1000 resultados para Factor Viia


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The classical T cell cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) has reemerged recently as a critical mediator of the host immune and stress response. MIF has been found to be a mediator of several diseases including gram-negative septic shock and delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions. Its immunological functions include the modulation of the host macrophage and T and B cell response. In contrast to other known cytokines, MIF production is induced rather than suppressed by glucocorticoids, and MIF has been found to override the immunosuppressive effects of glucocorticoids. Recently, elucidation of the three-dimensional structure of MIF revealed that MIF has a novel, unique cytokine structure. Here the biological role of MIF is reviewed in view of its distinct immunological and structural properties.


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The aims of this study were to investigate the usefulness of serum C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-6, and interleukin-8 as postmortem markers of sepsis and to compare C-reactive protein and procalcitonin values in serum, vitreous humor, and cerebrospinal fluid in a series of sepsis cases and control subjects, in order to determine whether these measurements may be employed for the postmortem diagnosis of sepsis. Two study groups were formed, a sepsis group (eight subjects coming from the intensive care unit of two university hospitals, with a clinical diagnosis of sepsis in vivo) and control group (ten autopsy cases admitted to two university medicolegal centers, deceased from natural and unnatural causes, without elements to presume an underlying sepsis as the cause of death). Serum C-reactive protein and procalcitonin concentrations were significantly different between sepsis cases and control cases, whereas serum tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-6, and interleukin-8 values were not significantly different between the two groups, suggesting that measurement of interleukin-6, interleukin-8, and tumor necrosis factor alpha is non-optimal for postmortem discrimination of cases with sepsis. In the sepsis group, vitreous procalcitonin was detectable in seven out of eight cases. In the control group, vitreous procalcitonin was clearly detectable only in one case, which also showed an increase of all markers in serum and for which the cause of death was myocardial infarction associated with multi-organic failure. According to the results of this study, the determination of vitreous procalcitonin may be an alternative to the serum procalcitonin for the postmortem diagnosis of sepsis.


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Efficient initiation by the DNA polymerase of adenovirus type 2 requires nuclear factor I (NFI), a cellular sequence-specific transcription factor. Three functions of NFI--dimerization, DNA binding, and activation of DNA replication--are colocalized within the N-terminal portion of the protein. To define more precisely the role of NFI in viral DNA replication, a series of site-directed mutations within the N-terminal domain have been generated, thus allowing the separation of all three functions contained within this region. Impairment of the dimerization function prevents sequence-specific DNA binding and in turn abolishes the NFI-mediated activation of DNA replication. NFI DNA-binding activity, although necessary, is not sufficient to activate the initiation of adenovirus replication. A distinct class of NFI mutations that abolish the recruitment of the viral DNA polymerase to the origin also prevent the activation of replication. Thus, a direct interaction of NFI with the viral DNA polymerase complex is required to form a stable and active preinitiation complex on the origin and is responsible for the activation of replication by NFI.


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O mundo empresarial tem sido alvo de mudanças impulsionadas pela globalização. Neste sentido, as empresas que pretendem sobreviver e atingir um bom nível de competitividade devem focalizar-se na capacitação, no desenvolvimento e na motivação constante dos seus colaboradores. Devido à importância dos recursos humanos como diferencial competitivo, o processo de coaching como modelo de gestão da mudança, tem vindo a merecer muita importância no contexto organizacional. O processo de coaching em consonância com programas de desenvolvimento da liderança no contexto organizacional/empresarial visa ajudar os colaboradores a desenvolverem novas atitudes e competências ao alcance das metas organizacionais. O intuito deste trabalho é apresentar esclarecimentos acerca do termo, abordando os aspectos mais relevantes e o seu respectivo impacto no contexto organizacional. Realizou-se um Estudo de Caso baseado numa empresa de produção e prestação de serviços em São Vicente, com a finalidade de avaliar a motivação dos seus colaboradores, através da aplicação de um questionário aos mesmos. Na sequência da análise dos resultados sugeriu-se um modelo que mais se adapta à realidade da empresa. The business world has been challenged by several changes driven by globalization. Considering the present situation, companies that intend to survive and achieve a somewhat good level of competiveness should focus on their employee’s constant capacity building, development and motivation. Considering the Human Resources importance as a competitive differential, the coaching process as a change management module has been a very importance on the organizational context. The coaching process together with the leadership development programmes on the organizational/entrepreneurial context enables the employees to develop new attitudes and skills aiming for organizational goals. This paper purpose is to enlighten the reader on the subject, addressing the most relevant issues and its impact on the organizational context. We’ve conducted a Case Study, of a production and service company on S. Vicente Island, aiming to assess the employee’s motivation, through the application of a questionnaire. Following the results analysis, a model was proposed to better fit the company’s reality.


