1000 resultados para Engenharia de petróleo
As reservas mundiais provadas de gás natural totalizavam 143 trilhões de m3 em 1999. Deste total, 403 bilhões estão no território brasileiro, sendo 151 bilhões de m3 em terra e 252 bilhões no mar. A Figura 1 mostra a distribuição da produção nacional, sendo quase metade do total extraído na Bacia de Campos, RJ. Pode-se dizer que a cogeração aplicada a plataformas de petróleo não representa uma novidade, já há alguns anos até mesmo os navios utilizam a produção conjunta de trabalho mecânico e calor a partir da queima de um mesmo combustível. Entretanto, existem múltiplas configurações possíveis para atendimento de certas demandas térmicas e elétricas e a escolha da mais adequada pode representar uma sensível diferença em termos de aproveitamento energético.
Presenta las concentraciones de hidrocarburos de petróleo en agua y sedimentos en áreas costeras de Talara, Ensenada de Sechura - Puerto Bayóvar, Ferrol - Chimbote, Callao - Ventanilla, Pisco - Paracas, Mollendo, Ilo e Ite durante 1996, dentro del Programa Vigilancia de la Callidad del Medio Marino Costero. La determinación de hidrocarburos se realizó conforme la metodología COI-UNESCO 1982 - 1984. La evaluación por playas (zona litoral) identificó la zona frenta a fábricas de fertilizantes (norte del Callao) como la más crítica de contaminación por compuestos. El impacto de la descarga se reflejó en las áreas agrícolas circundantes, en el ganado existente (impregnado de colo negruzco grasiento) y en una franja (zona de mezcla) donde confluye la descarga.
Se han evaluado los hidrocarburos aromáticos en agua y en sedimento marino. En sedimentos de fondo como indicador del deterioro o estado de contaminación, se ha empleado el contenido de compuestos aromáticos.
[cat] En els últims temps es parla molt del nou paper dels hidrocarburs d'Àfrica, fins i tot s'al·ludeix a un oil rush o a un african oil scramble , que inevitablement desembocarà en una confrontació bipolar entre la Xina i els Estats Units, pel control de les reserves de petroli del subsòl del continent africà. Així, el propòsit d'aquest text és, en primer lloc, realitzar una anàlisi descriptiva que ajudi a valorar la hipòtesi d'aquest african oil scramble. A continuación, amb les dades obtingudes, es discutirà sobre la possibilitat de que aquest fenomen desemboqui en un escenari de confrontació xinoamericana. Aquesta especulació ens durà a concloure que hi ha suficients indicis per a argumentar que el joc petrolífer africà podria desenvolupar-se en un escenari marcat per la multilateralitat.
A remediação de uma amostra de Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo contaminado artificialmente com petróleo (5.000 mg kg-1) foi estudada comparando diferentes oxidantes químicos: KMnO4 0,10 mol L-1; K2S2O8 0,10 mol L-1; H2O2 0,10 mol L-1; H2O2/Fe2+ 0,10/0,080 mol L-1 (reação de Fenton); e H2O2/Fe2+/UV 0,10/0,080 mol L-1 (reação de foto-Fenton). A remediação foi praticamente completa aos 30 min para o processo de foto-Fenton (99 %). Todos os outros oxidantes não atingiram essa taxa de dissipação até 180 min. O processo em que se usou H2O2 0,10 mol L-1 (70,51 %) foi o de menor eficiência. A adição de íons Fe aumentou a taxa de dissipação para 86,98 % (H2O2/Fe2+ 0,10/0,080 mol L-1). Os métodos convencionais apresentaram taxas de dissipação de 76,58 % (KMnO4 0,10 mol L-1) e 93,85 % (K2S2O8 0,10 mol L-1).
[cat] En els últims temps es parla molt del nou paper dels hidrocarburs d'Àfrica, fins i tot s'al·ludeix a un oil rush o a un african oil scramble , que inevitablement desembocarà en una confrontació bipolar entre la Xina i els Estats Units, pel control de les reserves de petroli del subsòl del continent africà. Així, el propòsit d'aquest text és, en primer lloc, realitzar una anàlisi descriptiva que ajudi a valorar la hipòtesi d'aquest african oil scramble. A continuación, amb les dades obtingudes, es discutirà sobre la possibilitat de que aquest fenomen desemboqui en un escenari de confrontació xinoamericana. Aquesta especulació ens durà a concloure que hi ha suficients indicis per a argumentar que el joc petrolífer africà podria desenvolupar-se en un escenari marcat per la multilateralitat.
Apresenta pesquisa que objetiva identificar necessidades e expectativas informacionais de usuários de bibliotecas acadêmicas realizada junto aos mestrandos e professores dos cursos a distância do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, dando ênfase à qualidade em serviços. Os resultados mostram que os modelos de bibliotecas acadêmicas devem estar centrados na voz dos usuários, pois necessitam de informação para a obtenção de conhecimento, para atualização, produção de artigos científicos e dissertações. Também, esperam que as unidades informacionais disponibilizem produtos nos diversos suportes existentes, isto é, convencionais e digitais.
