646 resultados para FNA cytology
Background: Acanthamoebae, in common with other protozoa, readily endocytose particulate material, which in turn may lead to the spread of infectious disease. Methods: Evaluation and quantification of plain and carboxylate FITC-microsphere association with acanthamoebal trophzoites was undertaken using a combination of flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. Trophozoites from strains and species of Acanthamoeba were exposed to plain and carboxylate FITC-microspheres. Microsphere size and aspects such as trophozoite starvation, maturity, and exposure to metabolic inhibitors were assessed. Results: All species and strains of Acanthamoeba readily endocytosed plain and carboxylate microspheres. Starving trophozoites significantly increased binding and potential ingestion of microspheres, whereas trophozoites of increasing maturity lost such abilities. Trophozoites showed a significant preference for 2.0- and 3.0-μm-diameter microspheres when compared with other sizes, which in turn could occupy much of the cytoplasm. The physiological inhibitors sodium azide, 2,4-clinitrophenol, and cytochalasin B reduced microsphere association with trophozoites; however, some microspheres still bound and associated with trophozoites after inhibitor exposure, a manifestation of both active and inactive agent involvement in microsphere endocytosis. Conclusions: Even though the origins of microsphere binding by acanthamoebal trophozoite remains shrouded, the combination of flow cytometry and confocal microscopy supported synergistic quantification and qualification of trophozoite-microsphere endocytosis. © 2006 International Society for Analytical Cytology.
Inaccurate diagnosis of vulvovaginitis generates inadequate treatments that cause damages women's health. Objective: evaluate the effectiveness of methods when diagnosing vulvovaginitis. Method: a cross-sectional study was performed with 200 women who complained about vaginal discharge. Vaginal smear was collected for microbiological tests, considering the gram stain method as gold standard. The efficacy of the available methods for diagnosis of vaginal discharge was assessed (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value). Data were inserted to Graphpad Prism 6, for statistical analysis. Results: the following results were obtained: wet mount for vaginal candidiasis: sensitivity = 31%; specificity = 97%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 54%; negative predictive value (NPV) =93%; accuracy = 91%. Wet mount for bacterial vaginosis: sensitivity = 80%; specificity =95%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 80%; negative predictive value (NPV) = 95%; accuracy = 92%. Syndromic approach for bacterial vaginosis: sensitivity = 95%; specificity=43%; positive predictive value (PPV) =30%; negative predictive value (NPV) = 97%; accuracy = 54%. Syndromic approach for vaginal candidiasis: sensitivity = 75%; specificity =91%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 26%; negative predictive value (NPV) = 98%; accuracy = 90%. Pap smear for vaginal candidiasis: sensitivity = 68%, specificity = 98%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 86%; negative predictive value (NPV) =96%; accuracy = 96%. Pap smear for bacterial vaginosis: sensitivity = 75%; specificity = 100%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 100%; negative predictive value (NPV) =94%; accuracy = 95%. There was only one case of vaginal trichomoniasis reported – diagnosed by oncological cytology and wet mount – confirmed by Gram. The syndromic approach diagnosed it as bacterial vaginosis. From the data generated and with support on world literature, the Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco’s vulvovaginitis protocol was constructed. Conclusion: Pap smear and wet mount showed respectively low and very low sensitivity for vaginal candidiasis. Syndromic approach presented very low specificity and accuracy for bacterial vaginosis, which implies a large number of patients who are diagnosed or treated incorrectly.
