953 resultados para Environemental gradient
O maracujazeiro pertence à família Passifloraceae e ao gênero Passiflora que é o mais importante economicamente. Altitudes entre 100 a 900 m são indicadas para o plantio do maracujazeiro e estudos sobre localizações geográficas distintas possibilitam expressões do genótipo, influenciadas pelas condições ambientais. O gradiente altitudinal influencia a distribuição da variação genética dentro e entre populações de plantas e a diversidade genética muda com a altitude. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes e a diversidade genética de maracujazeiros cultivados em diferentes altitudes do Espírito Santo. Para avaliação da qualidade fisiológica das sementes, os frutos de Passiflora spp. maduros foram colhidos em pomares localizados em altitudes baixa (0-100 m), média (>100 até 600 m) e alta (>600 m) de diferentes municípios do Espírito Santo. Os tratamentos pré-germinativos nas sementes foram: T1- escarificação física, feita manualmente com lixa d´água nº 120; T2- tratamento com ácido giberélico (GA3) na concentração de 500 mg L-1 com embebição por 24 horas e T3- sementes sem escarificação realizados nas sementes em laboratório e em casa de vegetação. Foi avaliado o envelhecimento acelerado tradicional, envelhecimento acelerado com saturação salina e deterioração controlada em sementes de maracujá amarelo sem escarificação localizado em alta altitude e as condições que apresentaram menor deterioração das sementes para aplicação às demais espécies e altitudes com os respectivos tratamentos pré-germinativos que apresentaram maiores valores de germinação e vigor em laboratório e em casa de vegetação. Assim, para as sementes do maracujá amarelo utilizou-se o tratamento sem escarificação, para sementes de maracujá roxo, a escarificação física e para as sementes de maracujá doce, o tratamento com ácido giberélico. O teste de envelhecimento acelerado com saturação salina a 43 ºC por 72 horas e deterioração controlada a 25% de umidade expostas por 24 horas diferencia as espécies nas diferentes altitudes. Sementes de maracujá amarelo e sementes localizadas em alta altitude apresentam qualidade fisiológica superior. Para a avaliação da diversidade genética foram utilizadas folhas jovens de cinco plantas matrizes de Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener, P. edulis Sims e P. alata Curtis cultivadas em três altitudes (baixa, média e alta) do Espírito Santo. Para SSR foi encontrado baixo número de alelos, alta heterozigosidade esperada e altos valores de PIC e para a análise ISSR detectou um elevado número de bandas por primer e alto polimorfismo. Há maior similaridade genética entre P. edulis f. flavicarpa Deg. e P. edulis. Passiflora alata apresenta maior distância genética em relação às espécies. As populações de baixa altitude se diferenciam das demais independente da espécie e do marcador utilizado.
In the last years, it has become increasingly clear that neurodegenerative diseases involve protein aggregation, a process often used as disease progression readout and to develop therapeutic strategies. This work presents an image processing tool to automatic segment, classify and quantify these aggregates and the whole 3D body of the nematode Caenorhabditis Elegans. A total of 150 data set images, containing different slices, were captured with a confocal microscope from animals of distinct genetic conditions. Because of the animals’ transparency, most of the slices pixels appeared dark, hampering their body volume direct reconstruction. Therefore, for each data set, all slices were stacked in one single 2D image in order to determine a volume approximation. The gradient of this image was input to an anisotropic diffusion algorithm that uses the Tukey’s biweight as edge-stopping function. The image histogram median of this outcome was used to dynamically determine a thresholding level, which allows the determination of a smoothed exterior contour of the worm and the medial axis of the worm body from thinning its skeleton. Based on this exterior contour diameter and the medial animal axis, random 3D points were then calculated to produce a volume mesh approximation. The protein aggregations were subsequently segmented based on an iso-value and blended with the resulting volume mesh. The results obtained were consistent with qualitative observations in literature, allowing non-biased, reliable and high throughput protein aggregates quantification. This may lead to a significant improvement on neurodegenerative diseases treatment planning and interventions prevention
Pectus excavatum is the most common deformity of the thorax and usually comprises Computed Tomography (CT) examination for pre-operative diagnosis. Aiming at the elimination of the high amounts of CT radiation exposure, this work presents a new methodology for the replacement of CT by a laser scanner (radiation-free) in the treatment of pectus excavatum using personally modeled prosthesis. The complete elimination of CT involves the determination of ribs external outline, at the maximum sternum depression point for prosthesis placement, based on chest wall skin surface information, acquired by a laser scanner. The developed solution resorts to artificial neural networks trained with data vectors from 165 patients. Scaled Conjugate Gradient, Levenberg-Marquardt, Resilient Back propagation and One Step Secant gradient learning algorithms were used. The training procedure was performed using the soft tissue thicknesses, determined using image processing techniques that automatically segment the skin and rib cage. The developed solution was then used to determine the ribs outline in data from 20 patient scanners. Tests revealed that ribs position can be estimated with an average error of about 6.82±5.7 mm for the left and right side of the patient. Such an error range is well below current prosthesis manual modeling (11.7±4.01 mm) even without CT imagiology, indicating a considerable step forward towards CT replacement by a 3D scanner for prosthesis personalization.
