890 resultados para Evaluation of the results of therapeutic interventions
Background: Doppler ultrasound (DUS) examination provides quantitative and qualitative information concerning the blood flow in veins and arteries, enabling their morphological evaluation and the collection of hemodynamic data. Dogs and cats as well as humans may display neurological signs of brain hypoperfusion secondary to common carotid alterations. Hence, DUS examination might aid in the differential diagnosis of neurological disorders of ischemic origin, among other causes. The objective of this study was to register normal values for systolic peak velocity, minimum diastolic velocity, diameter and resistance index of both common carotid arteries of 12 healthy Labrador retriever dogs between 2 and 5 years of age. By gathering these values, we might be able to improve the sensitivity of hemodynamic studies in clinically important brain disorders. Results: There were no statistical differences between the values for the right and left vessels: the systolic peak velocity was 75.8 ± 16 cm/s, minimum diastolic velocity was 12.2 ± 4 cm/s, common carotid diameter was 0.545 ± 0.063 cm, and resistance index was 0.83 ± 0.07. Conclusions: The results of this study might be used to establish normal parameters for Labrador retriever dogs and thus help in the diagnosis of neurological disorders associated with alterations of the carotid arteries. Similar studies must be performed to evaluate the same parameters in other dog breeds of different sizes and skull conformations. © 2013 Svicero et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Infected dogs are urban reservoirs of Leishmania chagasi, which is a causative agent of visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Dogs exhibit immune suppression during the course of this disease, and lymphocyte apoptosis is involved in this process. To investigate apoptosis and the expression levels of FAS-FAS-associated death domain protein (CD95 or APO-1), FASL-FAS ligand protein (CD178), and TRAIL-TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (CD253) receptors in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and spleen leukocytes from 38 symptomatic dogs with moderate VL and 25 healthy dogs were evaluated by flow cytometry. The apoptosis rate of blood and splenic CD4+ and CD8+ cells was higher in infected dogs than in healthy dogs. The expression levels of FAS and FASL in blood and splenic CD4+ cells were lower in infected dogs than in healthy dogs. FAS expression in CD8+ cells was higher in infected dogs than in healthy dogs; in contrast, FASL expression was lower in infected dogs. The expression of the TRAIL receptor increased only in splenic CD8+ cells from infected dogs. The FAS and FAS-L blocking antibodies confirmed the importance of these receptors in apoptosis. Our results enhance the current understanding of the immune response in dogs infected with L. chagasi, facilitating the future development of therapeutic interventions to reduce lymphocyte depletion. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
The development of resistance to anthelmintics has prompted research into alternative methods of controlling intestinal nematodes in ruminants. This study aimed to assess the activity of Ananas comosus on Haemonchus contortus in Santa Inês sheep. The aqueous extract of pineapple skin (AEPS), bromelain from pineapple stems (B4882) and residue from pineapple processing was evaluated in in vitro and in vivo tests. The enzymatic activity of substances was analyzed by the azocasein method. The egg hatch test (EHT) and larval development test (LDT) were performed using the Embrapa2010 isolate of H. contortus. In the in vivo test, 36 sheep artificially infected with H. contortus were divided into six groups: G1: 2g/kg BW of the aqueous extract administered for three days; G2: 2g/kg BW of the industrial pineapple residue for 60 days; G3: 180mg/animal of bromelain in a single dose; G4: negative control I; G5: positive control (levamisole phosphate); and G6: negative control II. The eggs per gram (EPG) in the feces were counted till 28 days after treatment. LC50 and LC90 were obtained by the probit procedure, while the in vivo test results were analyzed by GLM. The aqueous extract in the in vitro and in vivo test, the bromelain and industrial residue presented 0.102, 0.157, 1.864 and 0.048 enzyme units/mL, respectively. In the egg hatch test, the LC50 and LC90 were respectively 31 and 81mg/mL for the