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A variety of stress situations may affect the activity and survival of plant-beneficial pseudomonads added to soil to control root diseases. This study focused on the roles of the sigma factor AlgU (synonyms, AlgT, RpoE, and sigma(22)) and the anti-sigma factor MucA in stress adaptation of the biocontrol agent Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0. The algU-mucA-mucB gene cluster of strain CHA0 was similar to that of the pathogens Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas syringae. Strain CHA0 is naturally nonmucoid, whereas a mucA deletion mutant or algU-overexpressing strains were highly mucoid due to exopolysaccharide overproduction. Mucoidy strictly depended on the global regulator GacA. An algU deletion mutant was significantly more sensitive to osmotic stress than the wild-type CHA0 strain and the mucA mutant were. Expression of an algU'-'lacZ reporter fusion was induced severalfold in the wild type and in the mucA mutant upon exposure to osmotic stress, whereas a lower, noninducible level of expression was observed in the algU mutant. Overexpression of algU did not enhance tolerance towards osmotic stress. AlgU was found to be essential for tolerance of P. fluorescens towards desiccation stress in a sterile vermiculite-sand mixture and in a natural sandy loam soil. The size of the population of the algU mutant declined much more rapidly than the size of the wild-type population at soil water contents below 5%. In contrast to its role in pathogenic pseudomonads, AlgU did not contribute to tolerance of P. fluorescens towards oxidative and heat stress. In conclusion, AlgU is a crucial determinant in the adaptation of P. fluorescens to dry conditions and hyperosmolarity, two major stress factors that limit bacterial survival in the environment.


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The delivery kinetics of growth factors has been suggested to play an important role in the regeneration of peripheral nerves following axotomy. In this context, we designed a nerve conduit (NC) with adjustable release kinetics of nerve growth factor (NGF). A multi-ply system was designed where NC consisting of a polyelectrolyte alginate/chitosan complex was coated with layers of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) to control the release of embedded NGF. Prior to assessing the in vitro NGF release from NC, various release test media, with and without stabilizers for NGF, were evaluated to ensure adequate quantification of NGF by ELISA. Citrate (pH 5.0) and acetate (pH 5.5) buffered saline solutions containing 0.05% Tween 20 yielded the most reliable results for ELISA active NGF. The in vitro release experiments revealed that the best results in terms of reproducibility and release control were achieved when the NGF was embedded between two PLGA layers and the ends of the NC tightly sealed by the PLGA coatings. The release kinetics could be efficiently adjusted by accommodating NGF at different radial locations within the NC. A sustained release of bioactive NGF in the low nanogram per day range was obtained for at least 15days. In conclusion, the developed multi-ply NGF loaded NC is considered a suitable candidate for future implantation studies to gain insight into the relationship between local growth factor availability and nerve regeneration.


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The pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α and the female hormone estrogen have been implicated in the pathophysiology of two common gynecological diseases, endometriosis and endometrial adenocarcinoma. Here we describe a novel capacity of TNF-α to activate ER signaling in endometrial epithelial cells. TNF-α induced luciferase expression in the absence and presence of estradiol and also augmented expression of the estrogen-regulated genes c-fos, GREB1, and progesterone receptor. Furthermore, TNF-α mediated ER transcriptional activity is dependent on the Extracellular Regulated Kinase (ERK) 1/2 pathway. Co-treatment with a pure ER antagonist resulted in an inhibition of this TNF-α-induced ERE luciferase activity and gene expression, demonstrating that this cytokine signals through ERs. Additional investigations confirmed that TNF-α acts specifically via ERα. Taken together, these data provide a rationale for the potential use of inhibitors of TNF-α and estrogen production/activity in combination for the treatment of endometrial pathologies.


