrane-coated pits and also found colocalized with clathrin in the Golgi area. High levels of expression of GFP-CALM or its fragments with clathrin-binding activity inhibited the endocytosis of transferrin and epidermal growth factor receptors and altered the steady-state distribution of the mannose-6-phosphate receptor in the cell. In addition, GFP-CALM overexpression caused the loss of clathrin accumulation in the trans-Golgi network area, whereas the localization of the clathrin adaptor protein complex 1 in the trans-Golgi network remained unaffected. The ability of the GFP-tagged fragments of CALM to affect clathrin-mediated processes correlated with the targeting of the fragments to clathrin-coated areas and their clathrin-binding capacities. Clathrin-CALM interaction seems to be regulated by multiple contact interfaces. The C-terminal part of CALM binds clathrin heavy chain, although the full-length protein exhibited maximal ability for interaction. Altogether, the data suggest that CALM is an important component of coated pit internalization machinery, possibly involved in the regulation of clathrin recruitment to the membrane and/or the formation of the coated pit.