1000 resultados para EGPRS-136
El legislador estatal ha introduït un nou article 200 bis a la LCSP, amb la finalitat de lluitar contra la morositat de les Administracions públiques. No obstant això, com es veurà al llarg del present Treball sota l’enunciat de: “Procediment per fer efectius els deutes de les administracions publiques”, amaga simplement la regulació d’una nova mesura cautelar i la reducció del termini per aquests supòsits d’inactivitat administrativa. Per analitzar adequadament el contingut d’aquest article, hem considerat oportú estudiar les mesures cautelars en lo contenciós-administratiu. El camí recorregut comença en els antecedents jurisprudencials en l’aplicació de l’anterior normativa en mesures cautelars, segueix per la regulació comunitària i cóm aquesta va ser aplicada en un conegut cas del TJCE – cas Factortame-, això ens permetrà entendre el gir jurisprudencial del Tribunal Suprem de 1990 així com el alè donat pel Tribunal Constitucional. Tot això, ens conduirà al anàlisi dels articles 129, 130 i 136 de la vigent Llei de la jurisdicció contenciós-administratiu, això ens porta finalment al anàlisis del 200 bis.
Background: The current data comparing posterior and anterior circulation strokes with regards to clinical, etiological, radiological and outcome factors are conflicting. We searched for distinguishing features between both territories in 1'449 consecutive acute ischemic stroke patients. Methods: All consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke admitted to a single stroke unit from January 2003 to July 2008 were included in a prospective registry. Territory of acute stroke was determined by a combination of neuroimaging (MRI and / CT / CTP) and clinical symptoms and signs. Patients with uncertain localisation and patients with simultaneous strokes in the anterior and posterior circulation were excluded from this analysis. Results: Of a total of 1728 patients, 466 (17.0%) had had posterior, 983 (56.8%) anterior, 136 (7.9%) unknown territory, and 43 (2.5%) simultaneous posterior and anterior territory stroke. Of 39 variables that were compared, 29 differed significantly in univariate analysis, including less dependency (OR_0.50) and mortality (OR_0.56) at 3 months in posterior stroke. In multivariate analysis (see table), male gender, lacunar mechanism, arterial dissection and endovascular recanalisation were more frequent in posterior stroke, and admission NIHSS and IV-thrombolysis rate were lower. Significant acute arterial pathology (_50% stenosis) was less frequently found on acute imaging in posterior stroke (OR_0.33). Of 633 patients with significant arterial pathology, it was more frequently present intracranially in posterior (OR_1.62) and extracranially in anterior stroke (OR _ 0.87). In 610 patients where recanalisation was assessed at 24 hours, intracranial (OR_0.26), extracranial (OR_0.25) and overall recanalisation (OR_0.34) was less frequent in the posterior circulation. Conclusions: Acute posterior strokes are less severe and recover better, despite lower IV thrombolysis and recanalisation rates. They are more frequently due to lacunes and dissections and have less arterial pathology burden then anterior circulation strokes.
OBJECTIVES: We compared androgen and gonadotropin values in HIV-infected men who did and did not develop lipoatrophy on combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). METHODS: From a population of 136 treatment-naïve male Caucasians under successful zidovudine/lamivudine-based cART, the 10 patients developing lipoatrophy (cases) were compared with 87 randomly chosen controls. Plasma levels of free testosterone (fT), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone (LH) were measured at baseline and after 2 years of cART. RESULTS: At baseline, 60% of the cases and 71% of the controls showed abnormally low fT values. LH levels were normal or low in 67 and 94% of the patients, respectively, indicating a disturbance of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. fT levels did not significantly change after 2 years of cART. Cases showed a significant increase in LH levels, while controls showed a significant increase in DHEA levels. In a multivariate logistic regression model, lipoatrophy was associated with higher baseline DHEA levels (P=0.04), an increase in LH levels during cART (P=0.001), a lower body mass index and greater age. CONCLUSIONS: Hypogonadism is present in the majority of HIV-infected patients. The development of cART-related lipoatrophy is associated with an increase in LH and a lack of increase in DHEA levels.
