970 resultados para Experimental factors
Chicken eggs were inoculated with suspensions of ambient air particles (<= 10 mu m, PM(10)) from Sao Paulo city in 3, 0.3 or 0.03 mu g doses on one of the four early days of embryo development. On the eleventh day of development alterations were observed on embryos inoculated with PM(10) 3 mu g on the third day. Particles analysis showed high content of metals. Hence, embryos were also inoculated with PM(10) (3 mu g) combined with metal chelating EDTA. PM(10) (3 mu g) embryos presented underdevelopment (stage 29.44 +/- 11.4) compared to vehicle and positive controls (stage 36.44 +/- 0.51 Saline and stage 31.20 +/- 9.7 Cyclophosphamide, p <= 0.05); higher (47%) mortality rate (23% Saline and 42% Cyclophosphamide) and low (68%) viability (100% Saline and 70% Cyclophosphamide, p = 0.04). Effects were attenuated when embryos received PM(10) + EDTA (stage 33.63 +/- 0.94, 18.9% mortality rate and 82% viability). PM(10) from Sao Paulo city is embryotoxic and metal may be implicated in the toxic mechanism. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We developed a new method for the quantification of parasites in tissue. Trypanosoma cruzi strain CL parasites were genetically engineered to express the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase gene, lacZ and this enzyme is able to catalyze a colorimetric reaction with chlorophenol red beta-d galactopyranoside (CPRG) as the substrate. The animals were infected with clone CL Brener strain B5 of T. cruzi and treated with benznidazole in order to verify the reduction in the number of parasites in tissue study by quantifying the enzyme beta-galactosidase. The assay demonstrates a reduction in the number of parasites in the groups treated. Thus, this test can be used to test other substances with the aim of verifying the effectiveness in the chronic phase of experimental Chagas` disease.
P>The aim of this study was to evaluate a possible synergism between melatonin and meloxicam in up-regulating the immune response in male Wistar rats infected with Trypanosoma cruzi during immunosuppression phenomenon, which characterizes the acute phase of the Chagas` disease. Male Wistar rats were infected with the Y strain of T. cruzi. Experiments were performed on 7, 14 and 21 days post-infection. Several immunological parameters were evaluated including gamma-interferon (IFN-gamma), interleukin-2 (IL-2), nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)). The combined treatment with melatonin and meloxicam significantly enhanced the release of IL-2 and INF-gamma into animals` serum, when compared with the infected control groups during the course of infection. Furthermore, the blockade of PGE(2) synthesis and the increased release of NO by macrophage cells from T. cruzi-infected animals contributed to regulate the production of Th1 subset cytokines significantly reducing the parasitaemia in animals treated with the combination of both substances. Therefore, our results suggest that the association of melatonin and meloxicam was more effective in protecting animals against the harmful actions of T. cruzi infection as compared with the treatments of meloxicam or melatonin alone.
Previous studies showed that melatonin or dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) enhances the immune response against parasitic pathogens. The present study investigated the in vitro activity of melatonin combined with DHEA in a period of 24 hr during the course of in vivo T. cruzi infection. The in vitro activity of melatonin or DHEA alone, as well as together, were tested for the trypomastigote forms (doses ranging from 0.5 to 128 mu m). In vitro, neither melatonin nor DHEA alone had any activity against trypomastigote forms, although when the highest concentration of combined melatonin and DHEA was used, it was active against the trypomastigote forms of the parasite. However, for this concentration, a quite toxicity on peritoneal macrophages was observed. For in vivo evaluation, male Wistar rats were infected with the Y strain of T. cruzi. They were orally treated with 10 mg/kg body weight/day of melatonin and subcutaneously with 40 mg/kg body weight/day of DHEA. Treatment with melatonin, DHEA and the association showed a significant reduction in the number of blood trypomastigotes during the acute phase of infection as compared to untreated animals (P < 0.05). A significant increase in the number of macrophages and nitric oxide (NO) concentrations were observed during the peak of parasitaemia with melatonin alone or combined with DHEA. However, with DHEA alone the highest concentration of NO was observed (P < 0.05). Moreover, DHEA treatment increased TNF-alpha levels during the infection (P < 0.05). These results show that melatonin, DHEA or the combination of both reduces parasitemia during the acute phase of infection. The combined action of both molecules did not exert a synergic action on the host`s ability to fight infection, and it seems that among all treatments DHEA induces a more efficient immune response.