This paper proposes a practical approach for profit-based unit commitment (PBUC) with emission limitations. Under deregulation, unit commitment has evolved from a minimum-cost optimisation problem to a profit-based optimisation problem. However, as a consequence of growing environmental concern, the impact of fossil-fuelled power plants must be considered, giving rise to emission limitations. The simultaneous address of the profit with the emission is taken into account in our practical approach by a multiobjective optimisation (MO) problem. Hence, trade-off Curves between profit and emission are obtained for different energy price profiles, in a way to aid decision-makers concerning emission allowance trading. Moreover, a new parameter is presented, ratio of change, and the corresponding gradient angle, enabling the proper selection of a compromise commitment for the units. A case study based on the standard IEEE 30-bus system is presented to illustrate the proficiency Of Our practical approach for the new competitive and environmentally constrained electricity supply industry.
The crustal and lithospheric mantle structure at the south segment of the west Iberian margin was investigated along a 370 km long seismic transect. The transect goes from unthinned continental crust onshore to oceanic crust, crossing the ocean-continent transition (OCT) zone. The wide-angle data set includes recordings from 6 OBSs and 2 inland seismic stations. Kinematic and dynamic modeling provided a 2D velocity model that proved to be consistent with the modeled free-air anomaly data. The interpretation of coincident multi-channel near-vertical and wide-angle reflection data sets allowed the identification of four main crustal domains: (i) continental (east of 9.4 degrees W); (ii) continental thinning (9.4 degrees W-9.7 degrees W): (iii) transitional (9.7 degrees W-similar to 10.5 degrees W); and (iv) oceanic (west of similar to 10.5 degrees W). In the continental domain the complete crustal section of slightly thinned continental crust is present. The upper (UCC, 5.1-6.0 km/s) and the lower continental crust (LCC, 6.9-7.2 km/s) are seismically reflective and have intermediate to low P-wave velocity gradients. The middle continental crust (MCC, 6.35-6.45 km/s) is generally unreflective with low velocity gradient. The main thinning of the continental crust occurs in the thinning domain by attenuation of the UCC and the LCC. Major thinning of the MCC starts to the west of the LCC pinchout point, where it rests directly upon the mantle. In the thinning domain the Moho slope is at least 13 degrees and the continental crust thickness decreases seaward from 22 to 11 km over a similar to 35 km distance, stretched by a factor of 1.5 to 3. In the oceanic domain a two-layer high-gradient igneous crust (5.3-6.0 km/s; 6.5-7.4 km/s) was modeled. The intra-crustal interface correlates with prominent mid-basement, 10-15 km long reflections in the multi-channel seismic profile. Strong secondary reflected PmP phases require a first order discontinuity at the Moho. The sedimentary cover can be as thick as 5 km and the igneous crustal thickness varies from 4 to 11 km in the west, where the profile reaches the Madeira-Tore Rise. In the transitional domain the crust has a complex structure that varies both horizontally and vertically. Beneath the continental slope it includes exhumed continental crust (6.15-6.45 km/s). Strong diffractions were modeled to originate at the lower interface of this layer. The western segment of this transitional domain is highly reflective at all levels, probably due to dykes and sills, according to the high apparent susceptibility and density modeled at this location. Sub-Moho mantle velocity is found to be 8.0 km/s, but velocities smaller than 8.0 km/s confined to short segments are not excluded by the data. Strong P-wave wide-angle reflections are modeled to originate at depth of 20 km within the lithospheric mantle, under the eastern segment of the oceanic domain, or even deeper at the transitional domain, suggesting a layered structure for the lithospheric mantle. Both interface depths and velocities of the continental section are in good agreement to the conjugate Newfoundland margin. A similar to 40 km wide OCT having a geophysical signature distinct from the OCT to the north favors a two pulse continental breakup.
5th. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008) 8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8)
Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular - Área de especialização: Ultrassonografia Cardiovascular.
Mestrado em Segurança e Higiene do Trabalho.
World Congress of Malacology, Ponta Delgada, July 22-28, 2013.