En nuestra comunicación, pretendemos abrir un debate sobre conceptos básicos en materia de Patrimonio, su soporte teórico y las prácticas desarrolladas desde 1972 (Convención sobre la Protección del Patrimonio Mundial Natural y Cultural) y desde 2003 (Convención para la Salvaguarda del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial). Si es posible afirmar que en más de una ocasión la percepción e interpretación de muchos bienes declarados no se han ceñido exactamente a lo dispuesto en la declaración de 1972, y sí en la del 2003, nosotros proponemos reflexionar sobre las posibles razones de ello. Alguna puede venir dada por la impropia formulación de los tipos (material/inmaterial) de Patrimonio Cultural y ello basándonos en el segundo Considerando de la Convención de 2003: “Considerando la profunda interdependencia que existe entre el Patrimonio cultural inmaterial y el Patrimonio material cultural y natural”. Por ello queremos presentar un breve análisis de bienes incluidos en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial y alguno de los bienes incluidos en la Lista representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad: El Misterio de Elche (2008), El Espacio Cultural de la Plaza Jemaa el-Fna (2008), Las fiestas indígenas dedicadas a los muertos (2008) y La Dieta mediterránea (2014). Esta comparación de bienes de ambas listas nos permite reflexionar sobre las diferencias y semejanzas de los considerados dos tipos de bienes patrimoniales -Patrimonio material versus Patrimonio inmaterial- y analizar las diferentes maneras de relacionarse con cada uno de ellos tanto las administraciones estatales y locales como los ciudadanos particular y comunitariamente. Presentamos unas conclusiones provisionales que giran en torno a la mayor o menor implicación, en el conocimiento y en la pervivencia del bien, de los ciudadanos y de las diferentes comunidades. Se trata de acceder al conocimiento y valoración de los bienes culturales a través del conocimiento y empeño de la investigación, o a través de la experiencia y la vivencia de las personas y sociedades. En unos casos los ciudadanos son sujetos, u objetos pasivos, mientras que en otros son sujetos activos y directamente interesados en la vigencia, preservación y difusión del bien. Así se explicaría mejor la actitud natural e inevitable en la conservación y gestión de unos bienes por parte de los ciudadanos o la “libertad” de actuación más descontrolada de los gestores públicos.
Immunocytochemistry (ICC) is a long-established means for clinical laboratories to investigate material for which it is difficult to obtain tissue samples. Unlike immunohistochemistry (IHC), the cells do not retain surrounding tissue environment/architecture. This can be of benefit in that fixation is often immediate and rapid, protecting the cells. Although fixation is frequently observed as the main preanalytic variable of test quality, all cytology preanalytic factors should be identified and controlled. In addition, the validation of ICC should take the same rigorous approach that other molecular pathology techniques follow. A three-step validation protocol is offered here. The end result is a comprehensive, morphomolecular approach to ICC, with an emphasis on therapeutic ICC.
Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is the more accurate diagnostic method for cervical lymph node (CLN) metastasis from differentiated thyroid cancers (DTC). However, FNAC diagnosis of cystic CLN is, in most cases, uninformative due to inadequate cellularity. Recently, thyroglobulin (Tg) detection in FNAC needle washout fluid has been shown to improve the diagnostic accuracy of FNAC, and its routine association with cytology is recommended. We here describe the case of a 20 yr old girl complaining of the recent appearance of palpable non-painful laterocervical nodes in the neck. Ultrasound examination revealed the presence of 3 cystic CLNs and 2 mixed thyroid nodules, with the larger one showing irregular margins. On the latter, and on 2 larger CLNs, FNAC was performed, and both Tg protein and mRNA were determined in the needle washout. The cytological analysis was not diagnostic for the two CLNs, while that of the thyroid nodule reported the presence of colloid and groups of thyrocytes with normal morphology. Both CLNs showed, however, high levels of Tg protein and were positive for Tg mRNA, suggestive of metastatic DTC. Based on these findings, the FNAC analysis was performed on the second smaller thyroid nodule suggesting (Tir4) the presence of PTC. The patient was then subjected to total thyroidectomy with lymph nodes resection of the central and homolateral compartments. The histological diagnosis confirmed the presence of a PTC in the small nodule and metastatic lymph nodes. In conclusion, this case confirms that the cytological diagnosis of cystic lymph nodes is challenging, and that the measurement of Tg protein and/or mRNA in the needle washout may overcome this limitation.
