969 resultados para Foam Jet
With the constant need to improve and make the production of asphalt mixtures more sustainable, new production techniques have been developed, the implementation of which implies the correct knowledge of their performance. One of the most promising asphalt production techniques is the use of foamed bitumen. However, it is essential to understand how this binder will behave when subject to the expansion process. The loss of volume of the foamed bitumen could be translated by a decay curve, which allows to determine the ideal temperature and water content added to the bitumen in order to assure adequate conditions to the mix the bitumen with the aggregates. On the present study, a conventional 160/220 pen grade bitumen was tested by using different temperatures and water contents, and it was concluded that the optimum temperature for the production of foamed bitumen (with the studied bitumen) is 150 ºC, which corresponds to a viscosity of 0.1 Pa.s. The water content mostly influence the half-life of the bitumen foam, resulting in quicker volume reductions for higher water contents.
The TRMM-LBA field campaign was held during the austral summer of 1999 in southwestern Amazonia. Among the major objectives, was the identification and description of the diurnal variability of rainfall in the region, associated with the different rain producing weather systems that occurred during the January-February season. By using a network of 40 digital rain gauges implemented in the state of Rondônia, and together with observations and analyses of circulation and convection, it was possible to identify details of the diurnal cycle of rainfall and the associated rainfall mechanisms. Rainfall episodes were characterized by regimes of "low-level easterly" and "westerly" winds in the context of the large-scale circulation. The westerly regime is related to an enhanced South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) and an intense and/or wide Low Level Jet (LLJ) east of the Andes, which can extend eastward towards Rondônia, even though some westerly regime episodes also show a LLJ that remains close to the foothill of the Andes. The easterly regime is related to easterly propagating systems (e.g. squall-lines) with possible weakened or less frequent LLJs and a suppressed SACZ. Diurnal variability of rainfall during westerly surface wind regime shows a characteristic maximum at late afternoon followed by a relatively weaker second maximum at early evening (2100 Local Standard Time LST). The easterly regime composite shows an early morning maximum followed by an even stronger maximum in the afternoon.
A measurement is presented of the tt¯ inclusive production cross section in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of s√=8 TeV using data collected by the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The measurement was performed in the lepton+jets final state using a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1. The cross section was obtained using a likelihood discriminant fit and b-jet identification was used to improve the signal-to-background ratio. The inclusive tt¯ production cross section was measured to be 260±1(stat)+22−23(stat)±8(lumi)±4(beam) pb assuming a top-quark mass of 172.5 GeV, in good agreement with the theoretical prediction of 253+13−15 pb. The tt¯→(e,μ)+jets production cross section in the fiducial region determined by the detector acceptance is also reported.
Measurements of inclusive jet production are performed in pp and Pb+Pb collisions at sNN−−−√=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 4.0 pb−1 and 0.14 nb−1 , respectively. The jets are identified with the anti-kt algorithm with R=0.4, and the spectra are measured over the kinematic range of jet transverse momentum 32
We report the observation of Higgs boson decays to WW∗ based on an excess over background of 6.1 standard deviations in the dilepton final state, where the Standard Model expectation is 5.8 standard deviations. Evidence for the vector-boson fusion (VBF) production process is obtained with a significance of 3.2 standard deviations. The results are obtained from a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 25 pb−1 from s√=7 and 8 TeV pp collisions recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. For a Higgs boson mass of 125.36 GeV, the ratio of the measured value to the expected value of the total production cross section times branching fraction is 1.09+0.16−0.15 (stat.)+0.17−0.14 (syst.). The corresponding ratios for the gluon fusion and vector-boson fusion production mechanisms are 1.02±0.19 (stat.)+0.22−0.18 (syst.) and 1.27+0.44−0.40 (stat.)+0.30−0.21 (syst.), respectively. At s√=8 TeV, the total production cross sections are measured to be σ(gg→ H→WW∗)=4.6±0.9(stat.)+0.8−0.7(syst.)pb and σ(VBF H→WW∗)=0.51+0.17−0.15(stat.)+0.13−0.08(syst.)pb. The fiducial cross section is determined for the gluon-fusion process in exclusive final states with zero or one associated jet.