A great number of low-temperature geothermal fields occur in Northern-Portugal related to fractured rocks. The most important superficial manifestations of these hydrothermal systems appear in pull-apart tectonic basins and are strongly conditioned by the orientation of the main fault systems in the region. This work presents the interpretation of gravity gradient maps and 3D inversion model produced from a regional gravity survey. The horizontal gradients reveal a complex fault system. The obtained 3D model of density contrast puts into evidence the main fault zone in the region and the depth distribution of the granitic bodies. Their relationship with the hydrothermal systems supports the conceptual models elaborated from hydrochemical and isotopic water analyses. This work emphasizes the importance of the role of the gravity method and analysis to better understand the connection between hydrothermal systems and the fractured rock pattern and surrounding geology. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Throughout the world, epidemiological studies were established to examine the relationship between air pollution and mortality rates and adverse respiratory health effects. However, despite the years of discussion the correlation between adverse health effects and atmospheric pollution remains controversial, partly because these studies are frequently restricted to small and well-monitored areas. Monitoring air pollution is complex due to the large spatial and temporal variations of pollution phenomena, the high costs of recording instruments, and the low sampling density of a purely instrumental approach. Therefore, together with the traditional instrumental monitoring, bioindication techniques allow for the mapping of pollution effects over wide areas with a high sampling density. In this study, instrumental and biomonitoring techniques were integrated to support an epidemiological study that will be developed in an industrial area located in Gijon in the coastal of central Asturias, Spain. Three main objectives were proposed to (i) analyze temporal patterns of PM10 concentrations in order to apportion emissions sources, (ii) investigate spatial patterns of lichen conductivity to identify the impact of the studied industrial area in air quality, and (iii) establish relationships amongst lichen conductivity with some site-specific characteristics. Samples of the epiphytic lichen Parmelia sulcata were transplanted in a grid of 18 by 20 km with an industrial area in the center. Lichens were exposed for a 5-mo period starting in April 2010. After exposure, lichen samples were soaked in 18-MΩ water aimed at determination of water electrical conductivity and, consequently, lichen vitality and cell damage. A marked decreasing gradient of lichens conductivity relative to distance from the emitting sources was observed. Transplants from a sampling site proximal to the industrial area reached values 10-fold higher than levels far from it. This finding showed that lichens reacted physiologically in the polluted industrial area as evidenced by increased conductivity correlated to contamination level. The integration of temporal PM10 measurements and analysis of wind direction corroborated the importance of this industrialized region for air quality measurements and identified the relevance of traffic for the urban area.
This project was developed to fully assess the indoor air quality in archives and libraries from a fungal flora point of view. It uses classical methodologies such as traditional culture media – for the viable fungi – and modern molecular biology protocols, especially relevant to assess the non-viable fraction of the biological contaminants. Denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) has emerged as an alternative to denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and has already been applied to the study of a few bacterial communities. We propose the application of DHPLC to the study of fungal colonization on paper-based archive materials. This technology allows for the identification of each component of a mixture of fungi based on their genetic variation. In a highly complex mixture of microbial DNA this method can be used simply to study the population dynamics, and it also allows for sample fraction collection, which can, in many cases, be immediately sequenced, circumventing the need for cloning. Some examples of the methodological application are shown. Also applied is fragment length analysis for the study of mixed Candida samples. Both of these methods can later be applied in various fields, such as clinical and sand sample analysis. So far, the environmental analyses have been extremely useful to determine potentially pathogenic/toxinogenic fungi such as Stachybotrys sp., Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus, and Fusarium sp. This work will hopefully lead to more accurate evaluation of environmental conditions for both human health and the preservation of documents.
Introdução – A análise da forma ou morfometria de estruturas anatómicas, como o trato vocal, pode ser efetuada a partir de imagens bidimensionais (2D) como de aquisições volumétricas (3D) de ressonância magnética (RM). Esta técnica de imagem tem vindo a ter uma utilização crescente no estudo da produção da fala. Objetivos – Demonstrar como pode ser efetuada a morfometria do trato vocal a partir da imagem por ressonância magnética e ainda apresentar padrões anatómicos normais durante a produção das vogais [i a u] e dois padrões articulatórios patológicos em contexto simulado. Métodos – As imagens consideradas foram recolhidas a partir de aquisições 2D (Turbo Spin-eco) e 3D (Flash Gradiente-Eco) de RM em quatro sujeitos durante a produção das vogais em estudo; adicionalmente procedeu-se à avaliação de duas perturbações articulatórias usando o mesmo protocolo de RM. A morfometria do trato vocal foi extraída com recurso a técnicas manuais (para extração de cinco medidas articulatórias) e automáticas (para determinação de volumes) de processamento e análise de imagem. Resultados – Foi possível analisar todo o trato vocal, incluindo a posição e a forma dos articuladores, tendo por base cinco medidas descritivas do posicionamento destes órgãos durante a produção das vogais. A determinação destas medições permitiu identificar quais as estratégias mais comummente adotadas na produção de cada som, nomeadamente a postura articulatória e a variação de cada medida para cada um dos sujeitos em estudo. No contexto de voz falada intersujeitos, foi notória a variabilidade nos volumes estimados do trato vocal para cada som e, em especial, o aumento do volume do trato vocal na perturbação articulatória de sigmatismo. Conclusão – A imagem por RM é, sem dúvida, uma técnica promissora no estudo da fala, inócua, não-invasiva e que fornece informação fiável da morfometria do trato vocal.
Conferência: 2nd Experiment at International Conference - 18-20 September 2013
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia