1000 resultados para Equinos - lesões hepáticas


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Com o objetivo de verificar o efeito da adição de níveis crescentes de óleo no concentrado sobre a atividade plasmática das enzimas creatina quinase (CK), aspartato aminotransferase (AST) e lactato desidrogenase (LDH) como indicativo de metabolismo energético, foram fornecidas dietas experimentais compostas de cinco níveis de óleo (controle, 6, 12, 18 e 24% do concentrado). Utilizaram-se 20 equinos da raça Árabe, peso médio de 400 kg, submetidos a prova de enduro de 80 km em esteira rolante. O enduro foi dividido em quatro anéis de 20 km, com duração média de 1 hora e dez minutos. A adição de óleo e a distância percorrida tiveram efeitos sobre as variáveis AST, CK e LDH, que apresentaram as respectivas expressões: AST (7,045-0,2292x+0,007991x2+0,008517z- 0,0003282xz), CK (8,06-,07020x+0,05546x2-0,001262x3+0,01204z+0,0006207xz) e LDH (6,624-0,3522x+0,03448x2-0,0008382x3+0,02401z-0,0007489xz) . O óleo é uma importante e bem aproveitada fonte de energia para equinos em exercício, pois sua adição na dieta de animais submetidos a prova de enduro promoveu alteração metabólica que favorece a produção de energia. O metabolismo animal poupou suas reservas energéticas oriundas da glicose, favorecendo a utilização do óleo. A menor atividade plasmática das enzimas AST, CK e LDH com a adição de óleo nas dietas indica direcionamento do metabolismo energético para a β-oxidação. Como apresentam várias isoenzimas, as enzimas estudadas atuam amplamente no metabolismo energético, favorecendo a constante reposição de ATP ao longo do exercício.


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A cytogenetic study of 22 mares with fertility has showed that four of them had 63,X/64,XX mosaicism. The X-chromosome has presented the expected interstitial heterochromatic C - banding located in the long arm, besides of the usual centromeric band. The great variation of clinic signs observed in mares with mosaicism, could be due to the type of zygote or the time the mosaicism occured.


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This study was designed to evaluate retrospectively the frequency and etiology of the gastrointestinal (GI) lesions in 45 consecutive necropsies of adult patients with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Gross descriptions and histological sections of the GI tract, from mouth to anus, were reviewed. The slides were H&E stained, and when necessary special stains and immunohistochemical methods were also employed. There were lesions in GI tract in 37 (82.3%) patients; the mouth was the segment most frequently involved (73.3% of the cases), followed by the colon (55.5%). Multiple lesions occurred in 17 (37.7%) cases. Cytomegalovirus caused colonic lesions in 35.7% of the cases. Candidiasis was observed in 26.6% mainly in the mouth and herpes simplex (8.8%) was the important agent of esophageal lesions. Oral hairy leukoplasia associated with HPV was found in 16 (35.5%) cases. Neoplasia was diagnosed in 7 (15.5%) cases: four Kaposi's sarcoma, two anal intramucosal carcinomas and one gastric lymphoma. Our data confirm the high frequency and variety of GI tract alterations in AIDS.


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Cara inchada of cattle (CI) is a periodontitis which occurs in calves in several regions of Brazil. Its progressive lesions, caused mainly by Bacteroides melaninogenicus and Actinomyces pyogenes, could lead to loss of teeth, malnutrition and possibly death of affected animals. For further analysis of the pathogenesis of this disease the influence of streptomycin on the adherence of the causative bacteria to oral epithelial cells of cattle was determined. Production of streptomycin by soil bacteria (Actinomycetes) in Brazil had been suggested by several authors. In our studies, streptomycin in subinibitory concentrations increased tenfold the rate of adherence with B. melaninogenicus (from 0.4 to 4.0 bacteria per bovine epithelial cell). On the contrary, streptomycin did not influence significantly the adherence of A. pyogenes nor streptococci of the viridans group. Thus, streptomycin could be a contributing factor to the development of the periodontal infections with B. melaninogenicus.