Controlling the extracellular volume in hemodialysis patients is a difficult task. The aim of this study was to evaluate the capacity of different methods of stimulated sweating to reduce mean interdialytic weight gain (IWG), to improve blood pressure regulation, and potassium/urea balance. Two center, crossover pilot study. In Lausanne, hemodialysis patients took four hot-water baths a week, 30 minutes each, on nondialysis days during 1 month. In Sfax, patients visited the local Hammam Center four times a week. Hemodynamic parameters were recorded, and weekly laboratory analysis was performed. Results were compared with a preceding 1-month control period. In Lausanne, five patients (all men, median age 55 years) participated. Bathing temperature was (mean ± standard deviation) 41.2 ± 3°C and sweating-induced weight loss 600 ± 500 g. Mean IWG (control vs. intervention period) decreased from 2.3 ± 0.9 to 1.8 ± 1 kg (P = 0.004), Systolic blood pressure from 139 ± 21 to 136 ± 22 mmHg (P = 0.4), and diastolic blood pressure form 79 ± 12 to 75 ± 13 mmHg (P = 0.08); antihypertensive therapy could be reduced from 2.8 ± 0.4 to 1.9 ± 0.5 antihypertensive drugs per patient (P = 0.01). In Sfax (n = 9, median age 46 years), weight loss per Hammam session was 420 ± 100 g. No differences were found in IWG or BP, but predialysis serum potassium level decreased from 5.9 ± 0.8 to 5.5 ± 0.9 mmol/L (P = 0.04) and urea from 26.9 ± 6 to 23.1 ± 6 mmol/L (P = 0.02). Hot-water baths appear to be a safe way to reduce IWG in selected hemodialysis patients. Hammam visits reduce serum potassium and urea levels, but not IWG. More data in larger patient groups are necessary before definite conclusion can be drawn.
Les estadístiques mostren que un gran nombre de població penitenciària en l’actualitat és consumidora de drogues. Som conscients de la diversitat de postures i filosofies en l’abordatge de la temàtica de les drogues, però el grup de professionals que ha elaborat aquest Programa accepta el consum de drogues com una realitat dels centres penitenciaris catalans. També som conscients que l’objectiu del consum zero és massa ambiciós i poc adequat a la realitat dels presos. Per tant, un objectiu del Programa serà la disminució dels consums que estan generant problemàtiques i la disminució dels seus riscos associats (abús, addicció, contagi de malalties, consums barrejats de substàncies, etc.) És per això que les pretensions del Programa són informar de les substàncies psicoactives i les seves propietats, explicar els recursos interns i externs que existeixen i, sobretot, donar la possibilitat a l’intern de tenir un referent pel que fa a les addiccions a fi que pugui disposar–ne en cas de necessitat.
The glioma CpG island methylator phenotype (G-CIMP) has been shown to be highly correlated with prognosis andwas noted to be highly concordant with IDH1mutation in malignant glioma in the limited number of samples analyzed. To better understand the relationship of G-CIMP with IDH1 mutation status and patient outcome, we examined G-CIMP status in detail in a larger retrospective series of glioblastomas as well as tumor samples from the RTOG 0525 clinical trial. Sampleswere tested for 6 CIMPmarkers andwere correlated with patient outcomes. In the retrospective tumor set (n ¼ 301),we found 3 distinct survival groups based on the number of CIMP markers: 0-1 (CIMP-negative), 2-4 (CIMP-intermediate), and 5 or greater (CIMP-positive) with median survivals 13.8, 20.1, and 90.6 months, respectively. This finding was validated in the RTOG 0525 samples (median survivals 15.0, 20.3, and 37.0 months). Among 787 cases with both IDH and CIMP data, 617 were CIMP-negative, 136 were CIMP-intermediate, and 34 were CIMP-positive. Seven hundred forty-four were wild type for IDH1 mutation, and 43 were mutant. CIMP and IDH status were positively correlated but outliers were found. Among the 610 CIMP-negative tumors, there were 7 IDH-mutant tumors, which showed no difference in outcome. Similarly, among the 34 CIMP-positive tumors, there were 21 IDH-mutant cases, which also showed no difference in outcome. However, among the CIMP-intermediate cases, there were 15 IDH-mutant cases with significantly (p ¼ 0.0003) improved outcome (medians not reached vs. 18.5 months, 2 year survival 87% vs. 32%). Multivariate analysis showed that both IDH1 mutation status and CIMP status were independent predictors of outcome. These findings suggest the clinical utility of refining the CIMP status into negative, intermediate, and positive groups and the finding that both IDH1 and CIMPstatus are important molecular markers in GBM.
There are suggestions of an inverse association between folate intake and serum folate levels and the risk of oral cavity and pharyngeal cancers (OPCs), but most studies are limited in sample size, with only few reporting information on the source of dietary folate. Our study aims to investigate the association between folate intake and the risk of OPC within the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology (INHANCE) Consortium. We analyzed pooled individual-level data from ten case-control studies participating in the INHANCE consortium, including 5,127 cases and 13,249 controls. Odds ratios (ORs) and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated for the associations between total folate intake (natural, fortification and supplementation) and natural folate only, and OPC risk. We found an inverse association between total folate intake and overall OPC risk (the adjusted OR for the highest vs. the lowest quintile was 0.65, 95% CI: 0.43-0.99), with a stronger association for oral cavity (OR = 0.57, 95% CI: 0.43-0.75). A similar inverse association, though somewhat weaker, was observed for folate intake from natural sources only in oral cavity cancer (OR = 0.64, 95% CI: 0.45-0.91). The highest OPC risk was observed in heavy alcohol drinkers with low folate intake as compared to never/light drinkers with high folate (OR = 4.05, 95% CI: 3.43-4.79); the attributable proportion (AP) owing to interaction was 11.1% (95% CI: 1.4-20.8%). Lastly, we reported an OR of 2.73 (95% CI:2.34-3.19) for those ever tobacco users with low folate intake, compared with nevere tobacco users and high folate intake (AP of interaction =10.6%, 95% CI: 0.41-20.8%). Our project of a large pool of case-control studies supports a protective effect of total folate intake on OPC risk.
The aim of this investigation was to examine the interrelation between renal mRNA levels of renin and angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT1) in a renin-dependent form of experimental hypertension. Rats were studied 4 weeks after unilateral renal artery clipping. Mean blood pressure and plasma renin activity were significantly higher in the hypertensive rats (n = 10 206 +/- mm Hg and 72.4 +/- 20.9 ng/mL-1/h-1, respectively) than in sham-operated controls (n = 10, 136 +/- 3 mm Hg and 3.3 +/- 0.5 ng/mL-1/h, respectively). Northern blot analysis of polyA+ RNA obtained from the kidneys of renal hypertensive rats showed increased levels of renin mRNA in the clipped kidney, whereas a decrease was observed in the unclipped kidney. Plasma renin activity was directly correlated with renin mRNA expression of the poststenotic kidney (r = .94, P < .01). AT1 mRNA expression was lower in both kidneys of the hypertensive rats. This downregulation was specific for the AT1A subtype since the renal expression of the AT1B subtype remained normal in hypertensive rats. The downregulation of the renal AT1A receptor may be due to high circulating angiotensin II levels. This is supported by the significant inverse correlation (r = .71, P < .01) between plasma renin activity and AT1A mRNA expression measured in the clipped kidney of the hypertensive rats.
OBJECTIVES: To determine the distribution of exercise stages of change in a rheumatoid arthritis (RA) cohort, and to examine patients' perceptions of exercise benefits, barriers, and their preferences for exercise. METHODS: One hundred and twenty RA patients who attended the Rheumatology Unit of a University Hospital were asked to participate in the study. Those who agreed were administered a questionnaire to determine their exercise stage of change, their perceived benefits and barriers to exercise, and their preferences for various features of exercise. RESULTS: Eighty-nine (74%) patients were finally included in the analyses. Their mean age was 58.4 years, mean RA duration 10.1 years, and mean disease activity score 2.8. The distribution of exercise stages of change was as follows: precontemplation (n = 30, 34%), contemplation (n = 11, 13%), preparation (n = 5, 6%), action (n = 2, 2%), and maintenance (n = 39, 45%). Compared to patients in the maintenance stage of change, precontemplators exhibited different demographic and functional characteristics and reported less exercise benefits and more barriers to exercise. Most participants preferred exercising alone (40%), at home (29%), at a moderate intensity (64%), with advice provided by a rheumatologist (34%) or a specialist in exercise and RA (34%). Walking was by far the preferred type of exercise, in both the summer (86%) and the winter (51%). CONCLUSIONS: Our cohort of patients with RA was essentially distributed across the precontemplation and maintenance exercise stages of change. These subgroups of patients exhibit psychological and functional differences that make their needs different in terms of exercise counselling.
The McIsaac scoring system is a tool designed to predict the probability of streptococcal pharyngitis in children aged 3 to 17 years with a sore throat. Although it does not allow the physician to make the diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngitis, it enables to identify those children with a sore throat in whom rapid antigen detection tests have a good predictive value.
¿Hasta qué punto se preparan las parejas jóvenes en España para una parentalidad corresponsable? Los estudios muestran que gran parte de las desigualdades de género en las sociedades occidentales emergen y se recrudecen durante la primera maternidad/paternidad. En España existe un gran vacío en estudios que analicen la toma de decisiones y las justificaciones de los miembros de la pareja en sus decisiones sobre el cuidado de su primogénito. Esta investigación viene a suplir esta laguna en la literatura mediante un estudio cualitativo basado en entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a 136 hombres y mujeres activos (ocupados y desempleados) que esperaban su primer hijo en el año 2011. La investigación indaga sobre las justificaciones repecto a quién y cuánto tiempo disfrutará de licencias parentales o reducciones de jornada laboral, los ideales de cuidado, los planes de implicación del padre y la madre y el significado de una "buena" maternidad y paternidad.El estudio muestra que gran parte de las parejas aspiran a mantener el empleo de ambos miembros tras el parto y que, por tanto, el modelo de familia basado en dos sustentadores está ampliamente arraigado en el imaginario cultural de estas parejas. Sin embargo, en el caso de prever dificultades en la conciliación del empleo y el cuidado - situación bastante frecuente en el contexto español - las mujeres continúan mostrando una mayor predisposición a adaptar su empleo a las necesidades de la maternidad, mientras que solo una pequeña parte de los hombres entrevistados parecen dispuestos a asumir ajustes laborales importantes para atender a sus hijos y acercarse al ideal de la paternidad corresponsable.
As atitudes que os enfermeiros adotam em relação à família condicionam o processo de cuidar. Nosso propósito com este estudo foi nesse sentido: dispor de um instrumento que nos permitisse conhecer esta variável. Assim, nossa proposta foi efetuar a adaptação transcultural e avaliar as propriedades psicométricas da versão portuguesa do instrumento Families' Importance in Nursing Care - Nurses Attitudes (FINC-NA), que visa avaliar as atitudes dos enfermeiros acerca da importância de envolver a família nos cuidados de enfermagem. Foi seguido o método preconizado pela literatura. A amostra foi constituída por 136 enfermeiros dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários. Os resultados obtidos nos testes de confiabilidade revelam uma boa consistência interna para o total dos itens (Alpha de Cronbach = 0,87). O estudo psicométrico permite-nos afirmar que a versão em português da FINC-NA, que denominamos A importância das famílias nos cuidados de enfermagem - atitudes dos enfermeiros (IFCE-AE), é um instrumento fidedigno e válido.