Results of a search for decays of massive particles to fully hadronic final states are presented. This search uses 20.3 fb−1 of data collected by the ATLAS detector in s√=8TeV proton--proton collisions at the LHC. Signatures based on high jet multiplicities without requirements on the missing transverse momentum are used to search for R-parity-violating supersymmetric gluino pair production with subsequent decays to quarks. The analysis is performed using a requirement on the number of jets, in combination with separate requirements on the number of b-tagged jets, as well as a topological observable formed from the scalar sum of the mass values of large-radius jets in the event. Results are interpreted in the context of all possible branching ratios of direct gluino decays to various quark flavors. No significant deviation is observed from the expected Standard Model backgrounds estimated using jet-counting as well as data-driven templates of the total-jet-mass spectra. Gluino pair decays to ten or more quarks via intermediate neutralinos are excluded for a gluino with mass mg~<1TeV for a neutralino mass mχ~01=500GeV. Direct gluino decays to six quarks are excluded for mg~<917GeV for light-flavor final states, and results for various flavor hypotheses are presented.
Simultaneous measurements of the tt¯, W+W−, and Z/γ∗→ττ production cross-sections using an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb−1 of pp collisions at s√=7 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC are presented. Events are selected with two high transverse momentum leptons consisting of an oppositely charged electron and muon pair. The three processes are separated using the distributions of the missing transverse momentum of events with zero and greater than zero jet multiplicities. Measurements of the fiducial cross-section are presented along with results that quantify for the first time the underlying correlations in the predicted and measured cross-sections due to proton parton distribution functions. These results indicate that the correlated NLO predictions for tt¯ and Z/γ∗→ττ significantly underestimate the data, while those at NNLO generally describe the data well. The full cross-sections are measured to be σ(tt¯)=181.2±2.8+9.7−9.5±3.3±3.3 pb, σ(W+W−)=53.3±2.7+7.3−8.0±1.0±0.5 pb, and σ(Z/γ∗→ττ)=1174±24+72−87±21±9 pb, where the cited uncertainties are due to statistics, systematic effects, luminosity and the LHC beam energy measurement, respectively.
Measurements of the total and differential cross sections of Higgs boson production are performed using 20.3 fb−1 of pp collisions produced by the Large Hadron Collider at a center-of-mass energy of s√=8 TeV and recorded by the ATLAS detector. Cross sections are obtained from measured H→γγ and H→ZZ∗→4ℓ event yields, which are combined accounting for detector efficiencies, fiducial acceptances and branching fractions. Differential cross sections are reported as a function of Higgs boson transverse momentum, Higgs boson rapidity, number of jets in the event, and transverse momentum of the leading jet. The total production cross section is determined to be σpp→H=33.0±5.3(stat)±1.6(sys)pb. The measurements are compared to state-of-the-art predictions.
A search for the Standard Model Higgs boson produced in association with a pair of top quarks, tt¯H, is presented. The analysis uses 20.3 fb−1 of pp collision data at s√ = 8 TeV, collected with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider during 2012. The search is designed for the H to bb¯ decay mode and uses events containing one or two electrons or muons. In order to improve the sensitivity of the search, events are categorised according to their jet and b-tagged jet multiplicities. A neural network is used to discriminate between signal and background events, the latter being dominated by tt¯+jets production. In the single-lepton channel, variables calculated using a matrix element method are included as inputs to the neural network to improve discrimination of the irreducible tt¯+bb¯ background. No significant excess of events above the background expectation is found and an observed (expected) limit of 3.4 (2.2) times the Standard Model cross section is obtained at 95% confidence level. The ratio of the measured tt¯H signal cross section to the Standard Model expectation is found to be μ=1.5±1.1 assuming a Higgs boson mass of 125 GeV.
This paper presents cross sections for the production of a W boson in association with jets, measured in proton--proton collisions at s√=7 TeV with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. With an integrated luminosity of 4.6fb−1, this data set allows for an exploration of a large kinematic range, including jet production up to a transverse momentum of 1 TeV and multiplicities up to seven associated jets. The production cross sections for W bosons are measured in both the electron and muon decay channels. Differential cross sections for many observables are also presented including measurements of the jet observables such as the rapidities and the transverse momenta as well as measurements of event observables such as the scalar sums of the transverse momenta of the jets. The measurements are compared to numerous QCD predictions including next-to-leading-order perturbative calculations, resummation calculations and Monte Carlo generators.
