996 resultados para Ernest Augustus, King of Hanover, 1771-1851.
"Shakespearean plays produced under Herbert Beerbohm Tree's management": p. 115-[117]
Includes bibliographical references (p.137-140).
--v. 25 Romeo and Juliet; the 1st quarto, 1597.--v. 26 Romeo and Juliet; the 2nd quarto, 1599.--v. 27 King Henry V; the 1st quarto, 1600.--v. 28 King Henry V; the 3rd quarto, 1608.--v. 29 Titus Andronicus; the 1st quarto, 1600.--v. 30 Sonnets; the 1st quarto, 1609.--v. 31 Othello; the 1st quarto, 1622.--v. 32 Othello, the 2nd quarto, 1630.--v. 33 King Lear; the 1st quarto, 1608.--v. 34 King Lear; the 2nd quarto, 1608.--v. 35 Lucrece; the 1st quarto, 1594.--v. 36 Romeo and Juliet; the undated quarto.--v. 37 First part of the Contention; the 1st quarto, 1594.--v. 38 True tragedy; the 1st quarto, 1595.--v. 39 Famous victories of Henry the fifth; the earliest known quarto, 1598.--v. 40-41 The troublesome raigne of John, king of England; the 1st quarto, 1591.--v. 42 Richard the third; the 3rd quarto 1602.--v. 43 Richard the third; the 6th quarto, 1622.
The plates depict floor plans of the Palazzo reale and of the Teatro di San Carlo in Naples, a vertical cross section of the Palazzo reale; interior decoration of the Teatro di San Carlo; most plates depict festivities taking place in the decorated interiors of the theater and the royal palace, including a masquerade at the royal palace, the stage scenery and a scene from the opera "Il sogno di Olimpia" by Ranieri de Calzabigi, which was performed at the Teatro di San Carlo; a view of the illuminated Castello Nuovo in Naples, the fireworks installation at the Piazza del Castello Nuovo, and a floorplan of the fire works installation. Plate XI depicts the mythical land of plenty "Cuccagna", arranged as a landscaped hill with an architectural grotto, richly decorated with food and drink, which was offered as part of the festivities to the common people. Most plates have a detailed legend in the lower margin.
"Con una constitución de Cataluña, y otro Fuero de Aragon del señor Rey don Iuan el segundo, en la misma materia."
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Scripta minora consists of: Oeconomici, Conivii, Hieronis, Agesilai, Reipubicae Lacedaemoniorum, Reipublicae Atheniensium, De vectigalibus libri, Hipparchici, De re equestri libri, Cynegetici, and Apologiae Socratis.
Last leaf blank.
Head-piece; decorative initial.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Apendice documental": p. [185]-295.
Morillo.-Iturbide.-O'Donoju.-Congreso de Verona.-Cuba.-Bolívar.