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) has long been considered as a precursor for many steroid hormones. It also enhances the immune responses against a wide range of viral, bacterial, and parasitic pathogens. The aims of this work were to evaluate the influences of exogenous DHEA treatment on Wistar rats infected with the Y strain of Trypanosoma cruzi during the acute and its influence on the chronic phase of infection. Animals were subcutaneous treated with 40 mg/kg body weight/day of DHEA. DHEA treatment promoted increased lymphoproliferative responses as well as enhanced concentrations of NO and IL-12. So, we point in the direction that our results validate the utility of the use of DHEA as an alternative therapy candidate against T cruzi. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Prostaglandins (PGs) and leukotrienes (LTs) are produced in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb)-infected lungs and have immune suppressive and protective effects, respectively. Considering that both of these mediators are produced during mycobacterial infection, we investigated the specific and relative biological importance of each in regulating host response in experimental tuberculosis. Administration of celecoxib, which was found to reduce lung levels of PGE(2) and increase LTB(4), enhanced the 60-day survival of Mtb-infected mice in 14%. However administration of MK-886, which reduced levels of LTB(4) but did not enhance PGE(2), reduced 60-day survival from 86% to 43% in Mtb-infected mice, and increased lung bacterial burden. MK-886 plus celecoxib reduced survival to a lesser extent than MK-886 alone. MK-886- and MK-886 plus celecoxib-treated animals exhibited reduced levels of the protective interleukin-12 and gamma-interferon. Our findings indicate that in this model, the protective effect of LTs dominates over the suppressive effect of PGs. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aim: Hyperglycemia in diabetes mellitus (DM) may be one of the most important factors responsible for the development of oxidative stress, which promotes the main complications in DM patients. Therefore, this study evaluated if the hyperglycemia could be related to oxidative stress biomarkers, lipid profile, and renal function in type 2 diabetes patients without clinic complications. Methods: Plasmatic malondialdehyde (MDA), serum protein carbonyl (PCO), serum creatinine levels, microalbuminuria, glycated hemoglobin, and lipid profile were analyzed in 37 type 2 diabetic patients and 25 subjects with no diabetes. Results: Serum creatinine levels were within the reference values, but microalbuminuria presented increased levels in all the patients compared with controls (P G 0.05) and above of the reference values. The MDA, PCO, low- density lipoprotein, and triglyceride levels showed positive correlation with microalbuminuria levels. Moreover, glycated hemoglobin presented positive correlation with MDA, PCO, and microalbuminuria levels. Conclusions: The hyperglycemia could be responsible for the increase of the microalbuminuria levels and for the oxidation process in lipids and proteins in DM patients. Therefore, we suggested that the microvascular lesion is a direct consequence from hyperglycemia and an indirect one from the increased oxidative stress. Malondialdehyde and protein carbonyl levels could be suggested as additional biochemical evaluation to verify tissue damage in type 2 DM patients.
Experimental mechanical sieving methods are applied to samples of shellfish remains from three sites in southeast Queensland, Seven Mile Creek Mound, Sandstone Point and One-Tree, to test the efficacy of various recovery and quantification procedures commonly applied to shellfish assemblages in Australia. There has been considerable debate regarding the most appropriate sieve sizes and quantification methods that should be applied in the recovery of vertebrate faunal remains. Few studies, however, have addressed the impact of recovery and quantification methods on the interpretation of invertebrates, specifically shellfish remains. In this study, five shellfish taxa representing four bivalves (Anadara trapezia, Trichomya hirsutus, Saccostrea glomerata, Donax deltoides) and one gastropod (Pyrazus ebeninus) common in eastern Australian midden assemblages are sieved through 10mm, 6.3mm and 3.15mm mesh. Results are quantified using MNI, NISP and weight. Analyses indicate that different structural properties and pre- and postdepositional factors affect recovery rates. Fragile taxa (T. hirsutus) or those with foliated structure (S. glomerata) tend to be overrepresented by NISP measures in smaller sieve fractions, while more robust taxa (A. trapezia and P. ebeninus) tend to be overrepresented by weight measures. Results demonstrate that for all quantification methods tested a 3mm sieve should be used on all sites to allow for regional comparability and to effectively collect all available information about the shellfish remains.