Este estudo pautou-se em responder ao seguinte problema: "Como facilitar a emergência de contextos favoráveis ao processo de criação e compartilhamento de conhecimento?" Ante a formulação inicial, o presente artigo tem por objetivo identificar os quatro tipos de contextos (originating ba, dialoguing ba, systemizing ba e exercising ba) e apontar seus benefícios para a criação e compartilhamento de conhecimentos, a partir da percepção dos mestrandos dos cursos de engenharia de produção da Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Paraná (UFTPR) campus Ponta Grossa, de acordo com a metodologia proposta por Nonaka, Toyama e Konno (2002). O texto caracteriza-se como um estudo de caso, com a utilização de técnicas qualitativas para coleta e análise dos dados. Os resultados apontam a identificação dos espaços por 100% dos respondentes, tendo como benefícios o compartilhamento de informações e de conhecimentos. As informações compartilhadas que mais trouxeram benefícios estão relacionadas à criação e desenvolvimento de artigos, seminários, qualificação e defesa da dissertação.
Among all activities related to the management of science and technology in Brazil, program monitoring and evaluation is certainly one of the less developed and most needed. There are no universal methodologies that can be applied. In essence programs can be evaluated by relating their achievements to pre-established goals. A second strategy is to compare programs similar in nature, utilizing as reference common indicators. Finally programs can be evaluated by their socio-economic impact comparing investments to outcomes. All strategies mentioned require appropriate program design monitoring and expert independent evaluation. In Brazil as in many other countries including developed ones this activity is complicated by the fact that programs vary widely in their scope and goals. In Brazil program designs often do not specify clearly their purposes and output indicators, many are not monitored properly which makes evaluation difficult. Consequently science and technology programs are difficult to be compared to each other, and even evaluated on the basis of pre-established goals. In PADCT monitoring and evaluation proved to be the most challenging activities. Two lessons however were learnt. One is that the process of monitoring and evaluation has to be continuously exposed to criticism to be perfected; and the second is that the evaluation process must not be exhausted shortly after investments since translation of scientific knowledge into industrial applications may prove to be a lengthy process. In this exercise we certainly do not pretend to evaluate the QEQ subprogram but to organize some of the information produced by different sources related to this subject, including the PADCT administration. We use somewhat each strategy described: compare the outputs of the QEQ to predetermined proposed goals (particularly in PADCT II), compare the QEQ to other PADCT subprograms, and specify some outputs in terms of technological and industrial applications. Finally, we utilize this opportunity to discuss science and technology M&E in general and the complexity of developing this area in Brazil.
For economical and ecological reasons, synthetic chemists are confronted with the increasing obligation of optimizing their synthetic methods. Maximizing efficiency and minimizing costs in the production of molecules and macromolecules constitutes, therefore, one of the most exciting challenges of synthetic chemistry. The ideal synthesis should produce the desired product in 100% yield and selectivity, in a safe and environmentally acceptable process. In this highlight the concepts of atom economy, molecular engineering and biphasic organometallic catalysis, which address these issues at the molecular level for the generation of "green" technologies, are introduced and discussed.
The world reserves of petroleum will finish in about 100 years. For a tropical country like Brazil, biomass will be the natural substitute for petroleum. For the best utilization of biomass, it first needs to be separated into its principal components: cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignins, vegetable and essential oils, non-structural carbohydrates, bark and foliage. All feedstocks for the chemical industry can be obtained from these biomass components, as shown in the first part of this paper. In the second part we discuss how the major products from petrochemicals can be obtained from the different biomass components. We show that Brazil can use different strategies, compared to other countries, to obtain petrochemical products, which could result in innovations. However, it is necessary that the government starts to invest immediately in order to keep the petrochemical industries competitive with foreign industries, so that they continue to be one of Brazil's major employers.
One of the most widely used physico-chemical characterizations of hydrocarbon mixtures is the determination of their boiling point distribution. Knowledge of the boiling range of crude oils and petroleum products is essential to ensure the correct specification of final products and to control refinery processes. Simulated distillation, a GC based process, has been playing this role for the past decades in the petroleum industry. The main purpose of this work is to show the fundamentals of this technique as well as its present trends.
Several extraction procedures are described for the determination of exchangeable and fixed ammonium, nitrate + nitrite, total exchangeable nitrogen and total nitrogen in certified reference soils and petroleum reservoir rock samples by steam distillation and indophenol method. After improvement of the original distillation system, an increase in worker safety, a reduction in time consumption, a decrease of 73% in blank value and an analysis without ammonia loss, which could possibly occur, were achieved. The precision (RSD < 8%, n = 3) and the detection limit (9 mg kg-1 NH4+-N) are better than those of published procedures.
The goal of this work was to establish the origins of the chemical engineering course at the National School of Chemistry of the University of Brazil (at present, the School of Chemistry of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). There was a previous Industrial Chemistry course at the Higher School of Agriculture and Veterinary, established in 1920, following the French model. This course was the basis of the creation of the National School of Chemistry in 1933. During the 1940s, teachers and students claimed for a new course in true connection with the needs of the country and to reach full valorization of their job. The structure of the new Chemical Engineering course was approved in 1946 and the first class begun in 1952. This course was of great importance during the Brazilian industrial development during the 1950s and 1960s.
The employment of local soils for extraction of metallic elements was evaluated through batch tests to treat wastewaters generated in a petroleum refinery plant in southern Brazil. Clay and organic carbon content and clay mineralogy provide these soils, in principle, with moderate metal retention capacity. The following retention order was established: Cr3+ > Pb2+ > Cu2+ > Hg2+ > Cd2+, with total amount of metals retained varying from 36 to 65 meq kg-1. The results show the high efficiency of local soils for extracting metals from liquid effluents through sorption and precipitation processes under acid pH conditions.