This article reports on a search for dark matter pair production in association with bottom or top quarks in 20.3fb−1 of pp collisions collected at s√=8 TeV by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Events with large missing transverse momentum are selected when produced in association with high-momentum jets of which one or more are identified as jets containing b-quarks. Final states with top quarks are selected by requiring a high jet multiplicity and in some cases a single lepton. The data are found to be consistent with the Standard Model expectations and limits are set on the mass scale of effective field theories that describe scalar and tensor interactions between dark matter and Standard Model particles. Limits on the dark-matter--nucleon cross-section for spin-independent and spin-dependent interactions are also provided. These limits are particularly strong for low-mass dark matter. Using a simplified model, constraints are set on the mass of dark matter and of a coloured mediator suitable to explain a possible signal of annihilating dark matter.
A search for a massive W′ gauge boson is performed with the ATLAS detector at the LHC in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of s√ = 8 TeV, corresponding to 20.3 fb−1 of integrated luminosity. This analysis is done in the W′→tb→qqbb mode for W′ masses above 1.5 TeV, where the W′ decay products are highly boosted. Novel jet substructure techniques are used to identify jets from high-momentum top quarks to ensure high sensitivity, independent of W′ mass, up to 3 TeV; b-tagging is also used to identify jets originating from b-quarks. The data are consistent with Standard Model background-only expectations, and upper limits at 95% confidence level are set on the W′→tb cross section times branching ratio ranging from 0.16 pb to 0.33 pb for left-handed W′ bosons, and ranging from 0.10 pb to 0.21 pb for W′ bosons with purely right-handed couplings. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set on the W′-boson coupling to tb as a function of the W′ mass using an effective field theory approach, which is independent of details of particular models predicting a W′ boson.
The mass of the top quark is measured in a data set corresponding to 4.6 fb−1 of proton--proton collisions with centre-of-mass energy s√=7 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Events consistent with hadronic decays of top--antitop quark pairs with at least six jets in the final state are selected. The substantial background from multijet production is modelled with data-driven methods that utilise the number of identified b-quark jets and the transverse momentum of the sixth leading jet, which have minimal correlation. The top-quark mass is obtained from template fits to the ratio of three-jet to dijet mass. The three-jet mass is calculated from the three jets of a top-quark decay. Using these three jets the dijet mass is obtained from the two jets of the W boson decay. The top-quark mass obtained from this fit is thus less sensitive to the uncertainty in the energy measurement of the jets. A binned likelihood fit yields a top-quark mass of mt = 175.1 ± 1.4 (stat.) ± 1.2 (syst.) GeV.
Increasing building energy efficiency is one the most cost-effective ways to reduce emissions. The use of thermal insulation materials mitigates heat loss in buildings, therefore minimising heat energy needs. In recent years, several papers were published on the subject of foam alkali-activated cements with enhanced thermal conductivity. However, on those papers cost analysis was strangely avoided. This paper presents experimental results on one-part alkali-activated cements. It also includes global warming potential assessment and cost analysis. Foam one-part alkali-activated cements cost simulations considering two carbon dioxide social costs scenarios are also included. The results show that one-part alkali-activated cements mixtures based on 26%OPC + 58.3%FA + 8%CS + 7.7%CH and 3.5% hydrogen peroxide constitute a promising cost-efficient (67 euro/m3), thermal insulation solution for floor heating systems. This mixture presents a low global warming potential of 443 KgCO2eq/m3. The results confirm that in both carbon dioxide social cost scenarios the mixture 26 OPC + 58.3 FA + 8 CS + 7.7 CH with 3.5% hydrogen peroxide foaming agent is still the most cost efficient.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar o ciclo estral do cateto, aplicando a colpocitologia como método diagnóstico. As amostras da citologia vaginal foram coletadas em dez fêmeas adultas, durante três vezes na semana, por seis meses. Verificou-se que a duração média do ciclo estral para esta espécie foi de 28,45 ± 5,45 dias. Observou-se diferença estatística (p<0,01) em relação à frequência dos diferentes tipos celulares na mesma fase do ciclo estral. No proestro foi verificado o aumento de células intermediárias e superficiais. A fase de estro caracterizou-se pela elevação significativa de células superficiais em relação aos demais tipos celulares e pela ausência de leucócitos. Durante este período, a genitália externa estava hiperêmica, edemaciada e com muco. No metaestro houve um decréscimo de células superficiais, quando comparado com o proestro e com o estro, e uma elevação significativa de células intermediárias, presença de leucócitos, de células de metaestro e de foam. Na fase de diestro, houve um aumento de células intermediárias, e um decréscimo no número de leucócitos. Conclui-se que, por meio da colpocitologia, é possível diferenciar as fases do ciclo estral em catetos.