Dimensionless spray flux Ψa is a dimensionless group that characterises the three most important variables in liquid dispersion: flowrate, drop size and powder flux through the spray zone. In this paper, the Poisson distribution was used to generate analytical solutions for the proportion of nuclei formed from single drops (fsingle) and the fraction of the powder surface covered by drops (fcovered) as a function of Ψa. Monte-Carlo simulations were performed to simulate the spray zone and investigate how Ψa, fsingle and fcovered are related. The Monte-Carlo data was an excellent match with analytical solutions of fcovered and fsingle as a function of Ψa. At low Ψa, the proportion of the surface covered by drops (fcovered) was equal to Ψa. As Ψa increases, drop overlap becomes more dominant and the powder surface coverage levels off. The proportion of nuclei formed from single drops (fsingle) falls exponentially with increasing Ψa. In the ranges covered, these results were independent of drop size, number of drops, drop size distribution (mono-sized, bimodal and trimodal distributions), and the uniformity of the spray. Experimental data of nuclei size distributions as a function of spray flux were fitted to the analytical solution for fsingle by defining a cutsize for single drop nuclei. The fitted cutsizes followed the spray drop sizes suggesting that the method is robust and that the cutsize does indicate the transition size between single drop and agglomerate nuclei. This demonstrates that the nuclei distribution is determined by the dimensionless spray flux and the fraction of drop controlled nuclei can be calculated analytically in advance.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive, degenerative, neurological disease. The progressive disability associated with PD results in substantial burdens for those with the condition, their families and society in terms of increased health resource use, earnings loss of affected individuals and family caregivers, poorer quality of life, caregiver burden, disrupted family relationships, decreased social and leisure activities, and deteriorating emotional well-being. Currently, no cure is available and the efficacy of available treatments, such as medication and surgical interventions, decreases with longer duration of the disease. Whilst the cause of PD is unknown, genetic and environmental factors are believed to contribute to its aetiology. Descriptive and analytical epidemiological studies have been conducted in a number of countries in an effort to elucidate the cause, or causes, of PD. Rural residency, farming, well water consumption, pesticide exposure, metals and solvents have been implicated as potential risk factors for PD in some previous epidemiological studies. However, there is substantial disagreement between the results of existing studies. Therefore, the role of environmental exposures in the aetiology of PD remains unclear. The main component of this thesis consists of a case-control study that assessed the contribution of environmental exposures to the risk of developing PD. An existing, previously unanalysed, dataset from a local case-control study was analysed to inform the design of the new case-control study. The analysis results suggested that regular exposure to pesticides and head injury were important risk factors for PD. However, due to the substantial limitations of this existing study, further confirmation of these results was desirable with a more robustly designed epidemiological study. A new exposure measurement instrument (a structured interviewer-delivered questionnaire) was developed for the new case-control study to obtain data on demographic, lifestyle, environmental and medical factors. Prior to its use in the case-control study, the questionnaire was assessed for test-retest repeatability in a series of 32 PD cases and 29 healthy sex-, age- and residential suburb-matched electoral roll controls. High repeatability was demonstrated for lifestyle exposures, such as smoking and coffee/tea consumption (kappas 0.70-1.00). The majority of environmental exposures, including use of pesticides, solvents and exposure to metal dusts and fumes, also showed high repeatability (kappas >0.78). A consecutive series of 163 PD case participants was recruited from a neurology clinic in Brisbane. One hundred and fifty-one (151) control participants were randomly selected from the Australian Commonwealth Electoral Roll and individually matched to the PD cases on age (± 2 years), sex and current residential suburb. Participants ranged in age from 40-89 years (mean age 67 years). Exposure data were collected in face-to-face interviews. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated using conditional logistic regression for matched sets in SAS version 9.1. Consistent with previous studies, ever having been a regular smoker or coffee drinker was inversely associated with PD with dose-response relationships evident for packyears smoked and number of cups of coffee drunk per day. Passive smoking from ever having lived with a smoker or worked in a smoky workplace was also inversely related to PD. Ever having been a regular tea drinker was associated with decreased odds of PD. Hobby gardening was inversely associated with PD. However, use of fungicides in the home garden or occupationally was associated with increased odds of PD. Exposure to welding fumes, cleaning solvents, or thinners occupationally was associated with increased odds of PD. Ever having resided in a rural or remote area was inversely associated with PD. Ever having resided on a farm was only associated with moderately increased odds of PD. Whilst the current study’s results suggest that environmental exposures on their own are only modest contributors to overall PD risk, the possibility that interaction with genetic factors may additively or synergistically increase risk should be considered. The results of this research support the theory that PD has a multifactorial aetiology and that environmental exposures are some of a number of factors to contribute to PD risk. There was also evidence of interaction between some factors (eg smoking and welding) to moderate PD risk.
We present experimental results for the dynamics of cold atoms in a far detuned amplitude-modulated optical standing wave. Phase-space resonances constitute distinct peaks in the atomic momentum distribution containing up to 65% of all atoms resulting from a mixed quantum chaotic phase space. We characterize the atomic behavior in classical and quantum regimes and we present the applicable quantum and classical theory, which we have developed and refined. We show experimental proof that the size and the position of the resonances in phase space can be controlled by varying several parameters, such as the modulation frequency, the scaled well depth, the modulation amplitude, and the scaled Planck’s constant of the system. We have found a surprising stability against amplitude noise. We present methods to accurately control the momentum of an ensemble of atoms using these phase-space resonances which could be used for efficient phase-space state preparation.
Comparisons are made between experimental measurements and numerical simulations of ionizing flows generated in a superorbital facility. Nitrogen, with a freestream velocity of around 10 km/s, was passed over a cylindrical model, and images were recorded using two-wavelength holographic interferometry. The resulting density, electron concentration, and temperature maps were compared with numerical simulations from the Langley Research Center aerothermodynamic upwind relaxation algorithm. The results showed generally good agreement in shock location and density distributions. Some discrepancies were observed for the electron concentration, possibly, because simulations were of a two-dimensional flow, whereas the experiments were likely to have small three-dimensional effects.
Using spontaneous parametric down-conversion, we produce polarization-entangled states of two photons and characterize them using two-photon tomography to measure the density matrix. A controllable decoherence is imposed on the states by passing the photons through thick, adjustable birefringent elements. When the system is subject to collective decoherence, one particular entangled state is seen to be decoherence-free, as predicted by theory. Such decoherence-free systems may have an important role for the future of quantum computation and information processing.
In this review we demonstrate how the algebraic Bethe ansatz is used for the calculation of the-energy spectra and form factors (operator matrix elements in the basis of Hamiltonian eigenstates) in exactly solvable quantum systems. As examples we apply the theory to several models of current interest in the study of Bose-Einstein condensates, which have been successfully created using ultracold dilute atomic gases. The first model we introduce describes Josephson tunnelling between two coupled Bose-Einstein condensates. It can be used not only for the study of tunnelling between condensates of atomic gases, but for solid state Josephson junctions and coupled Cooper pair boxes. The theory is also applicable to models of atomic-molecular Bose-Einstein condensates, with two examples given and analysed. Additionally, these same two models are relevant to studies in quantum optics; Finally, we discuss the model of Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer in this framework, which is appropriate for systems of ultracold fermionic atomic gases, as well as being applicable for the description of superconducting correlations in metallic grains with nanoscale dimensions.; In applying all the above models to. physical situations, the need for an exact analysis of small-scale systems is established due to large quantum fluctuations which render mean-field approaches inaccurate.