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O presente trabalho aborda o Tema «Comunicação Interna como Factor de Mudança Organizacional», que tem como objectivo analisar o impacto de Comunicação Interna na Mudança Organizacional. Utilizou-se a pesquisa exploratória de cunho qualitativo e quantitativo, tendo como método o Estudo de Caso o Hospital Regioinal Santiago Norte. Os dados foram obtidos através de estudos bibliográficos e aplicação de questionários aos colaboradores da instituição e mostra a divergência de opiniões dos inquiridos.


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A necessidade de se estabelecer uma relação entre escola, família e a comunidade tem vindo a ganhar visibilidade no contexto sócio-educativo Cabo-verdiano. Antigamente as relações sociais desenvolviam-se de forma diferente, isto é, o aluno tinha um papel passivo e cabia-lhe responder as perguntas do professor e cumprir os seus deveres, visto que este julgava ser o detentor da autoridade do saber. A interacção escola/comunidade é importante, visto que a mesma, ajuda na mudança da mentalidade dos educandos, transformando-os num homem novo, solidário sujeito activo do seu meio. Assim, os poucos recursos da comunidade seriam mais aproveitados no processo ensino aprendizagem, elevando o nível cultural da comunidade envolvente. A relação entre a escola e a comunidade envolvente é fundamental no processo de ensino aprendizagem, na medida em que, a socialização é inerente à toda acção humana. A escola moderna confere uma particular atenção ao desenvolvimento de relação entre os alunos, professores e a comunidade educativa. A reforma educativa implementada nos últimos anos em Cabo-verde, provocou uma nova forma de estar da escola e de toda a comunidade educativa, o que tem contribuído para uma necessidade de aumentar a interacção escola/comunidade. Fica cada vez mais patente que há uma grande necessidade da comunidade envolvente estar mais perto da escola para se inteirar e participar nas tomadas de decisões, no sentido de contribuir para o sucesso ensino aprendizagem. A educação constitui uma das maiores riquezas de uma nação, é uma necessidade fundamental para salvaguardar valores essenciais para a formação de uma sociedade com princípios que todos desejamos. Com a democratização da escola, passou-se a sentir cada vez mais a necessidade da participação da família e de toda a comunidade em geral na vida da escola para a aquisição da qualidade do ensino que se quer. É nesta óptica que a escola como uma instituição educativa deve proporcionar actividades dotadas de estratégias que visam mudar os comportamentos que satisfaçam a sociedade no exercício da sua cidadania. A posição que a escola pode assumir face a participação da família como um dos intervenientes sociais é diversa.Como professora do Ensino Básico, o tema em estudo é pertinente, uma vez que trabalhamos com crianças sem autonomia necessária para decidirem sobre aquilo que querem e que devem fazer durante a vida escolar. Assim, entendemos que a participação dos pais na educação dos seus filhos constitui uma das pedras basilares para o seu sucesso escolar. Este trabalho vai incidir sobre a problemática da relação escola/família e comunidade, uma das parcerias importante para o sucesso educativo. Deste modo, pretendemos ver em que medida o acompanhamento das crianças por parte dos pais/encarregado de educação durante o percurso escolar poderá ter impacto na sua aprendizagem. Com este trabalho, pretendemos compreender a relação escola/família e relacioná-la com o sucesso do ensino aprendizagem dos alunos, mais concretamente identificar as relações que podem existir entre escola família, clarificar os termos relacionados com o tema (família, escola, educação, apresentar uma visão global do programa do ensino básico, inventariar actividades de realização conjunta entre a escola e a família e os moldes da sua preparação e execução, e por ultimo identificar os aspectos concretos do currículo escolar que pode beneficiar de uma ou outra actividade escola e a família.