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Observations on the epizootiology of cara inchada in cattle (CI) indicated that animals affected by the disease recover spontaneously when they are transferred from the CI-prone area to CI-free pastures. In the presente study 13 young bovines with actively progressing periodontal CI-lesions were transferred to a CI-free area, in order to investigate the clinical course of the disease and the composition of the microflora in the periodontal lesions in two distinct situations: (1) in the actively progressing lesions, and (2) in the healed periodontal pouches of clinically recovered animals. The semi-quantitative and qualitative bacteriological study was undertaken in regard to the percentage of black-pigmented Bacteroides in cultures. In the actively progressing lesions of the 13 CI-diseased bovines the percentage of these bacteria was 71.3% in average. The evaluation of the composition of the microflora in the healed periodontal pouches of the clinically recovered bovines showed that bacteria of the black-pigmented Bacteroides group existed only at an average of 1.7%. The results of this investigation give further support for the infectious nature of the CI-periodontitis and the primary involvement of these bacteria.


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Yacon is a medicinal plant, the tuberous roots of which have been thought to contain a large amount of fructan (oligosaccharides). Purpose - The aim of paper was to study the effect of aqueous extracts of yacon on biochemical parameters of clinical importance in rats. The animals (male, wistar, weighing approximately 300g) were divided in 3 groups: G1(n=8)= water control; G2(n=8)= aqueous extract of roots (0,17g/100g/day); G3(n=8)= aqueous extract of leaves (25mg/100g/day). The serum samples were obtained after 30 days, and the biochemical parameters were measured. The livers were removed and homogenized in 0,01M phosphate buffer pH 7,0 and then the supernatant fractions were used for enzyme assay. Significantly increased serum glucose was observed in G2 (206,72±91,27 mg/dL). The groups G2 and G3 rats had higher (p<0,05) urea concentration, while creatinin level decreased (p<0,05). The serum albumin concentration showed a tendency to remain in G2 (2,44±0,45 g/dL) and G3 (2,84±0,50 g/dL). Aqueous extracts administration markedly decreased (p<0,05) the activities of ALT in the liver and greatly increased these enzymatic activities in blood. The serum alkaline phosphatase activity increased (p<0,05) in rats receiving the aqueous extract of root (192,75±20,95 U/dL), while aqueous extract of leaves reduced it (129,57±19,93 U/dL). The results indicated that the extract of yacon promoted changes of the biochemical parameters.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The intestinal ischemia is unusual in vascular surgery emergency. Its main causes are embolisms and arterial thrombosis. In addition to severe ischemia, reperfusion of the ischemic tissues can lead to several complications that may worsen the ischemic lesion and produce a life threatening situation caused by systemic alterations. Intestinal tissue injuries due to ischemia and reperfusion have been demonstrated in clinical and experimental studies, in which pathophysiology and adequate treatment were also studied. The great variety of experimental models used and results achieved reflect the need for an intestinal ischemia and reperfusion experimental model that is simple, reproducible and consistent, in order to search for treatments that can reduce the damage caused by this situation. In this review, the main pathophysiologic aspects and the most used experimental models will be reviewed. Copyright © 2005 by Sociedade Brasileira de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular.


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Purpose: To evaluate the conjunctival epithelial malign lesions carriers and the recurrence rate using exeresis and radiotherapy. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted observing 52 conjunctival epithelial malign lesions carriers treated from 1989 by 2003. The subjects were assessed to evaluation according: age, gender, time of start, classification of the lesion and recurrence rate. The lesion were surgically removed and radiotherapy was indicated when the exeresis was incomplete. Results: The majority of the patients were male, with 61 year old median age, white. The conjunctival squamous carcinoma was presented in 86,5% of the patients. The recidive rate was 11,5%, happened between 1 to 60 month postoperative. Conclusion: according our results the conjunctival epithelial malign lesions were more often observed in older, males and whites. The majority of the patient had conjunctival squamous carcinoma (86,5%). The recidive rate after exeresis and radiotherapy in patients with incomplete exéresis was 11,5%.


