912 resultados para Floods -- Environmental aspects -- Catalonia -- Calonge
L’extracció intensiva d’aigua subterrània en zones properes a la costa pot produir canvis en les condicions hidrogeològiques naturals dels aqüífers costaners. Les conseqüències més evidents d’aquest fenomen són el descens del nivell freàtic, la intrusió salina i els riscos geotècnics que se’n deriven i que poden afectar l’estabilitat de les edificacions que hi ha a la zona. Per encàrrec de l’Ajuntament de Calonge, el centre GEOCAMB de la UdG ha fet un estudi sobre aquest problema en el seu terme municipal
What are the effects of natural disasters on electoral results? Some authors claim that catastrophes have a negative effect on the survival of leaders in a democracy because voters have a propensity to punish politicians for not preventing or poorly handling a crisis. In contrast, this paper finds that these events might be beneficial for leaders. Disasters are linked to leader survival through clientelism: they generate an in-flow of resources in the form of aid, which increase money for buying votes. Analyzing the rainy season of 2010-2011 in Colombia, considered its worst disaster in history, I use a difference-in-differences strategy to show that in the local election incumbent parties benefited from the disaster. The result is robust to different specifications and alternative explanations. Moreover, places receiving more aid and those with judicial evidence of vote-buying irregularities, are more likely to reelect the incumbent, supporting the mechanism proposed by this paper.
La tesi doctoral desenvolupada, emmarcada dins del camp de les Ciències Ambientals, aplica la Geologia Ambiental orientada al coneixement dels processos i recursos geològics de cara a la planificació i a l'ordenació del territori. Com a zona d'estudi s'ha seleccionat la Costa Brava meridional, concretament tota l'àrea litoral compresa per les conques hidrogràfiques de l'Aubi, riera de Calonge, Ridaura, riera de Tossa i riera de Lloret (75 km de línia de costa i una extensió de 291 km2). Aquest treball, amb l'aptitud integradora dels conceptes i mètodes propis de les Ciències Geològiques i Ambientals, s'ha proposat com a objectius globals l'anàlisi de la qualitat i del comportament físic i químic dels materials terrestres en front les accions humanes i de la seva utilització com a recursos; l'estudi dels processos naturals i de la influència que puguin tenir sobre l'home o bé els efectes que aquest pot causar sobre aquells, i per últim, com a derivació dels anteriors, el disseny i aplicació d'instruments de tipus preventiu en la gestió del territori; és a dir, la planificació dels usos del territori. Amb la filosofia de recerca basada en que els factor geològics són uns elements d'ajuda per a la visió integral d'un territori, s'han estudiat diferents variables geoambientals procurant traduir el coneixement del medi en informació apta per a la presa de decisions sobre l'ús i preservació d'aquest àmbit litoral. Els Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG) han estat clau per a la visió sistèmica del territori, per a la integració de les diferents variables geoambientals, així com per a la producció cartogràfica temàtica i final. Pel que fa als processos geològics, lligats a la dinàmica fluviotorrencial, s'han cartografiat les principals àrees d'actuació així com analitzat els factors que inicien, afavoreixen o magnifiquen la seva ocurrència. S'han estudiat les accions denudatives, els processos de transport-sedimentació i amb l'estudi integrat d'aquests processos i formes resultants s'han identificat unitats territorials caracteritzades per un comportament geomòrfic uniforme. En quant a l'anàlisi dels recursos geològics s'ha aprofundit en el coneixement dels recursos hídrics subterranis, les roques industrials i els georecursos litorals. Pel que fa als primers s'ha centrat en la delimitació de les principals unitats i subunitats aqüíferes, així com en acotar les geometries i principals característiques hidràuliques. Pel que fa als àrids i roques de construcció l'objectiu fonamental ha estat la delimitació cartogràfica d'aquells materials que per les seves propietats fisicoquímiques són potencialment aptes per als usos indicats. Finalment s'ha fet una recerca orientada a l'estudi de factors que limiten o condicionen el potencial geoturístic d'aquesta àrea litoral, concretament en els penya-segats i les platges. Les principals aportacions d'aquesta tesi doctoral es poden emmarcar en l'àmbit regional i fenomenològic, aspectes clau en la gestió i planificació territorial. Pel que fa al primer, destaquem l'aportació de dades geoambientals a nivell cartogràfic en relació a variables litoestructurals, de processos dinàmics com de recursos geològics. Des del punt de vista de l'àmbit fenomenològic destaquem la interacció de les variables estudiades a nivell de conca hidrogràfica, com són, entre d'altres, les relacions existents entre les diferents formacions aqüíferes; la possible participació de les aigües subterrànies en la resposta hidrològica del sistema fluviotorrencial, o la problemàtica derivada de l'antropització de la sorra de la platja com a conseqüència d'abocaments de terres i residus inerts als marges de les rieres.
Els Sistemes d'Aiguamolls Construïts (SAC) de Flux Subsuperficial Horitzontal (FSH) és una tecnologia apropiada pel sanejament d'aigües residuals procedents de nuclis de població petits. No obstant els SAC de FSH són considerats una tecnologia natural, l'operació i manteniment d'aquestes depuradores és crucial per a garantir el seu correcte funcionament. Aquestes necessitats d'operació i manteniment varien entre depuradores segons (1) les característiques de la comunitat, (2) la configuració de la depuradora i el disseny del SAC de FSH i (3) les característiques del medi receptor. En aquest sentit, en aquesta tesi es presenta el desenvolupament d'un Sistema d'Ajuda a la Decisió (SAD) per a la definició de protocols d'operació i manteniment per a SAC de FSH tenint en compte els factors que causen variabilitat entre aquest tipus de depuradores (1, 2 i 3).
Many lowland rivers across northwest Europe exhibit broadly similar behavioural responses to glacial-interglacial transitions and landscape development. Difficulties exist in assessing these, largely because the evidence from many rivers remains limited and fragmentary. Here we address this issue in the context of the river Kennet, a tributary of the Thames, since c. 13,000 cal BP. Some similarities with other rivers are present, suggesting that regional climatic shifts are important controls. The Kennet differs from the regional pattern in a number of ways. The rate of response to sudden climatic change, particularly at the start of the Holocene and also mid-Holocene forest clearance, appears very high. This may reflect abrupt shifts between two catchment scale hydrological states arising from contemporary climates, land use change and geology. Stadial hydrology is dominated by nival regimes, with limited winter infiltration and high spring and summer runoff. Under an interglacial climate, infiltration is more significant. The probable absence of permafrost in the catchment means that a lag between the two states due to its gradual decay is unlikely. Palaeoecology, supported by radiocarbon dates, suggests that, at the very start of the Holocene, a dramatic episode of fine sediment deposition across most of the valley floor occurred, lasting 500-1000 years. A phase of peat accumulation followed as mineral sediment supply declined. A further shift led to tufa deposition, initially in small pools, then across the whole floodplain area, with the river flowing through channels cut in tufa and experiencing repeated avulsion. Major floods, leaving large gravel bars that still form positive relief features on the floodplain, followed mid-Holocene floodplain stability. Prehistoric deforestation is likely to be the cause of this flooding, inducing a major environmental shift with significantly increased surface runoff. Since the Bronze Age, predominantly fine sediments were deposited along the valley with apparently stable channels and vertical floodplain accretion associated with soil erosion and less catastrophic flooding. The Kennet demonstrates that, while a general pattern of river behaviour over time, within a region, may be identifiable, individual rivers are likely to diverge from this. Consequently, it is essential to understand catchment controls, particularly the relative significance of surface and subsurface hydrology. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The ability to predict the responses of ecological communities and individual species to human-induced environmental change remains a key issue for ecologists and conservation managers alike. Responses are often variable among species within groups making general predictions difficult. One option is to include ecological trait information that might help to disentangle patterns of response and also provide greater understanding of how particular traits link whole clades to their environment. Although this ‘‘trait-guild” approach has been used for single disturbances, the importance of particular traits on general responses to multiple disturbances has not been explored. We used a mixed model analysis of 19 data sets from throughout the world to test the effect of ecological and life-history traits on the responses of bee species to different types of anthropogenic environmental change. These changes included habitat loss, fragmentation, agricultural intensification, pesticides and fire. Individual traits significantly affected bee species responses to different disturbances and several traits were broadly predictive among multiple disturbances. The location of nests – above vs. below ground – significantly affected response to habitat loss, agricultural intensification, tillage regime (within agriculture) and fire. Species that nested above ground were on average more negatively affected by isolation from natural habitat and intensive agricultural land use than were species nesting below ground. In contrast below-ground-nesting species were more negatively affected by tilling than were above-ground nesters. The response of different nesting guilds to fire depended on the time since the burn. Social bee species were more strongly affected by isolation from natural habitat and pesticides than were solitary bee species. Surprisingly, body size did not consistently affect species responses, despite its importance in determining many aspects of individuals’ interaction with their environment. Although synergistic interactions among traits remain to be explored, individual traits can be useful in predicting and understanding responses of related species to global change.
Genetic and environmental factors interact to determine the growth and activity of crop root systems. This paper examines the effects of agronomic management and genotype on wheat root systems in the UK and Australia, and suggests ways in which root limitations to crop performance might be alleviated. In a field study in the UK which examined late-season growth and activity, fungicide maintained the size of the root system during early grain-filling, and there were significant differences between cultivars in root distribution with depth below 0.3 m. Shamrock had a longer root system below 0.3 m than varieties such as Hereward and Consort. Fungicide significantly increased root growth at 0.1-0.2 m in one season. In Australia, a wheat line selected for high shoot vigour had associated root vigour during early seedling growth but the effect on root growth did not persist. The results provide examples of genotypic differences in wheat root growth under field conditions which interact with agronomic management in ways which can be exploited to benefit growth and yield in diverse environments.