aqueous extract and 0.50 and 2mg/mL for bromelain. In the larval development test, the LC50 and LC90 were respectively 1.7 and 7.3mg/mL for the aqueous extract and 0.019 and 0.086mg/mL for bromelain. In the in vivo test, the general efficacies of the treatments in relation to the negative control were 22.6%, 42.2%, 3.65% and 89% for the aqueous extract, industrial pineapple residue, bromelain and positive control respectively. The transformed EPG values were 3.19±0.59, 3.32±0.25, 2.85±0.66, 3.44±0.50, 2.28±0.93 and 2.75±0.94 for the aqueous extract, industrial residue, bromelain, negative control I, positive control and negative control II respectively. The results for all the treated groups differed significantly (p<0.05) from the positive control, and although the residue presented efficacy of 42.2%, there was no statistical difference (p>0.05) in relation to the negative control. Therefore, both the aqueous extract and bromelain were effective in vitro, but showed reduced anthelmintic efficacy in vivo. For the pineapple residue, the 42.2% in vivo efficacy in reducing the EPG and the possibility of reducing environmental contamination through reuse of industrial residue indicate it can also be useful for control of this parasite. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Neste estudo, compara-se a composição de isótopos de oxigênio de dois gêneros de foraminíferos bentônicos (Uvigerina e Cibicidoides) de amostras de topo de testemunho com a composição isotópica moderna da água do mar (d18O). Baseados em uma nova relação entre d18O e salinidade para a latitude média do Atlântico Sul ocidental, estimou-se a composição isotópica da calcita em equilíbrio (d18Oeq) a partir de duas equações diferentes: (1) O'Neil et al. (1969), modificada por McCorkle et al. (1997) e (2) Kim & O'Neil (1997). Utilizando (1), a pequena diferença entre d18Oeq e d18O de Uvigerina sugere que este gênero precipita as suas testas próximo ao equilíbrio com a água. Já os dados de d18O de Cibicidoides são 0,82 ‰ menores que a composição isotópica prevista. Ao contrário, utilizando (2) os dados de d18O de Cibicidoides mostram uma concordância excelente com a composição isotópica esperada, enquanto que os dados de d18O de Uvigerina são 0,69 ‰ maiores que os valores de equilíbrio previstos. A partir das evidências apresentadas neste trabalho e em estudos prévios sugerimos a utilização do gênero Cibicidoides e a aplicação da equação de Kim & O'Neil (1997) para pesquisas de paleotemperatura. Na ausência de suficientes espécimens de Cibicidoides sugerimos a utilização de d18O deUvigerina aplicando um fator de correção de -0,69 ‰.
ABSTRACT: Hydrogenation of passion fruit (passiflora edulis) seed oil was carried out with a commercial nickel/silica catalyst under different experimental conditions. The influence of reaction parameters (reaction temperature, hydrogen pressure, amount of catalyst, agitation rate and reaction time) on the response variable (iodine value) was studied using a central composite rotatable design and six center points for replication. Under the experimental conditions used, the model response equations for the iodine value showed good agreement with the experimental results.
Croton pullei var. glabrior Lanj. (Euphorbiaceae) é uma liana, amplamente distribuída na Floresta Amazônica. Na medicina popular, diversas plantas do gênero Croton têm sido utilizadas com fins terapêuticos em patologias que envolvem dor e inflamação, o que justifica este trabalho. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as atividades antinociceptiva e do extrato metanólico das folhas de C. pullei (MECP). O MECP reduziu, de forma dose-dependente, o número de contorções abdominais (1,2 %) em camundongos, sugerindo uma atividade antinociceptiva da planta. Por outro lado, o MECP não alterou significativamente a reatividade ao estímulo térmico no teste da placa quente e a reatividade à estimulação química na primeira fase do teste da formalina, indicando um mecanismo não-opioidérgico. O MECP reduziu a nocicepção na segunda fase do teste da formalina, inibiu o edema de orelha induzido pelo óleo de croton e reduziu a migração leucocitária no teste da peritonite induzida por carragenina, indicando uma atividade antiinflamatória. Apesar dos mecanismos responsáveis pelos efeitos da planta ainda não estarem completamente esclarecidos, estes resultados parecem justificar o uso medicinal potencial de Croton pullei var. glabrior Lanj. em patologias que envolvam dor e inflamação.
