971 resultados para Eevan tie alttarille : nainen kirkon historiassa
Tutkimuksen kohteena on kuukautiskokemuksen kulttuurinen rakentuminen suomalaisten, vuosina 1959-1977 syntyneiden naisten kuukautiselämäkerroissa. Tutkin millaisia kuukautiskokemuksia naisilla on sekä miten ja suhteessa keneen tai mihin nämä kokemukset muotoutuvat. Tarkastelen myös millaisia kulttuurisia käsityksiä kuukautisista naisten kokemukset ilmentävät. Ymmärrän kuukautiskokemuksen tutkimuksessani elämänkulkuun liittyvänä historiallisena prosessina, jonka kautta ihmisestä tulee subjekti, joka sosiaalisena yksilönä kiinnittyy häntä ympäröivään kulttuuriin, kieleen ja maailmaan. Tarkastelen mikrohistorian näkökulmasta yksilön tapaa hahmottaa henkilökohtaista kuukautiskokemusta suhteessa omaan kokemushistoriaansa ja sen sosiokulttuurisen ympäristön historiaan, jossa hän elää. Haastattelemani naiset ymmärtävät kuukautiset sekä fysiologisena ruumiin toimintona että kokemuksellisena tapahtumana. Vaikka lääketieteellinen tietämys kuukautisista on lisääntynyt 1900-luvun aikana nopeasti, ei kuukautisten fysiologinen tunteminen ole edelleenkään kaikille naisille kovin merkityksellinen asia. Fysiologisesti kuukautiset ovat naisille merkki ruumiin normaalista toiminnasta ja hedelmällisessä iästä olemisesta. Naisten kuukautiskokemus ei ole yksi, vaan se muuttuu niin kutsuttujen avainkokemusten kohdalla samanaikaisesti kun yksilölle muotoutuu uusi sosiaalinen rooli, jonka myötä häneen kohdistuvat sosiaaliset odotukset muuttuvat. Avoimissa teemahaastatteluissa tuotetuissa kuukautiselämäkerroissa haastateltavat nimesivät kuukautiselämän avainkokemuksiksi ensimmäiset kuukautiset, kuukautisten kanssa sinuiksi tulon, raskaudet ja imetyksen, lapset tehty mitäs nyt -vaiheen sekä vaihdevuosien tulon tiedostamisen. Naiselle on tärkeää pystyä läpi kuukautiselämän säilyttämään itsenäisen, aktiivisen toimijan rooli, ja tähän hän tarvitsee tietoa ja toimintaohjeita jokaisen uuden avainkokemuksen kohdalla. Naisen kuukautiskokemuksen muotoutumiseen vaikuttavat useat merkittävät sekä yksityisen että julkisen alueen toiset. Nainen vertaa kuukautiskokemustaan näihin toisiin, saa heiltä tietoa kuukautisista ja elää kuukautisarkea heidän tai niiden kanssa. Kuukautiselämäkerroissa häpeän tunne läpäisee koko elämänkaaren. Kulttuurisesti kuukautisten tulee olla näkymättömät, huomaamattomiksi kätketyt. Vaikka kuukautisiin liittyvä nolouden ja häpeän tunne on syvällä kulttuurisessa kokemusmaailmassa ja naisen kuukautiskokemukseen vaikuttavat kulttuuriset tekijät ovat historiallisesti hyvin hitaasti muuttuvia, on kulttuurisessa ilmapiirissä havaittavissa jonkin asteista muutosta avoimempaan suuntaan.
En aquest món on ens ha tocat viure i patir canvis tan durs amb la crisi econòmica que patim, que ens ha fet passar de lligar els gossos amb llonganisses a vigilar en les despeses del dia a dia per poder arribar just a final de mes, és el moment de reinventar-se. És per aquest motiu que presento aquesta idea, on el seu objectiu és desenvolupar una pàgina web que esdevingui un punt de trobada entre usuaris que volen transmetre o ampliar el seu coneixement i oferir-los la possibilitat que entre ells puguin compartir les seves habilitats i destreses. El web consistirà en un panell d’activitats on els usuaris un cop s’hagin registrat puguin crear les activitats que vulguin aprendre o bé ensenyar, tot demanant, si ho desitgen, quelcom a canvi. Aleshores la resta d’usuaris si els interessa l’activitat, poden acceptar la demanda o bé fer una proposta pròpia. A partir d’aquí els usuaris s’han de posar d’acord a l’hora de dur a terme l’activitat. El web disposarà d’una part pels usuaris amb permisos d’administrador perquè puguin gestionar el portal. Aquest projecte s’ha desenvolupat amb el framework de PHP Codeigniter, el qual utilitza la programació per capes MVC, la qual separa la programació en tres parts: el Model, la Vista i el Controlador. També s’han utilitzat els llenguatges HTML5 i CSS3, i jQuery, que és una llibreria de JavaScript. Com a sistema gestor de base de dades s’ha utilitzat el MySQL.