Introduction. Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine malignancy and accounts for almost 1% of human cancer. It is well known that the majority of cases occur in women in the middle decades of life. Thyroid cancer is a relatively rare disease; on the other hand clinically apparent thyroid nodules are present in 4-7% of the adult population. Most thyroid nodules are not malignant, with reported malignancy rates from 3-12%. It is important for the surgeon to know beforehand the diagnosis of malignancy, in order to perform a more radical operation on the thyroid gland. Patients and Methods. In our study we have analyzed the preoperative clinical data of 84 patients operated in the First Clinic of General Surgery, UHC “Mother Theresa” in Tirana; all with a positive histopathologic diagnosis of thyroid cancer. The data comprised age, sex, age distribution, blood group, time-lapse from the first endocrinologic visit, clinical examination, signs and symptoms, imaging, functional tests, preoperative FNA, admission diagnosis, associated diseases and preoperative treatment. Results. From the study emerged that only 9,3% of these patients were diagnosed preoperatively as thyroid cancer. Another related problem is the low percentage of preoperative FNA – only 22%. Among the signs and symptoms related to thyroid cancer we found that 40 and 33% of these patient presented dyspnea and dysphagia, respectively. The physical examination revealed apparent nodular growth of the thyroid gland in 81% and nodular hard consistency in 79% of cases. The proper endocrinologist consultation lacked in 23% of cases. Conclusion. In our opinion, close collaboration between endocrinologists and surgeons in a multidisciplinary frame is the key to correct preoperative thyroid cancer diagnosis and optimal treatment.
Increased incidence of incidental cancer in patients operated for benign thyroid disease has been reported. We report our experience about incidental thyroid cancer (ITC) in order to better characterize this nosologic entity. Between 2001 and 2009 a total of 568 patients underwent surgery for benign thyroid disease. Patients with preoperative cytology undetermined or positive for malignancy were excluded. The most frequent indication for surgery was multinodular or diffuse nontoxic goiter. We performed total thyroidectomy in 499 cases and emithyroidectomy in 69 cases. Final histology revealed ITC in 53 patients (9.3%): 44 had papillary carcinoma (20 classic variant and 24 follicular variant), 4 follicular carcinoma, 4 medullary carcinoma and 1 primitive thyroid paraganglioma. The preoperative diagnosis was multinodular or diffuse goiter in 45 cases of ITC and uninodular goiter in 8 cases. We performed total thyroidectomy in 46 case, emithyroidectomy in 4 patients with past history of lobectomy, emithyroidectomy in 3 patients with following radicalization and central neck dissection. In 14 patients the tumor was multifocal and in 12 of these patients the tumor foci were bilateral. The lesion was a microcarcinoma in 34 cases. Mean diameter of the ITC was 1.14 cm. We retrospectively reconsidered the results of preoperative ultrasound examinations in relation to the exact position of the tumor in the specimens and we found a statistically significant association between echogenicity and papillary histotype. Twenty-six patients were followed up at our Hospital. The mean follow-up period was 38.2 months. A relapse was observed in 3/26 patients. Incidental thyroid cancer in patients operated for benign disease has its own surgical and oncological relevance. A correct preoperative assessment, with a careful selection of nodules for fine-needle aspiration cytology on the basis of ultrasound pattern, could better address the choice of surgical procedure. The non irrelevant incidence of incidental thyroid cancer, the eventuality of multifocality and bilaterality and the possible occurrence of relapse, support that total thyroidectomy without residuum is a valuable option for treating benign thyroid conditions such as multinodular goitre. When an incidental cancer is diagnosed after emithyroidectomy, a radicalization with central neck dissection could be considered. We suggest that natural history of papillary microtumors and the correct surgical approach for these lesions could be better defined with a more extensive use of “Porto proposal” criteria. Incidental thyroid cancer, Papillary microcarcinoma, Papillary microtumors, Total thyroidectomy.
