1000 resultados para Exposition universelle de 1878


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Version adaptée de la série française, préparée par Luisa Rogado, pour servir à deux projets (Musée de la forge, Casa museu de la misericorde), dans la Municipalité d’Alcoutin, en Algarve. Le projet avait, entre autres , pour but d’éviter les erreurs qui firent du Musée du Guadiana, à Guerreiro dos Rios, un semi échec, les contrôles du design et du programme d’animation ayant échappé à la muséologue, coordonnatrice du projet, qui servira néanmoins de leçon au projet pilote de Carrapateira (Musée de la Terre et de la Mer) tous deux devant être jumelés comme les premiers prototypes de musées locaux de la nouvelle génération. Le musée de Carapateira introduira dans sa toute dernière phase le récit donnant sa cohésion à l’ensemble de la segmentation thématique. Cet épisode est rapporté dans l´étude de cas de carapateira sur le rapport exposition-institution (tutelle) dans le texte d’une communication intitutée «L’exposition, la face déchaînée du musée» Pierre Mayrand, ACFAS, 2008.


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This paper analyses acarological evidence from a 130-year-old forensic investigation. It was the first case in forensic acarology, i.e., the first case where mites provided substantial information to estimate the post-mortem interval (PMI). In 1878, the mites found in the mummified body of a newborn baby girl in Paris, France, were studied by acarologist and forensic entomologist Jean Pierre M,gnin. M,gnin estimated around 2.4 million mites in the skull and identified them as Tyroglyphus longior (Gervais), a junior synonym of Tyrophagus longior. He suggested that the arrival of these mites at the corpse would have occurred by phoresy on carrier insects, roughly 5 months before the autopsy. There is no doubt about the identification of the mites, M,gnin was a highly respected acarologist. However, two main factors affecting the biology of Tyrophagus mites were not included in the original analysis. First, M,gnin stated that the mites were phoretic. However, he probably did not have access to information about the natural history of the species, because as a rule Tyrophagus mites are non-phoretic. Considering the omnipresence of Tyrophagus mites in soil, most likely the mites will have arrived almost immediately after death. Second, temperature was not taken into account during the estimations of the mite population growth rate. The new analysis is based on current knowledge of Tyrophagus biology and includes temperature, estimated following a handful of weather reports of the years 1877 and 1878. The new projections indicate that non-phoretic mites may have colonised the body just after death and the colony would have built up over 8 months, contrary to the 5 months proposed by M,gnin. This new lapse of time agrees with the PMI proposed by Brouardel: on 15 January 1878 he postulated the death of the newborn to have occurred some 8 months before the autopsy.


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This study investigated what values may be influential to decision making in relation to ethical behaviour for early career lawyers. It adopted a longitudinal approach to investigate how values develop or degrade over time as final year law students move into their first two years of employment or further study. To this end, the study investigated the role that tertiary education and employers fulfill in building and perpetuating ‘appropriate’ professional values? Results demonstrate that, in general, ethical behaviour was not uniformly reinforced over time in the workplace. The undertaking of pro bono work stands out here. Results suggested that certain behaviour relevant values may develop or degrade over the early years of the Australian lawyer's career. The implications of results are discussed in the contexts of ethics education in a tertiary context and the continuing education and regulation of the legal profession.


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The utilization of a fuzzy aspect within data analysis attempts to move from a quantitative to a more qualitative investigative environment. As such, this may allow the more non-quantitative researchers results they can use, based on sets of linguistic terms. In this paper an inductive fuzzy decision tree approach is utilized to construct a fuzzy-rule-based system for the first time in a biological setting. The specific biological problem considered attempts to identify the antecedents (conditions in the fuzzy decision rules) which characterize the length of song flight of the male sedge warbler when attempting to attract a mate. Hence, for a non-quantitative investigator the resultant set of fuzzy rules allows an insight into the linguistic interpretation on the relationship between associated characteristics and the respective song flight duration.


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Aquaculture of the striped catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage 1878), in Vietnam has become one of the fastest growing primary food production sectors in the world. Although a demand on quantity of fingerlings is currently reached, it is likely that the long term quality of the stocks may be uncertain due to lacking of genetic broodstock management measures. The present study employed five microsatellite loci to investigate levels of genetic variation of the stripped catfish of the current wild stocks as well as of the selected hatcheries in Vietnam. The study included four hatchery populations and two wild populations spawned in 2005 in the Mekong and Bassac Rivers, and one wild population (spawned in 2006) in the Bassac River. The results showed no genetic differentiation among populations as revealed by FST and a model-based clustering method. AMOVA also showed no genetic differentiation between pooled wild and pooled hatchery populations while variation within groups was significant. Genetic variation of wild (mean number of alleles per locus, A = 4.80–6.20; allelic richness, Ar = 4.54–5.06; mean effective number of alleles per locus, Ae = 2.86–3.20; observed heterozygosity, Ho = 0.62–0.65; expected heterozygosity, He = 0.62–0.64) and hatchery populations (A = 4.60–5.20; Ar = 4.10–4.83; Ae = 2.80–3.11; Ho = 0.61–0.66; He = 0.61–0.64) were not statistically different. There were no evidences for recent genetic bottleneck in all populations. Therefore it is implied that the hatchery stocks of striped catfish in Vietnam were founded from sufficient numbers of brooders and current population size is large. The domestication process is in an early stage.


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The present paper reviews the use and exchange of genetic resources of the migratory freshwater fish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage 1878) (the striped or sutchi catfish). This species is naturally distributed in the Mekong River and Chao Phraya River basins, and is cultured in several countries, but current production occurs predominantly in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Catfish aquaculture in Vietnam has evolved from extensive systems using wild-caught seed to an intensified farming system that is entirely dependent on hatchery-produced seed. Genetic improvement programmes on catfish have started in Vietnam, but are still in their infancy. Genetic studies have revealed several subpopulations of the species. Apart from selective breeding and the production of hybrids with closely related species, no other technologies have been applied to improve the performance of catfish. The use and exchange of P. hypophthalmus genetic resources have brought benefits to rural communities. Aquaculture development of catfish has evolved from being seen as an exploitation of natural resources to an activity that can reduce pressure on wild fish populations. Management of aquaculture stocks need to be rationalised to minimise the potential impacts it might cause to wild populations.


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A presente investigação desenvolve um estudo sobre o percurso histórico das elites municipais do concelho da Ponta do Sol, entre 1878 e 1886, inserindo-as no contexto global das regras definidas pelo suporte legislativo do Código Administrativo de 1878, bem como no espaço socioeconómico, onde detiveram um papel preponderante e decisivo nos destinos do mesmo. Esta dissertação analisa a realidade local na construção de uma identidade municipal, aplicando métodos e técnicas de investigação histórica. A partir de fontes manuscritas, como os recenseamentos eleitorais, este trabalho faz a inventariação do corpus eleitoral do concelho supramencionado, isto é, a caracterização socioeconómica dos cidadãos habilitados a votar (eleitores) e dos elegíveis, culminando nos eleitos para os cargos municipais. De igual modo, procurou conhecer as áreas de intervenção da Câmara Municipal da Ponta do Sol e respetivos espaços de atuação da elite dirigente camarária.