The present work analyzed the effect of the temperature and type of salt on the phase equilibrium of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) formed by poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG) 1500 + potassium phosphate, from (278.15 to 318.15) K, and PEG 1500 + sodium citrate, from (278.15 to 298.15) K. The rise of the temperature normally increased the slope of the tie line (STL). With respect to the influence of the type of salt, sodium citrate showed better capability to induce phase separation, when compared to potassium phosphate.
The Ageing in Working Life. Do Adolescence and Schooling Beat Adulthood and Experience? This study examines the changes in the work and the work organisations of employees in the fields of health care and retail trade who have turned 45 and their experience of change. In addition, the question of how ageing employees experience their status in post-modern working life is explored. Attention is also focused on the choices and decisions connected with staying at work and retiring. These views are examined in relation to professions and professional cultures. Thematic interviews (N=98) were used to gather the material. The effects of the market liberalistic turn in welfare policy are clearly seen in the everyday work of the health care professions. These changes were examined from the point of view of managing by outcomes and quality assurance, multi-professional cooperation, flexibility in the division of labour, and the spread of market-like procedures. The discourse of those in involved retail trade was dominated by extremely tight global market competition and control of outcomes, and by the structural changes taking place in the retail trade sector. This change discourse was to a large extent a reaction to those changes in the functional environment which were experienced as negative and to the conflict between their own professional identity and professional ethics on the one hand, and their functional environment on the other. There were also obstacles connected with professional culture: defending one's own station and power, guarding the 'frontier', showed up in attitudes towards new management and organisation models or towards structural and functional reforms. The deep structures of professional culture and the mindset of the actors change much more slowly than the functional practices of organisations. For those in a supervisory position, the loss of power due to becoming part of a chain or because of the introduction of a team organisation model was not an easy thing to accept. The nurses and others in related fields felt that they were forced to do work that was below their level of training and professional skill. For sales personnel and those who did assisting work in health care, power and the possibility of having an influence were not so important, as long as they were able to do their work in their own way and were trusted. This view is often completely forgotten, for example, in various organisation models in which power and the possibility of having an influence entwined with power are taken for granted as being clearly positive and desired aspects of job satisfaction. Up to date professional skills were experienced as being important from the point of view of professional identity and self-worth. Thus, training can be understood as a moral obligation, which in turn is intertwined with professional ideology. In the rhetoric of adult education, an adult is expected to be an active player who will seek training again and again if working life so requires. The dark side of this ideology, which leads to feelings of guilt, was apparent in the thoughts of the respondents. Am I never good enough at my job; why must I continually strive for better, additional qualifications? The majority of the respondents evaluated their expertise as being at quite a high level. This self-confidence did not extend to applying for a job. Job recruitment was seen as a situation in which age discrimination reached its peak. The interviewees were unanimous about the idea that society favours the young. Especially among those in the retail trade sector, there was a feeling that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to find a new job of the same level or a permanent post if they were made redundant. Age discrimination was also apparent in the retail trade field in the form of older employees being retired against their will or transferred to other tasks. It was felt that ruthless forced retirement of older workers was part of the personnel policy of some organisations. The importance of one's outward appearance was connected with the theme of discrimination. This phenomenon is described using the concept of the double standard of ageing in feminist research. An ageing woman is relegated to an inferior position due to both her age and her sex. A culture that would both make possible and allow various types of choices regardless of age, which is described as being characteristic of the post-modern era, does not seem to be very topical in the practice of working life. It is important for employees that the management and the personnel policy that is being implemented makes them feel like both their contribution and they as individuals are appreciated, that their opinions are listened to and that they are noticed as persons. The interviewees hoped for gratitude and a concern for the well-being of employees that shows in everyday life. They valued training and activities aimed at maintaining their work ability, but thought that better coping at work and a pleasant working environment cannot be achieved through such measures as along as the foundation is 'in a mess'. Development of the quality of working life is the only thing that can improve job satisfaction and get people to remain in the work force longer than at present. There should be a sufficient number of properly trained employees at the work place. It was important to the respondents that they be able to stay on their job to the end with honour, since compromising with their own quality standards or acting contrary to their ideal self-image in terms of professional ethics would strike a blow to their professional self-esteem. They called for the development of various types of workplace flexibility, and felt that they have the right to a lightened workload and to early retirement. Early retirement was even seen as an altruistic deed: it would free up a place for younger workers. Thoughts of retirements were explained by familiar factors such as health and finances, life situation, the enticement of free-time, as well as by various factors related to work. It is very important to ageing employees that their work has meaningful content. The values related to self-fulfilment are felt to be of great importance, and if they cannot be realised at work, the respondents wanted more free time, either through retirement or in the form of flexibility in working life.
In my PhD dissertation, I have examined a group of people of Scandinavian origin received by Ospizio dei Convertendi. This group has been hitherto largely unknown to historical research. The Ospizio was an institute founded by the Oratorian Congregation in Rome in 1673 to provide religious instruction and material aid to both recent and aspirant converts to Roman Catholicism. My research traces the profile of converts and a typology of motives, examining different factors which influenced the conversion process. I show that the key factors were often of a social rather than a religious nature. Moreover, I have analyzed the hospice in the context of Counter-Reformation charity as well. In terms of numbers, the Scandinavians formed a somewhat marginal yet not insignificant group within the Roman hospice. Out of a total of 2203 guests received between 1673 and 1706, 4.6 % were Scandinavians: 74 Swedes (including Finland and Livonia) and 27 Danes (including Norway). They came from a rigorously Protestant region which reacted to Catholicism with severe legislative measures. Converts to Catholicism risked confiscation of their goods, expulsion or even capital punishment. Since both Sweden and Denmark were practically impenetrable to Catholicism at the time and clandestine missionary attempts often failed before they had even properly started, the Roman Catholic Church shifted its interest towards Northerners arriving in Rome, a preferred destination for young noblemen, artists and migrant craftsmen. The material related to Ospizio dei Convertendi, conserved in the Vatican archives, is a scarcely known yet unusually rich source, not only for the religious history of our continent, but also for social history and the study of migration in early modern Europe. It contains a wealth of information about members of the subordinate classes, of their travels and lives in Europe. The profile delineated in these documents is of individuals who had a wide range of different professions and different aspirations. These documents encompass a vast social spectrum that was highly mobile on a continent which by that time had become pluriconfessional. Therefore, these migrants faced the complex religious reality in their everyday life. The principal corpus of my research consists of two types of manuscript sources created for administrative and in a way also for apologetic purposes of the Roman Catholic Church. My starting point is the Primo registro generale of Ospizio dei Convertendi. This is a volume in which the following information about each guest was registered: name, nationality, city of origin, age, sex, profession, confession professed before converting, date of arrival, departure, abjuration and baptism. Typically, the convert was male, originating from Stockholm or Copenhagen, from 21 to 30 years of age. The biggest occupational groups in descending order were soldiers, noblemen, craftsmen and sailors. Thus the data reflects a multiform reality of interurban and long distance migration, ideals regarding the education of young noblemen and gentry as well as the need of European armies to hire foreign mercenaries in their various campaigns. Against this background the almost total absence of women is hardly surprising: there is only one woman in the material I have studied. The second main source, Nota degl’ospiti ricevuti e spese fatte per essi, sheds more light on the choices of the converts, their motivations and their lives outside Scandinavia before reaching Rome. This narrative material permits an analysis which completes but also goes far beyond the columns of the Institute’s general register. This material consists of reports written by Catholic priests based on an interview conducted upon each guest’s arrival. The material frequently includes information on what the converts would do following their departure from the Institute as well. These sources have a specific narrative form and contain short biographies, list reasons for converting and information about the journey from the North to the Mediterranean - a journey which in many cases took several years. Moreover, they show that certain unorthodox practices such as calling on the saints and pleading for help from them were not uncommon in the Protestant popular religion. The recording of information on conversions from Protestantism to Catholicism reflects both religious and social interest on the part of the receiving institute. The information obtained was used for the purposes of religious teaching, for finding adequate ways of inserting the convert into Italian society so that he could earn a living, and to find effective methods to convert others with a similar cultural and geographical background. The stories recorded were based on interviews with the newly-arrived, information obtained from a travel companion or fellow countrymen, or from written documents the aspirant converts carried with them. These sources illustrate, although sometimes in rather simplified ways, the circumstances and motivations which were relevant to the choice of changing one’s confession. In addition, I have examined petitions addressed to the hospice and other Roman authorities in order to get financial aid. These petitions were written by Italian scrittori, and they contain certain conventions and topoi of presenting the conversion with the purpose of improving the chances of obtaining financial aid. It is through these filters, which may seem initially almost invisible, that the remote voice of the converts reaches us. The results of the analysis are particularly interesting because they disagree with some of the principal conclusions of previous work on the subject. First, earlier research has focused almost exclusively on the conversions of noblemen, and has argued, second, that the Queen Christina of Sweden was the driving force behind their change of confession. The sources examined for this dissertation present a profile of long-distance migrants, many of them members of the subordinate classes, who were looking for ways to make their living in Europe. These people had in many cases left their country of origin several years earlier and not for religious reasons, so, crucially, we are not dealing with confessional migration in these cases. Rather, conversion was a complex process, intricately tied up with strategies of survival, integration and upward social mobility. At the same time, while these components are significant on their own right, they do not necessarily point to the absence of motivations of a more clearly religious nature.
Zacharias Topeliuksen Fältskärns berättelser oli alkanut ilmestyä jatkokertomuksena Helsingfors Tidningarissa vuonna 1851. Viisiosainen teos julkaistiin kirjoina vuosina 1853-1867. Tämä suosittu romaanisarja kertoo Suomen ja Ruotsin historiasta Kustaa II Aadolfin ajoista Kustaa III:n aikoihin asti. Vaiherikkaissa tarinoissa suuret historialliset tapahtumat ja aikakaudet elävöityvät yksilöiden elämänkohtaloiden kautta. Suomen osuus Ruotsin valtakunnan historiassa nousee tärkeään asemaan. Kyseinen VÄLSKÄRIN KERTOMUKSIA on Juhani Ahon suomennos seitsemännestä ruotsinkielisestä painoksesta. Teoksen ovat kuvittaneet Albert Edelfelt ja Carl Larsson.
Zacharias Topeliuksen Fältskärns berättelser oli alkanut ilmestyä jatkokertomuksena Helsingfors Tidningarissa vuonna 1851. Viisiosainen teos julkaistiin kirjoina vuosina 1853-1867. Tämä suosittu romaanisarja kertoo Suomen ja Ruotsin historiasta Kustaa II Aadolfin ajoista Kustaa III:n aikoihin asti. Vaiherikkaissa tarinoissa suuret historialliset tapahtumat ja aikakaudet elävöityvät yksilöiden elämänkohtaloiden kautta. Suomen osuus Ruotsin valtakunnan historiassa nousee tärkeään asemaan. Kyseinen VÄLSKÄRIN KERTOMUKSIA on Juhani Ahon suomennos seitsemännestä ruotsinkielisestä painoksesta. Teoksen ovat kuvittaneet Albert Edelfelt ja Carl Larsson.
Zacharias Topeliuksen Fältskärns berättelser oli alkanut ilmestyä jatkokertomuksena Helsingfors Tidningarissa vuonna 1851. Viisiosainen teos julkaistiin kirjoina vuosina 1853-1867. Tämä suosittu romaanisarja kertoo Suomen ja Ruotsin historiasta Kustaa II Aadolfin ajoista Kustaa III:n aikoihin asti. Vaiherikkaissa tarinoissa suuret historialliset tapahtumat ja aikakaudet elävöityvät yksilöiden elämänkohtaloiden kautta. Suomen osuus Ruotsin valtakunnan historiassa nousee tärkeään asemaan. Kyseinen VÄLSKÄRIN KERTOMUKSIA on Juhani Ahon suomennos seitsemännestä ruotsinkielisestä painoksesta. Teoksen ovat kuvittaneet Albert Edelfelt ja Carl Larsson.
Zacharias Topeliuksen Fältskärns berättelser oli alkanut ilmestyä jatkokertomuksena Helsingfors Tidningarissa vuonna 1851. Viisiosainen teos julkaistiin kirjoina vuosina 1853-1867. Tämä suosittu romaanisarja kertoo Suomen ja Ruotsin historiasta Kustaa II Aadolfin ajoista Kustaa III:n aikoihin asti. Vaiherikkaissa tarinoissa suuret historialliset tapahtumat ja aikakaudet elävöityvät yksilöiden elämänkohtaloiden kautta. Suomen osuus Ruotsin valtakunnan historiassa nousee tärkeään asemaan. Kyseinen VÄLSKÄRIN KERTOMUKSIA on Juhani Ahon suomennos seitsemännestä ruotsinkielisestä painoksesta. Teoksen ovat kuvittaneet Albert Edelfelt ja Carl Larsson.