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PURPOSE: To analyze components of the deposits in the corneal flap interface of granular corneal dystrophy type II (GCD II) patients after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). METHODS: Four corneal GCD II specimens displaying disease exacerbation after LASIK were analyzed. Three of these specimens included the recipient corneal button after penetrating keratoplasty or deep lamellar keratoplasty for advanced GCD II after LASIK. The fourth specimen, a similar case of GCD II after LASIK, included the amputated corneal flap. Specimens were processed for histopathologic and immunohistochemical analyses. RESULTS: Corneal stromal deposits in the LASIK flaps of all specimens were stained with 3 anti-transforming growth factor-beta-induced protein (TGFBIp) antibodies. The deposits displayed bright red color staining with Masson trichrome; however, negative staining was seen with Congo red, suggesting that hyaline is the main component localizing to the TGFBIp deposits rather than amyloid. CONCLUSIONS: Amorphous granular material deposited along the interface of the LASIK flap in GCD II corneas is composed mainly of hyaline deposits.


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PR0X1 est un facteur de transcription très conservé au cours de l'évolution. PROX1 joue un rôle essentiel dans de nombreuses étapes de l'embryogenèse, telles que le développement du système lymphatique ou la migration des hépatocytes. Récemment, il a été démontré que PROX1 contribue à la progression des tumeurs colorectales, en tant que gène cible de la voie de signalisation Wnt. En utilisant des approches de co- immunoprécipitation et de ligature de proximité, nous avons trouvé que PROX1 fait également partie du complexe transcriptionnel TCF/ß-catenin, à la fois dans les cellules humaines de cancer du colon et dans les cellules murines de l'épithélium de l'intestin, dans lesquelles la voie de signalisation Wnt est activée. Dans le but de comprendre le mécanisme d'action de PROX1, nous avons analysé le génome des cellules cancéreuses de colon à la recherche des sites de fixation de PROX1, TCF4 et ß-catenin. Nous avons ainsi pu montrer que TCF4, ß-catenin et PROX1 se fixent simultanément sur une sous- population d'amplificateurs génomiques, sur lesquels PROX1 agit comme répresseur. Ces résultats suggèrent que, spécifiquement dans le cadre du cancer du colon, PROX1 agit en tant que modificateur de la voie de transduction du signal Wnt/ß-catenin. De plus, nous proposons que ceci constitue un des mécanismes par lesquels la signalisation durable de Wnt, qui est observée dans la majorité des cancers du colon, transforme le programme génétique des progéniteurs intestinaux, initialement normal, en output spécifique de ce type de cancers, ce qui contribue plus tard à la croissance infinie de la tumeur, à son caractère invasif et à sa dissémination.


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Objective. To study the impact of the neutral endopeptidase (NEP)/neuropeptides (NPs) axis and nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB) as predictors of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) recurrence after radical prostatectomy (RP). Patients and Methods. 70 patients with early-stage PC were treated with RP and their tumor samples were evaluated for expression of NEP, endothelin-1 (ET-1) and NFκB (p65). Time to PSA recurrence was correlated with the examined parameters and combined with preoperative PSA level, Gleason score, pathological TNM (pT) stage, and surgical margin (SM) assessment. Results and Limitations. Membranous expression of NEP (P < 0.001), cytoplasmic ET-1 (P = 0.002), and cytoplasmic NFκB (P < 0.001) were correlated with time to PSA relapse. NEP was associated with ET-1 (P < 0.001) and NFκB (P < 0.001). ET-1 was also correlated with NFκB (P < 0.001). NEP expression (P = 0.017), pT stage (P = 0.013), and SMs (P = 0.036) were independent predictors of time to PSA recurrence. Conclusions. There seems to be a clinical model of NEP/NPs and NFκB pathways interconnection, with their constituents following inverse patterns of expression in accordance with their biological roles and molecular interrelations.