820 resultados para Enterprise Educators


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The establishment of support platforms for the development of a new culture in design education, in order to achieve both research exploitation and its results, as an approach to the industrial community, challenges higher education institutions to rethink their functioning, divided between investigation on their own initiative or on demand, and its usefulness / practical application. At the same time, through design education, how can they be the engine that aggregates all these frequently antagonistic interests? Polytechnic institutes are predisposed to collaboration and interdisciplinarity. In our course of Technology and Design of Furniture, the availability of a production unit, testing laboratories, and expertise in engineering, design and marketing, encourage the development of a holistic project. In order to develop such knowledge, we adapt three important ways of thinking in designing interactions influenced by the traditional approach, namely, 1) identifying and understanding a design problem, i.e. a market need, 2) defining the design process and knowing what can be used for design education, i.e. opportunities for design education, and 3) sustainability of this framework and design projects' alignment with education in the same field. We explain our approach by arguing from the academicenterprise experiences perspective. This concept is proposed as a way to achieve those three ways of thinking in design education. Then, a set of interaction attributes is defined to explain how engineering and product design education can enhance meaningful relations with manufacturers, stakeholders and society in general. A final discussion is presented with the implications and benefits of this approach. The results suggest that through academic-enterprise partnerships in design, several goals such as students' motivation, product design innovation and potential for knowledge transfer to industries can be achieved.


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Introduction: Against a backdrop of ever-changing diagnostic and treatment modalities, stakeholder perceptions (medical students, clinicians, anatomy educators) are crucial for the design of an anatomy curriculum which fulfils the criteria required for safe medical practice. This study compared perceptions of students, practising clinicians, and anatomy educators with respect to the relevance of anatomy education to medicine. Methods: A quantitative survey was administered to undergraduate entry (n = 352) and graduate entry students (n = 219) at two Irish medical schools, recently graduated Irish clinicians (n = 146), and anatomy educators based in Irish and British medical schools (n = 30). Areas addressed included the association of anatomy with medical education and clinical practice, mode of instruction, and curriculum duration. Results: Graduate-entry students were less likely to associate anatomy with the development of professionalism, teamwork skills, or improved awareness of ethics in medicine. Clinicians highlighted the challenge of tailoring anatomy education to increase student readiness to function effectively in a clinical role. Anatomy educators indicated dissatisfaction with the time available for anatomy within medical curricula, and were equivocal about whether curriculum content should be responsive to societal feedback. Conclusions: The group differences identified in the current study highlight areas and requirements which medical education curriculum developers should be sensitive to when designing anatomy courses.


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This review paper identifies the conceptual underpinnings of current movement research in Physical Education. Using a hermeneutic approach, four analogies for movement education are identified: the motor program analogy, the neurobiological systems analogy, the instinctive movement analogy, and the embodied exploration analogy. Three issues related to logical consistency and its relevance for movement education are raised. The first relates to tensions between the analogies and educational policy. The second concerns differences among the four analogies. The third issue relates to the appropriateness of specific analogies for dealing with certain movement contexts. In each case, strategies for improvement are considered. The paper is concluded with a brief summary along with reflections on issues that require further attention.


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Die Arbeit geht dem Status quo der unternehmensweiten Suche in österreichischen Großunternehmen nach und beleuchtet Faktoren, die darauf Einfluss haben. Aus der Analyse des Ist-Zustands wird der Bedarf an Enterprise-Search-Software abgeleitet und es werden Rahmenbedingungen für deren erfolgreiche Einführung skizziert. Die Untersuchung stützt sich auf eine im Jahr 2009 durchgeführte Onlinebefragung von 469 österreichischen Großunternehmen (Rücklauf 22 %) und daran anschließende Leitfadeninterviews mit zwölf Teilnehmern der Onlinebefragung. Der theoretische Teil verortet die Arbeit im Kontext des Informations- und Wissensmanagements. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Ansatz der Enterprise Search, ihrer Abgrenzung gegenüber der Suche im Internet und ihrem Leistungsspektrum. Im empirischen Teil wird zunächst aufgezeigt, wie die Unternehmen ihre Informationen organisieren und welche Probleme dabei auftreten. Es folgt eine Analyse des Status quo der Informationssuche im Unternehmen. Abschließend werden Bekanntheit und Einsatz von Enterprise-Search-Software in der Zielgruppe untersucht sowie für die Einführung dieser Software nötige Rahmenbedingungen benannt. Defizite machen die Befragten insbesondere im Hinblick auf die übergreifende Suche im Unternehmen und die Suche nach Kompetenzträgern aus. Hier werden Lücken im Wissensmanagement offenbar. 29 % der Respondenten der Onlinebefragung geben zudem an, dass es in ihren Unternehmen gelegentlich bis häufig zu Fehlentscheidungen infolge defizitärer Informationslagen kommt. Enterprise-Search-Software kommt in 17 % der Unternehmen, die sich an der Onlinebefragung beteiligten, zum Einsatz. Die durch Enterprise-Search-Software bewirkten Veränderungen werden grundsätzlich positiv beurteilt. Alles in allem zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass Enterprise-Search-Strategien nur Erfolg haben können, wenn man sie in umfassende Maßnahmen des Informations- und Wissensmanagements einbettet.


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Hoy en día la Innovación y la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial son una herramienta clave para la perdurabilidad de una empresa a través del tiempo. Este es el caso de las organizaciones colombianas donde las decisiones de gerencia son enfocadas en el desarrollo de plataformas que soportan practicas sociales y éticas ya que estas incentivan a los trabajadores ofreciéndoles a sus clientes un mejor servicio y son necesarias para generar una estrategia de reputación, ganar fidelidad y credibilidad por parte de los consumidores. Crepes & Waffles es uno de los restaurantes colombianos más exitosos y que ha logrado mantenerse en el tiempo aún así en tiempos turbulentos. Su éxito se debe al uso de RSE en su estrategia, ellos crean innovación de valor en cada uno de sus platos al hacerlos diferentes, en el servicio al cliente y en los servicios y el buen trato que se le ofrece a los trabajadores. Por otro lado, Procolombia es una organización que promueve las exportaciones no tradicionales, la inversión extranjera y la marca país. Ellos al igual que Crepes & Waffles también se enfocan en la RSE y crea innovación de valor en sus procesos de orientar a las empresas a través de conferencias, seminarios, entrenamientos entre otras.


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Learning is constructed when it is significant, therefore, promoting experiences that can make sense and joy, which constitutes a challenge in the formation of future educators. In this article, we share the considerations emanated from an investigation that gathers the experience of alphabetizing adults, carried out by college students as part of their formation. As a result, this creates a learning process that favors the respect to diversity and the value of reading and writing as the liberation of mankind. The work displays the learnings constructed, the ways of respecting diversity that emerge from the alphabetizing experience, and the value that the students give to reading and writing as a liberating way of expression.


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Ultimamente si stanno sviluppando tecnologie per rendere più efficiente la virtualizzazione a livello di sistema operativo, tra cui si cita la suite Docker, che permette di gestire processi come se fossero macchine virtuali. Inoltre i meccanismi di clustering, come Kubernetes, permettono di collegare macchine multiple, farle comunicare tra loro e renderle assimilabili ad un server monolitico per l'utente esterno. Il connubio tra virtualizzazione a livello di sistema operativo e clustering permette di costruire server potenti quanto quelli monolitici ma più economici e possono adattarsi meglio alle richieste esterne. Data l'enorme mole di dati e di potenza di calcolo necessaria per gestire le comunicazioni e le interazioni tra utenti e servizi web, molte imprese non possono permettersi investimenti su un server proprietario e la sua manutenzione, perciò affittano le risorse necessarie che costituiscono il cosiddetto "cloud", cioè l'insieme di server che le aziende mettono a disposizione dei propri clienti. Il trasferimento dei servizi da macchina fisica a cloud ha modificato la visione che si ha dei servizi stessi, infatti non sono più visti come software monolitici ma come microservizi che interagiscono tra di loro. L'infrastruttura di comunicazione che permette ai microservizi di comunicare è chiamata service mesh e la sua suddivisione richiama la tecnologia SDN. È stato studiato il comportamento del software di service mesh Istio installato in un cluster Kubernetes. Sono state raccolte metriche su memoria occupata, CPU utilizzata, pacchetti trasmessi ed eventuali errori e infine latenza per confrontarle a quelle ottenute da un cluster su cui non è stato installato Istio. Lo studio dimostra che, in un cluster rivolto all'uso in produzione, la service mesh offerta da Istio fornisce molti strumenti per il controllo della rete a scapito di una richiesta leggermente più alta di risorse hardware.