OBJETIVO: avaliar, in vitro, a influência do clareamento dentário com gel contendo fosfato de cálcio amorfo (ACP) na resistência da união adesiva de braquetes metálicos. MÉTODOS: trinta e seis dentes incisivos bovinos foram seccionados no limite coronorradicular e tiveram suas coroas incluídas em cilindros de PVC. Os corpos de prova foram divididos em três grupos (n = 12), de acordo com a realização do tratamento clareador e tipo de gel utilizado, sendo: G1 (controle) - sem clareamento; G2 - clareamento com gel sem ACP (Whiteness Perfect, FGM); G3 - clareamento com gel contendo ACP (Nite White ACP, Discus Dental). Os grupos G2 e G3 foram submetidos a 14 ciclos de clareamento, seguidos de intervalo de espera de 15 dias para a fixação adesiva dos braquetes metálicos. O ensaio mecânico de cisalhamento foi realizado em máquina universal Kratos, com velocidade de 0,5mm/min. Após o teste mecânico, os corpos de prova foram avaliados quanto ao índice de remanescente adesivo (ARI). Os resultados foram submetidos à ANOVA, ao teste de Tukey e ao de Kruskall-Wallis (α = 5%). RESULTADOS: diferenças significativas foram observadas entre os grupos testados. O grupo controle G1 (11,1MPa) mostrou uma resistência ao cisalhamento estatisticamente superior aos grupos submetidos ao clareamento (G2 = 5,40MPa; G3 = 3,73MPa), os quais não diferiram entre si. Não se observou diferença significativa para o ARI entre os grupos estudados. CONCLUSÃO: o clareamento dentário reduz a resistência da união adesiva de braquetes metálicos, enquanto a presença de ACP no gel clareador não influencia os resultados encontrados.
OBJETIVO: avaliar in vitro a degradação iônica e corrosão do fundo do slot de braquetes metálicos submetidos à escovação com dentifrícios, realizando análises da composição química por Espectroscopia de Energia Dispersiva (EDS) e qualitativa por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). MÉTODOS: foram selecionados 38 braquetes divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos experimentais (n = 7). Dois grupos (n = 5) funcionaram como controles positivo e negativo. Aparelhos ortodônticos simulados foram confeccionados com fios de aço inoxidável 0,019" x 0,025" e anéis elastoméricos. Os grupos foram divididos de acordo com o tratamento de superfície: G1 (Máxima Proteção Anticáries®); G2 (Total 12®); G3 (Sensitive®); G4 (Branqueador®); Controle Positivo (saliva artificial) e Controle Negativo (sem tratamento). Foram realizados 28 ciclos de escovação e avaliações antes (T0) e após (T1) o experimento. RESULTADOS: o teste de Wilcoxon indicou não existir diferença nas concentrações iônicas de titânio (Ti), cromo (Cr), ferro (Fe) e níquel (Ni) entre os grupos. O grupo G2 apresentou redução significativa (p < 0,05) na concentração do íon alumínio (Al) e os grupos G3 e G4 apresentaram aumento significativo (p < 0,05) nas concentrações do íon alumínio. A análise em MEV mostrou aumento nas características indicativas de corrosão dos grupos G2, G3 e G4. CONCLUSÃO: a análise por EDS revelou que os grupos controle e G1 não sofreram alterações na composição química. O grupo G2 apresentou degradação na quantidade de íons Al, e G3 e G4 sofreram aumento na concentração de Al. A imersão em saliva artificial e o dentifrício Máxima Proteção Anticáries® não alteraram o polimento de superfície. Os dentifrícios Total 12®, Sensitive® e Branqueador® alteraram o polimento de superfície.
Casearia sylvestris Swartz (Salicaceae) é uma planta utilizada na medicina tradicional, cujos extratos de folhas demonstraram importantes ações farmacológicas. A espécie apresenta variação morfológica, genética e química. Duas variedades são consideradas devido a diferenças morfológicas: C. sylvestris var. sylvestris e var. lingua. Há dificuldades na definição destas variedades. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar diferenças morfo-anatômicas e químicas entre as variedades de C. sylvestris que permitam sua diferenciação com aplicação farmacêutica ou botânica. Seções transversais e paradérmicas de folhas foram preparadas para análises morfo-anatômicas, histoquímicas e microscopia quantitativa (indices de estômatos e paliçada). Análises cromatográficas (CLAE-DAD e CCD) foram realizadas para obter o perfil de diterpenos clerodânicos. Os resultados das análises morfo-anatômicas demonstraram diferenças significativas entre as variedades somente em cortes paradérmicos: var. sylvestris - paredes celulares epidérmicas poligonais e hipoestomática, var. lingua - paredes celulares epidérmicas arredondadas e anfiestomática. Os índices de estômatos não revelaram diferenças; os valores dos índices de paliçada foram de 2,8 para var. lingua e 3,9 para var. sylvestris. As análises cromatográficas confirmaram resultados prévios, demonstrando predomínio de diterpenos na var. sylvestris. Este trabalho sugere que análises cromatográficas e morfo-anatômicas podem ser ferramentas aplicáveis na distinção das variedades da espécie.
