982 resultados para Environmental protection Queensland Brigalow Region
The "Serra do Mar" region comprises the largest remnant of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. The coast of the Paraná State is part of the core area of the "Serra do Mar" corridor and where actions for biodiversity conservation must be planned. In this study we aimed at characterizing the landscape structure in the APA-Guaraqueçaba, the largest protected area in this region, in order to assist environmental policies of this region. Based on a supervised classification of a mosaic of LANDSAT-5-TM satellite images (from March 2009), we developed a map (1:75,000 scale) with seven classes of land use and land cover and analyzed the relative quantities of forests and modified areas in slopes and lowlands. The APA-Guaraqueçaba is comprised mainly by the Dense Ombrophilous Forest (68.6% of total area) and secondary forests (9.1%), indicating a forested landscape matrix; anthropogenic and bare soil areas (0.8%) and the Pasture/Grasslands class (4.2%) were less representative. Slopes were less fragmented and more preserved (96.3% of Dense Ombrophilous Forest and secondary forest) than lowlands (71.3%), suggesting that restoration initiatives in the lowlands must be stimulated in this region. We concluded that most of the region sustains well-conserved ecosystems, highlighting the importance of Paraná northern coast for the biodiversity maintenance of the Atlantic Forest.
Tämä diplomityö tutkii moduloinnilla saavutettavaa hyötyä kuljetinliiketoiminnassa. Johdanto-osassa kerrotaan yrityksen taustasta ja projektiliiketoiminnan kehitysnäkymistä, hihnakuljetinjärjestelmien historiasta ja nykyisestä kilpailutilanteesta. Lisäksi siinä on mainittu työn tavoitteet, sekä tutkimuksen rajaus. Hihnakuljetinjärjestelmien modulointia käsittelevässä osassa selvitetään moduloinnin historiaa ja on kerrottu siihen liittyviä käsitteitä ja menettelytapoja. Tutkimusosan alussa on esitetty tutkimuskysymykset. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on tapaustutkimus ja siinä on verrattu kahta CASE- tapausta keskenään haastattelujen avulla, sekä pyydetty osallistuneilta jatkotoimenpide-ehdotuksia, koskien modulointia. Toiminnallisen viitekehyksen osassa kuvataan ne tavat, joilla modulointi yrityksessä toteutetaan asiakasvaatimukset ja palveluhallinta huomioiden. Lisäksi siinä kuvataan osaamisen kehittämisen menettely. Tutkimustuloksien tarkastelun yhteydessä on kerrottu CASE- tapauksien perustiedot ja tiedon keräämisen tapa. Tutkimustuloksien analysointi on suoritettu siten, että tuloksista on nostettu esille moduloinnin kannalta oleelliset vastaukset ja ne on analysoitu. Tämän jälkeen suoritettiin pohdinta ja johtopäätökset niistä analysoiduista vastauksista, jotka ovat tärkeitä moduloinnin ja yrityksen kehityksen kannalta. Jatkotoimenpiteet on jaettu kolmeen pääryhmään, joista ensimmäisenä on toiminnan kehittäminen moduloimalla. Toisessa on tarkasteltu sisäisen toiminnan kannalta tärkeitä kohteita ja ehdotettu toimenpiteitä toiminnan tehostamiseksi. Kolmantena ryhmänä ovat tutkimusaiheet, joiden avulla pyritään selvittämään puutteet tai epäkohdat nykyisessä toiminnassa. Yhteenvedossa on tarkasteltu yrityksen strategisten tavoitteiden toteutumista suhteessa hypoteesiin. Siinä on myös esitetty tulevaisuuden haasteita ympäristönsuojelun asettamat vaatimukset huomioiden.