The Agri-Environmental Footprint project is developing a common methodology for assessing the environmental impact of European agri-environment schemes. The Agri-Environmental Footprint Index (AFI) has been constructed as a customisable approach. It is a farm-level index that aggregates the measurement of agri-environmental indicators. Farm-level impact scores can be aggregated at a regional level to track temporal change and/or to provide comparisons of the success (or otherwise) of an agri-environment scheme.
The Bahrain International Circuit (BIC) is considered its one of the best international racing car track in terms of technical aspects and architectural quality. Two Formula 1 races have been hosted in the Kingdom of Bahrain, in 2004 and 2005, at BIC. The BIC had recently won the award of the best international racing car circuit. This paper highlights on the elements that contributed to the success of such project starting from the architectural aspects, construction, challenges, tendering process, risk management, the workforce, speed of the construction method, and future prospects for harnessing solar and wind energy for sustainable electrification and production of water for the circuit, i.e. making BIC green and environment-friendly international circuit.
The effect of UV radiation on fruit secondary compounds of strawberry cv ‘Elsanta’ was recorded taking chronological age and fruit position on the truss into account. When fruit of similar age post-anthesis, and truss position were compared, we found that the concentration of secondary compounds differed according to fruit position on the truss. UV radiation hastened the rate of colour development and resulted in an increase in fruit anthocyanin (14–31%), flavonoid (9–21%) and phenolic (9–20%) contents at harvesting; but it had no effect on fruit soluble solid content, pH and volatile composition. It did, however, increase leaf flavonoid (16%) and phenolic (8%) concentrations. Fruit ripened under a UV transparent film were firmer, smaller but greater in number than fruit ripened under a UV opaque film. Overall, the results indicate that UV radiation does not affect all aspects of strawberry ripening but independently alters rate of colour development and fruit firmness
The emergence and spread of infectious diseases reflects the interaction of ecological and economic factors within an adaptive complex system. We review studies that address the role of economic factors in the emergence and spread of infectious diseases and identify three broad themes. First, the process of macro-economic growth leads to environmental encroaching, which is related to the emergence of infectious diseases. Second, there are a number of mutually reinforcing processes associated with the emergence/spread of infectious diseases. For example, the emergence and spread of infectious diseases can cause significant economic damages, which in turn may create the conditions for further disease spread. Also, the existence of a mutually reinforcing relationship between global trade and macroeconomic growth amplifies the emergence/spread of infectious diseases. Third, microeconomic approaches to infectious disease point to the adaptivity of human behavior, which simultaneously shapes the course of epidemics and responds to it. Most of the applied research has been focused on the first two aspects, and to a lesser extent on the third aspect. With respect to the latter, there is a lack of empirical research aimed at characterizing the behavioral component following a disease outbreak. Future research should seek to fill this gap and develop hierarchical econometric models capable of integrating both macro and micro-economic processes into disease ecology.
Floods are a major threat to human existence and historically have both caused the collapse of civilizations and forced the emergence of new cultures. The physical processes of flooding are complex. Increased population, climate variability, change in catchment and channel management, modified landuse and land cover, and natural change of floodplains and river channels all lead to changes in flood dynamics, and as a direct or indirect consequence, social welfare of humans. Section 5.16.1 explores the risks and benefits brought about by floods and reviews the responses of floods and floodplains to climate and landuse change. Section 5.08.2 reviews the existing modeling tools, and the top–down and bottom–up modeling frameworks that are used to assess impacts on future floods. Section 5.08.3 discusses changing flood risk and socioeconomic vulnerability based on current trends in emerging or developing countries and presents an alternative paradigm as a pathway to resilience. Section 5.08.4 concludes the chapter by stating a portfolio of integrated concepts, measures, and avant-garde thinking that would be required to sustainably manage future flood risk.
In the context of environmental valuation of natural disasters, an important component of the evaluation procedure lies in determining the periodicity of events. This paper explores alternative methodologies for determining such periodicity, illustrating the advantages and the disadvantages of the separate methods and their comparative predictions. The procedures employ Bayesian inference and explore recent advances in computational aspects of mixtures methodology. The procedures are applied to the classic data set of Maguire et al (Biometrika, 1952) which was subsequently updated by Jarrett (Biometrika, 1979) and which comprise the seminal investigations examining the periodicity of mining disasters within the United Kingdom, 1851-1962.
Abstract: A new methodology was created to measure the energy consumption and related green house gas (GHG) emissions of a computer operating system (OS) across different device platforms. The methodology involved the direct power measurement of devices under different activity states. In order to include all aspects of an OS, the methodology included measurements in various OS modes, whilst uniquely, also incorporating measurements when running an array of defined software activities, so as to include OS application management features. The methodology was demonstrated on a laptop and phone that could each run multiple OSs, results confirmed that OS can significantly impact the energy consumption of devices. In particular, the new versions of the Microsoft Windows OS were tested and highlighted significant differences between the OS versions on the same hardware. The developed methodology could enable a greater awareness of energy consumption, during both the software development and software marketing processes.