Functional nucleic acids (FNA), including nucleic acids catalysts (ribozymes and DNAzymes) and ligands (aptamers), have been discovered in nature or isolated in a laboratory through a process called in vitro selection. They are nucleic acids with functions similar to protein enzymes or antibodies. They have been developed into sensors with high sensitivity and selectivity; it is realized by converting the reaction catalyzed by a DNAzyme/ribozyme or the binding event of an aptamer to a fluorescent, colorimetric or electrochemical signal. While a number of studies have been reported for in vitro sensing using DNAzymes or aptamers, there are few reports on in vivo sensing or imaging. MRI is a non-invasive imaging technique; smart MRI contrast agents were synthesized for molecular imaging purposes. However, their rational design remains a challenge due to the difficulty to predict molecular interactions. Chapter 2 focuses on rational design of smart T1-weighted MRI contrast agents with high specificity based on DNAzymes and aptamers. It was realized by changing the molecular weight of the gadolinium conjugated DNA strand with the analytes, which lead to analyte-specific water proton relaxation responses and contrast changes on an MRI image. The designs are general; the high selectivity of FNA was retained. Most FNA-based fluorescent sensors require covalent labeling of fluorophore/quencher to FNAs, which incurrs extra expenses and could interfere the function of FNAs. Chapter 3 describes a new sensor design avoiding the covalent labeling of fluorophore and quencher. The fluorescence of malachite green (MG) was regulated by the presence of adenosine. Conjugate of aptamers of MG and adenosine and a bridge strand were annealed in a solution containing MG. The MG aptamer did not bind MG because of its hybridization to the bridge strand, resulting in low fluorescence signal of MG. The hybridization was weakened in the presence of adenosine, leading to the binding of MG to its aptamer and a fluorescence increase. The sensor has comparable detection limit (20 micromolar) and specificity to its labeled derivatives. Enzymatic activity of most DNAzymes requires metal cations. The research on the metal-DNAzyme interaction is of interest and challenge to scientists because of the lack of structural information. Chapters 4 presents the research on the characterization of the interaction between a Cu2+-dependent DNAzyme and Cu2+. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and UV-Vis spectroscopy were used to probe the binding of Cu2+ to the DNAzyme; circular dichroism was used to probe the conformational change of the DNAzyme induced by Cu2+. It was proposed that the conformational change by the Cu2+ binding is important for the activity of the DNAzyme. Chapter 5 reports the dependence of the activity of 8-17 DNAzyme on the presence of both Pb2+ and other metal cations including Zn2+, Cd2+ and Mg2+. It was discovered that presence of those metal cations can be cooperative or inhibitive to 8-17 activity. It is hypothesized that the 8-17 DNAzyme had multiple binding sites for metal cations based on the results. Cisplatin is effective killing tumor cells, but with significant side effects, which can be minimized by its targeted delivery. Chapter 6 focuses on the effort to functionalize liposomes encapsulating cisplatin by an aptamer that selectively bind nucleolin, an overexpressed protein by breast cancer cells. The study proved the selective cytotoxicity to breast cancer cells of the aptamer-functionalized liposome.
Purpose: To compare signs and symptoms of dry eye in keratoconus (KC) patients versus healthy subjects. Methods: A total of 15 KC patients (KC group, n = 15 eyes) and 16 healthy subjects (control group, 16 eyes) were enrolled in this study. The Schirmer I test with no anesthetic, tear break-up time (TBUT), corneal staining characteristics, and ocular surface disease index (OSDI) scores were evaluated for both groups. Impression cytology, combined with/scanning laser confocal microscopy (LCM), was performed to evaluate goblet cell density, mucin cloud height (MCH), and goblet cell layer thickness (CLT). Finally, tear concentrations of di-adenosine tetraphosphate (Ap4A) were assessed. Results were statistically analyzed using Shapiro–Wilk and non-parametric Wilcoxon rank sum tests. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Results: KC patients had lower tear volumes and greater corneal staining than did healthy subjects (p < 0.05). OSDI scores were 44.96 ± 8.65 and 17.78 ± 6.50 for the KC and control groups, respectively (p < 0.05). We found no statistically significant differences in TBUT between groups. Impression cytology revealed lower goblet cell densities in KC group patients versus control group subjects (84.88 ± 32.98 and 128.88 ± 50.60 cells/mm,2 respectively, p < 0.05). There was a statistically significant reduction in MCH and CLT in KC group patients compared with control group subjects. Ap4A tear concentrations were higher in KC group patients than in control group subjects (2.56 ± 1.10 and 0.15 ± 0.12 µM, respectively, p < 0.05). Conclusions: The parameters evaluated in this study indicate that KC patients suffer greater symptoms of dry eye and greater tear instability, primarily due to the decreased mucin production in their tears, than do healthy patients with no KC.