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The objective of this work was to study the macroscopic, ultrasonographic and histopathologic aspects from the newly formed cicatricial tissue at the site of the partial resection of the long digital extensor tendon in 10 equines at the moment of functional restoration of the limb with the animal in walk locomotion. The macroscopic exam was performed every 48 hours, the planimetric mensuration every 10 days, the ultrasonographic exam every 15 days and the histopathologyc exam at the end of the study. The wounds showed granulation tissue in retraction, without total lesion epithelization, and the aspects ultrasonographics revealed wound healing with newly formed tissues with variable density and high neovascularization without tendon structural reorganization. The histopathology showed newly formed vascularized tissue, with leukocytic infiltrate and collagenous deposition without full epithelization. The cicatrization tissue formed in the resection region of the tendon, immature and without the structural organization of the normal tendon, showed to be able to functional restoration of the operated limb.


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The current study evaluated equine gas exchange responses through spirometry, by measuring oxygen uptake (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), respiratory exchange ratio (R) and maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) of Arabian horses during a standard incremental exercise test performed on a high-speed treadmill. Six clinically healthy Arabian horses were submitted to a standard incremental exercise test, performed on a high-speed treadmill at a 6% slope, and initial speed of 1,8 m.s-1 for 5 minutes, then 4,0 m.s-1 for 3 minutes, 6,0 m.s-1 for 2 minutes and 8,0 m.s-1, 9,0 m.s-1, 10,0 m.s-1 and 11,0 m.s-1 for one minute for each of these speed. The end of the exercise test was defined as the point in which the horse was no longer able to keep pace with the treadmill. Gas exchange was measured through respiratory analyses horse mask on the last 10 seconds at the end of each speed transition and at 1, 2 and 3 minutes after the end of the exercise, defined as experiment moments. During exercise, it was noticed an increase on both VO2 and VCO2 with linear relationship between exercise and speed. Arabian horses VO2max was 114,9 mL.kg-1.min-1. The respiratory exchange ratio increased over 1,0 by the speed of 9,0 m.s-1, indicating the preponderance of the anaerobic metabolism, and remains at a high level on the post-exercise period.


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The effect of physical exercise, training and vitamin E supplementation on electrocardiographic parameters was evaluated in eight untrained Arabian mares, divided into two groups: control (n=4) and supplemented with vitamin E (n=4) at the daily dose of 1.000 UI. Animals were submitted to an incremental exercise test (P1) on high-speed treadmill inclined +7%, after that to a training period of 20 days and later to a new incremental exercise test (P2). Analysis and interpretation of electrocardiographic tracings were performed regarding the rhythm, heart rate, duration and amplitude of waves and intervals, before, immediately after and 30 min after the incremental exercise. A reduction of the rest heart rate was observed after training. There was no effect of vitamin E supplementation on electrocardiographic parameters. Results indicated that the electrocardiogram was efficient in detention of cardiac alterations promoted by the physical exercise, but more studies are needed to elucidate its clinical meaning.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate phenylbutazone effects on second intention wound healing, and to compare the healing process between the thoracic and lumbar areas. Ten horses were submitted to circular full-thickness wound produced on both sides of the thoracic and lumbar areas. Animals were gathered into two experimental groups, one receiving daily IV injections of phenylbutazone (4,4mg/kg) and the other (control group) distillated water for five days. All wounds were daily treated with local Dakin's solution. The wound contraction rates were determined by serial measurements each 72 hours. At the 6th and 15th post surgical days, biopsies were performed for histological analysis. Thoracic and lumbar wound contraction was decreased in the phenylbutazone group. The time to complete healing was significantly greater in phenylbutazone group (49 days) than in control group (37 days). There was no significant difference between thoracic and lumbar area in the same group. Gross and histopathology analysis showed the inhibitory effect of phenylbutazone on the second-intention wound healing when compared to the control group.