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La maggioranza degli applicativi che utilizziamo quotidianamente come siti di e-commerce e portali di home banking basano il proprio funzionamento su un’infrastruttura a microservizi, cioè un modello architetturale in cui un insieme di più sottocomponenti collabora scambiandosi dati per permettere agli utenti finali di fruire di un servizio. Questo pattern rappresenta lo standard adottato dagli applicativi moderni che ha ormai soppiantato il più datato modello monolitico in cui l’intero funzionamento veniva gestito in un’unica unità implementativa di grandi dimensioni, difficile da sviluppare e mantenere all’aumentare delle funzionalità richieste. Decomporre un unico software in più sottocomponenti permette di ridistribuirne la complessità totale richiedendo però un insieme di accortezze e di strumenti consoni per gestire tutte le entità da sviluppare. A tale scopo al giorno d’oggi è molto importante l’utilizzo della telemetria, cioè la tecnologia che consiste nella raccolta a distanza dei dati generati dai componenti a scopo di analisi di funzionamento e performance dell’intera piattaforma. L’adozione di questa tecnologia comporta numerosi benefici, sia a livello implementativo che dal punto di vista del mantenimento della piattaforma, che potrà essere monitorata anche dopo il rilascio. In questo elaborato di tesi sono stati implementati due use case realistici di piattaforme a microservizi che ricevono ed elaborano dati, alle quali sono state aggiunte nella fase di sviluppo software le funzionalità di due diversi strumenti di telemetria. L’obiettivo è permettere l’analisi dello storico delle elaborazioni eseguite per poter ricostruire il funzionamento dell’intero applicativo a scatola chiusa, analizzando le metriche generate nei log dei microservizi o in un’interfaccia grafica raggiungibile tramite browser. All’interno dell’elaborato verranno descritti tutti i dettagli implementativi, analizzando poi i benefici ottenuti dall’adozione di questi strumenti.


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Among the important changes in the production processes, it is necessary to guarantee the sustainability of the human enterprises, what makes us to foresee changes in the managerial administration to adapt to a new model, with the insert of the concepts of Clean Production, Cleaner, Lean and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). The main focus of this work was to elaborate a methodology that made it possible to guarantee the reliability in the waterworks of the sugarcane harvester, identifying and analyzing the manners of flaws, in order to result in the improvement of the environmental and socioeconomic quality in the atmosphere of an industry of sugarcane through the significant decrease of hydraulic oil spill. Through the existent report in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), used in a Sugarcane Industry Plant, it was possible to accompany of the operational acting of the sugarcane harvester used during 03 crops, regarding the manners of flaws in the waterworks of the same ones, and, in one of the crops it was elaborated the total control of the waterworks of 5 harvesters. Based on the obtained data and the developed methodology it was possible to develop a software that specifies the electric outlet of decisions.


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The dialectic tension between the phenomenon of illiteracy and the remedial efforts of the literate to provide a voice for those who don t have one, reflects at the same time the difficulties that the emerging discourses have to struggle with, and highlights the importance of this struggle as one that belongs to the opressed, not the well-meaning educators and political activists. It also informs the latter s efforts on behalf of the uneducated. Naturally these issues have attracted a good deal of attention of some specialists in South America. There is now a movement afoot there that aims at placing illiterate discourse inside the societal discourse proper without letting the latter manipulate the former for its own ends. I will address the typical exigencies and limitations inherent in such efforts, but at the same time point to new ways of understanding and handling the problem of literacy in a developing country.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física