Kirjallisuustyössä tutkittiin tehostetun hapetuksen menetelmiä (engl. Advanced Oxidation Processes, AOPs) kloorifenolien käsittelyssä. Tutkittava aine valittiin US EPA:n (United States Environmental Protection Agency) ympäristölle haitallisten aineiden listalta. Työssä tutkitut AOP-menetelmät olivat otsonointi kasvatetussa pH:ssa, O3/H2O2-prosessi, fotolyyttinen otsonointi (O3/UV), H2O2/UV-prosessi ja Fenton-prosessi (H2O2+Fe2+). AOP-käsittelyssä OH-radikaalien oletetaan pääosin aiheuttavan epäpuhtauksien hapettumisen. Kirjallisuustyössä tutkittiin OH-radikaaleihin vaikuttavien parametrien, kuten pH:n, lämpötilan sekä hapettimien ja hapetettavan aineen konsentraatioiden vaikutusta kloorifenolien hapetusprosessissa. Työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää tehokkain AOP-käsittely kloorifenoleja sisältävien jätevesien käsittelylle. AOP-käsittelyjen tehokkuutta verrattiin hajoamisnopeusvakioiden, puoliintumisaikojen sekä hapettimen kemikaalikulutuksen ja kustannuksen perusteella. Fenton-prosessin ja otsonoinnin pH:ssa 9 todettiin olevan tehokkaimpia menetelmiä kloorifenolien hapetuksessa. Fenton-prosessin hapetusnopeus oli tehokkaampaa 4-CP:n ja 2,4-DCP:n hapetuksessa, kun taas otsonointi pH:ssa 9 hapetti nopeammin 2,3,4,6-TeCP:n ja 2,4,6-TCP:n. Kustannustehokkuuden perusteella Fenton-prosessi oli otsonointia tehokkaampi. Parhaan menetelmän valinta kloorifenoleiden poistamiseksi oli vaikeaa, sillä useissa tutkimuksissa oli tutkittu vain yhtä menetelmää. Lisäksi eri tutkimuksissa käytetyt prosessiolosuhteet olivat erilaiset, joka hankaloitti tutkimusten vertailua. Lopullinen AOP-menetelmän valinta tulisikin suorittaa vasta laboratoriotutkimusten jälkeen.
Soil islands on rocky surfaces often harbor aggregated vegetation that consists of insular plant communities. These islands are typical of the rocky outcrops and in various parts of Brazil form the so-called "campos rupestres" vegetation. Four of such sites have been selected in the state of Bahia, Northeast Brazil, for this comparative study on floristics and vegetation structure: three areas situated inside the "Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina" (Guiné, Fumaça and "Gerais da Fumaça") and one is at the border of the Environmental Protection Area of "Marimbus-Iraquara" ("Mãe Inácia"). All occurring vegetation islands were studied in four random plots of 10 × 10 m per site. Soil was often shallow, sandy and acidic. Vascular plant species were determined, with respective life forms and canopy coverage areas. The total number of species when all four sites were added was 135, and the number of species per island varied from 2 to 32. The areas of the 214 soil islands varied from 0.015 to 91.9 m², totaling 568 m² in the four sites. Monocotyledon families were dominant, essentially Velloziaceae, as well as Orchidaceae, Bromeliaceae, Amaryllidaceae and Cyperaceae. Among the eudicotyledons, dominant families were mainly Clusiaceae, Asteraceae and Melastomataceae. The biological spectra revealed that phanerophytes and hemicryptophytes predominated among the life forms, while chamaephytes had the largest coverage area. Epilithic and desiccant chamaephytes composed the most conspicuous interspecific associations, and were probably related to early successional processes. Sites closest to one another were not the most similar in structure, indicating that other factors more relevant than distance might be involved in the abundance of species in space.
The conventional activated sludge processes (CAS) for the treatment of municipal wastewater are going to be outdated gradually due to more stringent environmental protection laws and regulations. The Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) are the most promising modern technology widely accepted in the world of wastewater treatment due to their highly pronounced features such as high quality effluent, less foot print and working under high MLSS concentration. This research project was carried out to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of MBR technology compare to the CAS process based on the scientific facts and results. The pilot scale MBR pilot plant was run for more than 150 days and the analysis results were evaluated. The prime focus of the project was to evaluate the correlation of permeate flux under different operating MLSS concentrations. The permeate flux was found almost constant regardless of variations in MLSS concentrations. The removal of micropollutant such as heavy metals, PCPPs, PFCs, steroidal hormones was also studied. The micropollutant removal performance of MBR process was found relatively effective than CAS process. Furthermore, the compatibility of submerged membranes within the bioreactor had truly reduced the process footprint.
Environmental issues, including global warming, have been serious challenges realized worldwide, and they have become particularly important for the iron and steel manufacturers during the last decades. Many sites has been shut down in developed countries due to environmental regulation and pollution prevention while a large number of production plants have been established in developing countries which has changed the economy of this business. Sustainable development is a concept, which today affects economic growth, environmental protection, and social progress in setting up the basis for future ecosystem. A sustainable headway may attempt to preserve natural resources, recycle and reuse materials, prevent pollution, enhance yield and increase profitability. To achieve these objectives numerous alternatives should be examined in the sustainable process design. Conventional engineering work cannot address all of these substitutes effectively and efficiently to find an optimal route of processing. A systematic framework is needed as a tool to guide designers to make decisions based on overall concepts of the system, identifying the key bottlenecks and opportunities, which lead to an optimal design and operation of the systems. Since the 1980s, researchers have made big efforts to develop tools for what today is referred to as Process Integration. Advanced mathematics has been used in simulation models to evaluate various available alternatives considering physical, economic and environmental constraints. Improvements on feed material and operation, competitive energy market, environmental restrictions and the role of Nordic steelworks as energy supplier (electricity and district heat) make a great motivation behind integration among industries toward more sustainable operation, which could increase the overall energy efficiency and decrease environmental impacts. In this study, through different steps a model is developed for primary steelmaking, with the Finnish steel sector as a reference, to evaluate future operation concepts of a steelmaking site regarding sustainability. The research started by potential study on increasing energy efficiency and carbon dioxide reduction due to integration of steelworks with chemical plants for possible utilization of available off-gases in the system as chemical products. These off-gases from blast furnace, basic oxygen furnace and coke oven furnace are mainly contained of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen and partially methane (in coke oven gas) and have proportionally low heating value but are currently used as fuel within these industries. Nonlinear optimization technique is used to assess integration with methanol plant under novel blast furnace technologies and (partially) substitution of coal with other reducing agents and fuels such as heavy oil, natural gas and biomass in the system. Technical aspect of integration and its effect on blast furnace operation regardless of capital expenditure of new operational units are studied to evaluate feasibility of the idea behind the research. Later on the concept of polygeneration system added and a superstructure generated with alternative routes for off-gases pretreatment and further utilization on a polygeneration system producing electricity, district heat and methanol. (Vacuum) pressure swing adsorption, membrane technology and chemical absorption for gas separation; partial oxidation, carbon dioxide and steam methane reforming for methane gasification; gas and liquid phase methanol synthesis are the main alternative process units considered in the superstructure. Due to high degree of integration in process synthesis, and optimization techniques, equation oriented modeling is chosen as an alternative and effective strategy to previous sequential modelling for process analysis to investigate suggested superstructure. A mixed integer nonlinear programming is developed to study behavior of the integrated system under different economic and environmental scenarios. Net present value and specific carbon dioxide emission is taken to compare economic and environmental aspects of integrated system respectively for different fuel systems, alternative blast furnace reductants, implementation of new blast furnace technologies, and carbon dioxide emission penalties. Sensitivity analysis, carbon distribution and the effect of external seasonal energy demand is investigated with different optimization techniques. This tool can provide useful information concerning techno-environmental and economic aspects for decision-making and estimate optimal operational condition of current and future primary steelmaking under alternative scenarios. The results of the work have demonstrated that it is possible in the future to develop steelmaking towards more sustainable operation.
Yritysten ympäristönsuojelua ohjailevat kansalliset lait ja asetukset kuten ympäristönsuojelulaki (86/2000) ja jätelaki (646/2011) sekä Euroopan unionin lainsäädäntö. Ympäristönsuojelu on yrityksille yhä tärkeämpi osa liiketoimintaa. Tähän ovat vaikuttaneet yhä enemmän kiristynyt lainsäädäntö ja taloudellisen hyödyn tavoittelu ympäristöasioiden hyvän hoidon seurauksena sekä sidosryhmien lisääntynyt kiinnostus yritysten ympäristöasioista. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli perehtyä uuden jätelain tuomiin muutoksiin sahateollisuuden osalta, selvittää sahateollisuuden jätteiden hyötykäyttö mahdollisuuksia yleisesti sekä kehittää viranomaisraportointia jätteiden osalta. Diplomityössä analysoidaan Kiteen sahan jätevirtoja ja niiden käsittelyä, sekä hyötykäyttöä. Tarkoituksena on pyrkiä tilanteeseen, jossa syntyvät jätteet käsiteltäisiin siten, että jätteiden käsittelystä aiheutuvat kustannukset pienenisivät ja kaatopaikalle sijoitettavan jätteen määrä vähenisi ilman investointien tarvetta. Työssä vertaillaan muiden Stora Enson Suomen sahojen jätevirtoja ja niiden hyötykäyttöä Kiteen sahan tilanteeseen. Tavoitteena on löytää sellaisia jätteiden hyötykäyttömahdollisuuksia, jotka olisivat hyödynnettävissä kaikilla Stora Enson Suomen sahoilla.
Nowadays, the re-refining of the used lube oils has gained worldwide a lot of attention due to the necessity for added environmental protection and increasingly stringent environmental legislation. One of the parameters determining the quality of the produced base oils is the composition of feedstock. Estimation of the chemical composition of the used oil collected from several European locations showed that the hydrocarbon structure of the motor oil is changed insignificantly during its operation and the major part of the changes is accounted for with depleted oil additives. In the lube oil re-refining industry silicon, coming mainly from antifoaming agents, is recognized to be a contaminant generating undesired solid deposits in various locations in the re-refining units. In this thesis, a particular attention was paid to the mechanism of solid product formation during the alkali treatment process of silicon-containing used lube oils. The transformations of a model siloxane, tetramethyldisiloxane (TMDS), were studied in a batch reactor at industrially relevant alkali treatment conditions (low temperature, short reaction time) using different alkali agents. The reaction mechanism involving solid alkali metal silanolates was proposed. The experimental data obtained demonstrated that the solids were dominant products at low temperature and short reaction time. The liquid products in the low temperature reactions were represented mainly by linear siloxanes. The prolongation of reaction time resulted in reduction of solids, whereas both temperature and time increase led to dominance of cyclic products in the reaction mixture. Experiments with the varied reaction time demonstrated that the concentration of cyclic trimer being the dominant in the beginning of the reaction diminished with time, whereas the cyclic tetramer tended to increase. Experiments with lower sodium hydroxide concentration showed the same effect. In addition, a decrease of alkali agent concentration in the initial reaction mixture accelerated TMDS transformation reactions resulting in solely liquid cyclic siloxanes yields. Comparison of sodium and potassium hydroxides applied as an alkali agent demonstrated that potassium hydroxide was more efficient, since the activation energy in KOH presence was almost 2-fold lower than that for sodium hydroxide containing reaction mixture. Application of potassium hydroxide for TMDS transformation at 100° C with 3 hours reaction time resulted in 20 % decrease of solid yields compared to NaOH-containing mixture. Moreover, TMDS transformations in the presence of sodium silanolate applied as an alkali agent led to formation of only liquid products without formation of the undesired solids. On the basis of experimental data and the proposed reaction mechanism, a kinetic model was developed, which provided a satisfactory description of the experimental results. Suitability of the selected siloxane as a relevant model of industrial silicon-containing compounds was verified by investigation of the commercially available antifoam agent in base-catalyzed conditions.
Water geochemistry is a very important tool for studying the water quality in a given area. Geology and climate are the major natural factors controlling the chemistry of most natural waters. Anthropogenic impacts are the secondary sources of contamination in natural waters. This study presents the first integrative approach to the geochemistry and water quality of surface waters and Lake Qarun in the Fayoum catchment, Egypt. Moreover, geochemical modeling of Lake Qarun was firstly presented. The Nile River is the main source of water to the Fayoum watershed. To investigate the quality and geochemistry of this water, water samples from irrigation canals, drains and Lake Qarun were collected during the period 2010‒2013 from the whole Fayoum drainage basin to address the major processes and factors governing the evolution of water chemistry in the investigation area. About 34 physicochemical quality parameters, including major ions, oxygen isotopes, trace elements, nutrients and microbiological parameters were investigated in the water samples. Multivariable statistical analysis was used to interpret the interrelationship between the different studied parameters. Geochemical modeling of Lake Qarun was carried out using Hardie and Eugster’s evolutionary model and a model simulated by PHREEQC software. The crystallization sequence during evaporation of Lake Qarun brine was also studied using a Jänecke phase diagram involving the system Na‒K‒Mg‒ Cl‒SO4‒H2O. The results show that the chemistry of surface water in the Fayoum catchment evolves from Ca- Mg-HCO3 at the head waters to Ca‒Mg‒Cl‒SO4 and eventually to Na‒Cl downstream and at Lake Qarun. The main processes behind the high levels of Na, SO4 and Cl in downstream waters and in Lake Qarun are dissolution of evaporites from Fayoum soils followed by evapoconcentration. This was confirmed by binary plots between the different ions, Piper plot, Gibb’s plot and δ18O results. The modeled data proved that Lake Qarun brine evolves from drainage waters via an evaporation‒crystallization process. Through the precipitation of calcite and gypsum, the solution should reach the final composition "Na–Mg–SO4–Cl". As simulated by PHREEQC, further evaporation of lake brine can drive halite to precipitate in the final stages of evaporation. Significantly, the crystallization sequence during evaporation of the lake brine at the concentration ponds of the Egyptian Salts and Minerals Company (EMISAL) reflected the findings from both Hardie and Eugster’s evolutionary model and the PHREEQC simulated model. After crystallization of halite at the EMISAL ponds, the crystallization sequence during evaporation of the residual brine (bittern) was investigated using a Jänecke phase diagram at 35 °C. This diagram was more useful than PHREEQC for predicting the evaporation path especially in the case of this highly concentrated brine (bittern). The predicted crystallization path using a Jänecke phase diagram at 35 °C showed that halite, hexahydrite, kainite and kieserite should appear during bittern evaporation. Yet the actual crystallized mineral salts were only halite and hexahydrite. The absence of kainite was due to its metastability while the absence of kieserite was due to opposed relative humidity. The presence of a specific MgSO4.nH2O phase in ancient evaporite deposits can be used as a paleoclimatic indicator. Evaluation of surface water quality for agricultural purposes shows that some irrigation waters and all drainage waters have high salinities and therefore cannot be used for irrigation. Waters from irrigation canals used as a drinking water supply show higher concentrations of Al and suffer from high levels of total coliform (TC), fecal coliform (FC) and fecal streptococcus (FS). These waters cannot be used for drinking or agricultural purposes without treatment, because of their high health risk. Therefore it is crucial that environmental protection agencies and the media increase public awareness of this issue, especially in rural areas.
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate environmental permits of landfills with respect to the appropriateness of risk assessments focusing on contaminant migration, structures capable to protect the environment, waste and leachate management and existing environmental impacts of landfills. According to the requirements, a risk assessment is always required to demonstrate compliance with environmental protection requirements if the environmental permit decision deviates from the set requirements. However, there is a reason to doubt that all relevant risk factors are identified in current risk assessment practices in order to protect people end environment. In this dissertation, risk factors were recognized in 12 randomly selected landfills. Based on this analysis, a structural risk assessment method was created. The method was verified with two case examples. Several development needs were found in the risk assessments of the environmental permit decisions. The risk analysis equations used in the decisions did not adequately take into account all the determining factors like waste prospects, total risk quantification or human delineated factors. Instead of focusing on crucial factors, the landfill environmental protection capability is simply expressed via technical factors like hydraulic conductivity. In this thesis, it could be shown, that using adequate risk assessment approaches the most essential environmental impacts can be taken into account by consideration of contaminant transport mechanisms, leachate effects, and artificial landfill structures. The developed structural risk analysing (SRA) method shows, that landfills structures could be designed in a more cost-efficient way taking advantage of recycled or by-products. Additionally, the research results demonstrate that the environmental protection requirements of landfills should be updated to correspond to the capability to protect the environment instead of the current simplified requirements related to advective transport only.
Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin tienrakentamisen aikaista ympäristöjohtamista. Työn tavoitteena oli arvioida jo toteutuneen infrastruktuuriprojektin rakentamisen aikaisen ympäristöjohtamisen onnistumista, verrata toteutunutta ympäristöjohtamista standardiin SFS-EN ISO 14001 ja löytää standardin avulla kehitysehdotukset vastaavanlaisten projektien toteuttamisen aikaiseen ympäristöjohtamiseen tulevaisuudessa. Työ toteutettiin tutkimalla esimerkkiprojektin ympäristönsuojelulle ja ympäristövaikutusten seurannalle tehtyjä suunnitelmia, projektin rakentamisen aikana koottua laatuaineistoa, projektin aikana pidettyjä kokouksia ja tiedotustilaisuuksia sekä haastattelemalla projektin ympäristöjohtamisen toteutuksen kannalta avainhenkilöitä. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että jos projektijohto hyödyntäisi ISO 14001 standardia ym-päristöjohtamisensa perustana vastaavanlaisissa tienrakennusprojekteissa, pystyisi se kehittämään projektin urakoitsijoiden hankintavaihetta, projektin aikaista sisäistä ja ulkoista viestintää sekä projektinjohdon toteuttamaa laadunvalvontaa projektin aikana. ISO 14001 standardin hyödyntäminen projektin toteuttamisen aikaisessa ympäristöjoh-tamisessa vaatisi projektin ylimmän johdon sitoutumista standardin noudattamiseen. Ympäristöjohtaminen tulee implementoida osaksi projektijohtamista ja sen toimijoilla tulee olla konkreettista vaikutusvaltaa projektin toimintaan. Projektijohdon sitoutuminen standardin mukaisuuteen antaa puitteet ja käytännöt sekä vaatia että valvoa projektin toimijoiden ympäristönsuojelun toteutumista, raportointia ja viestintää.
A study of intergovernmental relations in the area of the environment will determine whether the current Canadian federal structure represents a dangerous impediment to the promotion of sustainable development. This paper examines the interjurisdictional quagmire that has developed from the fact that authority over the environment is a functionally concurrent field for the two orders of government. A history of federal-provincial relations in the area of environmental protection is followed by an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages associated with competitive and cooperative federalism. For the purpose of this paper, cooperative federalism is characterized by the presence of a formal institutional system to facilitate interaction between politicians and bureaucrats from both orders of government. Competitive federalism is defined as a system that lacks a formal institutional structure to promote discussion and coordination between federal and provincial officials in a specific field of interest. Last, I examine thirty sustainable development issues following the structure established in Agenda 21 to determine the impact of the present federal system on the development of these objectives. This study concludes that Canadian federalism is not a dangerous impediment to the promotion of sustainable development. Cooperative federalism in a form that does not eliminate the ability of governments to revert to competition promotes the emergence of an institutional system that facilitates information-sharing and discussion between the two orders of government, thus leading to coordinated efforts in the field of the environment. Respect for the current division of powers in this area is also essential to the cohesiveness of Canadian society. Policy-makers and advocates for a sustainable society should focus on working within the present system.