Studies were conducted to evaluate the nutritional value and inclusion levels of babassu meal (BM) in the diet of grower layer pullets in substitution to wheat meal. Digestibility, metabolism and growth trials were conducted. Twelve cecectomized roosters were used in the digestibility assay to determine the coefficients of standardized digestibility of amino acids (CSDAA). The metabolism trial was conducted with 30 adult roosters to determine the apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen (AMEn) of BM. A growth trial was performed to determine replacement levels of wheat midds by BM diet using 360 six-week-old commercial layer pullets. BM was included at the 0, 75 and 150 g/kg of BM, during grower and development rearing phases, respectively. Feed intake, body weight gain, and feed conversion were evaluated. BM AMEn was determined as 1,474 kcal/kg, on as-fed basis. The CSDAA determined for BM were below 88% for all AA. The inclusion of BM in the feed of grower layers (7-18 week) significantly decreased feed intake (p < 0.05), but significantly improved body weight gain and feedconversion ratio (p < 0.05) at 15% inclusion level. Considering the nutritional value and performance results, BM can replace wheat midds in diets of grower layer pullets.
OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long term clinical and ultrasonographic outcomes of thrombophilic patients with deep venous thrombosis (DVT).METHOD:Cohort study, retrospective case-control with cross-sectional analysis. Thirty-nine thrombophilic patients and 25 non-thrombophilic patients were assessed 76.3 ± 45.8 months after diagnosis. Demographic and family data were collected, as well as data from clinical and therapeutic progress, and physical and ultrasound examinations of the limbs were performed. Groups were matched for age and gender and the variables studied were compared across groups.RESULTS:Deep venous thrombosis was more frequent in women. The most common thrombophilias were antiphospholipid syndrome and factor V Leiden mutation. There was no difference between groups in terms of the number of pregnancies or miscarriages and the majority of women did not become pregnant after DVT. Non-spontaneous DVT prevailed. Proximal DVT and DVT of the left lower limb were more frequent, and the main risk factor was use of oral contraceptives. All patients were treated with anticoagulation. There was a higher frequency of pulmonary embolism in non-thrombophilic patients. Most patients considered themselves to have a normal life after DVT and reported wearing elastic stockings over at least 2 years. Seventy-one percent of patients had CEAP > 3, with no difference between groups. Deep venous reflux was more frequent in thrombophilic patients.CONCLUSION:There were no significant differences between groups with respect to most of the variables studied, except for a higher frequency of pulmonary embolism in non-thrombophilic patients and greater frequency of deep venous reflux in thrombophilic patients.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare by means of McNamara as well as Legan and Burstone's cephalometric analyses, both manual and digitized (by Dentofacial Planner Plus and Dolphin Image software) prediction tracings to post-surgical results. METHODS: Pre and post-surgical teleradiographs (6 months) of 25 long face patients subjected to combined orthognathic surgery were selected. Manual and computerized prediction tracings of each patient were performed and cephalometrically compared to post-surgical outcomes. This protocol was repeated in order to evaluate the method error and statistical evaluation was conducted by means of analysis of variance and Tukey's test. RESULTS: A higher frequency of cephalometric variables, which were not statistically different from the actual post-surgical results for the manual method, was observed. It was followed by DFPlus and Dolphin software; in which similar cephalometric values for most variables were observed. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that the manual method seemed more reliable, although the predictability of the evaluated methods (computerized and manual) proved to be reasonably satisfactory and similar.
INTRODUCTION: Biological age is an important parameter for growth and development assessment. It can be evaluated through the observation of radiographic changes in skeletal maturation of cervical vertebrae. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to: a) verify if there is correlation between growth curve and the stages of bone age of animals used in laboratories, by evaluating radiographs of the cervical vertebrae; b) correlate these stages with their correspondents in humans. METHODS: 35 Wistar rats were evaluated for a period of 160 days, starting at day 22nd (weaning), with cross sections for periodic weighing, length measurement and digital radiography. Radiographs of the cervical vertebrae (C2 and C3) were measured by means of a computer program (Radio IMP). Data were submitted to statistical analysis (ANOVA) and Pearson correlation. RESULTS: Growth spurt was characterized by fast increasing in weight and length. Through ANOVA, differences were observed in the cervical measurements between days 22, 97, 127, 157, 187 and 217 (p <0.001). A high correlation was found between increasing in body length and weight, as well as in cervical vertebrae height (r = 0.86). Increments in concavities of vertebrae were also observed, similar to humans. CONCLUSIONS: There is correlation between body growth and maturation of cervical vertebrae in rats. Despite the continuous development of concavities, it was not possible to clearly identify the 5/6 stages as in studies of cervical vertebrae maturation in humans.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)