Objective: To evaluate the differences between goblet cell density (GCD) and symptomatology after one month of orthokeratology lens wear. Methods: A pilot, short-term study was conducted. Twenty-two subjects (29.7. ±. 7.0 years old) participated voluntarily in the study. Subjects were divided into two groups: habitual silicone hydrogel contact lens wearers (SiHCLW) and new contact lens wearers (NCLW). Schirmer test, tear break up time (TBUT), Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaire and conjunctival impression cytology. GCD, mucin cloud height (MCH) and cell layer thickness (CLT) were measured. All measurements were performed before orthokeratology fitting and one month after fitting to assess the evolution of the changes throughout this time. Results: No differences in tear volume and TBUT between groups were found (p>0.05). However, the OSDI score was statistically better after one month of orthokeratology lens wear than the baseline for the SiHCLW group (p=0.03). Regarding the goblet cell analysis, no differences were found in CLT and MCH from the baseline visit to the one month visit for the SiHCLW compared with NCLW groups (p>0.05). At baseline, the GCD in the SiHCLW group were statistically lower than NCLW group (p<0.001). There was a significant increase in GCD after orthokeratology fitting from 121±140cell/mm2 to 254±130cell/mm2 (p<0.001) in the SiHCLW group. Conclusion: Orthokeratology improves the dry eye subject symptoms and GCD after one month of wearing in SiHCLW. These results suggest that orthokeratology could be considered a good alternative for silicone hydrogel contact lens discomfort and dryness. © 2016 British Contact Lens Association.
The influence of different infectious agents and their association with human papillomavirus (HPV) in cervical carcinogenesis have not been completely elucidated. This study describes the association between cytological changes in cervical epithelium and the detection of the most relevant aetiological agents of sexually transmitted diseases. Samples collected from 169 patients were evaluated by conventional cytology followed by molecular analysis to detect HPV DNA, Chlamydia trachomatis , herpes simplex virus 1 and 2, Neisseria gonorrhoeae , Mycoplasma genitalium , Trichomonas vaginalis, and Treponema pallidum , besides genotyping for most common high-risk HPV. An association between cytological lesions and different behavioural habits such as smoking and sedentariness was observed. Intraepithelial lesions were also associated with HPV and C. trachomatis detection. An association was also found between both simple and multiple genotype infection and cytological changes. The investigation of HPV and C. trachomatis proved its importance and may be considered in the future for including in screening programs, since these factors are linked to the early diagnosis of patients with precursor lesions of cervical cancer.
Aim: To evaluate the association between oral health status, socio-demographic and behavioral factors with the pattern of maturity of normal epithelial oral mucosa. Methods: Exfoliative cytology specimens were collected from 117 men from the border of the tongue and floor of the mouth on opposite sides. Cells were stained with the Papanicolaou method and classified into: anucleated, superficial cells with nuclei, intermediate and parabasal cells. Quantification was made by selecting the first 100 cells in each glass slide. Sociodemographic and behavioral variables were collected from a structured questionnaire. Oral health was analyzed by clinical examination, recording decayed, missing and filled teeth index (DMFT) and use of prostheses. Multivariable linear regression models were applied. Results: No significant differences for all studied variables influenced the pattern of maturation of the oral mucosa except for alcohol consumption. There was an increase of cell surface layers of the epithelium with the chronic use of alcohol. Conclusions: It is appropriate to use Papanicolaou cytopathological technique to analyze the maturation pattern of exposed subjects, with a strong recommendation for those who use alcohol - a risk factor for oral cancer, in which a change in the proportion of cell types is easily detected.
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